C h a p t e r 6: A Song For Her

With A Simple Wish In One Night

C h a p t e r 6:


MiYoung woke up an hour earlier than usual.  For a week, MinHo had to go somewhere else with the SHINee members for their schedule.  She just stayed at her place, unless she had to go out and buy some things.  Spring was almost arriving and school was almost starting.  It was only 2 days ago when she started to break down and cry.  She saw the article scandal with MinHo and Krystal a week before she left.  She tried not to care.  She trusts MinHo and he explained everything.  Even Krystal since MinHo was worried that MiYoung wouldn’t believe him.  They were just the criticism she’s receiving from unknown people through comments and even when she was out.  Her doorbell rang.  Slowly, wiping away her tears, she opened it, revealing JiSoo.  JiSoo immediately hugged her.


                “Yah, don’t cry,” she said.  MiYoung burst out into tears.  “Don’t cry.  I thought you told MinHo you could handle this?”  MiYoung held her tears again.  She took deep breaths to control them.


                “I never knew that it would hurt like this,” MiYoung said.  “H-How do you do it?  You can Key are able to hide your relationship.”  JiSoo sighed.


                “Well, we haven’t really been out on real dates.  I’m usually at their practice or Key and I just text.  I mean, he doesn’t want to risk anything,” JiSoo answered.  MiYoung sat down on the floor, her back against the couch.


                “Oppa said that he’ll protect me with the best of his intentions.  I believe that, but now…m-maybe it’s because he’s not in Seoul right now that I just feel…lonely,” MiYoung said.


                “Don’t worry.  I feel lonely without Key,” JiSoo stated, hoping it would make her feel better.  MiYoung smiled and nodded.  JiSoo took out her phone as she felt it rang.  “They’ll be back next week.  They’re having a photo shoot.”  MiYoung nodded and took out her phone.


I miss you.


She smiled at his message.


I miss you too.  Don’t overwork yourself.



We're having a photo shoot with f(x).  You want to watch?


I wish I can. School starts tomorrow.  I have a lot of last minute work to finish that they gave.


Okay.  Study well.


Work well.


They both chuckled at the response.  MinHo got in the dressing room to get dressed.  Someone knocked and he told them to come in.  Krystal came in.


                “Oh, hey.  Need help in homework again?” he asked.


                “History ,” she said.  MinHo chuckled and ruffled his dongseng’s hair.


                “It’s okay.  I’ll make some flashcards with you.  That should help.”


                “Thank you, oppa.”



MiYoung entered her high school.  Almost everyone she passed looked at her in curiosity, anger, envy, pity, and sadness.  She clutched onto her books tighter and bit her lip.  Quickly, she put her things away and quickly walked to her homeroom.  She never felt so scared and nervous in school before.  Someone went up to her.  It was Hana, a huge SHINee fan.


                “Yah!” she yelled.  She looked up.  Usually, she isn’t even scared of her, but the tone in her voice made her nervous.  “You and MinHo are done, you know that?  What the hell did you do to seduce him?  You’re making him cheat on Krystal!”  That hit her.  She stood up.


                “MinHo oppa wouldn’t cheat on me with Krystal!  Krystal wouldn’t do that to me and I know that MinHo oppa won’t…” she was stopped when Hana slapped her face.  ‘What the hell?  This is going too far!  Why do people believe these articles?’ she thought.  Tears were forming in her eyes.  Hana smirked.


                “Yeah, yeah.  Just so you know Krystal has the background and talent unlike you.  She’s perfect for MinHo, especially being athletic.  Psh, you have nothing.  All you ever do is study.”  MiYoung pushed Hana out of the way and ran out of the room.  Hana just smirked.  The first article she saw about her and MinHo pissed her off.  Once she saw the article scandal about MinHo and Krystal, she was ecstatic.


                “Unnie, aren’t you mad that she pushed you?” one of her friend asked.  Hana only smiled.


                “Nope.  Let’s go back to class,” she said and they followed her out.


For the first time, MiYoung just left the school.  She didn’t want to be there anymore.  Tears ran down her face and she wished she had someone to turn to.  JiSoo was at school and SHINee?  She didn’t want to disturb them and especially let MinHo see her condition.  She sat on the benches where you had to wait for a bus.  She hugged her knees and buried her face into her arms.  Her eyes widened.  ‘Are they still here?’ she thought.  As if her thought was read, she heard a familiar voice.  She turned to see JaeMin, one of her guy friends who she came back to Korea with.


                “Jae oppa,” she said and quickly wiped her tears away.  JaeMin frowned and sat down next to her and pulled her in close into his arms.


                “C’mon, let’s bring you somewhere quiet,” he said.  She nodded and they stood up as JaeMin lead the way.  The playground only had a few kids and parents, so they stayed there.  “What happened?”


                “This girl Hana kept talking about how I seduced MinHo oppa to be with me and then comparing me with Krystal.  She keeps saying how Krystal is better than me and that MinHo is better off with her than me.  Jae, I can’t take it,” MiYoung blurted out.  She was so happy that JaeMin came.  He was the only guy MiYoung can tell everything and anything to and keep it a secret.  JaeMin just hugged her.


                “What are you going to do?” he asked.


                “I don’t know.  I love MinHo oppa.  I told him that I can handle this.  I thought my parents’ death is going to be worst, but it’s not.  These people continue on believing these rumors and they just criticize when they have the chance.”  JaeMin kissed her head and shushed her.


                “It’s okay.  I wish I can help you.”


                “I wish I know what to do.”


It’s been a couple of days since that incident.  MiYoung came back to school late and had a warning.  She nodded and apologized.  She was quiet and cautious around her.  No one went up to her, but she can hear most of them talk about her and MinHo.  They weren’t good at all.  They only hurt.  She didn’t contact MinHo and avoided his texts and phone calls.  It was night time when she hugged her knees as she stared out the window.  She started to remember her second date.  She wished no one saw them so none of this started.


MinHo just stared at the picture.  He sighed.  ‘That must be her friend,’ he thought.  ‘But, she can talk to him but not me.  It’s been two days.’  He was frustrated.  MinHo stood up and took his jacket, quietly leaving the dorm to MiYoung’s apartment.  He rang the doorbell, hoping that she’s awake.  When the door opened, he frowned.  He can see the tears running down her face and her eyes were red and puffy.


                “Oppa,” she choked out. 


MinHo took a big stride and hugged her.  She forced herself to pull away from his hug.  MinHo cupped her face and wiped her tears away.


                “Yah, why are you crying?  Why haven’t you replied my text or calls?  What’s wrong?” he kept on asking.  She put his hands down, making him curious.


                “Oppa, let’s break up,” she said.  His eyes widened.  He was speechless to say anything.  “I can’t deal with all of this anymore.  I’m sorry.”  She was about to shut the door, but he held onto it.


                “Yah, why are you doing this?  Tell me and I’ll fix it,” he said.


                “It’s everything.  Your fame.  My normal status.  Your fans.  My antis.  Your scandal and now my scandal!  It’s stressing me and…I can’t handle it anymore.  I thought I’d be fine but I didn’t realize that all of this would hurt more,” she said.  “I’m sorry, oppa.  I really am.”  She then shut the door, leaving MinHo there heartbroken.  Once the door closed, he let his tears fall.  He leaned against the wall, facing her door.



                “MiYoung,” JiSoo softly called when she entered her dorm.  She frowned to see MiYoung lying in her bed, gazing at the ceiling.


                “Yeah, unnie?” she replied.


                “Come with me.  We’re invited to go somewhere,” JiSoo said.


                “Where?” MiYoung asked when she sat up.  JiSoo frowned to see her red eyes.  She ran to her and hugged her.


                “Aish, I lose.  Pabo, it’s been a month!  Why did you break up with him?  He’s devastated and so are you!” JiSoo yelled and pulled away.  She looked at MiYoung who was crying again.


                “I’m being so selfish, aren’t I?” she asked.  JiSoo nodded, but sighed.


                “But, I probably would’ve done the same if I were you.”  MiYoung only nodded.


                “Oppa stopped texting me and calling me.  But then again, I never replied back to him,” MiYoung said.  “When I read the article how they think we broke up and read how happy many fans are, I…I just cried.  But a scandal with MinHo and Krystal, they prove it false, but I’m still hurt.  Hana is right, though.  I’m nothing compared to girls like Krystal and…”


                “Yah, you’re being a pabo.  For someone who is talent and a genius like you, you’re a pabo.  MinHo is devastated.  He barely talks and TaeMin tells me that he hugs your shirt to sleep that it’s freaking him out,” JiSoo said.  She looked at her slightly confused face.  “The night that we first met them, you left your shirt when you changed into MinHo’s shirt because you two got wet.”  MiYoung nodded.  “That Hana girl, don’t listen to her.  If MinHo wasn’t devastated right now, then he doesn’t deserve you, but he knows that he deserves you.  He truly loves you and you love him.  Who cares what other people think?”


                “I’m starting to,” MiYoung answered.  JiSoo shook her head.


                “You’re being silly again.  Fans can’t control celebrity’s lives and other people’s lives who are involved.  You’re involved and you’re letting them control you and destroy you.  I have never seen you this sad.  Its worst than your parents.”  MiYoung’s tears fell again.  “MiYoung, think about it, okay?”  She nodded.  “For a breather, come with me to watch Music Core.”


                “Okay,” she said quickly.  All she thought about was being with JiSoo and leaving the house.  JiSoo smirked.



                “JiSoo!!!” Key cheered and ran to hug her.  JiSoo laughed and hugged back.  MiYoung’s eyes widened and she glared at JiSoo.  Key turned to JiSoo and smiled.  He opened his arms.  “Can I have a hug, too?”  MiYoung nodded and hugged him.  She pulled away and glared at JiSoo.


                “I’m leaving,” she said.  JiSoo grabbed her arm.


                “You can’t leave, please,” JiSoo begged.  MiYoung shook her head.


                “I’m not seeing him,” MiYoung replied.


                “MiYoung,” Key called.  MiYoung looked at him.  “Please, just stay.  You don’t even have to meet him.”  MiYoung sighed. 


She won’t have a way out of it anyway.  She only nodded and followed JiSoo to the audience.  After a few minutes, SHINee came.  It was a special appearance as Super Junior couldn’t make it.  They ended up singing Hello and then JoJo.  MinHo put on a fake smile.  He looked at the crowd, but his stopped when he saw MiYoung.  His heart stopped.  He was shock, but then he saw JiSoo next to her.  He figured that Key invited JiSoo and JiSoo invited her.  But he was happy.  This was his chance.


                “I’m sorry for doing this, but…can I have everyone’s attention?” MinHo said after they finished their song.  The members were confused, even the staff, but they were all interested on what he was going to do.


                “What’s he doing?” JongHyun whispered.  They all shrugged.


                “Uh…I would like to sing a song for someone,” he confessed.  Fans screamed.  “It’s…for someone special.  I want to play One For Me, the first song I sang for her…and well, I’m pretty sure it’s the only song I sang for her.”


He looked at MiYoung the whole time.  MiYoung let her tears fall and the music started to play.  He sang while looking straight at her while singing.  JiSoo looked at MiYoung then at MinHo and smiled.  When the song ended, MinHo can feel tears coming, but held them in.


                “MiYoung, he sang that for you before?” JiSoo asked.  She only nodded, anxiously waiting for what MinHo is going to do next.


                “You said that this was your favorite song so I sang it.  Kim MiYoung, I love you so much.  I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to protect you from criticism or from anything that had hurt you.  You never tell me things, but it should be obvious for me, huh?  Please, I’m sorry and give me a chance.  I’m devastated without you,” he confessed and left the stage.  The other followed him and comforted him.


                “That...” JongHyun started off.


                “Was…” Onew said.


                “Really…” Key added.


                “Unexpected,” TaeMin finished.  MinHo only chuckled and their manager came in.


                “Aigoo, MinHo, all for that girl?” he asked.  He nodded.  “Good because we were all worried about you.  We’re hoping that it works.”  MinHo only chuckled.


                “I’ll be outside,” he said.  The guys nodded and watched him leave.  After a couple of minutes, the girls came in.


                “Hey, where’s MinHo?” JiSoo asked.


                “He went out,” TaeMin answered.


JiSoo looked at MiYoung who only nodded before leaving.  MiYoung went up the rooftop, deciding to look from top to bottom if MinHo wasn’t there.  Her eyes widened to see him there.  ‘This is lucky,’ she thought and opened the door.  MinHo turned around when he heard the door opened.  He quickly turned away, wiping away his tears.  He turned back to her and jumped back slightly to see her standing so close.  They didn’t exchange any words, but only looked at each other.  MiYoung noticed how slightly red his eyes were, figuring that he was crying.  But then, his slightly shown wet tears gave it away.  She cupped his face and wiped them away.


                “I’m sorry,” she said when she let go.  She bit her lip.  ‘No, no more crying!’ she yelled in her mind, but it was too late.  Tears already fell.  ‘I cry too much for him.’  “I was selfish.”  MinHo shook his head and hugged her.  The feeling of having her in his arms made him happy.  He felt as if he’x completed.


                “I was too blind to see how much trouble you were.  I was stupid to not even solve this quick enough,” he said.  He can feel her shaking her head against his chest.  “I am stupid.”


                “No, you’re not, I am.”

They were just quiet.  There was no way that the two will just give up now.  MinHo pulled away and at looked in her eyes.  He frowned and wiped her tears away.


                “Don’t cry,” he said.  She nodded.


                “Oppa,” she called.  MinHo looked at her.  “I still love you.”  MinHo smiled and leaned and kissed her.


                “I love you too.” 


They shyly smiled, but MinHo suddenly leaned in again to kiss her.



It’s been a month since the two started to go out again.  Because many fans saw MinHo’s special event, fans finally understood the two, but a few didn’t, but it was better than before.  It was finally summer vacation.  The guys invited JiSoo and MiYoung to sleep over again.  They gladly accepted their invite.  It was midnight when everyone fell asleep, except for MiYoung and MinHo.  The two were in his room, talking.


                “I wanna go outside,” MiYoung said.  MinHo chuckled.


                “Okay, let’s go.  What do you want to do?” he asked.  MiYoung thought for a bit.


                “Let’s play soccer,” she said.  MinHo’s smile became bigger.


                “Loser grants the winner’s wish?”  MiYoung laughed and nodded.


                “You’re saying that because you know that you’ll win and you have wish in mind, do you?” she asked.  MinHo innocently smiled and nodded like a child.  She laughed and sat down next to him.  MinHo pulled her closer and let her sit on his lap.  He rested his chin on her shoulder and faced her.


                “Who knows?  What if I go easy on you?” he asked.  She pondered for a moment.


                “Do that then.  It’ll be a fair game.  I at soccer,” she said.  MinHo chuckled and kissed her cheek.


                “Okay, but you do know I’m going to win.”


                “Anio, I’ll win for sure.”


                “I don’t think so.  I really want another wish granted.” 


So, that's the end of it! I hope you like my short story! ^^

Ah, I wish I can update a new story, but sadly, no ideas yet but hopefully something will come up! (:

Oh and I hope you liked the ending of this story too! It was the only thing I can think of ^^

Please look forward to my future stories!!!

I also want to thank you for the comments! I think I commented back a few times? Right? ^^ Sorry, my memory goes blah at times. But I love reading your comments! It makes me really happy to know that you enjoy this fic!  :)

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I love your story! It's so sweet~ Awesome! <3
Cute ♥
this is the sweetest minho fic I've read so far ^^ :)
outofreach #4
Awwwww I liked it, was very sweet ^^
Juliette_17 #5
wow~ so good!
uhu!!!.final already???<br />
uwaaaaaa!!!<br />
nice nice~~~
Juliette_17 #7
nice start~<br />
Eh, end already?T.T... But, i love the ending as well... Will look forward on your next fics... GANBATTE KUDASAI!!!
cuteeeeeee <3 it.
uwaa...love is in the air@@