C h a p t e r 2: Second Meeting; Loser's Grant Wish

With A Simple Wish In One Night

C h a p t e r 2:


                “I miss Key,” JiSoo said while getting ready for bed.


                “It’s been an hour,” MiYoung said.


                “I know,” she said with a dreaming sigh.  “So…you and MinHo?”  A smile immediately formed on her face.  “Omo!  So?”


                “We just talked.  He’s sweet and caring,” MiYoung answered.


                “Yeah, and you’re still wearing the shirt that MinHo gave you,” JiSoo informed.  Once they came back to MiYoung’s apartment (JiSoo tends to sleepover a lot) JiSoo changed into her usual pajamas.  MiYoung usually wears SOFFEE shorts and a large T-shirt, so she just changed into those shorts and switched into a sports bra.


                “It’s comfy,” she said with a flushed face.  JiSoo laughed and hugged her friend.


                “Aww, cute.”  MiYoung just chuckled.


                “Let’s sleep.”



MinHo lied down on his bed and TaeMin came back in after taking a shower.  He walked to MinHo.


                “Hyung, whose shirt is this?” TaeMin asked, holding the top up.


                “Oh!”  MinHo sat up and took the shirt.  “MiYoung must’ve left it here.”  TaeMin nodded and sat back down.


                “What did you two do for the night then?” he asked.  MinHo unconsciously smiled.


                “She helped me clean and we just talked,” he simply answered.  TaeMin smirked.


                “There must be more.  You’re smiling,” he informed.  MinHo just laughed and lied on his side, his back facing TaeMin.


                “’Night,” he said. 


TaeMin pouted but let it go.  He looked at MinHo when he lied and laughed to himself.  ‘He must like her if he’s holding her shirt like how I hold my plushies.  It’s like he’s holding her,’ he thought and hugged his Pikachu plushie.



A week of school went by too slow for the girls.  The whole week, JiSoo slept over.  She would notice MiYoung wearing the shirt MinHo lent her last week.  She smiled and would at times teaser her about it.


                “So, when you wear that, you feel as if MinHo’s holding you, right?” she teased.


                “No, I just like wearing it.  Shut up, unnie,” MiYoung would respond back.


MiYoung felt strangely distracted during classes.  Whenever class work is handed out, her mind is somewhere else.  ‘Aigoo, Kim MiYoung, don’t think about him.  It was just one night,’ she thought.  MiYoung was waiting for JiSoo at the front gate.  JiSoo saw and ran to her happily.


                “Are you free tomorrow night?” JiSoo asked her while catching her breath.


                “Yeah, why?” MiYoung asked.  JiSoo smiled.


                “Not anymore.  We’re going to the guys’ dorm in the afternoon and sleep over.  We’re going to have a movie night,” she said.  “Please come with me.”  JiSoo gave her puppy eyes and a small pout.  MiYoung only laughed.


                “For you, I’ll come.”


                “Yes!  Now let’s go!”  MiYoung laughed, letting her friend drag her to the mall to shop again.



                “Ah!  Yay, JiSoo and MiYoung are here!” TaeMin cheered so happily, making the girls giggle.


                “Cute Pikachu plushie,” MiYoung said, poking its red cheek.  TaeMin blushed.


                “Do you like plushies?” TaeMin asked cutely.  MiYoung giggled.


                “They’re cute.”  TaeMin smiled and moved to the side.


                “Come in.  JiSoo noona, Key misses you,” TaeMin informed.


 JiSoo is 18 years old.  JiSoo smiled and ran inside, jumping into Key’s arms when she saw him.  The guys laughed when they fell on the ground.  They turned to where MiYoung was now.


                “Omo, aren’t you cold?” Onew asked.  She wore chestnut UGG boots, her black SOFFEE shorts, a black jacket, a T-shirt, gloves, and hat.  MiYoung shyly laughed.


                “Yeah, but, unnie said to just wear what I usually wear to sleep, so I did,” she answered while taking off her boots. 


She looked around and didn’t see MinHo anywhere.  She frowned a little.  She heard the door open.  MiYoung turned around to see MinHo holding take-out.  She smiled when he entered.  MinHo noticed her.  She took off her jacket which made his smile even bigger.


                “Hey,” he greeted, extending his hand out.  “Here, give me your jacket.”


                “Hi,” she greeted back.  “It’s okay.  You’re…”  MinHo chuckled and just took her jacket.  He put the bag of food down and put her jacket inside the closet.  “Thank you.”


                “No problem.  Aren’t you cold?” he asked.


                “I was,” she replied.  TaeMin walked up to them.  MiYoung turned around and smiled when she saw TaeMin holding a Togepi plushie.  “Omo, so cute.”  TaeMin smiled and handed it to her.


                “Here, you can have it for tonight,” TaeMin said and walked to where the others were, who were setting up the food for the movie.  MiYoung hugged the plushie tightly.  MinHo smiled.  “Guys, come join us!”  They turned and did.


                “Okay, I think it’s a little early to watch since the sunlight is somewhat still out,” Onew said.  “So, let’s do something else for a little.”  JiSoo smiled.


                “MiYoung, dance Lucifer,” JiSoo requested.


                “What?” she asked in shock.  JiSoo scoffed.


                “Please, you can dance it flawlessly.  Please?  I’ll dance it with you,” JiSoo practically begged.


MiYoung pouted as she wanted to get out of it.  JiSoo pouted too and gave puppy eyes.  MiYoung did the same.  Key blushed at JiSoo’s face.  The guys laughed at the girls.


                “Aw, you two are so cute,” JongHyun complimented.  MinHo looked at MiYoung and chuckled.  ‘She is cute,’ he thought.


                “I’ll do your laundry for a week and not ask any help on homework for a week,” JiSoo said.  MiYoung sighed in defeat.  JiSoo clapped and cheered and took out her iPod and iHome speakers.  “You guys are gonna love this.”


MiYoung took a couple deep breaths.  She doesn’t like dancing in front of others except to JiSoo.  She was nervous, especially how she’s dancing in front of SHINee to their own song.  The music started and the girls started dancing.  The guys were amazed at the girls’ dancing.  Key never knew his girlfriend could dance so well.  JongHyun and Onew just stared.  TaeMin’s eyes were wide.  MinHo just looked at MiYoung in shock.  He didn’t really find her as a dancer.  The song ended and Love Like Oxygen started to play.


                “JiSoo and I dance to the chorus a lot,” MiYoung said as the girls stood there, waiting for the chorus.  When it came up, they danced to it and laughed.  JiSoo turned off her speakers and the girls sat down.  “I was bad, right?”


                “What?” JongHyun yelled.  “That was amazing.  You wanna be our back up dancer?”  MiYoung laughed.  JiSoo hugged Key.


                “How was I?” she asked.


                “Be my back up dancer.  That way we can dance together and see each other more,” Key replied.  JiSoo laughed and kissed his cheek.  MiYoung sat on the floor, against the sofa to where MinHo was sitting.


                “MiYoung, one day, we should have a fun dance competition,” TaeMin suggested.  She looked at him and nodded.


                “Give me the date and time,” she answered.




                “Let’s eat!” Onew exclaimed making the guys laugh.


MiYoung stood up and quickly washed her hands before eating.  With laughter, they all started to eat the noodles that MinHo ordered.  There were two different kind of noodles.  One was black bean noodles and the other was cold noodles with added mushroom.  MiYoung was last to get a choice, so she had cold noodles.  JiSoo looked at the bowl and frowned.


                “MiYoung, there’s mushrooms in there,” JiSoo said sadly. 


MiYoung took a chop stick and mixed the noodles.  Indeed, there were mushrooms in there.  She put the chop stick down and pushed the bowl back.  She saw some cut apples, slice melon, and slices of tangerine on a plate.  She took some fruit and ate them instead.  MinHo, who was sitting next to her, frowned.


                “Here, take my black bean noodles,” MinHo said.  He gave her his bowl of noodles and chopstick when he took the cold noodles and the chopsticks she used to mix them with.  He started eating it.


                “MinHo, you didn’t have to,” she said, feeling guilty that he gave her his food.


                “It’s alright.  You need to eat,” MinHo said.  MiYoung smiled and thanked him, slowly eating the noodles that he gave her.


                “MiYoung, are you allergic or you just deathly hate the food when there’s mushroom inside?” TaeMin asked curiously.


                “I’m allergic,” she simply answered.  “My throat closes up when I eat them.”


                “Okay.  Now we know not to get mushrooms,” TaeMin said happily.  MiYoung nodded with a smile and continued on eating.


They all pitched in to clean up.  MinHo went in their small pantry and took out a bag of chips, popcorn, a couple cans of soda, a couple bottles of water, and a carton of orange juice with plastic, red cups.  He came back with them all.  On one couch, Onew, JongHyun, and TaeMin sat down.  Key and JiSoo were on the floor with a blanket around them to keep warm.  MinHo and MiYoung were on the small sofa.  The movie started.  JongHyun got off the couch and turn off the lights and jumped back in.


                “Horror?” MiYoung asked.


                “Yup.  Let’s enjoy,” JongHyun said happily.


MiYoung bit her lip.  She didn’t cooperate well when it came to horror movies, but she straightened up, not wanting to ruin the night.  MiYoung hugged her knees as the movie started.  As horror scenes come in, MiYoung would gasp the loudest.  At one point, a woman with a bloody face just came, making MiYoung (and Key) scream and cover her eyes.  She jumped when she felt someone hold the top of her hand.  She looked up to realize that MinHo slid closer to her.  He gave her an assuring smile and turned back to the movie.  She blushed for a second, MiYoung forgot all about the movie.  Her attention went back to the movie, but in a bad timing.


                “Omo,” she blurted out and hid in MinHo’s chest as she clutched onto his shirt.  As if he had always done it, MinHo wrapped his around her, gently patting her back.  MiYoung’s eyes widened, but felt relaxed afterwards.


                “It’s safe to look,” MinHo whispered in her ear.  She nodded and pulled away.


                “M-Mianhe,” she said and watched the rest of the movie at ease.


JongHyun hopped off the couch to turn the lights back on.  He laughed.


                “That was amazing!” he exclaimed.  JiSoo laughed.


                “Haha, it was!  The man bit off her head!” JiSoo exclaimed.


                “That witch with the bloody face just…ugh,” TaeMin couldn’t finish what he said.  It was replaying his head which grossed him out.


                “Ah, what should we do?  I’m awake from that movie,” Onew asked.  They shrugged and they all started to talk.  MiYoung and MinHo were quiet and just sat there, bored.  MiYoung went through her bag and took out her phone.


                “Can I see your phone?” he asked.


                “Can I see yours?” she asked back.  MinHo nodded and smiled.  He took his phone from the table and they exchanged it.  “Yours is cool.  I always wanted a touch screen phone.”


                “It’s nothing special.  I mean, it’s only a phone,” he said as he added his number on her flip phone.  “Put your number in my phone.  I added mine.”


                “Okay.  Here you go.”


                “Thanks.”  They went through their contacts.  MiYoung’s phone vibrated with a text message.




MiYoung smiled.


I’m next to you.


They looked at each and started to laugh a little.  TaeMin took a glance at MinHo then turned back to the guys.  ‘MinHo and MiYoung sitting in a tree…’ he started off singing in his head.


                “The shirt suits you,” MinHo said.  MiYoung blushed.  “If you’re thinking on returning, you don’t have to.”


                “Gomawo,” she quickly said.  MinHo chuckled.


                “Come with me,” he said and walked away.  MiYoung quietly took her bag and followed him to his room.  MinHo closed the door.  “It felt crowded.”  She nodded and just stood there.  MinHo gently held her wrist and let her sit on his bed and MinHo sat down next to her.  They just sat there, smiling, as they looked at each other.  “You’re quiet.”


                “And you aren’t?” she asked.  MinHo laughed.  “What time is it?”  MinHo looked at the time in his phone.


                “10PM,” he answered.  She lied on her back.


                “I kinda want to go out,” she said.


                “In the cold?” he asked.


                “Why not?” he smiled.


                “Let’s go out then,” he said.  MiYoung sat up and smiled.


                “Really?”  MinHo nodded.  “Okay, I’ll get changed.”  MiYoung took her bag and entered the bathroom.  MinHo stood up and decided to wear a pair of jeans and a long-sleeve shirt with a black pull-over sweater.  The door opened as MiYoung just wore skinny jeans and a black pull-over sweater.  “Ready?” 


She nodded and took her phone.  MinHo did the same and the two of them quietly walked to the door.  Everyone else started to dance, obviously oblivious about them leaving.  Quietly, they shut the door and left.


                “Wait, fans would notice you,” she said worriedly.  He shrugged and put his hood up.


                “Now they won’t,” he said.  MiYoung chuckled and shook her head.  The two walked side by side outside.  “Ah, good idea about going outside.”


                “It’s nice to get fresh air,” MiYoung said.  “So…where should we go?”  He looked up at the sky.  Soon, he faced her.


                “Let’s go the playground,” he suggested.  MiYoung looked at him and smiled.


                “Okay, aja, aja!  I’ll race you to the park.” 


She then ran ahead.  It took MinHo a few seconds to react and run after her.  MiYoung turned around and gasped to see how close he was coming.  It was easy for them to run since not a lot of people were out, especially in the cold.  MinHo ran ahead.  He stopped to see her catching up.  He smiled and just stood there, waiting.  MiYoung left a confused looking face.  She stopped in front of him.  MinHo chuckled and held her hand and started to run, dragging MiYoung.  The park wasn’t too far away.  MinHo let go of her hand as they were both trying to catch their breath.


                “It’s a tie,” he said happily and walked to the basketball courts. 


He found a basketball that was just left there.  He took it and started to shoot a couple of layups.  MiYoung walked to him and took the ball from him.  She stood diagonally from the basket and made it in the basket perfectly.


                “I used to play basketball,” she said and made a couple more free throws.  MinHo caught the ball when it flew towards him.  He shot it in effortlessly.  “I always wanted to play against you.  Can we play?”


                “Let’s make it more interesting then,” MinHo said.


                “Okay, what?” MiYoung asked curiously.


                “Whoever loses, grants the winner’s wish,” he said.  MiYoung smiled and nodded.


                “Okay and…”




                “Don’t go easy on me and don’t lose purposely.  Play like how you would usually play because that will make the game more fun.”  MinHo smiled.


                “You’re on.”


And the game started.  They first did free throw shots to see who would start with the ball.  MiYoung won and checked it to MinHo.  She quickly passed him and made a layup.  It was loser’s ball.  MinHo faked a shot and ran to the right.  MiYoung sprinted to him and stole the ball as he was about to shoot it in.  She shot a 3 pointer.  MinHo stared at her wide-eyed.


                “I was captain for varsity,” she informed and spun the ball on her finger.  MinHo smirked.


                “Okay, I’ll get my game mode on.”


He checked the ball.  He held the ball against his chest and smirked.  MiYoung smirked, slightly rocking side to side.


                “Remember, time limit.  We have until midnight,” MiYoung informed.


MinHo nodded and ran to the right.  MiYoung was going to steal the ball from his left side, but MinHo spun around, moving the other way and quickly shot the ball.


                “3 points,” he said and gave her the ball.  MiYoung smirked and took off her sweatshirt.  MinHo did the same.  He looked at MiYoung to see the black shirt.  “No other shirts to go out?”


                “Anio.  Let’s play.”


It was now 11:57.  3 minutes left and MiYoung is winning with 19-18.  MiYoung and MinHo panted for breath, getting ready to play for their lost shot.  MiYoung checked the ball.  She faked a shot, causing MinHo to move drastically to the left.  She smirked and ran for a layup.  Her eyes widened when MinHo took the ball.  1 minute was left.  She quickly ran to him.  MinHo stopped and shot the ball into the basket for a 2 pointer. 

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I love your story! It's so sweet~ Awesome! <3
Cute ♥
this is the sweetest minho fic I've read so far ^^ :)
outofreach #4
Awwwww I liked it, was very sweet ^^
Juliette_17 #5
wow~ so good!
uhu!!!.final already???<br />
uwaaaaaa!!!<br />
nice nice~~~
Juliette_17 #7
nice start~<br />
Eh, end already?T.T... But, i love the ending as well... Will look forward on your next fics... GANBATTE KUDASAI!!!
cuteeeeeee <3 it.
uwaa...love is in the air@@