#5 Coincidence?

What Are Walls For?



I've been busy the past week with school starting and exams on the first days of school. Furthermore, I didn't even touch my holiday assignments so I spent the past few days clearing them. It seems like I'll only be free to update on weekends :( please don't leave this story and I won't abandon it either. 

Hope everybody is well and have a good start to their new year.

Thank you guys who subscribed. And for those who didn't, please do subscribe and give me an upvote if you like the story! I'll be my motivation.

If you have any suggestions or just wanna have a chat, feel free to leave a comment. In fact, I encourage you to do so! I wanna interact with my readers more :D

Jessica packed up her things and got ready to leave. Just one thing, she didn’t want to leave. It was as if something was tugging at her, weighing her down so that she would stay. However, it was a fine day and she wanted to get some relaxation time before the hussle of school came upon her.

As she was walking towards the door, a teenage boy bumped into her, spilling hot coffee all over her.
“Damn! Does this HAVE to happen??? What a way to spoil my day!” Jessica started grumbling as she inspected the damage done to her clothes.

The boy, was totally flustered.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t see where I was going. I’m so sorry!” he bowed and apologized repeatedly.

“What’s done is done, shoooo..” Jessica sighed and dismissed him with a wave of her wrist.

Whilst all these was happening, Taeyeon was watching. His eyes drifted to Jessica since the moment she was packing up. “What a pity she is leaving”, he got shocked that he even thought of that.

Seeing Jessica in a mess, Taeyeon strode up to Jessica, “Hello Miss, do you need some help?”

Hearing a warm voice, Jessica looked up, “wow, this is much closer than earlier” she bit her lip as she caught herself thinking that way.

“Um, if you have a spare shirt and a warm bath it’ll be great” Jessica replied, doubt laced her voice.

“Hmm, I guess you’re in luck then. Follow me!” Taeyeon gestured for her to follow as he head upstairs.

They passed the second level, “Where is he leading me? To the rooftop ? Is he crazy? “ questions ran through her mind as she followed behind him.

Surprisingly, there was a third level. Although the building didn’t look like much outside, it was tall enough to have 3 levels.


“TADAHHH” Taeyeon spread her arms wide, showing Jessica the third level.



( Taeyeon’s living space from the outside, its her living room and workspace )


“Wow!” Jessica was lost for words. The house was so beautiful, everything had a purpose yet they came together so nicely. There wasn’t anything out of place. Well, except her and the coffee stain.


“Just wow?” Taeyeon gave her a questioning look.


“It’s really beautiful. I don’t know what to say. Why is there a place like this on top of the cafe? Who lives here?” Jessica settled down and more questions popped up.


“Woah! One question at a time. Hmm, its my house, so I live here. For the first part, there’s a place like this cause I’m the boss of the cafe? I like the environment here, so I decided to stay here too.” Taeyeon answered each and every one of her question.“If you’ve run out of questions, you should take a bath” he chuckled.


“Ohh! Yah, sure…” Jessica replied as she was taking a look around.


Taeyeon disappeared for a moment, before returning with a towel and a fresh shirt in hand.

“Here you go, its my friends but I think you’ll fit,” he passed the shirt and the towel to her, “the shower is over there, first door on your left” he pointed to a part leading away from the workspace.


Taking the stuff, Jessica headed to the showers. She murmured a soft thanks to Taeyeon before walking away.

Satisfied with himself, Taeyeon sat down on the couch and surfed the web. “She’s gonna take a while to shower”, I’ll just wait here.

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yulsic185 #1
Chapter 9: Hey i'm new reader i like this story why you're not continue ...
Please update soon author-nim
Chapter 9: I really enjoy this story
i hope you could make longgggg
Bumella #3
thx for writing taengsic. .yayayaa