Many Questions and Secret Plans

With Love


Taemin was acting strange at practice. He was missing steps and seeming very distance and every time I said something to him, I had to say it at least 2 to 3 times before it got through to him.

We were now back in the van on the way back to the dorm.

I looked over at him he was now staring out the window deep in thought.

Onew, Jonghyun, and Key Hyung were talking about something. I wasn’t listening so when I heard Key Hyung’s voice I was surprised.

“Minho ssi” Key hyung said.


“what do you think?”

“about what?”

“weren’t you listening?”

“no sorry I didn’t hear you”

“Yah” Jonghyun hyung said

“where’s your head Minho ssi?”

“just thinking”

Jonghyun sighed and they continued their conversation

I looked back at Taemin who was still staring out the window.

“yah Taemin ssi” I said, nothing still staring.

“Taemin ssi” I said even louder

Finally he seemed to notice me

“did you say something Minho ssi?”

I sighed “ye, are you really alright you’ve been like this since you ran into that girl”

“that girl…” Taemin said echoing me

“what about her?” I asked.

He stayed quiet.

I slid across the seat and put a hand on his shoulder

“did she say or do something that upset you?”

He looked at me, he seemed surprised that I was now sitting next to him

He slowly shook his head “she didn’t do anything” he said

“then what is it you’re not acting like yourself”

He looked out the window again “there’s just something about her” he said

“what?” I asked he continued staring. I tried several more times before giving up.

I slid back over to my seat every once in a while glancing at Taemin his face never changing it’s serious look.

I want to be a good hyung I thought but for now there seems to be no helping my dongsaeng.

Unless mmmm just maybe that may be it, if that’s what it’ll take then I’ll do it.



“are you sure you weren’t imagine things?” I had asked her

She had shook her head and then she had begun to blush

“alright, well now’s not the time to talk about this we’re late as it is”

Somehow I had managed to get her to come to her senses long enough for us to meet our new boss.

Fortunately he was understanding about us being late. Being that we don’t know the area very well I guess he thought we had just gotten lost.

He explained what we were to be doing and had another worker introduce us to our new coworkers.

Everyone was very friendly and our desks were near each so working together was going to be easy.

We finished out the day and called a cab to go back to our apartment the company had set up for us.

We were sitting in the cab and everything was quiet. I looked over at Joy to see her staring out the window.

“are you sure?” I asked again for the hundredth time that day.

“yes I’m sure it was him”

“well what did he say then?”

“well it was all a little confusing” she said blushing

I waited quietly for her to explain.

“well I kinda bumped into him”


“and I started apologizing to him but then he apologized to me”


“well since I fell on the floor when it happened ……..”

She soon explained everything to me starting with the bump ending with him waving goodbye.

I was stunned, what are the chances I thought.

Then another thought came to mind “did you see Jonghyun?”

“no but then again he could’ve been there and I wouldn’t have noticed” she said blushing again.

I knew what she meant if I were to meet Jonghyun I wouldn’t notice anyone else either.

“so he said you might see you again”


“mmmm I wonder”


“nothing don’t worry about it” I smiled thinking up my plan.

It was perfect now to just organize the details so both of us could have a “chance meeting”

Now just to arrange it and it’ll be perfect.



Ok so there’s not that much going on so far but soon it’s gonna get hectic soon.

What’s Katie’s perfect plan?

What is Taemin thinking about?

Will Joy meet Taemin again?

How does Minho plan on helping Taemin?

Subscribe to find out.

More to come soon ^_^ 

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waaaaaah. ^^
very interesting ^_^
Cronesse #3
getting interesting :)