A Day of Fun?

With Love


I sat there my breathing now slowed along with my heartbeat. I had finally managed to pry my hands from the seat. I was just now starting to feel the blood coming back into them. My face and hands were starting to warm up again. I was still in shock from being wakened so suddenly by the sound squealing of tires.

When I had opened my eyes we were spinning I began to yell what I didn’t know it was something unintelligible.

I could feel my nails digging into the seat my eyes wide as a pole was getting nearer and nearer.

Somehow we had slowed enough to where we stopped inches in front of the pole I had sat there staring at it in shock wondering if I was dreaming.

I finally made my mouth work as I heard my self say Key’s name in a voice that didn’t seem my own.

He had reached over putting his hand on mine trying to console me but at the time it did very little for my nerves.

And now somehow he still was willing to continue on our trip.

He had been saying over and over again “it’s alright”

And “we’re alright” but it seemed these words were more to himself than anyone else.

I had continued to stare straight ahead not really seeing anything until Key spoke again.

“We’re here” he said making me jump a little and I realized that I was still on edge.

My vision came back as I slowly registered the sight in front of me Key had parked in the front of the parking lot and I looked at the huge sign hovering over the place ahead.

The big red letters were meant to convey excitement but I only felt fear I was in no way in the mood for this.


“An amusement park? Really?” Joy practically squealed beside me.

“Are you surprised?” Taemin asked her.

I didn’t see how she could be after our almost collision earlier but I guess it hadn’t phased her. I was still thinking of the feeling of her body beneath mine warm and soft I shook my head. Why had I covered her like that it was Taemin’s job not mine. I had done it so fast that I had beat Taemin to it and he ended up covering me instead.

Key had decided it was best if we continued what we started since no one was hurt.

I guess to help us try to forget.

So now here we sat in front of the amusement park, I heard the door slide open and someone stepping out of the van, must have been Katie and Jonghyun first since I could still feel Joy’s presence beside me.

Soon I felt the seat shifting as both her and Taemin exited the van.

I stayed not knowing if I really wanted to get out or not if I did it meant I really would have to go along with my plan.

If I didn’t it meant sitting here and thinking and I really hated the thought of sitting by myself and being left to my own thoughts.

Either way I was gonna end up hating myself if I did go along and make her hate me it would hurt if I didn’t it would still hurt not just me but Taemin as well.

“Minho ssi?” I looked up to see Key staring at me looking concerned.

“are you alright? Is what happened earlier still bothering you?”

I just shook my head and looked back at the amusement park sign.

I had to do this I thought I couldn’t think of anything else.

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

I nodded slowly still not looking at him.

Sure I could tell Key but what was the point would it really change anything he’d probably just try to talk me out of it.

And if he did I might end up regretting it.

I got up and out of the car slightly pushing Key aside.

“yah Minho!” he called as I continued walking away from him.

I looked ahead my thoughts feeling jumbled up inside me.

The only clear one being that I just hope I don’t regret going through with it.



I was doing my best to be excited for Taemin’s sake.

I was happy being here with him but I wasn’t sure if I was really up for this whole amusement park thing.

After what had just happened I was having a little trouble thinking straight.

It wasn’t really what almost happened that was messing with my mind but what I realized had happened afterwards.

I remember feeling someone covering me I assumed it was Taemin, but there is a reason why they tell you that you shouldn’t assume things. Sometimes assuming can really mess things up.

And right now it was really doing that because all I could think about was how Minho how reacted so quickly and after yesterdays soda incident I thought he hadn’t liked me but suddenly he protects me?

I was so confused.

And now instead of thinking about how I was here walking beside Taemin in a place that should cause me to squeal in excitement my mind was on someone else.


I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Taemin’s voice


“Are you alright?”

“ah ye I’m fine just thinking.”

“about what?”

“It’s nothing really don’t worry about it” I said smiling.

He nodded returning the smile.

“so what do you want to do first Noona?”

“mmmm I don’t know why don’t you decide”

“Ok let’s ride the rollercoaster first then”

“The rollercoaster?!”

I turned to see Onew who was looking pale at the thought

“Oh No” he said

“you can get on the rollercoaster I’m fine right here” he sat down on a bench and gripped the sides indicating that no one was gonna get him to move.

“well then let’s do something everyone will wanna do” Taemin said.

But before he could say anything else Minho pushed past him pushing me aside as well almost knocking me over.

“Come on let’s go” he said heading for the rollercoaster

“I guess Minho really wants to ride the rollercoaster” said Key

“But Onew hyung isn’t feeling up to it” Taemin said

“don’t worry bout it I’ll stay here with him just go, you can’t let him ride it by himself”

“but then it’ll be uneven” Jonghyun said out of nowhere

“I know Onew hyung can come with me and Katie we’re gonna go play some games you’re fine with that aren’t you hyung?”

He looked at Onew pleadingly.

Onew looked at Jonghyun his expression not changing it seemed as if all he wanted was to sit there.

“Listen Key just go with them ok I’ll take care of Onew hyung”

Key stared at Jonghyun in disbelief

I realized that Key just didn’t trust him for some reason but he sighed seemingly with no choice.

“alright” he said

“but he better be in one piece when I get back”

“I promise he will be ok just go”

“alright then that settles it to the rollercoaster” Taemin said excitedly

Taemin began walking quickly I had to quicken my pace to keep up with him I could hear Key following close behind.

Soon we reached the line to where Minho was standing.

“took you long enough” Minho said sounding annoyed.

We stood in line as little by little it moved forward.

People kept looking at us and whispering things I looked down at the ground not knowing what to do.

As I continued to look I was glad that’s where my gaze had landed I noticed there was a small drop off to get on the rollercoaster I was glad I had noticed it now knowing me I otherwise probably wouldn’t have seen it in time and would have fallen.

Every once in a while I’d look up at Taemin to once again find my self staring back at the ground.

We were finally at the beginning of the line, they called for two more people the couple in front of us went to get on the girl almost tripped as she stepped down luckily the guy who looked like he was her boyfriend caught her in time.

As we stood there I was thinking about how we were next and becoming even more nervous I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of Taemin.

I looked at the drop off and silently reminded myself to be careful.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my back and felt myself being pushed.

I was then falling forward watching as the ground was coming to meet me I closed my eyes waiting for the impact.


I kept looking at Joy feeling very nervous that I couldn’t help but look away I dared to sneak a glance again.

But this time Joy was falling.

I gasp and quickly reacting I reached out and grabbed her arm quickly pulling her back she was then so close to me I was afraid to breath. I was looking down at her as she looked up at me her eyes wide.

“Why did you do that?!” I turned to see Key shouting at Minho

“what is wrong with you?!”

“I didn’t do anything!“

“I saw you!”

“Do you think that was ok?! To do something like that to her?!”

Minho scoffed

“Oh what are you?! Mr. I do no wrong?!”

“You act like you haven’t played a harmless joke before!”

“Harmless?!” Key yelled back

“How was that harmless?! She could’ve really gotten hurt!”

“Well she didn’t? did she?!” Minho yelled glaring at Key.

People were now starting to stare as SHINee’s flaming charisma and almighty Key stood and yelled at one another.

I finally caught on to what they were arguing about Minho had pushed Joy.

Not by accident but on purpose.

I could feel the anger rising in me, I wanted to push him like he had her.

I felt my hand forming into a fist, just as I was about to say something Joy stepped in.

“Yah, calm down people are watching”

Key looked back at Joy his face softening

“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine so please stop fighting”

Key looked back at Minho anger once again showing on his face.

As calm as he could he said

“We’ll talk about this later”

Minho’s stare never lessened it’s anger.

He then looked away and at the rollercoaster he then began walking and shoved past us to get on.

During the commotion the last ride must have finished.

Key soon followed getting in beside Minho but not looking to happy about.

I then helped Joy step down off the platform letting her get in first before sitting myself.

As soon as the car was full the bar came down.

I looked at Joy and smiled now realizing maybe I shouldn’t have suggested the rollercoaster.

But I soon realized the thing that I was more worried about was not surviving the rollercoaster, but surviving my Hyungs.


“Please hyung, all you have to do is walk with us” I sat there next to Onew hyung pleading with him as much as I could without making a fool of myself in front of Katie, who was standing just out of hearing distance.

“why do you even need me to go?” he asked looking down I saw him grip the bench even tighter as if to say if I wanted him to move I’d have to pry him from it.

“It’s kinda of embarrassing” I finally managed to say

“I’m listening” he said looking ahead not even daring to glance at me.

I wondered should I really tell him?

The truth was I wanted to be alone with Katie but I was also too nervous to be alone with her as well I hadn’t yet figured out how to talk to her without it being awkward I wanted someone there to fill the empty space.

Taemin had his own girl so he was out, Minho was well he was Minho it just wouldn’t work and Key, Key would’ve made it feel like I invited my mother along.

But Onew hyung was perfect he would talk enough to fill the space in the conversations but he’d also know when to keep quiet.

“Hyung…” I started now whispering

“Please for me?”

He finally looked at me his eyes felt like they were piercing to the back of my skull

“Are you really that nervous?’ he finally asked “Do I really need to be there to fill that space?”

I looked at him stunned “You know?” I asked shocked

“Of course usually being around girls doesn’t bother you but this one seems different she seems to make you lose your cool character”

I sat there silent deciding it was now better to plead with my eyes.

“alright fine, fine I’ll go but you gotta promise me something”

“anything hyung” I regretted those words as soon as they left my mouth

“anything?” he asked

“well I was just gonna ask for some chicken but if you’ll do anything I think I’ll save this as an IOU” he said with a smile and got up from the bench.

“let’s go” he began walking down the area to where the games were

Katie and I followed behind I wasn’t sure what to say to her.

Onew turned and looked at me and winked.

What is he thinking?

He subtly pointed at the dart game. I smiled understanding.

“do you wanna play some darts?” I asked Katie

She smiled “sure”

I went over the dart game booth and paid for two games one for me and one for Katie.

I let her go first she made the first two but the third one missed, she looked disappointed one more and she would have won a prize.

It was now my turn I was so nervous. I didn’t wanna look bad in front of Katie.

I slowly raised the first dart ,aimed , and threw it. pop.

Yes got the first one.

Second dart pop

Just one more and I could win her something.

I hesitated the thought of not getting it made me more nervous.

“you can do it” Katie said encouraging me.

Yes I thought maybe with her there I just could.

I threw the last dart closing my eyes as I did so afraid to look.


The sound echoed in my head.

I had done it.

“winner” the man announced

“you pick” I told Katie

“really?” I nodded

She picked a large bunny.

And that’s how it went for a while Onew making silent suggestions and us playing games I was really glad he came along somehow I felt less nervous as time went on.

Once we had played about all the games things started to feel awkward again as I didn’t know what to do next.

Onew walked up close behind me and whispered “I’m hungry, maybe she is too” he then walked ahead looked back and smiled.

“um … are you hungry?” I asked Katie

“a little” she said quietly.

I looked around finally spotting a food booth.

“How bout there?” she looked over at it and nodded

We walked towards the booth and got in line I noticed a few people were staring at us I could now feel my face turning red.

“so… um.. What would you like?” I said trying to make conversation

“um I don’t know what do they have?”

“well hotdogs, hamburgers, and…”

“Chicken!” Onew yelled out scaring me and reminding me he was there

“Chicken sounds good” Katie said

“then chicken it is” I couldn’t help but smile at her.

I order the food and brought it to the table the bunny sat between us.

I kept looking at her but every time she looked up I pretending I was staring elsewhere.

I looked at Onew who set across the table too focused on eating his chicken to help me again.

I looked over at Katie again getting up the courage to say something.

Just as I was about to speak I heard Key’s voice loud over the sounds of the crowd.

I searched the area finally spotting him. He was dripping wet and yelling at Minho who I noticed was just as wet.

Minho wasn’t saying anything just staring at the ground he looked as angry as Key but somehow sad as well.

The time for fun was apparently now over.

Minho what have you done?




I know this chapter wasn’t that good but I kinda rushed it trying to get it done. Promise the next one will be better.

Will Jonghyun be able to get over his nervousness?

How did Key and Minho get wet?

What will Onew use his IOU for?

What will Key say to Minho about his actions?

Subscribe and find out.

Plz comment and let me know what you think ^_^ 

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waaaaaah. ^^
very interesting ^_^
Cronesse #3
getting interesting :)