Getting To Know You and Promises

With Love


I sat down, practice had just finished we had a little time to ourselves before we had to leave.

I was now feeling even more tired. I looked over at Taemin who was still going over a few dances moves.

Darn him if he had just kept still and quiet last night I wouldn’t be like this.

Besides tossing and turning he had also been talking in his sleep saying weird things like

“What’s your name?”

And “You’re so pretty” I sighed what was going on in that head of his.

And then Minho pulling that little stunt this morning how is a leader supposed to function like this?

I sat there for awhile and started to doze when I was startled by someone sitting beside me.

I looked up to see Jonghyun sitting down.

“you look tired” he said

I just glared at him.

He laughed. “I guess Taemin kept you up too huh?”

I nodded looking down and closing my eyes.

“Our Manake seems to have a crush” he said

I kept my eyes closed maybe if I didn’t say anything he’d stop talking and leave me alone I was too tired for this right now.

“Hey Hyung” he said nudging me.

“Did you hear me?”

I stayed quiet waiting for him to give up.

“Aish” he said letting out a sigh

He got quiet I knew now he had giving up and just as I was about to fall asleep I was once again interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

I looked up to see who could be coming in right now.

The two girls we had meet earlier stepped inside bowing slightly.

I was startled again when Jonghyun spoke beside me.

“that pretty brunette is back” he said I looked to see him smiling.

He stood up and walked over to meet them.

I shook my head was girls all he ever thought about?

At the same time I noticed Taemin doing the same except he went to greet the blonde.

“Joy” he called loud enough for everyone to hear.

Aigoo I thought now I’ll never get any sleep.



When the door opened I was pleasantly surprised to see the two girls from earlier enter the room.

The blonde was off limits Taemin had made that cleared but the brunette was all mine.

I put on my best smile and went over to greet her trying to remember which one was which.

When at the same time Taemin went to greet the blonde.

“Joy” he said out loud.

Aha I thought the other one must be Katie..

“Katie” I said “good to see you again”

Soon as the words left my mouth I felt stupid why couldn’t I have said something cooler usually this was no problem for me I always looked cool in front of girls. I looked at her smiling now starting to feel nervous.

“you too” she replied quietly.

I didn’t know what to say next why was I having so much trouble talking to her.

“why don’t you come sit down” I offered.

She nodded and followed me to the chairs. I sat down next to Onew and she sat down next to me.

“so….” I began.

“how are you liking the city so far?’

“well to tell the truth we haven’t seen much of it yet, we’ve been busy with work”

I nodded understandably.

It got quiet again I looked over at Taemin who seemed to have no trouble talking to his girl.

What’s wrong with me I thought.

I suddenly got an idea.

I turned to look at her and now her full attention was on me our eyes met for a brief second I broke the stare and looked away.

I cleared my throat preparing myself to suggest my idea.

“well” I said “it’s a shame if you don’t explore the city at least once what do you think of me I uh …. I mean us… you know SHINee showing you girls around?”

She remained quiet I looked back at her had she heard me? Was she ignoring me?

No, she was quietly looking at me as if she couldn’t believe what she just heard. When she finally registered that I was now looking at her she slowly nodded.

“sounds like fun” she finally said now smiling.

“just need to ask Joy” she said

she acted as if she was about to get up to go over to where Joy was before she could I called to Taemin.

“Yah, Taemin what do you think about taking these pretty girls around town tomorrow we’ve got some time off and they haven’t seen that much of the city”

Taemin turned and looked at me upon hearing my idea he smiled I could tell he liked the idea he turned to Joy and seemed to be asking her. She smiled and nodded. Yes I thought it’s a done deal.

“alright” Taemin said calling over to me.

“see” I said daring to glance at Katie who I now noticed was smiling.

Now the only thing left was to get rid of this nervousness I couldn’t have her thinking I was an idiot.



I kept looking back and forth between Taemin and Jonghyun both smiling and talking to the girls who had just walked in.

I couldn’t help but smile.

“two of my boys are growing up” I said to Minho who was standing beside me.

He didn’t say anything I looked at him he was staring at Joy and seemed deep in thought.

“yah” I said elbowing him “didn’t you hear me?”

He looked at me blankly.

“did you say something hyung?”

“Aish, you’re supposed to listen to your umma don’t you know?” I said teasingly.

He said nothing as he turned to look back at Joy.

“is something wrong” I asked

“no hyung nothing” he said

Finally breaking his stare and looking at the floor.

He then walked over to where the ice cooler was sitting and sat down in the chair beside it and took out a drink.

He didn’t have to tell me for me to know I knew exactly what was wrong.

Any good umma would.

I looked over to Jonghyun who was still talking to Katie he looks so nervous I thought laughing to myself so unlike his usual cool character.

I looked at Onew who was sleeping beside Jonghyun he looked uncomfortable but was doing his best to sleep.

I started to walk over to help him find a better way to sleep. He’ll hurt his neck like that I thought.

When suddenly Minho got up and started walking very fast towards Joy and Taemin when he got closer he still didn’t slow.

What’s he doing I thought surely he’s not going to…

But just as I thought he would he did.

He collided with Joy and his drink went flying out of his hand pouring all over her.



I sat there trying to think of a way to make her Hate me I had to, if she hated me then she wouldn’t wanna be near me and then I could stop liking her.

I looked at the drink in my hand. That’s it I thought.

I opened the drink and stood up bracing myself to do something I really didn’t wanna do.

I took a deep breath.

And quickly began walking towards her faster and faster never stopping soon I ran into her the soda spilling all over and covering her.

Yes I thought she’ll be angry at me.

“oops” I said trying my best to sound sarcastic.

I waited for her to yell but instead it was Taemin who began to shout at me.

“yah hyung what do you think you’re doing watch where you’re going”

“it’s alright Taemin” Joy said surprising me

“I’m sure it was an accident right?” she said smiling at me.

I couldn’t help it I smiled back and nodded at her shyly.

I looked at the ground I didn’t know what to do.

Taemin then grabbed a towel and was doing his best to help Joy clean off the soda to no avail seeing as how her shirt was white and the soda had a red tint to it. The shirt was ruined for sure.

I felt awful now, I was about to offer to get her some clothes when Key came over holding some out to her.

“These are some of Taemin’s extra clothes I brought just in case you can use them” he said smiling.

I looked at Key he looked back at me his eyes saying he was disappointed in me.

I then looked at the ground unable to meet his stare anymore.

I turned and walked to door leaving the room I leaned against the opposite wall trying to breath.

What had I done it didn’t work I just ended up feeling awful.

Why did she have to be so nice if she wasn’t I wouldn’t have given in so easily.

I had to figure something else out.

Then I remembered that tomorrow we were supposed to be taking the girls around the city perfect I thought. Surely I’ll be able to make her hate me by the end of tomorrow.

That was a promise to myself I had keep.


Key held out the clothes to me, I wasn’t sure if it was really alright that I take them.

I looked at Taemin who still had the towel in his hands.

“It’s alright Noona” he said

“how did you know I was older? I asked surprised most people guess me to be younger than I actually am cause I still have a baby face.

He looked down at the floor

“well you do look like you’re my age but you’d have to be at least 20 to work as an intern at least that’s what Key hyung said last night” he said looking at Key who smiled back at him reassuringly.

He looked back at me quickly embarrassed.

“is it alright if I call you Noona?” he asked shyly.

I just nodded unable to keep myself from smiling.

“you should go change” Key said I nodded again taking the clothes and politely bowing.

“where can I change?” I asked

“There’s a changing room right over there” Key said pointing to a door across the room. I walked over to the door and opened it, it wasn’t too big but it was alright I quickly changed and looked in the mirror at myself now realizing I was wearing Taemin’s clothes I smiled to myself.

I looked at the door taking a deep breath before opening it.

I stepped out and immediately Taemin was looking at me. Did I look bad? I wondered.

But then he smiled which reassured me that I didn’t.

“They fit very well” I said walking closer I regretted the words as soon as they were out of my mouth.

He looked down a little as if embarrassed. I quickly rethought my words.

“I mean even though they’re a little big” I said smiling.

At that he smiled again.

“so…” Key said “I think it’s about time to get going, yah hyungs let’s go” he said to Onew and Jonghyun.

Jonghyun smiled and nodded though his eyes never left Katie.

Onew didn’t respond at first he was asleep so Key had to shake him he didn’t seem to happy about being woken up but he got up anyway and walked out of the room Katie and Jonghyun continued talking as they too walked out leaving Key to be the last out of the room.

Taemin and I started to walk out as well until Key poked his head back in and stopped us.

“can you two stay here for a bit there’s some stuff we need to do before leaving and I think Katie and Jonghyun on going for a walk so just wait here okay?” he smiled and quickly closed the door before we could respond.

We were left standing there the atmosphere seemed awkward now.

“so….” Taemin said his voice barely loud enough for me to hear “should we sit?”

I nodded and we walked over to the chairs and sat down. We stayed like that for a few minutes neither of us knowing what to say.

I tried to speak a few times but nothing I thought of seemed right. I was surprised when Taemin was the first to speak.

“Noona….” he started as he turned to face me our eyes locked but soon he looked away blushing I too could feel the blood rising in my cheeks.

“yes?” I said timidly.

“what kind of food do you like?” I was surprised by this question.


“well tomorrow…. I’m going ….. I mean we’re going to be showing you around I was just wondering where we should eat I thought the best place would be somewhere you liked so….”

He got quiet again I couldn’t help but smiled.

“I like chicken” I finally said.

“so any place with chicken would be fine”

He laughed.


“it’s nothing just Onew hyung loves chicken he’ll be happy if we get chicken too”

I started to laugh to.

And that’s how it went we continued to talk about many things he told me about his favorite things and I told him about mine, it made me realize that despite growing up on opposite ends of the world we had a lot more in common than you would think.

I enjoyed talking to him I wished it could last forever.


I had been talking to Jonghyun for awhile Key had said the others had something to do and had told us to go for a walk.

I suspected he was really up to something else but I ignored it and enjoyed my time with Jonghyun.

We were just coming back around the building and the van was in sight.

I sighed soon he’d have to leave.

“so you’re really coming tomorrow right?” he asked this time he sounded nervous his voice kept changing every time he wanted to tell me something he had done his voice sounded cool but every time he asked me something about myself he seemed unsure about his questions and would stutter a little.

Could it be I thought that “I” made him nervous?

I nodded.

His smile widened it seemed to make him happy that he was going to get to show me around.

Correction I thought all of SHINee were going to show Joy and me around.

That thought was a little depressing I wanted more time alone with Jonghyun.

I noticed he was fidgeting with something in his hand.

Suddenly he stopped and stood in front of my and took one of my hand and put something in it.

“Wait till I leave to look at it ok?” he asked seeming more nervous than before.

I nodded again confused.

“you’ll really be there?” he asked again we were now only a few feet from the van.

I smiled at him he seemed to take it as a yes but then he surprised me by holding his hand up in front of me with his pinky out.

I looked at it confused .

Finally when I didn’t respond he took my other hand the one without anything in it and hooked his pinky around mine.

He kept smiling at me then he said

“remember you promised” he let go of my hand and turned and walked towards the van but stopped and waved at me before getting in

I waved back wondering what had just happened upon realizing it I could barely contain my excitement.



I enjoyed talking to her and listening to her voice.

So when Key opened the door and announced it was time to go I suddenly felt sad knowing that I had to leave.

Key had left quickly so it left time for Joy and me to walk out by ourselves.

I began to wonder if Key was up to something.

My thoughts were interrupted by Joy’s voice a voice I couldn’t get enough of.

“so what time tomorrow do we need to meet you?” she asked I then remembered the plans Jonghyun had thought up of course it seemed to be more for his sake than mine but I was glad he made them.

“um I guess 8, 8:30 should be good I mean…. if it’s ok with you”

“that’s sound fine” she said

And awkward silence loomed between us. Even though moments before we couldn’t seem to stop talking now we had seemed to take a step back.

We remained quiet until we were out of the building.

As soon as we stepped out the door I saw the others were waiting in the van.

I turned to look at Joy the next words I said needed to leave an impression I wouldn’t see her until tomorrow I wanted her to think about me like I knew I’d be thinking about her.

“I’m glad I got to meet you again” I said

I could feel myself blushing how embarrassing I thought.

“me too” she said I looked at her she was blushing too.

I couldn’t help but smile. I got up the courage to take her hand but it disappeared when I heard Jonghyun yell

“Just kiss her already” he said with a laugh

I looked back at him and glared that Jonghyun messing everything up.

I looked back at her she was now looking at the ground.

“I guess I have to go” I said

She nodded. I started to walk away and stopped.

I turned around getting closer to her.

And let my hand brush against hers before speaking

“I’ll see you tomorrow”

She looked at me her cheeks now really red.

She looked so cute like that.

I smiled and turned and made myself walk away while I could.

I wouldn’t have been able to bring myself to leave if I hadn’t.



I hoped you liked that ^_^

Let me know what you think and pretty, pretty plz comment.


Mwah: what

Yah: hey

Wae :why

(Note I do use the Korean language everyday in real life so it’s not odd if my character uses it right? ^_^)

Will Minho be able to make Joy hate him or will he just give in again?

Does Key have plans of his own?

What did Jonghyun give Katie?

How will things go tomorrow?

Where will they take the girls?

Will Chicken make Onew less grumpy? lol

Will Katie and Jonghyun get alone time?

(another note when I mentioned Taemin’s clothes no I do not think that he has a girl body just so no one gets mad at me ^_^ but I’m not telling you what I really think about it he he ^_^ )

Wanna Know what’s gonna happen?

Then subscribe he he and stayed tuned ^_^ 

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waaaaaah. ^^
very interesting ^_^
Cronesse #3
getting interesting :)