
Almost Eternity

To Sehun, it was never about the title. It was never about having to see “Oh Sehun Arrives Dashingly After A Successful Photoshoot” typed in bold letters and accompanied with a matching picture of him –handsome as usual, as the headline whenever he decides to check out the internet. It was never about the money, nor fame. It was just him, doing what he loves most. Reliving the scenes where little Sehun was holding his first Polaroid camera, taking a picture of every single thing he came across to; from his mother’s garden, his father’s books to his own pet dog. To Sehun, photograph worths more than everything in life. It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t acknowledge the power of love, he just chooses to express and capture it with every single shot he took. No matter it was a high-end fashion shoot, a simple city street or a coffee resting next to a lover’s hand, Sehun simply pours his soul out in every single click of his Canon 10D.

Sehun cherishes every single picture he has. Of his (used to be) happy family, of the cities he had traveled, even of the models he doesn’t recognize anymore. Things change, people walks in and out of his life, but the memories stay. Memories are what he seeks in every shot, wishing he could keep and carry it, eventhough the edges got folded, the colors faded.

Tonight he sat on his balcony, wind brushing against the soft fabric of his long-sleeved shirt, moon shining gracefully –everything contrasted with the way he felt, staring at the printed Polaroid of Luhan.

His parents got divorced when he was 8, not completely understanding why his father packed a bag for both Sehun and himself, dragging the whiny, skinny kid out of the mansion without a good bye. Sehun didn’t even get to have a farewell with his mother, wasn’t allowed to ask questions, as he grew up, with a cold heart and an amount of friends you could count with your fingers. Somewhere along his teenage years, he heard his mother got married, said she finally got the life she wanted, where she’d be happy; and with a grumpy, busy father he couldn’t count on, Sehun could only ask what was it he did wrong.

Sehun thought, he didn’t deserve love.

But then he met Luhan.

The cheerful, free spirit, talkative and extrovert Luhan, walking easily through all the walls he built. He didn’t even realize he let anyone in. He woke up with Luhan on the picture, sleeping next to him and he decided to be greedy just once. He wanted, no –needed love.

It was always a crazy roller coaster ride with Luhan. The excitement, the fear, the joy, the kisses shared, the promises they exchanged and the things said.

Sehun didn’t mind. But like every other roller coaster ride, it comes to an end. People hopped off the roller coaster, the machine turned off, the workers went home, the excitement died, and the fair’s gates closed.

Luhan disappeared just as fast as he appeared. Like a click of a camera.


People always have another side of them when they wake up, just like how Jongin woke up on the couch; his neck and back strained painfully, eyes fluttering groggily, with an empty cup of chocolate pudding still on his lap.

“Good morning!” someone chirped and Jongin screamed, panicked. Kyungsoo wasn’t supposed to be there! “Hey, it’s just me, no need to scream like those chicks in horror movies.”, Suho chuckled.

“What the hell are you doing in my house on a-” Jongin tried to remember what day it was.

“Saturday.”, Suho completed nonchalantly.

“Yeah, Saturday. Why? Tell me!”

“Jongin, did you fall asleep watching K-Drama or something?” Suho wondered out loud.

“No, I didn’t!” Jongin exclaimed hurriedly, earning an honest laugh from Suho.

“Seriously, bro? You don’t remember?”

“What? Are you trying to say that I’m getting older and forgetful?” Jongin barked.

“No, stupid. I’m saying that you promised me a men day’s out today. I came here expecting you’d be up early, diligently preparing for the outing but I guess that’s too much to ask.” Suho said, stirring two cups of coffee at the same time.

“What are you, 15?”


“Kyungsoo, I want to confirm our schedule at 2. I’ve reserved the whole day for your photoshoot, actually, but yeah..”

“Really? Ah, of course, is there anything I need to bring besides of spare clothes?”

“The props are set, but I don’t exactly know what your favorite kind of flower is so, you can go buy some if you want.”

“Perfect, thank you so much, Sehun, I’ll see you soon!”


“Jongin, come on! I’m hungry.” Suho shouted, already opening the door.

“Wait up!” Jongin answered, opening the refridgerator to take a gulp of his orange juice. Closing the door to his fridge shut, he saw another note stuck on it,

Pre-wedding photoshoot at Oh Sehun’s studio. 2pm.

 He took a quick glance at his wristwatch. 12:49.

“JONGIN!” Suho hollered one last time.

“I’m coming!”

Well, someone’s not going to make it out alive.


Kyungsoo was welcomed personally by the photographer as he stepped outside of the elevator, other workers were smiling at him and for once he felt like a pop star or something. But there he was, standing awkwardly with a bag of clothes barely hanging on his left shoulder and a bouquet of baby’s breath on his hand.

“Hello.” he chirped.

“Welcome to our studio!” Sehun greeted and Kyungsoo praised him on the inside (because he used the word ‘our’ and not ‘my’), “Let me help with that.” Sehun said and before Kyungsoo could even protest, the bag was snatched from him, now resting on the tall and handsome photographer’s shoulder.

“I see why people queue for your service now, they must’ve wanted the 5 star treatment too.” Kyungsoo commented, to which Sehun smiled sheepishly.

“Ah, yes. I want everyone to feel comfortable in every photoshoot, so only the true, happy emotions that come out, you know.”

“What about a sad themed one, do you make your models cry first?” Kyungsoo asked curiously.

“No, I’d try to personally talk to them about their personal lives. Because I think emotions don’t come from a sad heart, a sad heart won’t be able to express anything close to what an honest heart does.”

“Wow, just.. wow.”

“And partly because I’m kinda nosy too.” Sehun joked, leading Kyungsoo to the well prepared set. All kinds of lenses splayed across a table, lights flickering from those who are adjusting them, and properties spread around the cozy, medium space room.

“Now where’s Jongin?” Sehun muttered, finally realizing that Kyungsoo came alone, without the said fiancé.



Jongin managed to promise Suho a next week outing instead of that day and he anxiously left his childhood best friend behind, fearing what would come to him, knowing just how much Kyungsoo hates being late.

He shuffled his keys frantically, starting his car and maneuvering through the hustle and bustle of Seoul.

He arrived to the studio 15 minutes later, mouthing countless apologies to his tired looking fiancé, as he stepped inside the room. But that wasn’t what surprised him the most. What surprised him the most.. was that awfully familiar looking face behind the camera, the said guy looking up and having the exact same frown on his face as Jongin’s, wondering..

“Food monster?”



Wanted to write a longer chapter, but.. nah, maybe later, lol. Thank you so much to those who upvoted, subscribed, and/or commented, I really appreciate it.

Unfortunately, I have a debating competition next week so I suppose the update would be sorta delayed? We’ll see.

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Won't be updating until June 15th? I guess? End of semester tests and I got a lot to catch up :((


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opikonew #1
Chapter 9: kai, its better tell the truth that hurt than tell a beautiful lie T.T
just be with the one and only you love :))
Chapter 9: U know kai,if u are not happy with all this wedding thing,then stop this instant..later when u already bind with a wrong person,it's not only going to destroy u,but your partner's life too.. im not saying this coz i biased over sekai,even if sehun in kyungsoo's shoes,i will said the same.. marriage is not for temporary,it for your whole life okay..u will spend yr remain lifespan with this person,grow old and having a family together.. if u make one wrong move,it will be a disaster..e.e
Chapter 8: Hahahaha kai u stupid xD
Chapter 7: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yesss in the air...
opikonew #5
Chapter 7: hihi, is that soo who love jong more, or ??
Chapter 6: Sehun got a cute nickname now xD food monster
Chapter 5: Omg jongin xD why u are soooo cute? Lemme squish uuuu
opikonew #8
Chapter 5: jongin, plissssss -.-
you make that baby cry, and sehun suffer XD
Jjang :D
BottomSehunnie #9
Chapter 4: PLZ update soon authernim.... and sure i hope u make bottom!Sehun here..... xDDDDDDDDDDD