Chapter 37

To Kill A Vampire

Okay guys so I said that there would be three more chapters, but I've changed it so that the chapter after this one will be the last. I'M SORRY GUYS HEHE... Ahem..


"Quick! Quick! Into my room!" Chaelin said hurrying us down the corridor. 

I think every maid in the palace was trying to help us. At least something was working in our favour. We made it to Chaelin's room and she immediately shut the door behind her. She let out a deep breath as she lean't against the door. 

"Okay..." She sighed, "You two stay here, no one's gonna come in here apart from the other maids so you have nothing to worry about. I'm supposed to be working in the kitchen, so I gotta run before anyone sees that I'm out of place... Uh, make yourselves comfortable I guess." She smiled and hurriedly fixed her stance as she walked out of the room leaving us in there alone.

"God... Thank I got out of there." Baekhyun sighed as he walked towards the double bed and slumped down on it, laying on his back.

"... Now what?" I asked. Baekhyun sat up and looked at me like I had spoken a different language.

"... What?" He asked.

"Now what?... We're just gonna hide in this room for the rest of our lives?" I asked. 

"... Oh my God... Chan... Don't..."

"Don't what?!"

"Just don't!" He shouted back.

I stayed silent. He knew what I was saying was right. What was we gonna do? Sit in this room and hope that they just forget about him? They won't stop until they find him. Dead or alive, they would want to find him. We couldn't just stay locked up in this room forever.

"... Chan... We was downstairs just two seconds ago, praying that we could both make it out of there alive... You was down there crying with me... And now I'm finally out... You just wonder what the we're gonna do next?!"

"Don't get angry at me Baek!... Yeah, I was crying... But I was crying because I thought you was gonna die!"

"And now I'm not!"

"Hear me out!... Baekhyun... I want a future with you... I don't want to keep running from everything and hiding away like some sort of criminal!... I just wanna be able to live in peace with my husband... I just wanna have an ordinary life with the man I love... I just wanna..."

"... Chanyeol... You once told me that sometimes... you don't always get what you want..." He started, making me think back to what I said when we was in the Human World. "You said... Sometimes things don't go the way you wanted them to go.... And that unfortunately... It was something that I just had to learn to live with... Well now it's my turn to say that... Chan... We knew things were gonna be hard... We knew what we was getting into... But that never stopped us... So why stop now?" He said. His voice was low and riddled with exhaustion.

"... I'm sorry..." I mumbled.

"... Don't apologise... I understand..." He held his arms out for a hug. I obliged and shuffled towards him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him as he pulled me down on the bed with him. 

I was tired. He was tired. How much more of this could we take before we snapped and broke up? Would all of this even be worth it in the end. I loved him so damn much, but we was bringing each other down. There was no denying that. Once again, he brought this back to me. He brought it back to how I was crying. Does that mean he wouldn't have cared to escape if I wasn't there? He was doing this for me again. I felt like I was the one who was almost getting him killed all the time. Maybe I was the dangerous one. Maybe I was the one who was gonna kill him. My heart skipped a beat as the horrid thought ran through my brain. I couldn't think such a thing. I hugged Baekhyun tighter and snuggled my face in his neck. 

I couldn't let go of him. I couldn't let go of him. I couldn't let go of him. I couldn't...


"Chan... Wake up baby..." Baekhyun gently said. He nudged my shoulder to wake me from my slumber. I sleepily opened my eyes and got to my senses.

"Here," He handed me a small plate with a sandwich on it. "I ate just before you woke up." He smiled gently. I sat up weakly and took the plate. I began eating as the room fell silent.

"Where... Where is everyone?" I asked tiredly.

"The maids are still at work. I've only been awake for about 20 minutes. Chaelin came in here and said that my parents sent out a search squad around the palace. They think that I went out looking for you." He laughed at the end.

I didn't think it was so funny. 

"Oh and here..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out my locket. "YiFei got it back for me... I still have mine..." He said as he passed me my locket and showed me his that was still chained around his neck. I took the locket and put in it my pocket.

"Baekhyun... What are we gonna do?... Don't get angry... I'm being serious... What are we gonna do... Next?.."

Baekhyun's faint smile dropped. He had to answer. What was next? 

"Okay... When... Things calm down... Maybe in a month or two... We'll sneak out and... Find an apartment somewhere out of the city and... Just live there..." He said sounding unsure, which wasn't really helping.

"And the people that sell us the apartment won't realise who you are?... The people who live next to us won't know who you are?... You won't get fed blood regularly like you do here... And especially in the countryside where there are barely any Strigoi-"

"Okay well then I was wrong!" He snapped. "Chanyeol... This is just a rough patch... We'll both get out of this together... I don't care if I have to go to the end of the earth to be with you, but I will... I can only life happily when I'm with you... And we will live a peaceful, happy life one day... I promise..." 

I looked at him. There was a tiresome and stressed out look in his eyes. 

"Baekhyun... Was you happy when you was locked in that cell?" I asked. He shook his head.

"You say that you can only live a happy life with me... But I was the reason you got put in that cell." I said. Baekhyun tried to deny it, but I shushed him quiet. "I was the reason and you know it. They wouldn't have gone out looking for you if you had just killed her... But they found out you had been dating me, a Dhamphir... They had to put you in that cell because they were afraid of people finding out ruining their image... If you had only killed Mi, they would have left you to survive on the streets."

"But I would have never had killed that suitor if I didn't have you!" He said.

He took in a sharp breath as he realised the irony in what he had said. I know that he just wanted to fight back and prove that I was wrong, but he couldn't do that when I was actually... Right.

He looked down. He brought his hands to his face and sniffled up. He started crying. 

"I can't break up with you Chan." He cried. His breathing was all over the place and his eyes were red and teary.

"I love you too much..." He whispered in pain as he fell to his knees, his face still in his palms.

"Please... Please don't leave me Chanyeol..." He cried. 

He looked so weak. This wasn't the strong and cocky Baekhyun I knew. It was scary to watch someone who was usually so optimistic become such a wreck in a matter of seconds. His cries sounded like one of a childs.

"Don't leave me alone... I-I love you too much... I've never... Never felt love like this... Don't take this all away from me... Chanyeol, I'll do anything just... Just don't... Don't leave me by myself... I can't go through it all again..." He cried. He could barely get the words out. He was coughing and spluttering as his weak words spilled out. My heart ached. He looked so broken. 

"Baek... Stand up..." I said, on the edge of breaking out in tears.

He looked up at me. He was a mess. His eyes had already grown puffy and he was making small whimpers between his breathing every now and then. He brought his knee up and lean't his hands on his thighs to pull himself up slowly.

He stood there. His shoulders slumped and hands shaking by his sides. His knees were slightly bent and his face showed nothing but worry and sadness.

"Please don't leave me." He sobbed once more.

"You're strong enough to live without me Baek..."

"No I'm not! Chan! If you leave I won't have anything to live for! I'll be shoved through the royalty system and forced into some measly marriage! Chanyeol! You won't be helping anyone if you break up with me! There won't be a point in me hiding so when I go out and face them they'll kill me anyway!" He screamed like a child having a tantrum.

"Baekhyun Shh! Someone will hear you..." I whispered.

He took in a deep breath and tried to calm down a little bit. I stood up and walked over to him. I pulled his body tightly next to mine. I buried his head in my chest and his head trying to calm him down.

"You're strong Baek remember that, you are strong with or without me. You have to promise me. You've gotta promise me that you will become King someday and that you will change this world. You gotta keep that promise Baekhyun with or without me..." I whispered between his sobs.

I rocked him from side to side trying to comfort him. He reminded me of myself when my parents died. And that's the thought that scared me the most. 

Because I could only let go of my pain, once I could let go of them...

Maybe I couldn't let go of him...

But he had to let go of me...


Maybe 4 hours had passed since Baekhyun cried his eyes out. Time seemed to have no beginning or end. We couldn't tell whether it was morning or night. The Human world, the Guards breaking in, Baekhyun being locked up, it all seemed to be connected in a millisecond of time. Everything felt as if it was all packed into one day.

Me and Baekhyun were laying in Chaelin's bed, trying to avoid the topic of our future at all costs. Chaelin had come in about 30 minutes ago and informed us that she would be staying in another maids room for the night. They were all doing so much to help. I was laying on my right side while he laid on his left. We were facing each other and was only a few inches apart. Baekhyun's soft hands had found their way up my face and to my hair. He was twirling a piece of his between his fingers and had been doing so for quite a while.

"You know... When I'm King... I'm gonna make every stuck up prejudice Strigoi bow down to my Dhamphir husband... And I'm gonna make sure that there aren't any parent's that force their kids into marraige... And I'm gonna make Blood Latte's free for everybody..."

"Why Blood Latte's?" I laughed.

"They're ing gorgeous. Have you not had one?" 

"Hmm, it doesn't really sound like my kind of drink. I think I'll stick to my blood-free drinks." I laughed.

Baekhyun laughed gently. His eyes were still puffy and you could see that he was mentally tired from all the crying. His voice had become hoarse too from all the screaming and wailing. He smiled a little and stopped playing with my hair. He mouthed the words, 'I love you' and brought my lips to his. It started off as a simple peck on the lips, but the kiss became more loving by the second. Nothing sped up, yet nothing seemed to become more relaxed. We grew more passionate as our tongues danced across each others and our lips merged to one.

We parted after the loving moment and I looked at his deep red eyes. He look so tired. Like, internally tired. I felt so sad. I couldn't keep the thought out of my head. I couldn't bring myself to think of any other option. I felt like I was looking into the eyes of an innocent puppy, 
and I felt like the owner abandoning him... 

"I love you Chanyeol." He smiled.

I felt so bad... I felt so damn bad...

"I love you more... Byun Baekhyun..." I said, forcing myself to smile. 

He creeped his arms around me and snuggled up closer to me in the bed. I hugged him tighter then I ever had before. My lips were dry and my heart ached. 

"I love you Byun Baekhyun. Oh my God do I love you... Finding you was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. You brought the fun and the smiles back into my life. I remember, even before we started dating, when we was running away from those guys in the store... And I ran out with that that I hadn't paid for... I hated you so much for that... But I loved you so much for making me live on the edge for once... You taught me how to live every moment of my life like it was the last... And that's the most important thing in life isn't it?... To make the most of the limited time you've got? And I would have... Never... Had done any of that... If it wasn't for you... I would have spent the rest of my life locked up in that apartment, blind to the beauty of life... All thanks to you... The most beautiful thing in my life..."

Baekhyun looked up at me and started to stare. 


"Just let me finish... After my parent's death... I didn't know what I was supposed to do to be happy again... After awhile, I started to believe that it simply wasn't possible... I didn't know how to live again... But that was it... The answer was right in front of me... I had to live... I had to learn to live a little... And you was the one who taught me that... You taught me how to break the rules and to live like there was no tomorrow... And I thank you so... So much for that..."


"And I know that we are just two young boy's in love, desperate to stay together and thriving on the thought that one day everything was just gonna get better... But that was enough to bring me back to who I was... That was enough to put life back in me... That was enough... Because all I needed was to live... But you gave me all that... and so much more... I love you Byun Baekhyun..." 

I choked back the tears as I let out my final words.

"Chan... Your eyes..." He breathed.

I brought my hand up to my eyes in confusion. What was he on about? They felt fine.

"They're red..." He whispered, a smile forming on his face.

I was shocked. This hadn't happened before. My eyes had never changed. I'd never felt so emotional in my whole life. 

"Whoa... How much emotion did you put into that confession of your love for me." He laughed. 

"You look... So..." He trailed off.

"Strigoi?..." I laughed a little.

"Different..." He mumbled. "I definitely prefer my Dhamphir Chanyeol..." He smiled.

He brought his hand to my cheek and gently grazed his thumb under my eye. He brought me in for another gentle kiss before he snuggled up against my chest once more.

"I love you too... Park Chanyeol..." He yawned. 

Within only a few seconds, Baekhyun was off in a dream. His breathing slowed down and his body became limp. He was in peace now. He was calm. He was unknowing.

I knew what I had to do. I knew that this was the right thing to do. I knew that he wouldn't understand. But I knew that this was what I had to do.

I hugged him just a little bit tighter, trying not to wake him up. I left a firm and loving kiss on his forehead. I lean't next to his ear and whispered, "I love you, Byun Baekhyun..."

I slipped out of the bed covers and got to my feet. I knew what I had to do. 
I found the lined paper in the bottom drawer of Chaelin's bedside table and the black ink pen laying beside it. I knew this was the right thing to do.
I began writing my letter, my explanation, my final words to him. I knew that he wouldn't understand. 
I sat there for three, maybe four hours, writing for him. I wiped the tears from my eyes that had welled up over time and did what I needed to do. I walked over to the door and rested my hand on the door knob, with my letter in hand. But just before I could open the door I reached into my pocket and took out the delicate chain. I placed it gently on Baekhyun's bedside cabinet and smiled as I saw his beautiful face for the last time. 
I opened the door,
Took a deep breath,
And left.

I knew that this 
was what I had to do...



Baekhyun's Point Of View

I'd never slept so peacefully. 

Falling asleep in Chanyeol's arms was the most comfortable way to fall asleep. 

The bed covers engulfed my body and warmed me up well. I rolled over in my half asleep state, expecting to find Chanyeol laying beside me. 

He wasn't there.

My muscles felt achy, seeing as I had only just awoken, yet I managed to pull myself up onto my elbows. I tried my hardest to hear where he might be in the room. I thought that I might hear him rummaging around in the closet, but there wasn't a sound to be heard. I scanned the room looking for any sign that he was in here. My sight fell to the cabinet beside me where his locket had been left. 

I know that he hadn't put it there before bed. I would have remembered him putting it there, for sure. That wasn't something Chanyeol would do subconsciously. I know him, he wouldn't have left it there because he would have been worried if he forgot about it and became a nuisance to Chaelin. He left it there hoping that I would find it.
I sprung to my feet. Where was he? He better had just been in one of the other maids rooms.

A single slam on the door managed to make me freeze in my place.

I didn't know if I wanted to open it.

The knock was heavy, violent... It had a sinister hint to it. 

My heart was beating out of my chest,
But I knew I had to face whoever was on the other side of that door.

My cold fingertips reached out for the door handle. I gripped it tightly and slowly opened the white wood door. 

My father.
My father was standing there. 
My heart starting beating faster. 
How did he know where I was.
Why was he looking so calm.
And most importantly,
Where was Chanyeol?

"It's over... Baekhyun..." He said. 

He held out a dark wooden box.
It was about medium size, and the dark maroon colour gave it a haunting feel. 

"Hopefully we can just forget about this all."

I had no idea what he meant. I slowly reached out and took the box in my palms. 
I looked at him questioningly.
He gave me no expression.

I went down to the floor, resting on my knees and placing the box in front of me.
I looked up at him once more, and then back to the box to open it.

I lifted the lid of the box up.

Oh my god...

"... No..." 

My heart stopped beating. My stomach started churning. My hands started shaking.

"... No... No!... No! No!" I screamed. 

I dropped the box and fell onto my forearms. Within a matter of seconds my throat became sour as I puked up whatever was inside me. I choked and spluttered. The carpet was stained and my hands became bruised as I slammed them on the floor. 

"No... H-How... How could... You..." I was hyperventilating.

The shadow of my father faded away from the door as he walked off down the corridor.

I laid there,
Shaking and in shock.

I never thought I'd have to see it,
I always thought I'd be the first to go.

I dragged myself up and over to the box,
I shakily put my hand inside,

I lifted it up and held it between my two palms.
It was his. 
I just knew it.
I had held this once before.
Not literally, but metaphorically.

It was his.

It was Chanyeol's heart.

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shaima #1
Chapter 39: Why did chanyeol die :(
I was hoping that he would find his powers and he would be able to save baek and him ... and they would be together forever....

I'm crying sooo hard however I still loved the ending

Thank you for this amazing story ♡
Nana_2811 #2
look nice.. i will atart reading it now :)
justswim2014 #4
Chapter 41: This story was beautiful. The ending especially, too. Keep up the good work!
lorcaclea #7
Chapter 40: I didn't continue reading the story but then I read the last chapter and now I don't know what to do. He died and i didn't expect it to happen. I thought it will have an happy ending before I started reading this. Now my heart is broken and now I'm thinking, should I continue?
Chapter 40: I have to say this story was AMAZING. I really loved it, it had a beautiful plot and character development and it really did make me cry my eyes out. I'm literally crying as I'm writing this. Just having finished the story.

There were a few grammar mistakes here and there but hey no one's perfect we all make mistakes.

Congrats on doing a Good job with this story. 10/10 I loved it.
Chapter 40: Really beautiful.. I cannot explain how I'm feeling right now. I was crying for whole time and my eyes now hurts. Anyway, you have to be blessed by some like a hell good writing spirit or I don't know what else it could be. xD I'm just gonna go cry to the corner and hope that it will end soon (T___T)