Ch. 11

Married To My Nightmare

March 13, 2009 Saturday

It was a normal, cloudy day; Minhee’s favorite day. She had decided to walk her neighbor’s dog for fun. She put on a pair of adidas sweatpants, a gray t-shirt, and a pair of Nike Free shoes.

            “I’ll be going now umma!” she said as she took her phone and her ear buds. She put on the Nike lightweight running arm phone case on her right upper arm.

            She walked over to her neighbor’s house and knocked on the door. “Coming!” someone said. When the door was opened, there stood a fifteen years old guy. “Yah Minhee, are you selling girl scout cookies because if you are, I’m not buying it,” he said.

            Minhee frowned at him. “Um…,” she started. “I’m not selling girl scouts cookies. I’m here to walk your dog.” Minhee pointed at the 2 puppies. “And for your information, Girl Scout season doesn’t start until next month.”

            “Oh Minhee-shi!” Mrs. Kim said as she went towards the doorway. “Are you here for Jjanggu & Monggu?”

            Minhee nodded.

            “Jongin, go get the dog leashes for her,” Mrs. Kim ordered her son.

            Her son obeyed as he left to go get it and soon reappear with it. He clipped it onto the dogs’ collars before handing the leashes to Minhee.

            “Thanks,” Minhee said. “Bye Mrs. Kim! Bye Jongin oppa!”

            “Isn’t Minhee selling girl’s scout cookies this week?” Mrs. Kim asked before shutting the door. “Because I sure want some of those thin mints and those coconut ones!”

            “She said that it’s starting next month,” Jongin said as he rolled his eyes at his mother before going to back to play League of Legends.

            Minhee tugged on the leashes so the dog can follow her. They all jogged towards a park near their home. “Come on you guys! You could do better than that!” Minhee cheered. The two dogs panted when they finally caught up with her. They ran the perimeter of the park a few times before they finally decided to take a break. They walked over to a nearby Starbucks. Minhee tied the leashes to a chair so the dogs won’t escape. She went in and bought a bottle of energy drink and 2 cups of water. She went back outside and set down the two cups of water for the two dear puppies.  She settled in a chair and took a long, nice sip from her drink. She smiled at the cloudy sky as she placed her drink on the table. She scanned the area as she waited for the two puppies to finish drinking. Her eyes rested on a familiar shirt. “Isn’t that the shirt I bought for oppa?” she though as she suddenly stood up. Right on time, the puppies had finished drinking. They both walked over to the park and followed the guy with the familiar shirt. This shirt had somehow caught Minhee’s full attention because this shirt was custom made. The brand was from, and she customized the shirt to say ‘Got7’, JB’s group name, on the back of his shirt.

            Minhee followed the guy into the park, and there stood a pretty foreign looking girl wearing a sky blue skater skirt with suspenders and white t-shirt underneath it. Minhee his behind an oak tree and watched them share hugs and a kiss. She stood there in confusion as her question remained unanswered. When the guy turned his head towards Minhee’s direction, she froze. It was no other than JB. Her heart slowly shattered as she watched her boyfriend hold hands with another girl that is clearly not her. Minhee went into depress mode that the leashes slowly fell out of her grip. At the same time, Jjanggu and Monggu had spotted a squirrel and decided to take the chance to chase it.

            “Woof! Woof!” they both barked.

            Minhee snapped out of dazed as her eyes widened. “Crap!” she thought as she chased after the two wild dogs. “Hajima! Yah! Jjanggu! Monggu!” she called out as she sprinted.

            She ignored the people who she had pass-byers, who were giving her weird looks. 

            The squirrel climbed up a tree, leaving the two hyper dogs behind. When Minhee finally caught up with the dogs, she was breathless. Like literally. He chest was going up and down while her heart was pounding like the world is about to end underneath. She tiredly took the leashes into her gripped. “Come one,” she said as she tugged on the leashes.

            The three of them walked around the park. Minhee was humming to Busker Busker Cherry Blossom Ending, and let’s just say that it’s a good thing since Minhee had forgotten about JB. She started to jog slowly once she regained her energy. While running, she noticed that one of her shoelaces were untied. She slowly stopped on and walked onto the grass so she won’t block the path for the other runners. She tightly wrapped the leashes around her wrist before bending down to tie her shoes.

            Suddenly, another squirrel popped up. Jjanggu and Monggu started to bark again and chased after it, forgetting that Minhee was tying her shoe. This had caused Minhee to fall face flat. The two dogs struggles to run after the squirrel, but thanks to Minhee’s weight, they couldn’t.

            “That’s it,” Minhee muttered as she stood up. “We’re going home this instant.” She quickly got up and dusted the grass and dirt off of her clothes. She pouted when she saw a grass stain on her gray t-shirt. The dogs and Minhee started to walk out of the park. While walking, Minhee was so ticked off about the event with the squirrel and the dogs she didn’t pay attention where she was going. This had caused her to bump into a guy.

            “Oh! I’m sorry!” she apologized as she bowed.

            “It’s okay,” he said.

            “That voice,” Minhee thought as her eyes widened. She slowly looked up and saw the same style on the custom made shirt. “It can’t be.” Minhee’s eyes traveled to the guy’s face. When she saw his face, she almost fainted at the sudden shock.  There stood JB in front of her. They both stare at each other in surprisement.

            Before Minhee could say anything, the same girl from earlier popped up right next to JB. Now that Minhee could see her face clearly, Minhee noted that the guy looks foreign. “Oppa, let’s go get some ice cream,” she said as she linked her arms with his. Minhee noticed the heavy accent when she speaks in Korean.  The girl looked at Minhee in disgust. “Oppa, do you know this girl?” she asked him. “Because if you do, I’m embarrassed to be with you.”

            Minhee was surprised by the girl’s remark. She couldn’t believe what she said too JB about her. Her? An embarrassment?  Yeah there’s grass stain on her clothes because she was being dragged by two hyper dogs that were chasing a squirrel. No one can blame her about that. “I can’t believe I thought she was nice,” Minhee frowned.

            “Never judged a book by its cover,” Lay’s words rang in her head. Before Minhee could say anything about her being JB’s girlfriend, JB interrupted her. “No,” he said as he turned to look at that foreign girl. “No, I don’t.”

            Minhee was now really, really shocked. She was upset to see that JB refused to tell this girl their relationship. JB and that girl walked past Minhee while she turned around to watch them walk away. There was still hope that JB would at least glance back at her, but sadly, he didn’t.

            Minhee sadly walked the dogs back to the neighborhood. While walking, Minhee was deep in thought as she tried to replay the moment from earlier. “Was he trying to make our relationship a secret?” she asked herself. “Aniya, it can’t be. The whole school knows, and we won the cutest couple.”

            Minhee returned the two dogs to its rightful owner before going back to her house. “I’ll text him later about what happened,” she noted to herself as she went to go take a shower. “Maybe it’s the clothing,” she continued making up hypothesis.


           Hello my dear readers! Mianhae for not updating up my shapters over a month! >.< Like in the outher chapter I had stated, my dad saldy blocked asianfanfics due to virus. The only time I would be able to update is when I'm at my grandparent's house or somewhere that isn't my house. c: Don't worry, on my free time I would type it on Word Document and upload it on

Here's the link to catch up with the story if you're itchy for what's going to happen next!  ^^ I hope you guys please enjoy Married To My Nightmare and continue to support me! ^^ Finals are ongoing right now in my school and it's really frustrating! D: I have projects and  presentations going on. D: So yeah.................................. Hope you guys can comment and subscribe to my story to read! ^^ Love you guys! <3 <3 <3


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Strawberrykiwi #1
Chapter 15: That born hater reference though. LOOOOOOL
Chapter 15: wow . what a horrible past for minhee . get a revenge minhee i can't wait to read that part. don't you ever love him , he 's not deserve it .
Taelin #3
Chapter 15: he is an and say what she did not get over him yet , waah , show him who is the best and what he lost
Chapter 15: That blood bastard hope he get hit by a car...and the bloody too and die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*do voodoo* grrrr........die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Minhee.......Fighting for the next chapter!
Chapter 14: uhm okay.....that was......odd......fighting for the next chapter!
Chapter 11: UPdate soon . I want to read more .
ReeUbamboo #7
Chapter 1: this is a great story :) Liking it :)
Chapter 11: Ahhh something bad must've happened.... fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 10: This was a flasback is it? Hmmm....fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 9: I have a feeling JB took advantage of her or something thats why.......or embarrassed her...i dunno~ hwaiting for the next chapter!