All Wet

With Love


The rollercoaster ride was finally over.

If I hadn’t been screaming so much I’d probably would have been giving Minho a serious talking to right now. But my voice wasn’t strong enough for that.

“ooh look a boat ride” Taemin said.

I looked at Taemin as he grabbed Joy’s hand and ran towards the boats.

Minho who was slowly walking ahead of me began walking at a faster pace headed in the same direction.

Now what is he up to? I thought. I quickened my pace trying to catch up to him but with his longer legs I was no match for his steps.

Taemin and Joy were now standing at the water’s edge waiting for the next boat to come around. One was slowly making it’s way to where they were standing soon they’d be getting on it.

Minho began to run now.

My mind flashed back to the earlier incident Minho pushing Joy meaning for her to fall.

No he couldn’t, he wouldn’t, would he?

But my suspicions were confirmed as he began to raise his arms to give a push. I now ran my heartbeat pounding in my ears.

I caught up to him just as he was about to shove Joy in the water.

What happened next was so fast that it barely registered.

I grabbed Minho he struggled against me trying to push me off.

Getting a hand free he reached out towards Joy. I grabbed him again.

He tried pulling against me again our feet moving quickly and getting tangled with each other.

I felt us falling the air rushing past my face as we hit cold water.

My arms were still wrapped around Minho even though the river ride wasn’t very deep we were completely underwater.

I struggled to untangle us from each other.

I finally freed myself from Minho and pushed myself above the water gasping for air.

Minho sat up beside me also gasping. I then realized the boat was almost around the bend and headed straight for us.

Reacting quickly I stood up pulling Minho along, Taemin was holding out his hand I grabbed it and he pulled me up and Taemin and I both pulled Minho up just in time just as the boat was coming to the area we were just standing. I was breathing hard now leaning over my hands on my knees.

“what happened?” Taemin asked sounding a little out of breath himself

I searched my mind trying to find the words as I was also trying to find my breath.

I finally managed to breath normal again and stood first looking at Minho who now stood there water dripping off of him his eyes on the ground.

I felt so angry at that moment I almost forgot Taemin and Joy were standing there.

“are you alright?” I heard someone ask when I looked to see who Joy was looking at me concerned.

I softened my expression

“I’m fine it was nothing I just accidentally ran into Minho, I didn’t realize he had stopped”

I smiled hoping she would think nothing more of it.

I didn’t want her to know what Minho was up to.

Her concern didn’t fade but she didn’t ask anymore.

I looked to Taemin his expression saying that he knew something was up and that I wasn’t fooling him.

I sighed and nodded towards him and he got the hint that we’d discuss it later.

“Stay out of my way Key” Minho spoke out of nowhere and pushed past me turning to look back before speaking again.

“You have no right to get into my business” he yelled at me

I looked at him stunned why was he talking like this he wasn’t making sense at least not to those who didn’t know what was really going on.

“y…yo….you…” I didn’t know what to say

“you don’t know anything” he continued

“so just stay out of my way”

“I don’t know anything?” I said finally finding my voice

“and what makes you think you know so much” I stepped closer and he took a step back.

“you think just cause you can’t deal with your feelings you can resort to this?” I continued to yell stepping even closer.

Minho scoffed. And glared at me. He then turned and began walking the opposite direction towards the food booths.

“where do you think you’re going?” I yelled

“I’m hungry” he said loudly over his shoulder.

“I’m not done talking to you”

He continued walking not glancing back his head down now looking at his feet

“yah” I yelled “Choi Minho don’t’ walk away from me”

People were beginning to stare but I didn’t care anymore I was so angry at him that nothing else mattered.

The crowd parted around Minho letting him walking further. Their eyes big and staring in shock at the scene in front of them.

I continued walking right behind him yelling for him to stop, to look at me, to do anything I wanted all this to stop.

“yah” I heard someone yell Jonghyun ran up to us stopping Minho from going any further

“what happened?”

Minho pushed past Jonghyun and continued walking the look on Jonghyun’s face was of disbelief.

“Key what happened? Why are you two all wet?”

I felt the cool breeze blowing causing me to shiver and I remembered just how wet I was.

Jong stepped forward putting his hand on my shoulder

“are you alright? What happened?”

I didn’t wanna answer him not here, not now, not like this.

“I’ll tell you later” I said

“right now let’s just go” my voice I could tell sounded distance.

He let his hand fall away and I walked towards the exit. I noticed that’s where Minho was now heading as well.

I didn’t wanna look at him anymore so I stared at the ground as I continued to walk.

Right now all I wanted was a hot shower and some clean dry clothes.


I sat at the back of the van the seating positions had changed Onew was sitting next to me Katie next to him Jonghyun was in the driver seat and Key was sitting the passenger seat Taemin and Joy were now where Jonghyun and Katie were earlier. I realized this was because Key didn’t wanna drive but he didn’t wanna be near me Taemin couldn’t drive and Onew didn’t want to.

Taemin also seemed to know something was up when we got back to the van I got in Taemin and Joy behind me. Joy was about to sit beside me again but Taemin had her sit in the seat in the middle before sitting down himself he looked at me anger clearly showing on his face.

So now he knew but what all did he know?

Did he think I just didn’t like Joy or did he realize I did like her and wanted to push her away that was unclear but I did know that now she wouldn’t be anywhere near me if he could help it.

The smell of chicken filled the van Onew was still eating his food from earlier.

I felt Onew lean over to me and in between bites of his chicken he asked

“what exactly happened back there?”

I didn’t dare look at him fearing he what he would read on my face instead I changed the subject and continued to look out the window as I did so.

“Chicken again?” I asked

“of course” he said “anytime is a good time for chicken” He sounded as if he was smiling at that but I didn’t wanna look at him to find out I got quiet again and he said no more of the issue.

That’s the way it stayed the whole way back no one in the van said a word.

We got back to the studio where we had met up earlier.

Every one got out except Key who stayed where he was and Onew only moved to change his seat.

I heard Jonghyun talking to Katie and Taemin to Joy but I couldn’t make out any words I looked up to where Key was his head leaning back against the headrest he looked as if he might be sleeping.

I knew that when we got back to the dorm it might not happen right away but it wouldn’t be long before Key would corner me to talk, that was something I definitely wasn’t looking forward to.


“is everything alright?” I asked we had left the amusement park so suddenly and Key and Minho were wet for some reason I couldn’t help but think something was wrong.

“everything’s fine don’t worry I think Key and Minho just had a little accident”

My expression must have said I didn’t believe him because really I didn’t something seemed out of place.

Why was everyone’s seating arrangement so different on the way back then when we were going.

“trust me nothing’s wrong don’t worry about it” he smiled at me and for a moment I forgot my concern.

“I’ll call you later ok?” I nodded I had given him my number earlier and the thought of him calling me made me nervous and excited at the same time.

He grabbed my hand and held it for a second rubbing his thumb across the top and then sadly he let go and smiled and winked at me before climbing back into the driver’s seat.

I picked up the big bunny that he had won for me and stepped back looking over at Joy who was saying her goodbyes to Taemin.

I hugged the bunny tight to my chest and looked at Jonghyun sitting in the driver’s seat smiling to myself I really enjoyed being with him.

I looked closer at him and noticed he was leaning over to Key and saying something I saw Jonghyun’s hand fly up as if it had been pushed away by Key.

What was going on? what had really happened earlier?


I wasn’t sure what had really happened both Key and Taemin had reassured me everything was fine.

But Minho had said nothing he just looked so angry.

Evener stranger when I had tried to sit where I had been earlier Taemin wouldn’t let me instead he had me sit where Katie had earlier and Jonghyun was now driving Taemin was sitting beside me and I could’ve swore I saw him give Minho a hateful look.

And now after asking him many times he still wouldn’t give me any answers.

“It’s nothing ok and I’m really sorry the day had to end so soon we just gotta get back so Key and Minho hyung can change”

“and that’s all? I mean I don’t mean to keep bothering you it’s just everything seems so tense did we cause any problems for you?”

“no no accidents happen right? Besides I think Key and Minho hyung might just be grumpy from being all wet”

I sighed and decided to give up I didn’t want him angry at me for asking so much.

Suddenly he hugged me but then quickly pulled away

“sorry I shouldn’t have done that”

“no it’s alright I don’t mind” I said feeling myself blush.

I looked up to see he was blushing too.

He smiled at me and turned and waved as he climbed into the van.

The door closed and they drove away.

Katie came over to me holding onto a giant stuffed bunny which somehow I had just noticed.

“where’d you get that?”

“Jonghyun won it for me, do you feel like something’s going on between them? I mean it just seemed so tense just now”

“yeah I know what you mean”

I stared at the van as it rounded the corner and disappeared.

I had to find a way to figure out what was really going on.


So I hope you like this if you notice Key’s part’s longer than everyone else I don’t why but I love writing for Key I’m thinking of doing a Key fanfic.

What will Key do about Minho?

What will Taemin say? Does he know what’s really going on?

And what’s with Jonghyun and Key?

What’s Joy’s plan to find about what’s going on?

Will Jonghyun really call Katie?

Subscribe to find out and comments are highly appreciated. TTFN ^_^

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waaaaaah. ^^
very interesting ^_^
Cronesse #3
getting interesting :)