Ch. 12

Married To My Nightmare

March 19, 2009

            It was Friday, everyone’s favorite day. Minhee patiently waited at the gate for JB. While waiting, students were walking past by her. Yeah, it may seem normal to everyone, but to Minhee, it’s not. These students were murmuring about something and were pointing at her. There was also a group of girls that had mentioned JB’s name and her name. Minhee frowned at the student’s action.

            Finally, JB appeared with Got7.

            “Oppa!” Minhee said as she ran up to him. “Are you ready for our date?”

            JB stood there in surprisement as if he just noticed Minhee exist in this world. “Date? What do you mean date?” he asked in confusion.

            Minhee frowned at her ‘forgetful’ oppa. “Last week you promised we’re going on a date today,” she pouted.

            JB awkwardly stood there when he heard that. “Sorry babe, but I got to go home. My cousins from the U.S are coming over today,” he said.

            Minhee sadly pouted. “But didn’t you said that like 2 weeks ago?” she asked.

            JB turned pale when he heard that. “Ugh… I have a lot of cousins, literally,” he said as he took out his phone.

            Minhee sadly nodded in understatement. “Arraso,” she said. “But promised me we’re going on a date next Friday.”

            “Yeah, sure, whatever,” JB said as he left her while texting on his phone.

            Minhee watched him left the school campus before turning her attention to the six crazy boys. “JB oppa is sure acting different,” Minhee said. “Don’t you think?”

            Got7 stopped playing around with each other and gave each other nervous looks as if they were afraid that their darkest secret will be exposed. “Nope,” BamBam said. “It’s just you.”

            Minhee nodded as she turned to the direction JB had left.

            “Hey you guys, let’s go to the night market they are holding at Han River,” Mark suggested.

            “Yeah!” the guys cheered.

            “Hey Minhee,” Jr. said as he nudged her side. “Want to come?”

            Minhee stood there as she did the pros and cons whether she should go. The pros were that Lay flew to Chine for his uncle and soon-to-be aunt’s wedding while her parents are on a business trip. This had caused Mrs. Kim and her son to stay at her house to watch over her and the house. The cons were that… there weren’t any cons actually since finals were over and it’s Friday. “Sure, why not?” she shrugged. “But let me call someone to alert my absence.”

            Minhee walked a few feet away from the group before taking her phone out. She dialed the number and waited for the person to pick up the phone while the line rang. “Hello?” the person said.

            “Hey Jongin oppa,” Minhee said. “It’s me Minhee.”

            “Oh, hey Minhee,” he said. “You need anything?”

            “I just want to alert that I’m going to be home late since I’m hanging out with my friends.”

            “Got7?” he asked.

            “Yep,” she replied.

            “Arraso, just remember to let one of the guys walk you home or my mom will kill me,” he reminded.

            “Nae oppa!” she said.

            “Okay, I’m going to return to my dance practice. Later Minhee,” he said.

            “Arraso; annyeong oppa,” she said before hanging up. She returned to the group, who was laughing at something. “Ready?” she asked.

            Everyone eagerly nodded as they started walking to their destination.  Jackson was giving Minhee a piggy back ride while the others walked. “Now for a 360 spin!” he yelled as he spun Minhee in a circle.

            “Kya!” Minhee squealed as her grip around Jackson tightened. “Put me down!” she yelled as she struggled to get off of his back. Jackson placed Minhee sown while laughing at her reaction. Minhee gave Jackson a hard slapped on Jackson’s arm. “Meanie,” she said as she walked over to Mark and BamBam, leaving Jackson, who was rubbing his arm.

            All seven of them walked around the night market, trying different kinds of street food. “Yum!” Minhee said as she took a bite of her potato stick. 

            “Nothing is better than homemade food!” Youngjae said as he ate his meat stick.

            “Omo! This is so adorable!” Minhee said as she ran over to a stand that was selling a fluffy unicorn. “It’s so fluffy I’m going to die!’ she squealed as she dug into her backpack for her wallet. “How much is that ahjumma?”

            “10,000 wons,” she answered. ($10)

            Before Minhee could pull out her wallet, someone else had paid for the unicorn. “Thank you for shopping!” the ahjumma smiled.

            “Huh?” Minhee thought as she looked up. She was greeted with Jr. holding the fluffy unicorn she wanted. “For you,” he said as he handed her the unicorn.

            “You don’t have to oppa,” she said as she took out her wallet. “I could have paid it.”

            Jr. shrugged as he shoved his hands into his pocket. “Take it as an early birthday gift,” he smiled at her.

            “Thank you oppa!” she said as she hugged him before running off to the others.

            Jr. stood there with a smile plastered on his face. “She hugged me!” he thought as he followed Minhee.

            They all walked to Han River to go watch the fireworks. While waiting, Jackson and Mark went to Starbucks to order drinks for them.

            “Hey guys! Look what I got!” BamBam yelled as he ran up to them with a box of sparkler.

            “What the hell,” Yugyeom said as he raised one of his eyebrows at his hyung. “Where the hell did you get these?’ he asked as he took one.

            BamBam shrugged his shoulders as he gave everyone one. “There was this ahjussi selling a box for a dollar. He said that he wanted to get rid of it since Korean New Year is over,” he said.

            “That makes sense,” Yugyeom said.

            “We’re back!’ Jackson hollered as he returned with Mark and two trays of Starbuck drinks.

            “About time!” Youngjae said as he went up to Jackson to help pass out the drinks.

            “For you,” Mark smiled as he handed Minhee her Cookie Dough Frappuccino.

            “Thank you,” Minhee said as she accepted the drink.

            While the guys were playing around with the sparklers, Minhee was skimming the crowded area while sipping her drink. Her eyes rested on a familiar blonde- brownish head with a similar school unicorn to hers. Before she could react, the blonde- brownish hair vanished into the crowd. “Was that JB oppa?” she asked herself as she slightly tilted her head to the side. “Aniya, it can’t be,” she shook her head.

            “Minhee!” Jr. said as he walked up to her with two unlighted sprinklers. “Come join us!” he smiled.

            “Um…,” she said as she gazed at her drink and the unicorn in her arms.

            Jr. chuckled at Minhee. “Let’s placed the unicorn in your backpack,” he said as he handed her the sparklers and went behind her. He opened her backpack and was met with her dirty P.E clothes, notebooks, and a binder. He took the unicorn from Minhee and placed it into her backpack before zipping it. “Now come join the fun!” he smiled as he gave her one of the sparklers and lit both of them up before dragging her to the guys.

            They guys were waving the sparklers like it’s a light stick people used at concert. Minhee giggled at Jackson’s fan chant for Mark, who was flushed in embarrassment. “Markson! Markson! Markson!” he yelled as he pretended the two sparklers in his hands as pompoms.

            “Dang, I never knew Jackson is a cheerleader,” Yugyeom commented as he watched the immature Jackson do mid-air splits.

            Minhee laughed at Yugyeom’s comment as she looked around. Her eyes rested on a couple making out. “That hair though,” she thought. “It looks like JB’s.” Her eyes traveled towards the uniform and realized it’s her school unicorn. Curiosity took over her, and she started to walk towards the couple.

            BamBam noticed Minhee leaving, so he followed to see what she’s up to.

            When Minhee was about ten feet from the couple, she could only see the girl’s face, but not the guy’s face though. “She looks familiar,” she thought. After a few seconds of pondering, she realized it was the girl that called her an embarrassment at the park.

            The guy turned around, and Minhee’s arms dropped in defeat. The guy making out with the same chick was no other than JB.





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Strawberrykiwi #1
Chapter 15: That born hater reference though. LOOOOOOL
Chapter 15: wow . what a horrible past for minhee . get a revenge minhee i can't wait to read that part. don't you ever love him , he 's not deserve it .
Taelin #3
Chapter 15: he is an and say what she did not get over him yet , waah , show him who is the best and what he lost
Chapter 15: That blood bastard hope he get hit by a car...and the bloody too and die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*do voodoo* grrrr........die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Minhee.......Fighting for the next chapter!
Chapter 14: uhm okay.....that was......odd......fighting for the next chapter!
Chapter 11: UPdate soon . I want to read more .
ReeUbamboo #7
Chapter 1: this is a great story :) Liking it :)
Chapter 11: Ahhh something bad must've happened.... fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 10: This was a flasback is it? Hmmm....fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 9: I have a feeling JB took advantage of her or something thats why.......or embarrassed her...i dunno~ hwaiting for the next chapter!