Welcomed Distractions

Almost Eternity

Baekhyun fixed his bangs for the nth time that night, looking like he’s got someone to impress(eventhough he has Chanyeol).

“Baek, stop it! Your insecurity annoys me.” Chanyeol whined, dragging his boyfriend’s wrist to enter the club, with Sehun following closely behind.

Here I am, back to my third wheel job.. Sehun pondered, as he too stepped inside the said club. Blinding neon lights, blaring techno music and dancing drunken people welcomed the three. They made a beeline towards their usual spot, quickly avoiding others. Xiumin, the bartender whom they’ve known since college days served their usual drink then.

“Any ideas as to what happened to that guy?” Xiumin jabbed his thumb at Sehun’s direction. The latter was dumbfoundedly standing in a corner near the dance floor, with a sorrow, lost-puppy-like look on his face. Luhan likes to dance, he remembered.

Baekhyun only took a seat as he gulped his drink in one go, “One more for me, Xiumin. And a glass of heartbreak’s cure for Sehun.”

“Oh, coming right up.” said Xiumin, excusing himself.

“You know what, Baek?” Chanyeol interrupted.


“I think you’ve been meddling with Sehun’s business too much, I mean, the guy’s 24 years old for Pete’s sake!”

“Meddle how, Yeol? Everything I do is because I care about him! Do you want to let him solve this on his own and be a man or something like that? Well guess what, I don’t want to see my best friend homeless the next time I pay a visit. You’re his friend too, Yeol, I mean.. I don’t understand your cool façade.”

“I do care about him, Baek. Just, you know.. you could loosen up a little bit, give that guy some time to clear his head, don’t rush anything.. but we’ll still support him no matter what. I’m sure Sehun would like that.” Chanyeol explained.

“Whatever.” Baekhyun huffed, typical. Baekhyun talks so much, but Chanyeol’s always the one to put some sense to him, and he’s really good at speeches and sometimes Baekhyun wonders why he’s the motivational talker while Chanyeol works at a computer company.

“May I have this dance, then?” Chanyeol asked, leaving Baekhyun surprised. This is why I’m in love with this dork, he thought as he took Chanyeol’s hand and they both went straight to the dance floor.


“Lonely?” asked an unfamiliar voice, trying to strike up a conversation. Sehun turned around to find a guy, a bit taller than him, with a weird face(probably not Korean) and dark blonde hair(his was a bit more light). He was wearing a dashing, fitted red shirt with the first three buttons ed, looking like he just jumped out of a magazine, with a pair of casual jeans. The guy wasn’t actually looking at him, instead he had this I’m-so-charming, serene look on his face, gazing straight ahead with a glass of who knows what in his left hand.

“Want some?” the stranger offered, to which Sehun rolled his eyes at. What now? The bar has officially become a gay bar?

“The quite type, I suppose. But would you talk if we go somewhere else?” he tried his luck. Well that’s it, you’ve crossed the line, big guy.

“Not a chance.” Sehun replied uninterestedly as he intended to flee from the scene as soon as possible.

“Hey, why leave so early when you can have a good time with me?” the guy slurred and Sehun flinched, disgusted. He was about to walk away when the guy obnoxiously grabbed his , earning himself a punch from Sehun.

“Keep it in your pants.” Sehun growled, then he ran to the bathroom.


Sehun splashed his face with cold water a couple times, but it’s like he couldn’t get rid of the uneasiness he felt inside. The rude guy sparked something in him, which oh-so-conveniently happened to be Luhan’s images.

Luhan’s hug.

Luhan’s kiss.

Luhan’s fingertips.

They all came barging inside Sehun’s thoughts, and shaking his head fervently didn’t work. So Sehun whined, cried, tried his best to close his eyes, not daring to open them, afraid that he’d start imagining Luhan there beside him.

Sehun never asked any of these, never wanted to fall in love. If he knew it was this brutal, he would’ve stopped himself then. He would’ve let Luhan go, even with a broken heart. He’d rather suffer earlier, not when his love is too huge, too demanding, too strong like this. But humans are selfish. They’d go for an instant happiness, not thinking of what could happen in the future. And Sehun’s only human, with a desperate need of love, of affection.

The next second, he found himself falling flat on his , resting his back to a wall and he hugged his legs like a lost kid, bawling his eyes out. He was tired.


Kyungsoo was never the wild child. He had his fair share of alcohols back in college, but was never the one to be in every party available in town. If one person could fit that description, it would be his fiancé, Jongin.

He didn’t want to go to the bar that night, he just felt so annoyed and needed to escape life. As usual, his busy lover cancelled their date, having to attend every single damn meeting in the office, being the youngest CEO. His friends offered free drinks, so he thought, why not?

Planning their upcoming wedding and promoting his recently published book around were taking a toll on his sane mind. So he danced his stress away, taking a shot or two here and there, forgetting life for a while.


“Babe, where are you?” Jongin’s worried voice pierced his ears.

“Shh, keep it down, will ya?” Kyungsoo answered, sounding a bit too drunk.

“I’m the one who should keep it down? Where are you? Are you in a club? Tell me, I’ll fetch you.”

“No need to worry, love. I’ll be home soon, go on enjoy your meetings! Our dates don’t matter anyway! My cooking isn’t as exquisite as those fancy restaurants you go to with your clients either, maybe I should.. hiccup!” Kyungsoo blabbered, making Jongin furious on the other line.

“Kyungsoo, please! Just tell me where you’re at, I’m worried sick, you moron!” Jongin said, as Kyungsoo opened the door to find what looked like an unconscious –maybe overdosed guy lying on the floor.

“Jongin, I’ll call you later.” Kyungsoo said before he hang up.

“! No, don’t-” Jongin cursed, but he was too late.



“May I talk to Mr. Byun Baekhyun, please?”

“Yes, it’s myself. What’s wrong?”

“Are you Mr. Oh Sehun’s friend/family?”

“Oh my God, what happened?”

“He was submitted to this hospital earlier, and the man who brought him said he’s just a stranger and we’re going to need your help.”

“What the actual did that kid just do? A stranger, really?” Baekhyun roared as he took a worried Chanyeol with him and the pair rushed to the said hospital.



“Luhan?” Sehun called, confused. It sure as hell looked like Luhan, sounded like Luhan, and was walking towards him, still wearing their couple necklace. Could it be?

“Sehun, I made a mistake. Please forgive me, I was so stupid. How could I ever come to the conclusion of breaking up with you? I always think about you, Sehun-ah.. I’m worried.” he said sincerely, Sehun let his mind absorb each words, his eyes never leaving Luhan’s figure.

“You are?” Sehun asked, his voice hinting a glimpse of hope. We could go back together, we could start new. I miss him so much.

“Of course, Hun. Come back to me, let’s be happy together once more..”

“Yes, Luhan.” Luhan’s image then disappeared into thin air, as if evaporated.



Hello there /winks

I love Baekyeol. They shall always be happy kekeke.

What do you think of the 3 chapters by far? Should I write a longer chapter? But that’d mean slower updates. Oh, and school starts next week, so, yeah.. slower updates. I’ll try to update as much as I can, though. Thank you for subscribing/upvoting and reading, it makes my day honestly. Let’s be friends!


Edited because yesterday was completely raw haha

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Won't be updating until June 15th? I guess? End of semester tests and I got a lot to catch up :((


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opikonew #1
Chapter 9: kai, its better tell the truth that hurt than tell a beautiful lie T.T
just be with the one and only you love :))
Chapter 9: U know kai,if u are not happy with all this wedding thing,then stop this instant..later when u already bind with a wrong person,it's not only going to destroy u,but your partner's life too.. im not saying this coz i biased over sekai,even if sehun in kyungsoo's shoes,i will said the same.. marriage is not for temporary,it for your whole life okay..u will spend yr remain lifespan with this person,grow old and having a family together.. if u make one wrong move,it will be a disaster..e.e
Chapter 8: Hahahaha kai u stupid xD
Chapter 7: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yesss right....love in the air...
opikonew #5
Chapter 7: hihi, is that soo who love jong more, or ??
Chapter 6: Sehun got a cute nickname now xD food monster
Chapter 5: Omg jongin xD why u are soooo cute? Lemme squish uuuu
opikonew #8
Chapter 5: jongin, plissssss -.-
you make that baby cry, and sehun suffer XD
Jjang :D
BottomSehunnie #9
Chapter 4: PLZ update soon authernim.... and sure i hope u make bottom!Sehun here..... xDDDDDDDDDDD