C h a p t e r 3: I Made A Wish

With A Simple Wish In One Night

C h a p t e r 3:


MinHo cheered in happiness.  He walked up to MiYoung while holding the ball with his arm and side for support.  MiYoung smiled, walking closer to him as she clapped her hands.


                “Great game,” she said.  “The best I ever played.”


                “It was,” MinHo replied.  He started to blush.  “I have my wish.”


                “Okay, what is it?” she asked.  “I’m genie for you boy.”  They lightly laughed and MinHo shyly looked at her.


                “I wish to go on a date with you,” he confessed shyly.


Both of their faces turned red.  They avoided eye contact.  MinHo smiled, though.  He felt great for telling her.  MiYoung felt happy.  She took the courage to look at him.


                “Give me the date and time and your wish will be granted,” she said.  MinHo nodded as he looked at her.


                “Let’s go back.  I’ll give a shirt for you to wear when you sleep,” he said.


                “Thank you,” MiYoung responded.


The dorm was dark and quiet when they returned home.  The quietly laughed to see the five of them sleeping.  JiSoo and Key were on the smaller sofa, hugging each other as they slept.  Onew was on the floor.  JongHyun and TaeMin took the couch.  MinHo quietly closed his door and went to his closet.  He took out a navy blue, long-sleeved short.  He threw it to MiYoung and caught it.  He took out a small bag that contained shampoo, conditioner, soap, and lotion and took out a towel.  He handed them to her.


                “Just leave it in the bathroom when you’re done.  I’m showering after you,” MinHo informed.  She nodded and walked to the bathroom.



                “Okay, I’m done,” she said, entering the room.  MinHo nodded and looked at her.  He liked how he thinks she looks good in his shirt.  He stood up and quickly walked to the shower.  MiYoung chuckled and took out her hair brush, brushing her hair.  While waiting for MinHo to finish, she took out her book from her bag and started reading it.  “Hmm…maybe if I do my school work tomorrow, I’ll be free for next week until other work is assigned.”  She smiled to herself as she liked her plan.


After 15 more minutes, MinHo came in wearing a pair of blue pajama pants and a white T-shirt.  MiYoung heard the door close and she looked up from her book.  She smiled when he came in.  MinHo smiled back as he put his things away.  He turned off the lights and quickly walked to his bed side, turning on the lamp.  He sat down next to her.


                “Oh, I read that,” MinHo pointed out.  She looked at him with a smile.


                “It’s amazing, right?” she asked him.  MinHo nodded.


                “I’d talk about it more, but you’re almost halfway there,” MinHo said.  MiYoung just chuckled and closed her book.  She turned back to see a book on his bed.  She took it and opened it.  She found money as his bookmark.  “Emergency money.”


                “Ah,” she responded, understanding him.  She placed his book back.  “I think we should sleep.”  MinHo lightly laughed at her statement.


                “I think we should since it’s 1 in the morning.”


                “Wow, so late.”  She looked at him to find him looking at her.  “Can you do something for me?” she asked.


                “Okay, what is it?”


                “Sing me to sleep,” she requested happily.  MinHo chuckled.


                “What song?”  She thought for a moment.


                “One For Me.”



MiYoung lied down on her side facing him.  MinHo covered her with the blanket.  He turned off the lamp and lied down on his side, facing her.  He took a deep breath and started to sing and softly rap at the end.  After the last word, he looked at her to find her deeply asleep.  He smiled widely.  ‘Amazing that I’m really comfortable with her in just two meetings,’ he thought and slowly closed his eyes.



MiYoung unconsciously snuggled closer to MinHo’s chest as he unconsciously wrapped his arm around her petite waist.  MiYoung slowly opened her eyes.  The first thing she could see was white.  Her eyes widened as she looked up.  Her face softened to see MinHo sleeping peacefully.  She smiled and blushed.  She can feel his arm around her and she felt warm and comfortable.  She breathed in his scent and sighed and quietly.  MinHo woke up from her sigh.  He looked down to see MiYoung awake.  He smiled.


                “When did you wake up?” he asked tiredly, not moving from his position.  She looked at him.  She was a little startled from his sudden voice.


                “A couple minute ago,” she answered.  “What time is it?”  MinHo turned around to check the time.


                “7:30,” he answered.  She only nodded in response.


                “JiSoo’s still sleeping probably.”


                “I think the guys are too.”


They stayed silent for awhile.  MiYoung was looking down as MinHo was just staring at her. 


                “MinHo?” she called.


                “Yeah?”  MiYoung started to blush.


                “I like your singing voice,” she confessed.  MinHo smiled happily.


                “It’s not that special,” he said.


                “Don’t say that.  Your voice really is.”  MinHo just smiled, appreciating her compliment.  His stomach growled, causing her to laugh.  “So, what should we eat?”


                “Hmm…we can make kimchi stew,” MinHo suggested.


                “Sure.  I love kimchi stew,” MiYoung replied.




Again, they just ended up looking at each other.  For a moment, they forgot about making breakfast.  MinHo’s stomach growled again making her burst into a light laughter.


                “L-Let’s cook,” he stuttered and sat up.  MiYoung did the same. 


She took her hair brush, fixing her hair before tying it up into a ponytail.  Before cooking, they both brushed their teeth and washed their faces.  They got a little wet after splashing water at each other.  MiYoung and MinHo quietly walked to the kitchen.  They looked at each other and quietly laughed to see the rest sleeping.  Quietly, MinHo went in the fridge to get the ingredients while MiYoung took out the utensils.


                “Okay, let’s do this,” she whispered cheerfully.


                “Fighting,” MinHo said.



                “Something smells good,” JongHyun mumbled in his sleep.  He slowly opened his eyes and sat up.  He felt TaeMin’s head resting on his lap.  He shook his head and chuckle, moving his head off his lap.  He stood up and turned around.  “Oh.”  He watched MinHo and MiYoung happily cooking together.


                “Wait, MinHo, that’s going to be too spicy,” MiYoung said.  MinHo laughed.


                “Okay, okay,” he said and continued to stir the stew.  MiYoung stood next to him.


                “I’m really hungry.  That looks really good,” she said, holding her stomach from hunger.


                “Yah, I’m hungry, too, so don’t complain,” MinHo pouted.  She giggled from his cuteness.  JongHyun jumped in between them, putting his arms around both of their shoulders, causing them to jump and MiYoung to shriek quietly. 




                “So, is breakfast ready yet?” JongHyun asked, pretending as if nothing happened.  MiYoung just laughed.  MinHo glared at him.  JongHyun saw and put on an innocent face.  “What did I do?”


                “JongHyun~shi, breakfast is almost ready,” MiYoung answered.  JongHyun smiled.


                “Great, I’ll wake up the others,” he said and ran to wake up the others.  “And whoever cooked cleans the mess.”



2 weeks.  It has been 2 weeks since the sleepover.  JiSoo has been seeing Key a little more often, especially during their practices.  MiYoung stayed at her apartment, doing her school work, some mandatory projects, and other activities.  But then, she has been occupied a few more times in the week.


How are you?’


MiYoung smiled when she got his text.  She pouted, realizing that she was a couple hours late in replying.  She saw 3 other unread messages after the first.


Are you busy?’


‘I’m bugging you right?’


‘Aish, I’m sorry.  You must think I’m annoying.  I’m sorry T.T’


She laughed lightly at the last one.  She just came back from buying some groceries and art supplies.  She sat on the bench, resting her legs and replied back to him.


‘Mianhe.  You’re not annoying.  I was just out.’


She stood up back up, wanting to get out of the cold weather.  Her phone rang again.  So bad, she wanted to answer his text, but the urge of going to a warm shelter beat her.  After 15 minutes of walking and 5 more minutes of putting the food and supplies away, she sat on her bed tiredly.  She took her phone out of her pocket.  2 messages were unread.


‘Ah, okay.  Are you free?’


‘Am I bugging you again?’


From his second message, she can see his pouting face.  She shook her head with a smile.


‘Sorry, it’s cold out and I really wanted to get home.’


She stood up, deciding to make herself a cup of tea.  She walked to her phone once it rang.


You’re not getting sick right?’


She smiled from his concerned message.


‘Anio, I’m fine.  You’re getting plenty of rest, right?  JiSoo told me how hard all you guys are working.’


‘I’ve done this for a few years.  I can do it even if I’m sick.  Don’t worry about me ;D’


‘But, I always am,’she thought.  She closed her phone, continuing on her tea.  She took a sip and sighed happily from its warmth.  Her phone rang again.


‘Are you free tonight?’


Yeah, why?’


‘You still have to fulfill my wish.  Meet me at the basketball court at 7.’


‘What do I wear?’


‘Your style.’


MiYoung smiled and nodded, even though it was to her phone.


‘See you there.’


She checked the time.  It was only 3PM.  ‘Aish, 4 more hours.’  Her eyes widened.  She ran to her room and went through her whole closet.  ‘Your style…your style,’ she kept thinking.  She decided to wear a plaid hooded-shirtwith a pair of skinny jeans and black UGG boots.  She smiled and lied on her bed. ‘3 hours left,’ she thought.


                “What to do?” she whined.  “Why am I even nervous?”



                “MinHo, you’re serious?” Key asked excitedly.  MinHo blushed and nodded.  “Omo!  What are you two going to do?”


                “I’ll tell you when we finish our date.  Who knows?  The location and plans could change,” MinHo answered.


                “Hyung, you should pick her up from her place,” TaeMin said.  “I mean, c’mon.  It’s the gentleman thing to do.”  MinHo frowned.  ‘Damn it!  I should’ve,’ he cursed himself.


                “MinHo, you should drive to her place then you two could be warm instead of freezing out in the cold at night,” JongHyun suggested.


                “Anio, just walk or something.  Hold her hand or…or…” Onew stuttered for a bit and looked at the guys.


                “Hug her warm!” they all cheered.  MinHo threw a pillow at Onew.


                “Aish, but it’s our first date and…it’ll be awkward,” MinHo whined.  TaeMin rolled his eyes.


                “Didn’t seem like it at the sleepover,” TaeMin muttered.  Everyone looked at him, but with MinHo, his face was in shock.  TaeMin playfully smirked.  “You see, I was going to get a blanket from my room, which I did.  So I quietly opened the door at like 3 in the morning to see the cutest scene of my life.”


                “Omo!  TaeMin spill it out and I’ll buy you all the plushies made in the world!” JongHyun exclaimed.  TaeMin’s smile became wider with excitement.  He took out his cell phone and showed them a picture.  The guys laughed, but not at him.


                “You two look so comfortable hugging each other!” Key squealed.  MinHo blush a deep red.  “Aigoo you should’ve told me you liked her and I could’ve helped hook you up with her earlier,” Key said.  MinHo just shook his head.


                “Don’t worry, I got this,” he calmly said but excitement shown on his face made it obvious that he wanted to go on a date with her.


There was an hour left before the date.  MiYoung decided to get change so that she wouldn’t be late.  She decided to just put on mascara and lip gloss on.  She wasn’t a big fan on makeup.  She kept her black, straight hair half up and half down. She used a dark red hair tie with a bow.  She took her black purse, put on her UGG boots and left to the park.  She looked around to see no one around.  She took her phone out and flipped it open.  It was 7:10.  Her eyes widened.  ‘Omo, I was late and he left,’ she sadly thought.  MiYoung sighed with her eyes closed.  She opened them, startled, to see a red rose in front of her.  She looked up to see MinHo, smiling shyly in front of her.


                “For you,” he said.  “And don’t worry; I was late because I wanted to give you a rose.”  MiYoung smiled and accepted the rose.


                “It’s so pretty.  Thank you,” she said sweetly.


                “You’re welcome,” MinHo replied.  He then took something else out of his pocket and put it in her hands.  “My phone did come with a free couple phone.  It’s for you.”  She looked at the phone with wide eyes then to MinHo.


                “MinHo, I-I don’t think I should accept this.  I mean…”


                “It’s all yours.  I said it’s free.”  She looked at his soft, smiling face.  MiYoung nodded and thanked him as she put the phone in her pocket.  “And I put your number in there so it’s activated.”  She only laughed in response.  MinHo held her hand.  “C’mon, let’s eat dinner first.”  MiYoung nodded and let MinHo drag her to his destination.


Dinner was quiet for them.  They didn’t mind the quietness though.  They liked it.  While time passes, they would glance at each other and smile when one of them catches them looking.  After dinner, MiYoung insisted on paying, but MinHo was too stubborn to even let her chip in.  He took her hand as they just walked around the city.  He didn’t care if fans would notice him.


                “MinHo, aren’t you worried about being noticed?  I don’t want us to start a scandal and…” he interrupted her.


                “I don’t care.  I wanna go on this date like a normal guy.  If a scandal starts, I’ll protect you with the best of my intentions,” he said.  MiYoung smiled at his words and fully trusted them.  She held his hand tighter.  “Thank you for granting my wish.”


                “I’m happy that I did.”  They stopped at a park.  MinHo and MiYoung sat down on the bench and stared at the sky.  “The city lights are always on that it’s hard to see the stars.”  MinHo nodded in agreement.


                “MiYoung?”  She looked at him in response.  “Would you go on a second date with me?”  Because of his words, she blushed and smiled shyly at him.  ‘Wow, never in my life has this happened,’ she thought.  MiYoung held his hand that made him face her.


                “Of course.” 

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I love your story! It's so sweet~ Awesome! <3
Cute ♥
this is the sweetest minho fic I've read so far ^^ :)
outofreach #4
Awwwww I liked it, was very sweet ^^
Juliette_17 #5
wow~ so good!
uhu!!!.final already???<br />
uwaaaaaa!!!<br />
nice nice~~~
Juliette_17 #7
nice start~<br />
Eh, end already?T.T... But, i love the ending as well... Will look forward on your next fics... GANBATTE KUDASAI!!!
cuteeeeeee <3 it.
uwaa...love is in the air@@