Dreams can come true

With Love


I sighed as I looked at my computer screen this assignment is killing me I thought my page was blank. It back at me mockingly. Nothing I couldn’t think of anything.

“So you got any ideas yet”

I jumped my best friend Katie was now sitting beside me staring at the screen to.

“you scared me” I said “when’d you get here?”

“a few minutes ago but you appeared to be deep in thought so I was waiting. I got impatient” she said with a laugh.

“you’re so sneaking, you’re like a ghost” I said

“Hey I’m not that pale”

I smiled she always knew how to make me forget frustrations though I knew this one hadn’t to be thought about.

“so?” she asked “anything?”

“nope. You?”


I stared back at the computer “I hope this isn’t the assignment that makes us fail” I said

Stupid assignment I thought usually we were given a product, artist, etc to design an ad for why was it so hard to come up with a product, of course it didn’t help that the product couldn’t have any similarity to any popular products it had to be brand knew and it had to be possible to make. My head began to hurt.

“It’s a good thing this is a group project” Katie said once again startling me.

“quit doing that” I said “What?”

“quit being so quiet then talking with no warning”

Katie started laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

“are you really that stressed out about this?”


“you shouldn’t be it’ll be fine besides I more nervous bout our applications for our internships”

When she said that more worry entered my mind. We had sent out applications for several companies in hopes of interning at the them.

“What if we actually got the one at SM” she said laughing

“I doubt that’s gonna happen” I said remembering how we had sent one in for laughs but in truth we both hoped for it, it would be amazing to work and learn it was a dream of ours something we wished for but both knew could never come true. But that’s what most dream are hopes that never come true just something that keeps you striving to make yourself better.

“Let’s go” I said turning off the computer. My headache had really set in now I couldn’t wait to get back to the dorm take some medicine and sleep.

{SM Entertainment)

Looking though applications for new interns was boring but it was his job after all. Whether he liked it or not it had to be done.

After a few hours the hopes of finding anyone with any potential had dimmed.

Most just seemed the same thing after one another all applicants basically stuck to the usual ways nothing really stood out.

He then noticed that two applications had been sent in together strange way to send something he thought.

The work was something a little different sure some of the same techniques had been used to do things for sure but the ideas where different they even had designed things for SM Artist already so they knew the company this only struck him as odd because both girls were from the US sure there were US fans but not many went though this kind of effort.

They were definitely potential interns but before a decision could be made he had to look though the rest.

He continued looking once again back to the same boring things how he wished he could just quit now.If no one else stood out at least he knew he had a couple of people to turn into the boss.

Almost finished he thought just a few more and I can go home.



When we got back to the dorm Joy took some medicine and went to bed. I sat down at the desk and took out my laptop turn it on and checked my email, nothing. No one had been interested in my work not yet anyways or maybe it hadn’t been looked at yet.

I decided to work on our project but just like Joy had I ended up staring at a blank page for a while before giving up.

I took out my iPod turning on my fav music hearing SHINee playing in my ears listen intently to ever part that I knew was Jonghyun’s.

I soon turned off my computer and laid in my bed staring at the ceiling.

So many thoughts would we ever get an idea for out projects, would our applications ever be accepted anywhere, would we even get to work together at the same place? So many questions yet no answers to be found.

I my side trying to sleep, I looked over to see Joy was already fast asleep she’ll probably be impossible to wake up in the morning I thought.

Eventually I let the sound of Jonghyun’s voice lead me into a deep sleep and a beautiful dream, where he confessed to me his love I knew it was a dream how I wished I could dream forever.


The next morning I woke to Katie screaming.

“get up get up!”

“what?” I mumbled trying to cling to sleep.

“they called they called


My brain still unable to comprehend her words.

“who did?” I finally managed

“SM Entertainment they called”

“what?” I said again confused

Was she messing with me?

“if this is your lame attempt to get me up early you’ve failed”

“I’m not messing with you I’m telling the truth they really called”

I sat straight up and stared at her “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”

“Here” she said handing me the phone “they called while we were asleep and left a message”

I took the phone still in disbelief. I hit the button to hear the supposed message.

When I did I heard a man’s voice with a slight accent.

“Hello this is a representative from SM Entertainment I’m calling about your applications for out internships and I’m happy to inform you that you have been selected for the jobs. Please call us as soon as possible so we can arrange your travel.”

I was shocked I couldn’t speak.

“This is im-im-impossible” I managed to stutter out.

“But it’s not it’s real it really happened” she said with the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face.

Well I thought I guess Dreams really can come true. 


I know, know it’s a little farfetched . And impossible they probably don’t even do internships or anything like that. But I can dream can’t I? ^_^ 

Let me know what you think. More to come soon. ^_^


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waaaaaah. ^^
very interesting ^_^
Cronesse #3
getting interesting :)