Kris: Weirdo Wu

Chenshine and Daelight Scenario Request Shop

"You are such a weirdo,"

"You know you love me,"

Kris smirks at the girl in front of him, earning a hearty smack on the head afterwards. "Stop being a jerk. Now answer these," she orders, not even looking at the taller. Kris sighs, defeated, and turns his focus to the paper on the table again. After attempting -and failing - to answer the questions he fidgets again, trying to get her attention. "What is it now, Kris?"

"I can't answer these. You know I hate History,"

She rolls her eyes. "I don't care. Hate it or not, your father would transfer you to some other school if you fail History again," 

Kris smirks again, eliciting an annoyed groan from the girl. "God, I hate it when you smirk,"

"Why? Do I look handsome or y?"

"You look ugly, and I hate you," she bangs her fist onto the table, making the former looks a bit worried. "Whoa, why are you so mad? Yejin, are you okay?" He lightly touches her forearm, making her flinch, and he retracts his hand. "I'm okay. Let's just go back to studying," Kris obeys her words this time, because she looks like she would lash out any time and he's not going to take that risk. Somehow he made his girlfriend upset, and he's not going to upset her more. 

After the study session ended Yejin was the first one to leave the library, immediately leaving Kris. I wonder what's wrong with her today. She never acted like this before. Sure, Kris annoys her every day but she's not easily upset by it. Normally she would just roll her eyes and ignores his sassy remark and teach him more about the founding date or Korean pottery but all she did today is give him some questions to answer. So he decided to drop by her house before going back to his own. 

When he was walking pass the park on his way to Yejin's house he spotted a familiar girl sitting on the bench, her knees brought up to her chest, crying. "Yejin," he mutters under his breath as he walk towards her. She didn't saw him coming and flinched when she felt someone touching her shoulder. 


She looks up, tears still swelling in her eyes. Even though she cries easily, she always acts tough, trying hard not to cry in public. To say Kris is worried is an understatement."Oh god, Yejin. What- why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry," she leans in and cries, her tears soaked by the fabric of Kris' shirt. He immediately stretches his long limbs to wrap protectively around her body, pulling her closer. "Hey, don't cry. It's okay," he keep muttering 'it's okay' even though he doesn't know why she's crying. "Yejin-ah, please tell me what happened,"

She pulls away from Kris, and look away, trying to hide from his gaze. 

"I'm not a good girlfriend. You should break up with me," tears are still falling down her cheeks as she said it, and Kris couldn't believe the words that just came out of . "What? No. You're not a bad girlfriend. If anything, I'm the bad boyfriend," Kris doesn't know how to sweet talk to a girl so he ends up stuttering the words. 

"I am. I... Jongin kissed me,"


"Did you kiss him back?" Kris tried to say it in the calmest tone possible, trying to make it not sound too cold. He doesn't know if it work or not. "No," she glances at him, before looking away again. "But I let him. I let him kissed me," she hides her face in her hands again, not even daring to look at Kris in his eyes. "I'm a bad girlfriend. I'm a bad girlfriend. I'm a bad girlfriend..." she keep muttering the words while Kris is still looking blank. 

Kris doesn't know whether to run away or hug her, because he doesn't know if she is guilty or not.

Jongin kissed her. She didn't kiss back, but she let him. Does that mean she likes it? How on earth would Kris know all she's muttering is 'I'm a bad girlfriend'. "I... I should leave now," he didn't have time to think when Yejin is already running away from her. When her silhouette fades the realization hits him square in the face. "Yejin-ah! Yejin-ah!"

He tries to catch up after her, but she's already too far away. When he arrives at her house he bangs on the door loudly. "Yejin-ah! Yejin-ah! Open the door, Yejin!" He knows there is no one home right now because her parents are out for work and won't be home until six so no one would open the door for him except her. "Yejin! Please, open the door, Yejin. Please,"

When his pleadings fail, he eyes the tree next to the house. He used to climb the tree a lot when they were kids, and he knows that the tree is right next to her room's window. "Heck, I might as well just try,"

He throws aside his jacket and blazer and rolls up the sleeve of his uniform. "Let's just wish I still have this in me,"

He starts climbing the tree, noisily, and Yejin could hear the branches rustling because of the weight causing it to sway and knows it's Kris, but couldn't bring herself to see it. She kissed another boy, well, he kissed her, but she didn't do anything about it. She didn't kiss him back, nor did she push him away, she just let him. How can she ever face her boyfriend ever again?

That is, until a loud thud is hear, followed by a long, and painful groan. She looks outside the window and saw Kris on his back, on the ground. "Kris!" She immediately run down the stairs and open the door, running towards the injured boy. He's sprawled on the ground, unabled to move. "Yah! What are you doing?"

"Coming for you, you wreckless girl,"

She tries to drag him into the house, grunting all the way there. When she sat the taller boy onto the sofa she immediately throw a cushion at him. "You could have died, you know. You're such an idiot, it's so frustrating!"

"Yah! I was climbing the tree because you didn't open the door!"

"I don't want to let you in!"

"I wanted to talk to you!"

"I don't wanna!" Somehow Kris gets on his feet and towers over the girl. His height making it easy for him to hover over her, and even though it intimidates the smaller girl she didn't back away, only to look straight into the boy's eyes. Kris sighs. Yejin is a very stubborn girl, and if she means she doesn't to talk about it it's almost impossible to make her do so. The only ones ever succeed in making her do things she doesn't want to are her best friends, Jongdae, Baekhyun and Chanyeol. And of course, that annoys Kris when he found out she listens to other boys more than she does with him.

"Yejin," Kris was trying to strike a conversation about the incident when she stubbornly plugs her ears with her fingers and say 'lalalala' in a sing song voice. In othe circumstances Kris would find this funny, but right now he really want to talk to her. He wraps his fingers around her wrist, pulling their hands to Yejin's back, and kiss her, on the lips. 

That shuts her up.

"There. Is that how Jongin's lips felt?" She shooks her head, trying to look away from Kris. She's not mad at him, nor is she feeling guilty, she's embarassed. Kris doesn't always talk about intimate things like this and when he does, it makes her blush. "Then I'm okay with it,"

"You are?"

"Come on, I fell from that tree and sprained my ankle for you, of course I am," even though he's still upset, he can't say that to her. He knows Yejin doesn't mean not to pull away from Jongin when he kissed her, because he knows Yejin is in love with him only. But that will never stop him of being protective over her when Jongin is around in the future, though. Maybe she did mean to let Jongin kiss her. Maybe she likes Jongin kissing her. But Kris is too in love with her to care.

"You sprained your ankle? Oh my god, what the hell are you doing here? We should take you to the hospital or something!" Yejin panicks, and all the doubts in Kris' mind is gone. "Why are you smiling, you idiot? Let's go to the hospital, now!" She tries to drag him again, but to no avail. Kris yanks her hand forcefully, and she ends up on top of Kris, while he is lying on the sofa. "I know you only love me,"


She blushes, trying to free herself from Kris' arms. "You only care for me, right? Why should I care about that Jongin guy?"

"Does this mean you won't punch the lights out of him tomorrow?"

"I'll still punch him. He has the nerve to kiss my girl,"

"I'm still really sorry, though. Ugh, I still feel like a bad girlfriend," she groans into Kris' chest. Slowly, Kris lifts her chin so they would meet eyes. "Yejin, I don't know how to say romantic things to girls. But I don't care if you're not the perfect girlfriend. Because I'm not the perfect boyfriend, either. Let's just be the imperfect couple that we are,"

"That has got to be the stupidest line ever. You're such a weirdo,"

"You know you love me,"

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Chapter 5: Ahh, it is great. Thank u authornim
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Partner : BTS Suga
Scenario: Author's choice
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