A Second Meeting and Unexpected Feelings

With Love


My breath had been knocked out of me as I felt the person run into me.

“Yah” I started

I looked down and saw the girl from the day before all anger left me.

She looked up at me her eyes big and she seemed afraid.

I was in such shock from seeing her again I couldn’t speak.

Before I could say anything she spoke first.

“I’m sorry” she said so quietly I could barely hear her.

I felt bad for yelling at her I kneeled down so I was face to face with her.

She looked away.

I guess she thought I was about to really get mad.

But I felt more concern than anger.

“are you alright?” I asked.

She looked back up surprised. So she was expecting me to be angry. She nodded slowly.

“are you sure you yelled pretty loud.” she nodded again.

It was quiet for a second.

“what about you?” she suddenly asked.


“when I ran into you it must’ve hurt I heard you gasp. Are you alright?” She was now looking at the floor.

“I’m fine see” I said pounding my chest a little.

At that she smiled. I couldn’t help but smile too. I like that smile I thought.

“but you need to stop doing this” I said she looked at me confused.

“didn’t I tell you last time to be careful?” she nodded slowly I smiled at her I couldn’t help it.

“here” I said putting my hand out, unlike last time she took it without hesitation.

I helped her stand up. She was now blushing.

“It’s Joy isn’t it?” she gasped

“ how did you know?”

“I heard your friend call you right before you ran into me”

She looked down again “sorry”

“didn’t I say I was fine don’t worry about it” and the truth was my chest still stung and if it had been anybody else I’d probably be making them apologize but with her I just couldn’t bring myself to be mad.

She then seemed to remember something.

“Katie!” she said and turned to look it was then I noticed her friend standing there just staring not saying a word.

Our moment had now been broken we were no longer alone. I now wished she hadn’t remembered we could’ve stood there forever both of us unaware of everyone else.

“Taemin ssi” I heard from behind me. I turned to see Minho Hyung along with Onew, Jonghyun, and Key following close behind.

How I now wished I still had her to myself.

(How the rest of SHINee got there)


No sooner had we stepped out of the elevator I heard Taemin cry out.

“Yah, Hyung what are you doing?”

I turned to see Minho pulling Taemin back into the elevator.

“Will be right up” he said

“Go on don’t worry hyungs” and before we could do anything he had pressed a button and the doors closed.

“Yah, what just happened?” Jonghyun said.

“it looks like Minho ssi just kidnapped Taemin” Key said

We stood there for a minute not knowing what to do.

“well let’s go get them” I said

“but we don’t know which floor their on” said Key

I pushed the elevator button but it was already on the way back down to the first floor someone had already hit the button.

“Now what?” asked Jonghyun.

I thought for a second.

“we take the stairs.” I said turning and walking down the hallway for a moment they didn’t follow but soon I heard their footsteps behind me. I opened the door to the stairway. I was sure they had went down so I went down the stairs with Jonghyun and Key following close behind.

“How do we find out where they are?” asked Key.

“Simple” Jonghyun said “just listen for Taemin I’m sure he’s still screaming in protest” Jonghyun said with a laugh.

“I’m serious” Key said

“Onew Hyung?” I stopped and turned

“well” I said “there’s not many floors between here and the bottom floor we’ll just have to check them all”

“What?!” Jonghyun said “I don’t wanna do that”

“well we can’t show up without them we are their hyungs and we’re responsible for them”

“you’re starting to sound like Key Umma here”

I glared at him he stopped talking

“yah Jonghyun Hyung” Key said “I’m right here you know and if it wasn’t for me you’d forget stuff all the time”

They started to argue

“we don’t have time for this” I said putting a stop to the argument

“we’re late as it is so let’s go”

I started walking down again I reached floor 5 and opened the door.

We began to search the floor each of us taking a different hallway. We met back at the stairway.

“not here” Jonghyun said

“I didn’t find them either” said Key

“let’s go then” we went out the stairway door again.

And soon we reached floor 4 and proceeded to split up again.


I was really beginning to worry if we didn’t find them we’d be in trouble.

But I was more worried as to what Minho ssi was planning. I walked down my chosen hallway checking every room I passed but still not seeing them anywhere.

A few of the girls that worked there were walking the other way

“An nyoung ha seh yo Key Oppa” they called I nodded in response and continued walking.

Once I had cleared my hallway I started back.

I soon heard Jonghyun calling out.

“Yah I’ve got Minho”


I had been walking for sometime when I spotted Minho walking towards me “Minho ssi” I called to him but instead of continuing towards me he turned and ran.

For a moment I was so shocked I just stood there.

Once I realized I was gonna have to go get him I began to run.

Dang he’s fast I thought, but I was in luck he stumbled a bit allowing me to catch up and I seized the opportunity to grab the back of his jacket

“ah” he yelled

“got you” I said

“what do you think you’re doing?’


“nothing mmmm hmmm then why did you run?”

“I…well.. I ..”

“forget it you can explain later, where’s Taemin ssi?”

He pointed down the hallway “alright I said first let’s get the others.

“Yah” I called out “I’ve got Minho”

(Now back to the present)



I was so embarrassed that I had run into him again at first he had started to yell. But then he got quiet and he kneeled down next to me I thought he was going to chew me out but instead he was asking if I was alright he soon helped me too my feet. How much I enjoyed holding his hand again.

“it’s Joy isn’t it?” he asked I looked at him surprised and gasped

“How did you know?” I asked him.

“I heard your friend call you right before you ran into me” he said

I looked down at the floor

“sorry” I said again feeling guilty that I had run into him.

“didn’t I say I was fine don’t worry about it”

I looked at him he was smiling at me again.

Suddenly I remembered that Katie had been following me.

“Katie!” I said out loud I turned to look for her she was behind me just staring at Taemin she looked in shock but soon she wasn’t the only one I had to worry about.

“Taemin ssi” I heard I turned seeing Onew, Jonghyun, Key, and Minho walking towards us.

I looked back at Katie her eyes had gotten even bigger I knew exactly who she was staring at, Jonghyun.

I had now lost my precious moment with Taemin.



When I finally reached Joy slightly out of breath she was sitting on the floor with no other than Lee Taemin Kneeling beside her.

I was in shock I didn’t know what to say so I just stood there as they talked. He helped her up I still couldn’t say anything.

“Katie!” I soon heard her say but I still couldn’t talk I continued staring at Taemin in disbelief.

“Taemin ssi” I heard I looked past them and saw the rest of SHINee walking towards us, but the only one I really saw was SHINee’s Bling Bling Jonghyun. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. My favorite member of SHINee was standing a few feet away from me I was in shock

“Katie” I heard Joy whisper “Hello Katie?”

I turned and looked at her I started to yell “It’s …it’s …it’s” she put her hand over my mouth if she hadn’t I’m sure I would’ve been yelling Jonghyun’s name.

I looked at her my eyes saying thank you for keeping me from making a fool of myself.

Her look said can I let go now?

I nodded she removed her hand then I heard Jonghyun speak.

“yah who are these 2 pretty ladies?” he asked.

I looked at Joy who looked at Taemin I too looked at him I noticed he clenched his first for a second before speaking

“This is Joy and her friend Katie” he said “I met Joy yesterday” the way he said it made it sound like he had just made a claim on Joy.

Jonghyun seem to get the hint and came over to me holding out his hand.

“I’m Kim Jonghyun” he said.

I just stared at his hand. Joy elbowed me and I finally took his hand in mine and shook it. I wanted to keep holding his hand but sadly he let go.

“Nice to meet you” I finally said.

He smiled.

“you even have a pretty voice” he said

“yah Jonghyun Hyung stop flirting” Jonghyun turned and looked at Key whom I realized was the person who had just spoke.

Jonghyun just smiled then turned back to me.

“so” he said

“what are you girls doing here”

“we’re the new interns” Joy said beside me.

She scared me I had forgotten she was there. I continued to look at Jonghyun and his eyes weren’t leaving me either I began to feel uncomfortable I didn’t know what to do so I looked at the floor.

“we’re the group SHINee” Jonghyun suddenly said. “have you heard of us before?”

I slowly nodded not looking up. “really? Who’s your favorite member?” he asked I was shocked I didn’t know what to say if I told the truth I would be so embarrassed but if I didn’t he might not look at me again. But I was saved by Joy

“so…” she said “what is everyone doing on Floor 4 I mean I know why me and Katie are here but I thought you all practiced on a different Floor”

“we do” I heard someone say I looked up to see that it was Onew talking.

“But Minho here grabbed Taemin and took off we had to go track em down”

“Oh” Joy said it got quiet again.

Then Onew spoke again

“come on we’re late” he didn’t sound too happy.

I looked up to see Jonghyun smiling at me

“see you again pretty girl” he said before turning and following Onew.

I looked at Joy who’s eyes were now on Taemin.


After the awkwardness Onew and Jonghyun started walking away leaving Key, Minho, and Taemin behind.

“well I guess it’s time to go” Key said “nice to meet you girls maybe we’ll see you later” he too turned and left.

Minho and Taemin continued to stand there I noticed Minho was just staring at me.

Is there something wrong with me I thought why is he staring at me like that.

But I forgot about Minho when Taemin came over to me.

“I guess I have to go now” he said

I nodded. He started to walk away but then he turned back around and walk over to me again.

“Joy” he said quietly I loved hearing him say my name.

“would you like to come watch us practice later…. I mean if you have time?”

I smiled and nodded. He blushed and smiled too.

“so I’ll see you later then?” he asked

“sure” I said not being able to take my eyes off him.

He smiled one last time before turning and leaving. He walked past Minho who I noticed was still staring at me as if dazed. He finally nodded and turned and followed after Taemin.

Katie and me were left standing there alone but not without hope.

We had an invite to see SHINee again. I couldn’t wait I wanted to hear Taemin’s voice again, hear him say my name. Today was going a lot better than I expected.


Despite all my hyungs showing up it hadn’t turned out as bad as I thought I was even going to get to see her again.

I stopped and look at Minho hyung. It had finally registered with me this was all his doing.

“hyung” I said he seemed like his mind was else where.

“thank you”


“because of you I got to meet her again and I even learned her name”

“Oh” he said “yeah sure what are hyungs for”

“you okay?” I asked

“yeah just tired all that running around wore me out”

I smiled. “I’ll treat you to lunch later” I said

He nodded. We caught up to the others and headed to the practice room.

I looked at the clock counting the minutes till I saw her again.


I felt like I had lost something but I didn’t know what.

When I saw her I couldn’t think the girl Taemin had been thinking about this whole time was now on my mind.

Why was I thinking like this I did all this for Taemin after all. And to top it off he had just thanked me but would he still feel that way if he knew I was thinking about his girl.

No I can’t do this I thought. But every time I tried to forget she kept popping back into my head.

I started this day with good intentions but now…..No

I can’t do this to him, I can’t feel anything for her I won’t I don’t even really know her,

That’s it I thought I bet she’s not really my type at all.

If I got to know her I bet I wouldn’t like her anymore.

But what if that doesn’t work. Another idea came to me.

I knew what I had to do.

I had to do something, anything before I hurt Taemin.

Even if it mean’t hurting my own heart.



Wow I bet everyone’s thinking finally Onew Jonghyun and Key got some actually screen time Sorry it took so long He he ^_^

What’s Jonghyun really thinking about Katie?

How will the practice go later once the girls show up?

Why is Onew so grumpy?

What’s with Minho? How does he plan to stop his feelings?

Will Joy and Taemin ever get a moment to themselves?


Stayed tuned to find out.

Let me know what you think so far.

Thx for reading ^_^ 

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waaaaaah. ^^
very interesting ^_^
Cronesse #3
getting interesting :)