Beginning of An Ending

Almost Eternity

The sound of the clock ticking resonated through the whole edgy, modern-looking room on the 3rd floor of a building in the best business district in Seoul where a famous photography studio was. In the middle of a mess called the office, between scattered polaroids, abundant yellow sticky-notes and stacks of paper, the well-known, handsome and stylish photographer sat. His face looked tired as ever, dark circles under his eyes eventhough you could still see the beauty of those brown orbs he has.

Biting his lip, he tried to focus organizing some of his works, his working hours had long passed and his fellow workers were already home. The 24 years old was always a work-a-holic, something most young men are like nowadays. He didn’t mind spending so many time for his dear passion.

Of all the things he’s said and done, he would never regret quitting law school and having a big fight with his father afterwards, because now it all seemed worth it. He gets to do what he loves, and he even found someone to love. Or so he thought. A beep from his phone startled him somehow. He chuckled before quickly picking up.


“Hey, Luhan. How’s the party?” Sehun asked, though he’d most likely know the answer.

“Boring. How’s work?” the other replied uninterestedly, a quiet yawn was heard.

“Insane, but fine.” Sehun said as his bony, long fingers meticulously arrange the polaroids.

“See you later, then?”

“See you later, Han.” Sehun stared at his work for a while, sighing as he didn’t know what to do. It’s not bad to hope, is it?


Sehun opened the huge, luxurious apartment door to find that it (as expected) was dead silent. He sighed for the nth time, thinking it must’ve been not healthy for someone his age to sigh so much, this time because he knows no matter how boring a party is, his wild child, hot model of a boyfriend Luhan wouldn’t let it go a waste.

Sehun set his bag of camera lenses and sat on the couch next to it. On the coffee table beside the bag, laid the newest magazine featuring Luhan and his heart couldn’t help but swelled with proud. He flipped the page and saw one of his latest work being displayed there too. Something odd struck him. He took another look at Luhan’s photo and compared it to his. The photos’ color was accidentally a contrasting black and white. Black and white. Blunt and divine. Intriguing yet different, cold.

Somehow he felt numb, like there was a stab to his heart, yet he doesn’t bleed.

Sehun found himself automatically curled up into a slim, weird, oval-ish ball. He took slow breaths and tried to count to ten. It used to work.

But at the end of the day, Sehun couldn’t deny the truth no matter what. Luhan and himself looked strong and solid from the outside, but Sehun feels the complete opposite on the inside. A fresh tear rolled down his cheek, to his designer army-green sweater. The moonlight streamed through the opened curtains, shining all the way to make his couple necklace stand out in the dark, shimmering with what used to be his power, his pride –now just another extra weight to his neck.


Bubble tea is Sehun’s favorite. Somewhere in their love story though, it became Luhan’s as well. This particular shop is like a living proof of Sehun and Luhan. From their awkward first dates to the cheerful, passionate next ones. Sehun kept trying to think positively. That maybe –just maybe, today wasn’t the day he was recently picturing in his nightmares. That maybe, they’d find a way out.

Sehun tapped his fingers lightly on the table, two cups of untouched, chocolate bubble tea in front of him. Luhan didn’t come home like he promised he would. Sehun tried to convince himself it was okay. He trusts Luhan. Or does he? Why does the article flashing on his iPad worry him, then?

If it was right, how would he feel then? Relieved to know his assumptions were true or would it destroy him completely; for they both know it’d be the end of them. How can they continue on whatever it is they have when the headline read, Luhan Spotted With Another Man, Where Is Sehun?

“Do you even know how hard it is to get here? The fans and paparazzis, as usual you know, ugh, they give me headache..” a voice he knew so well interrupted his train of thoughts, Sehun soon recovered from his blank gaze, plastering a smile across his skinny cheeks. Luhan sat as he fixed his scarf. Excuses. Sehun just nodded, keeping up with his act.

“Tell me, Sehun. How long have you been waiting?” Luhan continued, then he proceeded to take a sip of his own bubble tea. He was reading whatever notifications there were popping from his dearest iPhone 6 as he tried his best to look like he was interested in anything Sehun would say.

“Not long.” Lie. When is he going to stop lying? When is he going to stop pretending he wasn’t hurt? He had no idea. Remembering not to sigh anymore, Sehun took another deep breath instead.

Sehun had been waiting for more than an hour, maybe two. He even cancelled an important meeting at the last minute for Luhan.

“Well then, what is it do you want to talk about? I only got like,” Luhan checked his wrist watch, “an hour. I’ve got a photo shoot at 4 and then an interview schedule afterwards, if you don’t mind.” Luhan smiled. The same smile Sehun used to fall head over heels for, the same smile that used to pump his heart so fast he was sure his ribcages were about to break. The thump in his heart was now faint, he almost felt nothing towards Luhan now. But Sehun kept his recent fake smile nonetheless.

It took every fiber of courage he had in himself to spill the beans.

“Is it true?” he deadpanned, unsure that he really wanted to know the answer.


Another long, irritating silence.

Is it true, Luhan?” he repeated, as he emphasized each word like a knive, beginning to get impatient.

“Sehun-ah, I don’t even know what you’re talking about. How am I supposed to answer?” Luhan explained casually, still as calm as ever.

“Tell me this is just another bull.” Sehun pushed his iPad forward and Luhan silently read the article, his expression unreadable. Meanwhile, Sehun was a wreck, a ticking time bomb which was about to explode.

It felt like another decade to Sehun. Like time was crawling and reluctant to pass. The tension was so thick anyone could’ve cut it with a knife. Luhan and Sehun were both caught up in their own thoughts. Sehun’s heart and mind were racing wildly, afraid, worried, anxious. Just as he thought he’d have an early heart attack if Luhan didn’t talk any sooner, Luhan took off his sunglasses as he deeply sighed.

It is.”

Sehun’s strong walls of protection were now dust and ashes. His pride was just history. Their love was just.. another big, fat lie.

“When?” he croaked, his voice so weak and hoarse he thought Luhan didn’t hear him. But he did.

“When you went to that workshop in Paris for a month.” Luhan’s gaze didn’t falter, eventhough Sehun’s body started to tremble. Fury, disappointment and sadness hit him like a bucket of ice cold water.

“I understand.” Luhan emphasized.

“Understand what?” a tear successfully fell along Sehun’s cheek, pausing at his jawline.

“That we end here. Today.”

Maybe Sehun was lost for words. Maybe he was daydreaming all this time. Maybe all of this was just a wicked dream. But he was wide awake, and then there’s the choice he had to make.

“You are right.”

“I’ll be packing soon and will be out of your sight starting tonight.”

What’s with that details, Luhan? Geez! Sehun screamed internally.

“Good.” he said instead.

“Sehun, I’m sorry. I just.. I used to love you so, so much. You know that, right?”

“I used to love you too."

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Won't be updating until June 15th? I guess? End of semester tests and I got a lot to catch up :((


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opikonew #1
Chapter 9: kai, its better tell the truth that hurt than tell a beautiful lie T.T
just be with the one and only you love :))
Chapter 9: U know kai,if u are not happy with all this wedding thing,then stop this instant..later when u already bind with a wrong person,it's not only going to destroy u,but your partner's life too.. im not saying this coz i biased over sekai,even if sehun in kyungsoo's shoes,i will said the same.. marriage is not for temporary,it for your whole life okay..u will spend yr remain lifespan with this person,grow old and having a family together.. if u make one wrong move,it will be a disaster..e.e
Chapter 8: Hahahaha kai u stupid xD
Chapter 7: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yesss in the air...
opikonew #5
Chapter 7: hihi, is that soo who love jong more, or ??
Chapter 6: Sehun got a cute nickname now xD food monster
Chapter 5: Omg jongin xD why u are soooo cute? Lemme squish uuuu
opikonew #8
Chapter 5: jongin, plissssss -.-
you make that baby cry, and sehun suffer XD
Jjang :D
BottomSehunnie #9
Chapter 4: PLZ update soon authernim.... and sure i hope u make bottom!Sehun here..... xDDDDDDDDDDD