A Slap of Reality

Almost Eternity

Sehun returned home, feeling giddy but undeniably happy and he wonders why. The whole finding a suit and having some coffee with Jongin thing being replayed over and over again in his head, and he needed to slap himself awake. Like, what the hell? Why is he acting like a stupid teenager? Jongin’s stupidity must’ve been contagious. And there it goes again, that annoyingly cute smile appearing in Sehun’s messy, jumbled train of thoughts and Sehun can’t help but enjoy the moment, the smile erasing whatever doubt he had and increasing his mood rapidly.

It hasn’t even been an entire month since..

“Aargh, I should get some sleep. I should be able to think straight afterwards.” then he decided an early evening nap was probably the best choice he had.


“Yah! Sehun, are you sleeping?”

“Peacefully, before you called.”

“Let’s go grab some dinner together, brat.”

“And what? Be the third wheel yet again? Nu-uh, I’ll pass.”

“The hell is wrong with your head! Be grateful that we are such good friends who think of you and take care of you!”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Sehun, you better be ready when we knock on your door in about 10 minutes!”

“Sure, Baek. But really, what is it with you guys? Always taking me to your dates, making me look pathetic –or do you guys wanted to see what it’s like to have a child around? Gosh, that’s awfully weird.”

“Hey Sehun, wake up. Your half-asleep word vomiting is even more weird.”


Sehun indeed slapped himself awake and got changed and was almost falling asleep on the couch again by the time Baekhyun and Chanyeol arrived, dragging his lazy stature with them. He honestly wanted to go to sleep after such a long day(and probably wishing he could see a certain someone’s smile in his dream later) but his best friends just happen to be such a pain in the , acting like his parents more than he can tolerate. But that’s the point of having best friends, Baekhyun would say. Yeah right.

They arrived at their usual hang out spot, selling the best chicken and jajangmyun about 15 minutes, one long lecture from Baekhyun and a quarrel between Baekhyun and Chanyeol later.

“I mean, look at this ! Shouldn’t he get over that L-” Baekhyun’s words were stopped by Chanyeol’s hand and the latter smiled sheepishly at Sehun. The last thing he wanted was to hear that name.

When they were seated comfortably, they let Baekhyun order with Chanyeol always protesting he wanted more food which Baekhyun won’t allow. Sehun? He doesn’t even bother engaging himself in any other conversations, just looking straight ahead and staring at the vicinity.

But then he noticed one terrifyingly familiar couple two tables ahead. It couldn’t be them, right? But then someone looked up, casting a bored and annoyed look and Sehun’s doubt vanished into thin air.


“Jongin-ah, are you not going to tell me how your day was?”

“I told you before, sweetheart. I went suit shopping as you wish, retrieved our pre-wedding photos afterwards and that was all!” Jongin sighed, biting his lips to prevent himself from pouting. He didn’t want to seem upset. He didn’t want to make Kyungsoo feel bad. But he felt bad himself for skipping one little detail in the story.

“I mean, like.. what kind of suit you finally bought? What color? How did you feel? Anything, Jongin!” Kyungsoo insisted, knowing that he annoyed Jongin. But what else was he supposed to do to get the latter’s attention? He almost wanted to laugh at how pathetic he really is, like, how old is he? Attention? But the problem is, that really is the thing he lost since God-knows-when. Jongin doesn’t really care as much as how he did in their first years together and Kyungsoo can’t help but feel suffocated, tired, just like an old married couple. He doesn’t seem to enjoy this anymore, whatever it is.

“I tried on a few pairs, but eventually I picked the one Sehun suggested, because I like it best.” Jongin said, trying to prevent the smile forming when he said Sehun’s name because hell, that felt awkward and weird. But Kyungsoo noticed, the way Jongin tried to say it like it was nothing when there was probably more that he kept to himself and Kyungsoo gave up. He decided to play with his engagement ring instead, seeing the diamond sparkles beautifully.

“Kyungie, I’m sorry. I’m just..”

“Tired, I know.”

“Look at me Kyung-“ Jongin looked up just to see a pair of broken looking orbs staring right at him,  “Sehun?”


“The more the merrier, don’t you think, Yeol?” Baekhyun said as he requested for their tables to be combined. “I mean, look at you cute thing, Sehun, it must’ve been  so much fun shooting them, right?”

“Y-yeah.” Sehun nodded, keeping his gaze fixed to his fingers on top of his thighs.

“When is it, again? Just curious, I mean, not like we’re invited, huh?” Baekhyun joked, earning another sheepish smile from Chanyeol, slightly embarrassed, and two poker faces that belong to Jongin and Sehun.

“Next month, Baekhyun-ssi. Also, I believe Jongin and myself would be honored if you guys could attend it as well. No worries, I’ll send the invitation soon!” Kyungsoo exclaimed.

Well, that was unexpected.

“I mean, haven’t I told you I wanted you to be our wedding photographer, Sehun?”

“I believe you haven’t.”

“Well then, I’m asking you now, because the photos Jongin showed me earlier are just breathtakingly perfect. I can’t seem to think of working with anyone else but you.”

“It’ll be an honor for me.” Sehun said, trying not to fidget around so much. The waitress served the food then, saving Sehun from anymore conversations he wouldn’t like to have.

He picked at his food like a toddler, carefully watching Baekhyun and Chanyeol beside him, being all lovey dovey feeding eachother and stuffs. He looked in front of him where Kyungsoo and Jongin ate silently, almost too silent if not for Kyungsoo trying to spark a conversation or two, with Jongin nodding once in a while.

It’s funny how Sehun got to experience such emotional turmoil in a day. He went from experiencing that excitement again, to being slapped by reality –looking at the couple in front of him. That annoying diamond ring which is encircling Kyungsoo’s ring finger sticking like a sore thumb, but why?

Is he crazy? Is he out of his mind? Did he really think one moment could change anything that is destiny? His thoughts went back to another someone and he felt like showering with cold water later that night.


Sehun got home in a 180 degrees worse mood.

He frantically searched for his camera bag, taking the camera out and looking at the pictures of Kyungsoo and Jongin. He looked at them thoroughly, as if adding salt to his own wounds.

But you were the first one to make me feel alive again, Sehun thought bitterly.

But he is someone else’s, his conscience added. Sehun kept on pressing the next button, enough to get him back to the very first photo in the memory card, making him jolt in surprise.

Luhan’s smiling face greets him, and he bolts to the bathroom to get his well deserved cold shower to really get his mind straight.


I’m sorry for another long--unexpected hiatus. I’m such a terrible author, I know.

But here you go! This chap’s inspired by a couple I saw when I had lunch some time ago.

Anyway, it probably seems just like any other dinner, but I think our characters are experiencing stuffs emotionally. Or so I thought. Whatevs.

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Won't be updating until June 15th? I guess? End of semester tests and I got a lot to catch up :((


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opikonew #1
Chapter 9: kai, its better tell the truth that hurt than tell a beautiful lie T.T
just be with the one and only you love :))
Chapter 9: U know kai,if u are not happy with all this wedding thing,then stop this instant..later when u already bind with a wrong person,it's not only going to destroy u,but your partner's life too.. im not saying this coz i biased over sekai,even if sehun in kyungsoo's shoes,i will said the same.. marriage is not for temporary,it for your whole life okay..u will spend yr remain lifespan with this person,grow old and having a family together.. if u make one wrong move,it will be a disaster..e.e
Chapter 8: Hahahaha kai u stupid xD
Chapter 7: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yesss right....love in the air...
opikonew #5
Chapter 7: hihi, is that soo who love jong more, or ??
Chapter 6: Sehun got a cute nickname now xD food monster
Chapter 5: Omg jongin xD why u are soooo cute? Lemme squish uuuu
opikonew #8
Chapter 5: jongin, plissssss -.-
you make that baby cry, and sehun suffer XD
Jjang :D
BottomSehunnie #9
Chapter 4: PLZ update soon authernim.... and sure i hope u make bottom!Sehun here..... xDDDDDDDDDDD