New Moon

Lover's Moon



There's a lover's moon tonight
As I look back over my shoulder




I was looking out of the terrace of the house I just inherited form my grandparents, getting a pristine view of the lake and surrounding area.


Nothing much has changed except maybe me.


The moon shines bright tonight. I feel nostalgia grab me as I look at the night sky.


It’s a lover’s moon tonight just like the first time I met her.








I was like any typical person who grew up in the city.

I wouldn’t get lost in a mall or be scared of dark alleys. I consider the traffic noise and smog as part of the city environment with the cars and people as the inhabitants. And more than the moon and stars it’s the neon lights I am most attracted to at night.


But one summer after my graduation from college, my parents decided to send me to my grandparents in the countryside.


The countryside?! WTF! Were they planning on killing me with boredom? No internet, no cable, no mall, no clubs. Come on! I needed my entertainment.


I was complaining all of these to my parents when my father as wise as he would want me to think, told me “Jiyong, consider this vacation as an exercise to learn simplicity and appreciate nature. Who knows you might learn from it? And besides your grandpa is already expecting you tomorrow”


That seals the deal then.


Grandpa Kwon is a formidable man even in his old age. He runs a grape vineyard and winery in the countryside. He expected my father to follow his footsteps being the only son, but my father took up law instead. And as the first-born grandson in our family and as a way for my father to make amends, I was named after him. And so most likely, my grandpa thinks I’m his heir.


Hell! I don’t know the first thing about planting grapes. I don’t even have an interest in how to make wine except to drink them. And I don’t like being forced what to do. I’m not ready for this responsibility. Besides, the countryside sounds so lame, I could already hear the crickets.


I packed my bags under protest and slept that night fretfully dreading being stuck in no man’s land also known as loserville.




The countryside was so full of trees and the climate seemed colder, the air smelled like grass and I could actually hear birds chirping. It was weird and different from what I grew up in. Everything just looked green and brown and blue.


Upon reaching my grandparents’ house, I was amazed that it was situated near a hill and that it overlooks the vineyard. I was also surprised that the house was huge. We’ve been here before when I was a kid but somehow I don’t have any clear memory of it.


I was greeted immediately by my grandparents while my stuff was collected by the helpers to be brought to my room.


“Oh my! Our little Jiyong has grown. And what a handsome boy you’ve become. I can’t wait to introduce you to some of the girls here” Grandma Kwon gushed.


“It’s near harvest time. We could use your help and it would be good if you could learn the tricks in the business.” Grandpa Kwon said.


Aisht! I haven’t settled in and they are already talking about girls and work. I don’t mind flirting with the ladies, but work? You’ve got to be kidding me.


Grandpa gave me a tour of the land. We went to the vineyard then to the winery. He also pointed out that there was a lake beyond the trees bordering his land where I could go to swim if I wanted to. Yeah right, like I would.





It was nighttime and I couldn’t sleep. I went outside the house to grab some air and pass time. Seriously, there was nothing to do that I could think of. Even the cellphone connection here and I couldn’t get hold of my friends.


I looked up at the sky and I was again amazed how different the sky is here from the city. I have never seen so many stars and the moon looked bright and glowing. I was pondering how beautiful it looked when I heard someone speak behind me.


“Lover’s moon” Grandpa Kwon said.


“What?” I repeated, thinking I misheard him.


“It’s a lover’s moon tonight. When the moon is bright, it’s perfect for lovers’ trysts and walks in the woods”


“That’s old-fashioned. Back in the city, I could flirt, get and break up with any girl just by texting. Who needs the moon?” I said.


“It’s the power of the romantic mood. Also the old folks believe that lovers who swear by the moon and are blessed by the moon goddess will have a lasting love.  It worked for me with your grandma.” He said and winked at me.


Seriously this old man is creeping me out. I decided, what the hell, and try the lake. I told grandpa that I’ll maybe take a dip in the lake and come back soon.




Upon reaching the lake, the moon was reflected on its surface, disturbed only by the ripples of waves. I was half-tempted to dip in but I reminded myself that the water could be infested. So I sat on a log on the banks watching over the lake and the reflected moon.


Suddenly, I heard a splashing noise as a girl emerged from the lake, walking towards the shore.


I have no words to describe her. She was perfect. And if I would believe Grandpa’s story she’d have to be the moon goddess or probably some other deity. I haven’t seen any girl like her with unearthly beauty and skin that glows as if illuminated. She was wearing her nightdress which now clung to her like second skin from being wet.


I felt my breath catch and my heart race. I seemed frozen to my spot and could not move.


She reached the shore and seemed to have noticed me.


I suddenly felt warmth on my cheeks as she stared at me. I haven’t experienced blushing in front of a girl before. And I was lucky it was dark.


“Who are you?” she asked.


“I’m jj-Jiyong” I said stammering. Hell! I haven’t stammered or even act flustered in front of a girl before.


“I’m Sandara” she said.


“Nice to meet you” I said, mentally slapping myself for my poor line.  Was this the effect of staying in the countryside? I’ve only been here a day and I’ve already lost my swagger.


“Nice to meet you too” she said as she walked away to the other side of the woods.


Before I could lose sight of her and before I lose my courage, I asked her a very important question. “Will I see you again?”


“Depends” she said, shrugging her shoulders.


“On what?” I asked, thinking she was playing hard to get.


“The moon” she said before disappearing into the woods.






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Chapter 9: Beautiful love story authornim and there is nothing impossible about ❤️ if the person u love most all sacrifices u done have happy ending❤️
Chapter 9: ♥️
TOPalmond #3
Chapter 9: the first time i read this story back then, i thought dara was some kind of fairy? hehe. i do really want have a strong bond like them, lingering over the years towards my lover.

ps. please comebck unnie!
Chapter 9: Its a amazing story, one of a kind indeed thumbs up for this!
prettyunnie #5
Chapter 9: A very heartwarming story...thank you for sharing this to really do know how to make a beautiful story who could touch our hearts...good job :)
ahhh...such faithful love....a hopeless romantic author.. thank you ^^
talkingbananababy #6
Chapter 1: It seems that the 'flashback' is somewhat like a poem when i'm reading it. Lol, i think i was just strucked by your previous fic which was the last one i read before this. hihi
Chapter 9: awww so sweet :3
PamelaGumamela #8
Chapter 9: Short but it's full of love. It was amazing and sweet. True love waits :) Thank you for the wonderful story.
Chapter 9: i was touch by this story!! Wonderful!!
Chapter 9: Woah.. Beautiful