
All the little things


Jessica Jung couldn’t cook. The last time she tried, she almost burned down the kitchen because she forgot that she left the stove on while she went to sleep. Ever since then, Yuri never let Jessica into the kitchen. Unless she wasn’t there to cook. (If you know what I mean)

Once, Yuri was down with a high fever. She was bed-ridden and Jessica decided to cook some porridge for her. Jessica stood in front of stove for a good 5 minutes. 

Now what… 

After what seems like forever, she whipped out her phone and dial for helpline.



“Oh hey sica. What’s up? How’s the black kid doing?

“She’s sleeping. Can I ask… howdoyoucookporridge?”

She was embarrassed to ask for help. Being a prideful person, she never asked for help unless she is desperate. Her girlfriend being sick and needs to eat is a desperate situation.

“Ah? Can you repeat that? I didn’t hear you”

“I said… how do you cook porridge..”

She was embarrassed. She knows that Taeyeon is gonna laugh at her for this. Not that her cooking skills hasn’t been a joke before.

“Heh. Cooking for the black kid eh? Okay Here’s what you need to do..”

Jessica proceeds to follow the instructions that Taeyeon gave and starts to prepare her first meal for her sick girlfriend.




Yuri woke up and stretches her arms. She touched her own forehead and was glad to find out that her temperature has dropped to an ordinary range. She looked around the room, hoping to see her girlfriend nearby. When she didn’t find her, she decided to go out of her room to find.

Stepping out of her room, Yuri was hit by a strong aroma. Following it, she saw her girlfriend cooking. At first she panicked. She was about to rush over, thinking that the kitchen was about to burn down, but then she saw how concentrated her girlfriend was, cooking a meal for her. She smiled and went over and s her arms around Jessica’s waist.

“It smells nice sica”

Yuri noticed how Jessica kept quiet and she was pretty sure she saw a faint pink blush on her cheeks.


Jessica continues to prepare the meal and Yuri just hugs her and watches while she prepares.




Yuri couldn’t wait to taste this porridge made by her girlfriend. It was the first time Jessica cooked, and most importantly, she didn’t burn down the kitchen. If she was to be very honest, it smells and looks good. And that itself makes Kwon Yuri proud of Jessica Jung already.

Yuri picked up the spoon and scoop some porridge up. She looks over to Jessica and see’s girlfriend nervous face, wanting to know how it tastes. She slowly puts the porridge into . She slowly bites and then swallows it.

Jessica looks at her intently… “So... How was it? Do you like it?”

Yuri shakes her head. Jessica pouted and sighed.

Yuri didn’t say anything. She walks over to Jessica and hugs Jessica tight. 

“I don’t like it… I love it! “

Upon hearing that, Jessica’s face broke into a big smile and she hugs Yuri tighter.

Since then, Jessica was allowed into the kitchen again. With supervision of course.



Thanks for reading! I will continue to do my best :)

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Chapter 6: Hehehe nice!!
Kaka_Borneo #2
Chapter 6: this sooo cute~~
and I hope you have your Yuri to take care of you too~~ ;)
Chapter 6: Cute relationship
illegal0518 #4
Chapter 6: this is nice I
Chapter 5: what first fanfic. It's amazing!! damn I envy you
Chapter 5: This is your first fanfic but u write so well!
I'm so jealous of u.. my first fanfic was boring as hell. HahaXD
Anyway, update soon ok?
jmbaculao #7
Chapter 5: Yay Christmas special! Thanks for the update!
121492 #8
Chapter 5: Merry christmas :)
Chapter 5: Thank you for the update :) So sweet :) <3 Merry Christmas :)
crizxii29 #10
Chapter 5: Merry Christmas :)