Never Ending Tiredness

Almost Eternity

Silence filled the entire apartment. Thick, deadly kind of silence. It was too silent that Sehun thought he was going deaf. He used to like silence. But that was before Luhan came. Luhan is loud, outspoken, and honest. Sehun envies these traits. Sehun is always quiet, he doesn’t like socializing, he hates confrontations. He wish he could hide in a giant bubble where nobody could bother him, where he could be with him and himself only. Things changed, time passed. Without him realizing, Luhan was already inside that bubble. He didn’t remember letting anyone in, let alone welcoming them, but Luhan just.. appeared, and apparently he left just as sudden as he once came.



Lonely. Sehun tried to think of anything, anything but Luhan.. and he failed miserably, for Luhan once was his everything, someone who was always in his mind. Sehun shrugged his trench coat and threw it only to land somewhere on the floor.

He tried to close his eyes, but images of Luhan rushed back so he didn’t bother trying for the second time. So here he was, lying on the bed –alone. Skipping work, just because he didn’t feel like accepting any forms of sympathy from his colleagues. Forgetting lunch and dinner too, because why the heck would he have time to actually enjoy some meal and not think of “Hey, isn’t this Luhan’s favorite?”.

For once, he wondered what he’d done wrong. Was he a bad boyfriend? Did he deserve any of these at all?

But then Luhan’s words from yesterday as he came to pack his stuffs flooded his mind.

“It’s not you, Hun.”

“So it’s you?”


“Did your love change, or simply just fade?”

“I don’t have the answer now, Sehun. What I know now, this is for the best, for both of us. I can’t go on hurting you like before. I can’t go on feeling not happy.”

Sehun sat up abruptly, grabbing a framed photo on the top of the bedside table. The photo displays both males, smiling widely. It was taken on their first anniversary. It looked perfect, as that time they didn’t know they’d break up like this. That time, they were all about the blue skies and the joyful laughs. They were young, they were dumb. But mostly, they were in love. And they looked pretty happy there.

“Sehun-ah, this is no doubt the best day of my life!” Luhan’s voice echoed through the spaces of his now blank mind and Sehun immediately tossed the frame into the nearest garbage bin. He had enough.

He pulled his hair, frustrated. How he managed to fall in love, he doesn’t remember. How he is going to move on, he wished he had the slightest idea.

He never felt so pathetic.


A phone call would be the last thing Sehun would want to deal with, but much to his dismay, his stupid Samsung Galaxy S5 rang. He lazily picked up, eyes shut as he exhaled deeply, completely annoyed. It was probably Baekhyun.

“SEHUN! WHY DIDN’T YOU ANSWER IMMEDIATELY?”, and Baekhyun it was, with the perfect timing as usual.

“I’m answering just now. What’s up, Baek? Lost one of your eye liners?” he mused.

“Sehun you little rascal! How could you talk much just now when that –ugh, I don’t even want to say his name. The point is, I saw the internet Sehun, are you okay?” Baekhyun asked worriedly, though he sounded pissed off at first.

Sehun decided not to answer straight away as Baekhyun’s voice made him feel dizzy. He just fiddled with the hem of his shirt and tapped his fingers on the side of the bed as he counted in his mind. One, two, th-

“Sehun, I swear if you’re thinking about suicide now I’ll be going there as soon as this call ends and kill you myself!” Baekhyun hollered and Sehun flinched, a little. He never heard Baekhyun went as far as giving him death threats.

“I was okay before you called, you give me a headache..” he muttered and Baekhyun sounded even more pissed.

“Ugh, remind me why I’m friends with you again!” he cried desperately.

“I never asked.” Sehun said, matter-of-factly.


“Baek, calm down, would you? You’re not helping Sehun at all.” Chanyeol’s deep voice joined the conversation.

“Chanyeol, I’m his best friend! I’m worried!”

“Give me the phone,” Sehun heard Chanyeol commanding and Baekhyun muttering something but then he heard Chanyeol’s voice clearer, “hey, man.”


“Sorry about Baekkie.”

“I’m kinda sorry for you too, though.”

“Whatever, just listen, knowing you, I can only hope you’re not planning to do anything stupid right now.”

“How stupid do I seem to you guys exactly?” Sehun wondered out loud.

“It’s late now, Baek and I just got home. But make sure you’re available tomorrow at 8.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you guys.”

“At least have some decent dinner with us, Sehun! And don’t you lie, I know you haven’t eaten anything today.”

“What’s the point of eating anyway..”

“God, I’m so tired of baby sitting you two. Remember, tomorrow at 8, now go sleep!” then, the call was disconnected. Sehun didn’t know whether to be sorry or maybe grateful for those two, psycho guys he calls friends.


Sehun went to his office today, but only stayed a while and left after 3. It wasn’t his usual self, he didn’t like leaving things to be done by others but it seemed like he didn’t have any other choices. He didn’t feel like getting a cup of bubble tea either, so instead he drove to a coffee shop and ordered a cup of black coffee. Bitter and tasteless, just as he is now.

He wasn’t in the mood to stay at the shop and see another couples with loving stares having the time of their lives, so he took his coffee home.

And even after that, he felt tired. He was going to sleep if not for the caffeine. He tried to clean the apartment, at least. Some corners were starting to be covered by dust. He the TV, but he didn’t really watch it. He just let the commercials and the shows flash in front of him, without paying attention. He likes the sounds the TV emitted, it comforted him. He likes the familiarity of having real people around, of interacting.

It was a quarter past 7.

Sehun remembered Chanyeol and Baekhyun. He didn’t feel like going anywhere, but he felt like he was dying every second he was alone so against his wills, he stood up and took a shower. He changed into a comfortable sleek black shirt and a pair of matching black slacks. He took a last glance at his wall clock, which was showing 7.40, grabbed his keys and wallet and soon left the apartment.


Sehun didn’t expect Baekhyun to be knocking on his Lamborghini’s window as soon as he parked. The latter was still clad in his work attire, which was now crumpled at some points, with his hair sticking all over the place, clearly because of running towards Sehun.

“Thank God, you’re alive, but Oh Sehun, who taught you to dress like that, huh? You look like you’re going to a funeral!”

“At least I made an effort to come.” he replied with a smug look on his face, opening the door once Baekhyun stepped aside.

“Hell yeah, I’m glad. Now come on, Chanyeol’s waiting.” Baekhyun said, grabbing Sehun’s wrist, leading themselves to one of their favorite fancy restaurants.

“We’re gonna grab some drinks later too, but I’ll be watching you, young man!” he warned. Sehun sighed.

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Won't be updating until June 15th? I guess? End of semester tests and I got a lot to catch up :((


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opikonew #1
Chapter 9: kai, its better tell the truth that hurt than tell a beautiful lie T.T
just be with the one and only you love :))
Chapter 9: U know kai,if u are not happy with all this wedding thing,then stop this instant..later when u already bind with a wrong person,it's not only going to destroy u,but your partner's life too.. im not saying this coz i biased over sekai,even if sehun in kyungsoo's shoes,i will said the same.. marriage is not for temporary,it for your whole life okay..u will spend yr remain lifespan with this person,grow old and having a family together.. if u make one wrong move,it will be a disaster..e.e
Chapter 8: Hahahaha kai u stupid xD
Chapter 7: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yesss in the air...
opikonew #5
Chapter 7: hihi, is that soo who love jong more, or ??
Chapter 6: Sehun got a cute nickname now xD food monster
Chapter 5: Omg jongin xD why u are soooo cute? Lemme squish uuuu
opikonew #8
Chapter 5: jongin, plissssss -.-
you make that baby cry, and sehun suffer XD
Jjang :D
BottomSehunnie #9
Chapter 4: PLZ update soon authernim.... and sure i hope u make bottom!Sehun here..... xDDDDDDDDDDD