Ch. 4

Married To My Nightmare



"Holy crap gege!" She's smoking hot!" Tao said as he snatch Kris's phone.

      "What's her name?" Xiumin asked as he drool over the picture.

      "Lee Minhee," Kris proudly answered.

      "HUH?!" the Exo M members asked in confusion. "As you mean the nerd Lee Minhee?" Chen pointed out.

      Kris shrugged. "They both have the same name," he said. "This Minhee," he pointed at the picture in his phone," is the hot one while that Minhee," he pointed at Minhee, who was getting her books from her locker, "is the hideous witch of the wicked west."

      Luhan looked down at the picture. "She kind of resemble the nerd," he told himself.

      "You should introduce us to her!" Xiumin said.

      "Yeah!" everyone else agreed. "Besides, you already got Kyungmi!" Chen pointed out.

      "Aish, fine," Kris grumbled.

      "Oh! Call her right now gege! Tell her to meet up with us this Saturday!" Tao suggested.

      "Yea! Do it Kris!"

      "Hell yeah!"

      "Time to get my charm on yo."

      "Bam!" they heard. Exo M turned to see who had created that sound and saw Minhee picking up her textbook that she had dropped. All five of them glared at her in annoyance.

      "That annoying ," Xiumin said as he rolled his eyes in disgust. "Who let this nuisance go here anyways?"

      "Call her!!" Tao continued.

      "But she might be busy right now!" Kris said.

      "Aw, come on Kris. Don't be a . Grow some balls, gege!" Tao said.

      Kris glared at the maknae. "What did you just call me?" he asked.

      Tao flushed in embarrassment as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Ugh..," he said.

      Kris rolled his eyes. "No, I will not call her. And Tao, who the hell taught you that language?" he asked.

      "Ugh...," Tao awkwardly said. "You did, gege," he muttered under his breath.

      "Eh!?!" Kris said as his eyes widened. "What did you just say?!"

      "Nothing!" Tao said as he pretend to act innocent. "Can you please call Minhee-shi, gege?"

      "No," Kris said.






      "Everybody say N.O!"

      "Bbuing bbuing," Tao said as he raised his fist next to his cheek and bend it forward.

      Kris froze in his spot when he saw the maknae had his cuteness.

      "N-n-no," he said as he turned away.

      "Please gege?" Tao pleaded as he tugged on one of Kris's uniform sleeve.

      Kris turned to peek at the maknae but was melted away. In front of him was Tao pouting cutely while holding out Kris's phone. Yeah, Kris may look all though, scary, cold, and all that , but in reality, he is the most dorky person Exo M had ever met. Maybe the most dorky person on planet Earth.

      "Aish, fine. I'll call her right now," Kris said as he took his phone away from Tao.

      All of the Exo M cheered as they did a happy dance around him. Kris rolled his eyes at his 'brothers' for their weirdness as he dialed Minhee's number and placed it on speaker. They all eagerly waited for her to pick up.

      Meanwhile  over with Minhee, she had overheard Exo M.

      "You should introduce us to her!" she heard Xiumin said.

      "Yeah!" everyone yelled. "Besides, you already got Kyungmi," Chen said.

      Minhee rolled her eyes as she slowly stuffed her textbooks into her backpack. She had decided to stay a little bit longer at the locker to see if Exo M is trash talking about the other 'Minhee'.

      "Oh! Call her right now gege! Tell her to meet up with us this Saturday!" she heard Tao yelled.

      Minhee's eyes widened when she heard that. The textbook slipped out of her hands and fell onto the ground. Exo M turned to look at the sound and saw Minhee picking up her textbook. She could feel daggers going through her back. She let out a sigh as she stuffed the textbook into her backpack.

      "But she might be busy right now!" she heard Kris defended.

      Minhee surprisingly froze in her spot. "Did he just for defended me?" she asked herself as she stare at the mirror in her locker. To be honest, she doesn't like that different to her real self. The only thing that makes Kris thinks she is pretty is because she was wearing contact lenses and light make-up.

      "Aish, fine. I'll call her right now," Minhee heard Kris said.

      Her eyes widened when she heard that. She quickly closed her locker and ran down the hall. She turned to the right and saw a dark, empty classroom.  She quickly get in and locked herself in there. Right on time, her phone ranged. Minhee dug into her backpack and found her phone. Right there on the screen is an unknown number, but deeply inside, she knew it was Kris's. She took in deep breaths and cleared before answering. "Yebosaeyo?" she 'happily' chirped.

      " this Lee Minhee?" Kris asked.

      "Nae," Minhee answered as she walked around the classroom. "May I know who is this?"

      "It's Kris Wu," he answered. "You know, we met at the airport and stuff. I'm the son of the owners of Galaxy company?"

      "Yeah I remember," Minhee said. "So you need anything?"

      "Actually, I was wondering if you're free this Saturday."

      "Saturday?" Minhee asked.

      "Yeah, this Saturday, the 25th."

      "Hmm," Minhee said as she leaned against a desk. "Sure. Why not?"

      "Tell her about us!" she heard Tao yelled.

      "Yeah!" Chen yelled.

      "Who's that?" Minhee 'cluelessly' asked.

      "Ugh...," Kris said. "My friends."

      "Give me the phone, gege! I want to talk to her!" she heard Tao cried.

      Minhee chuckled when she heard Tao's outburst. "I never knew this day would come," she thought as she sighed. "If they figured out I'm the nerd, I wonder what's their reaction."

      "What? Hell no!" Kris yelled as he pulled the phone away from his ear.

      Minhee awkwardly stood there as she listened to Kris and Tao fight for the phone. She had to pulled her phone away from her ear since the rustling was loud.

      "Minhee-shi!" she heard Tao's voice over the phone. "I'm Huang Zitao, but you may call me Tao! I can't wait to meet you on Saturday!"

      Minhee stood there dumb folded. "Eh?!" she said. "Say what?"

      Her question remained unanswered as more rustling was heard. "Give me back my phone!" she heard Kris yelled.

      After 10 awkward minutes of rustling and yelling, Kris finally had got his phone back. "Mianhae for my immature friend," he said as he eyed Tao, who was pulled back by Luhan and Xiumin. "Yah! Gege! I want to talk to noona!!!" Tao yelled.

      "Ugh...," Minhee said. "What does he mean 'he can't wait to meet me on Saturday'?"

      "Well, my friends want me to introduce them to you, so I kind of invite them with me this Saturday," Kris said.

      Minhee frowned. "Does this mean I could invite someone then?" she asked.

      "Sure, why not?" Kris said.

      Minhee smiled. "Okay! Guess we shall meet again this Saturday," she said.

      Right on time, the bell rang, which means, break is over and they have four minutes to get their butts back to class.

      "Ugh.. I have to go! Bye!" she said before she hanged up.

      Kris stood there dumb folded as  he stared at his phone. "Bye?" he said.

      "So are we all going to meet her?" Xiumin asked as he let Tao go.

      Kris nodded.

      "HELL YEAH!" the guys cheered.

      Luhan turned with a huge grin on his face but saw Minhee quickly leaving an empty classroom. "What is she doing in there? I thought her class is 7C not 10A," he thought.

      "Yah, Luhan. We have to get to class," Kris said as he gestured Xiumin and him to follow him. "Don't want to get detention again."

      Luhan nodded as he followed him. "Hmm... Minhee-shi is sure acting strange," he told himself.


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Strawberrykiwi #1
Chapter 15: That born hater reference though. LOOOOOOL
Chapter 15: wow . what a horrible past for minhee . get a revenge minhee i can't wait to read that part. don't you ever love him , he 's not deserve it .
Taelin #3
Chapter 15: he is an and say what she did not get over him yet , waah , show him who is the best and what he lost
Chapter 15: That blood bastard hope he get hit by a car...and the bloody too and die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*do voodoo* grrrr........die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Minhee.......Fighting for the next chapter!
Chapter 14: uhm okay.....that was......odd......fighting for the next chapter!
Chapter 11: UPdate soon . I want to read more .
ReeUbamboo #7
Chapter 1: this is a great story :) Liking it :)
Chapter 11: Ahhh something bad must've happened.... fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 10: This was a flasback is it? Hmmm....fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 9: I have a feeling JB took advantage of her or something thats why.......or embarrassed her...i dunno~ hwaiting for the next chapter!