YunHo's Back

Are We Really Meant For Each Other?

Hello everyone, this is my new update hope you guys like it..... Enjoy reading it!!


It was a beautiful morning in Korea when...

"Aaahhhhhhhh!. Oh no! it's already 7:30!, I'm ganna be late!" said the panicking JaeJoong, as he wiped he's drool's and rushed to the bathroom, he tooked his bath and did his daily routine, he changed into his uniform, comb his hair, he then looked into the mirror and smiled at himself, he was busily admiring himself, when he remembered that, he's in a hurry for his work, so he looked at his wall clock and..

"Aaahhhhhhh!, 8:30!, Pabo!" said the panicking JaeJoong as he keeps hitting his head with his hand, he then rushed to the kitchen and tooked a bread he put it on his mouth and rushed out of his house.

Meanwhile in Los Angeles International Airport..

"Mr. Lee just call me if there's a problem in the company, okay?"..

"yes sir, have a safe trip" as Mr. Lee patted YunHo's Shoulder, YunHo then smiled

"Thanks Mr. Lee, i'll be going now" YunHo then waved his hand, and started walking...


Meanwhile... JaeJoong was busly watching his watch, when he didn't notice that he was about to...


He bumped to the restaurant's door, which cause him to loose his balance and fell, he landed with his , he was about to cry when he noticed that everyone outside the restaurant was staring at him, with worried look, so he hurriedly stood up and smiled to everyone

"i'm okay" with that he hurriedly run inside while ignoring his pain, luckyly he was on time, he greeted everyone, and he rushed to the bathroom and....

"it hurts" said JaeJoong as he cried softly, then he remebered "ow no, i really humiliated myself, how am i suppose to show myself? i'm sure they're gonna ask about the incident just now, what am i suppose to say?, this is so embarassing, why am i like this?" said Jae Joong as he burried his face with his palm...

"okay, JaeJoong you can do this, Fighting!!" then he slowly went out of the bathroom, he took a small peek at the restaurant when he saw that they where all busy getting ready for the day's shift, he slowly walked with a smile..

"Jae Hyung"...

"great, please don't ask, pleas don't ask" pleaded JaeJoong to himself as he slowly turn... "yes?"..

"Are you alright? are you hurt? where do you feel pain?, we we're worried" asked SiWon worriedly

"i'm not okay, my and head hurts and did you see how humiliated i was?, ofcourse i'm not okay, why do you have to ask?" said JaeJoong to himself "yes, i'm okay, don't worry about me" smiled JaeJoong weakly, when he was about to walk..


"great"said JaeJoong to himself..."yes Hyung??" asked JaeJoong as turn to LeeTeuk with a smile

"here, put this on your forehead" said LeeTeuk as he handed a bag of ice to JaeJoong

"thanks hyung" as he accepted the bag of ice

when JaeJoong was about to walk..

"Jae Joong are you alright, i mean you almost broke our door, did you see the crack there?" said HeeChul while pointing to the imaginary crack on the door

"EH??, where??" as JaeJoong looked at the door searching for a crack... "i'm just kidding" as he patted JaeJoong

"that wasn't funny Hyung" ....

"mianhae JaeJoong, anyways be careful" smiled HeeChul as he continue cleaning

"i will thanks".. "as if i planned to bump myself" continued Jae Joong to himeself.. then he hurriedly went to the kitchen...


Meanwhile at Yoochun's apartment....


"the number you dialed is either un attended or out of coverage area, please try your call, again later"...

YooChun kept on dialing YunHo's number but he couldn't reached him...

"Hyung? why couldn't i reached you?" asked Yoochun to himself worriedly, as he was lost in his thoughts, his phone suddenly rung, he looked to see who the caller was and saw that it was YunHo's dad..

"Hello, Mr. Jung?"

"Hey, there YooChun, YunHo's coming back, want to come with us to the airport?"...

YooChun then smiled widely... "yes, Mr. Jung, i'll be at your house in a minute"

"okay then, careful on your way here, we'll be waiting for you"

"i will Mr. Jung, thanks and bye" they hung up and YooChun hurriedly changed his clothes, he then rushed out of his apartment..

"i'm so excited to see you again Hyung" smiled YooChun widely as he run....

As he reached YunHo's house he saw that YunHo's dad was waiting for him outside...

"Mr. Jung, sorry for being late" as YooChun catched he's breath, YunHo's dad smiled at YooChun

"Your just in time, get on the car" YooChun then shyly sit on the back sit....

"Good morning Mrs. Jung" greeted YooChun politely

"morning YooChun" said YunHo's mom smilingly

"well, then let's go" then YunHo's dad started the engine, and then he drove...


Meanwhile at A-Cha Restaurant...

JaeJoong was busily placing the utensil's at table's when his phone suddenly rung... He then tooked his cellphone and...

"Hello baby Jae~"..

"Chunnie~~" said JaeJoong Happily

"I called you because we can't eat lunch together, mianhae baby Jae, i'm with YunHo's parent's, we're on our way to the airport to fetch YunHo Hyung, his coming back baby Jae"said YooChun Happily.

"really? that's great to hear, chunnie, tell YunHo I said hi and welcome back okay?"

"sure baby Jae, mianhae again, if we couldn't eat lunch together"

"it's okay chunnie, but you have to me treat for dinner okay?"

"sure thing, baby Jae, i love you"

"I'm just kidding chunnnie, love you too, bye" said JaeJoong while smiling....

"bye baby Jae"..

after their phonecall Jaejoong smiled to himself and ... "wow, YunHo's coming back, can't wait to see him again, i already forgot our misunderstanding's and his cold shoulder's back then, hopefully we'll be in good terms this time, i really want to be his friend, especially since his YooChun's best friend" said JaeJoong to himself...


Meanwhile back to YooChun..

"I still can't believe Hyung is coming back, i can't wait to see hyung again" asked YooChun to himself while smiling, while he was lost on his thought...

"YooChun we arrived, let's go"...

"okay, Mr. Jung" said YooChun smillingly to YunHo's dad "we have so much to catch up, and i still have to ask him if he can be my best man" said YooChun to himself while smiling as he walk..


Meanwhile In Incheon Airport..

"Finally i'm back, how i miss my country, can't wait to see everybody" as YunHo walked he saw his father waving at him... he also saw YooChun, so he  hurriedly run towards them

"Mom, Dad, how i miss you guys" Yunho then hugged both his parents

"we miss you too son" replied YunHo's Mom, YunHo then looked as his best friend and hugged him

"miss you so much YooChun"

"me too hyung, i'm glad your back" then they broke their hug, YunHo then looked at Yoochun seriously and..

"mianhae about the call yesterday, my cellphone run out of battery"Said YunHo..."mianhae for lying YooChun" said YunHo to himself as he looked away...

"it's okay hyung, i was worried last night cause i couldn't call you, but the good thing is your back"

"yup, about your proposal, i accepted it, i'll be your best man" smiled YunHo

"really hyung? thank you, this means alot to me" and then YooChun hugged YunHo, YunHo just closed his eyes"i promised myself to burried my feeling's and support you YooChun" said YunHo to himself...

"Enough with the hugs for now, let's go, we'll continue our talk at the car" said YunHo's mom as she patted the two, the two then broke their hug and went to the car...


Inside the car the two talked...

"YooChun, let's have dinner at my house, so we can catch up, what do you think?"...

"sure hyung, can Jae come with me?"...

"ofcourse, well then dinner in my place at 8 okay?"...

"okay hyung, i almost forgot, Jae said hi and welcome home, ow, did you know that Jae is working as an assistant chef at A-Cha restaurant?"

"really?? that's great, i can't believe that frog face can work there,ow and tell frog face thanks"...

"yah, hyung, stop calling Jae, frog face" as YooChun looked away

"mianhae, i'm just kidding" YunHo then patted YooChun's shoulder

"it's okay hyung" they both smiled at each other... Their ride to YunHo's house was full of laughter and talk....

when they arrived at YunHo's house...

"i'll go now Hyung see you later" said YooChun as he waved to YunHo

"bye, see you later"....


Meanwhile inside YunHo's House....

"welcome home big brother, i miss you so much" said YeEun as she run towards her brother and hugged him

"me too"...then they loosened their hug...

"Mom, Dad, YeEun, i'll be just in my room, i'm gonna rest for a while and call me when it's dinner time, YooChun and his fiance JaeJoong are comming to join us for dinner, I'll also invite JunSu and ChangMin" added YunHo as he head to his room while waving...

"okay son" said YunHo's dad, YunHo then went to his room...

"I'm finally back, I'm gonna see your smile again Jae, even for the last time" YunHo sat on his chair while staring at their picture (in the picture was Junsu, ChangMin, YooChun, JaeJoong and YunHo with diploma's in their hands, smiling)....

To Be Continued...


Hi guys, how was it?? feel free to leave acomment and tell me what you guys think, anyways thank you so much to my new subscribers and for the comments, ow, i added new character's and since the place where JaeJoong's working is A-Cha, SuJu came to my mind, hehehehe, anyways hope you guys like it, and hopefully i didn't get you guy's bored with this chapter, TT.TT mianhae, anyways thanks again to all ^ ^,

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I like it... Update soon :)
Krsobsessions #2
found this on the pile of old fic~
go update you lazy author………
stop being crazy (with me XD) and start writing!!
Chapter 15: cant wait for the next update
catalina #4
Chapter 14: cool one author-nim i luved the update update as soon as u can hust luved the chapter
Chapter 15: so is siwon :) yeay ...but he would end with siwon??? and ofcourse although i want update for those 2 i want this too
mimzzy #6
Chapter 14: I want mooooooore! :)) but no HoSu! Yunho said was true they're just like brothers.
Chapter 15: your new poster looks nice, i like it..:))
Chapter 15: wow when i see the result never thought it would be the same as my idea :D ,,,but who is his stalker ,,,who ??? who ?? (jumping up and down )
Chapter 14: please no HoSu here >.< I already can't take the pain of yunjae and yoosu. Don't make it more complicated. But oh well, it is your story.

Love your fic so much. You have to update soon!!!