#02 - My Best Friend Hid it From Me


Am i dreaming? Why do i feel as if there were thousands of eyes looking at me? And why does my arm feel so painful and my chest, it felt something soft and nice smelling.
Wait, i hear familiar chatterings..where is it coming from?
I finally manage to open my eyes and i got a shocked from the stares of the people.
" Yah! What are you guys doing? " I shouted, annoyed.
" Hehe oppa! care to explain this? " Min ji pointed something below me.
My eyes widen as i witness and realised that my aching arm was wrapped around nikki's back, and nikki was sleeping on my chest. The owner of nice smelling and soft hair was nikki.
I broke away from the stare when i saw a flash.
" What are you doing? " I asked key, still feeling annoyed
" Photos are the best memories ~ " Key sang teasingly
" Whatever, you're gonna wake her up! " I watched my behaviour, being conscious of waking her up.
All of them left and entered the partition, which led to the leisure area.
I found myself smiling widely looking at the sleeping nikki. She look so cute even when sleeping, exactly like a baby.
My hands found its way to her face, gently and pushing strands of nice smelling hair, revealing her baby face.
I guess, it's hard to surpress my feelings for you. But how do you feel towards me? I sure hope it's not just an idol.
My thoughts were intruded by key's jansori.
" Onew hyung! If you're not gonna wake up now, i assure you we'll gonna be late. " He said angrily placing his hands on his hips
" Shh! Araso. " I replied, panicking a little.
I carefully lifted nikki's head and place them on the pillow gently, then positioning it and cover her with the comforter. After all that, i went through the partition only to see that all of them were ready, waiting impatiently for me to begin breakfast while my dongsaeng was enjoying herself with minho 's WII. After a good thirthy minutes, i came out and joined them for breakfast served by the hotel.
  Soon, it was time to leave when manager hyung-deul came over.
" Dongsaeng ah, come straight over when nikki's awake, araso? " I instructed her as we headed for the door
" Neh oppa, run along! I'll see you in awhile " She replied.
Come to think of it, nikki seldom sleep in so late. I shall wake her up! MUAHAHAHA.
" Nikki! Nikki! " I gently shook her
" Yes ? " She rubbed her eyes and lazily replied
" Wake up now! It's already 11 AM. " I shove my handphone to her sleepy face
" That late ? " She got herself up
" Yes, the rest of the members went for their rehearsal and oppa wants you to finish the huge, gigantic breakfast platter he bought you because he said you're so skinny before making our way there. " I instructed in one breath.
" Oh okay. "
She went to wash up and got ready, while i continued playing my WII. After a good 20 Minutes, the both of us settled at the dinning table getting ready to dig into our breakfast set.
Her eyes widened at the literally huge and gigantic platter breakfast.
" Have fun eating! " I teased
She playfully rolled her eyes at me, and started her first bite.
" So, what made you sleep for so long? " I wriggled my eyebrows at her
" I don't know, i just felt so comfortable. The bolster is damn soft and nice! " She exclaimed biting her second feed.
I went over to grab the polaroid film at the couch and waved it to her.
" Pabo yah! There's no bolster in this room. " I laughed hysterically
" Huh? Then ? " Her face filled with much confusion
" This is your answer. " I smirked
Her face turned tomatoe red as she scanned the film, her jaws dropped.
" My oppa is your bolster! " I teased even more
" Oh my gosh, when's this? "
" This morning. Right, it all started from key umma and jonghyun appa .. "
" Since when jonghyun oppa is your dad? " She interrupted me, laughing
" Hahaha oh yeah, i said it wrongly. So jonghyun oppa and key umma woke up, seeing the both of in such an intimate position, the both of them intruded taemin and my sleep. All the whisperings awakened minho who joined the fun after seeing what's the commotion. So all of us decided to come up to you guys, oppa was shocked but was extremely conscious of you, afraid of waking you up. Just to make things clear, this photo wasn't snapped when you guys was still sleeping. Oppa was already awake, he was seeing you sleep, thus he wasn't looking at the camera. Key umma thought that it's a nice scene and snapped! Hehehe " I laughed, recollecting that moment.
She couldn't say anything except to reveal her hot, tomatoe face.
" Confess nikki, you do like my oppa more than an idol! "
" Huh no! " She defended
" Yes you do! " I retorted
After the silly conversation, we headed out for rehearsal studio.
" Bus, Mrt or cab? " I asked as we entered the lift
" Don't be so lazy! Let's take a cab " She laughed at her own gag
" Whatever SHE does, it's the NIKKI's condition " I changed the lyrics (mwolhaedo onew sangtae)
The both of us filled that smalll metalic coloured room with laughter. We went in the cab that was available infront of the hotel, nikki gave him the direction.
Soon, we were at the rehearsal studio.
" Ah! Nikki, min ji! You came at last! " onew spotted NIKKI first.
" Annyeong oppa! Is that big bang ? " I was trying to find excuses to leave the both of them alone
" Yes dongsaeng, do you want to say hello ? " He asked sincerely
Behind those sincere eyes, are hidden meanings of ' GO DO YOUR OWN THING FIRST '
" Of course! " I agreed immediately
Oppa called jonghyun and key to accompany me to go over there.
Finally, it's our turn alone again.
" Do you wanna go over there and seat? " I pointed to the couch not far from where we were standing
She nodded and we made our way, unknowingly had my hands pulling hers.
" Er..So how was your night? " I asked with a little stuttering
" It's good. Thank you oppa, i'm sorry for making your arm hurt, i didn't mean it. I'm sorry if you're the victim of the teasing and the awkward moments too. " She apologized non stop.
" Did you enjoy the breakfast? "
" Yes oppa, thanks! " another small smile shown
Half of Onew hated her words while the other half felt like bursting out in laughter.
The angry part was because i didn't want her to treat me so formally, i wanna grow ane become closer, like real friends. I wanna laugh was because of her cute expression plastered on her face, it was literally red.
" Nikki, can you do me a favor? " I pulled away from the trance
" yes? " She barely managed to look me in the eye
" Please stop being so formal, i treat you like a family, infact, everyone here likes you! So, treat me like how min ji does alright? " I smiled my signature smile
" I will, thankyou. " The tomatoe expression was replaced by a genuine smile.
I guess my feelings would be only seem by a dongsaeng. He said so himself.
My heart got quite hurt from his comment, i know he meant it well but it was i, who thought too much. The both of us were chatting normally, looking at the people infront of us.
Min ji was having a fun filled time with the members of Big Bang, along with jonghyun and key oppa. While taemin and minho oppa was playing wrestling.
The PD called out for all of them to resume practice after the 45 minute break. There, min ji was running towards me and charged the seat that was occupied by onew oppa a few seconds ago.
" Muahahaha! I saw you and oppa! " She commented while taking out her green bottle to drink
" Yeah, i saw you flirting with five guys! " I used the mother tone and accepted the bottle she offered
" Hehehe, jongkey oppas was with me! So no worries. You know, i really hope you and oppa will be together. " Her face turned serious
" I don't think that will happened. He said so himself that he sees me only as a dongsaeng! " My voice wavered
" Pabo yah!  Fine, let me tell you this. Before i moved to singapore, there was this girl who had a crush on oppa for a very long time till now. Despite the umpteen rejections, she still tried her hardest to please oppa. My point is, he'll never let a girl be close to him if he doesn't like that girl. " She said with a firm voice
" Really? "
She nodded and i smiled.
After a few rounds of crapping, the both of us kept quiet and paid full attention to the rehearsal. SHINee was going to perform several songs ; lucifer, replay and ring ding dong, taemin is going to do a solo and onew and jonghyun oppa doing a duet. Their performance ended and it was SNSD's turn. I heard the clear cursing coming from min ji when the girls opened their mouth to sing. 
& why?
Several months ago, min ji came across a site and saw a rumour that jessica's sister, krystal created an anti-fan club for kim jonghyun. Since then on, she hated everyone that had got to do with SNSD or krystal, even though the truth of the rumour remained a mystery. 
She didn't asked for a clarification from the latter itself because she had no guts to, she didn't dare to mention anything infront of the members. After their performance, the rehearsal ended.
" How's the performance? Did you like it? " Onew came towards me
" Of course! " I clapped my hands enthusiastically
We made our way out together with the members of FT island and Big bang for dinner. All of us hopped on to our respective vehicles, Min ji was sitting beside me but as soon as onew oppa commented something in korean, she switched places with him making him the middle. The journey ended and i managed to force the truth out of her when we were walking alone.
" Why did you change place? " I furrowed my eyebrows
" Hehehe. Oppa wanted to sit with you, that's why. I'm serious! " She defended herself
I felt extremely delighted upon hearing the sentence but managed to compose my posture. We entered in the VIP room, only to see that we're the last to arrive.
" Sit with me? " Onew whispered in my ear and pulled me to sit beside him.
" Min ji, Seat with me!! " Gdragon, taeyang, suenghyun and minhwan asked in unison
Minji blushed a little, she was lost but thankfully for key umma 's rescue.
" Aigoo baby doll is so popular, but no! She's gonna sit with her mum " Key threw a hissy fit and sat min ji down inbwteen of jongkey couple.
The rest of us broke out into a laughter. Dinner was spend laughing, chatting and joking, it was a very enjoyable time shared. Shopping spree was requested by key umma, and since nobody dared to defy him, we went along excluding the members of the two groups.
Jongkey took away min ji, minho took taemin away and i was extremely overwhelmed with mixed emotions. I was happy and nervous at the same time, walking with onew at the back, a mere distance of at least 10 feet away.
We chatted and joked alot,
& that's how our second day spend with them ended.
how's this people?
woman, i thought alot and laughed alot thinking of whatever seems familiar in this story.
Hehehe! anyway, enjoy people.
see you on the next chapt,
with extreme lots of love.
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ilabya47 #1
ShineeRocksForever #2
Imweird - Hahahahaa! It is it is, i'm sure ~ the response wasn't that good so i ended like that. Hehe!
ImWeird #3
yah you pabo! i tink u didnt realise this is the "final" chap too right???? HAHAHHAHA coz the story doesnt seem to end like this?? hehehee
ShineeRocksForever #4
IHEARTYOGA : HEHEHEHE !! Awww, so sweet :)
IHeartYoga #5
update update !!!