Confusion’s, Heart’s and YunHo’s Dream

Are We Really Meant For Each Other?

Hi everyone Byul Mi here, did you guys miss my first fanfic? hope so, sorry for my super late update, i kept loosing my writing self and so busy with school anyways hope you guys are still waiting for this one and wishing you'll like it ^-^ anyways Enjoy ^-^


Previously on "Are We Really Meant For each Other?"......

“Jae….. I love you, you’re the only one I love, the only one in my heart…. “ JaeJoong was shock after hearing YunHo, but he shook his head and smiled.

“aish YunHo, your drunk, let’s get you to Chunnie’s sofa and later we’ll get you home, let's go” YunHo stopped JaeJoong from walking.

“I’m telling you the truth, I love you, I really, really love you” with that YunHo kissed JaeJoong.

To Be Continued….


YunHo then closed his eyes as he kiss JaeJoong, JaeJoong on the other hand with his shock and heart pounding like crazy, he didn’t know what to do half of himself likes the feeling of being kissed by YunHo and half is confused, a tear then escaped from JaeJoong’s eyes and he hurriedly pushed YunHo in which YunHo falls backwards on the floor. JaeJoong then wiped his tears and his lips, He then kneeled near the now sleeping YunHo and stared at his face.

“What did you just do YunHo? Did you mean all those words? Wae? Wae are you doing this? wae am I feeling confuse?wae?”

“baby? that YunHo hyung?” after hearing YooChun’s voice JaeJoong snapped from his thought’s and nodded. YooChun then run towards YunHo. YunHo then opened his eyes and smiled.

“oh YooChun~ah” YunHo then slowly roused from the floor and hugged YooChun.

“i love you YooChun and I’ll do anything for you” YooChun on the other hand nodded.

“ne thank you hyung and I love you too, now let’s get you to the sofa” YooChun then loosened the hug but YunHo shook his head and stared at JaeJoong. In which JaeJoong became nervous and tried to look calm.

“JaeJoongie~ wae are you in front of me? am I dreaming?”

“hyung, your not dreaming and Jae is really in front of you” YunHo then smiled and hugged JaeJoong.

“ne it is JaeJoongie~..this sweet smell is JaeJoongie’s” JaeJoong on the other hand, stared at YooChun whom is staring at YunHo.

“Y-YunHo l-let’s get you to Chunnie’s sofa so you can rest” YunHo then shook his head.

“I don’t want to let go of you, I want to remain hugging you, I don’t want to wake up if this is all a dream, because once I let go of you, and wake up from this dream, you won’t be mine” both YooChun and JaeJoong was shock with what YunHo had said and the next thing they knew, YunHo’s hands fell on his side’s and is now snoring on JaeJoong’s shoulder.

YooChun weakly smiled.

“let’s get hyung to the sofa” after hearing YooChun, JaeJoong nodded and JaeJoong slowly moved YunHo’s body, in which YooChun held YunHo’s shoulder’s. YooChun then slung YunHo’s left arm over his shoulder while JaeJoong slung YunHo right arm over his shoulder and they carefully walked towards the sofa and carefully lye YunHo on the sofa, once YunHo was placed on the sofa.

“YunHo’s so funny” said JaeJoong in which YooChun weakly nod.

“yes hyung is….” Continued YooChun with a weak smile, as he think about what YunHo had said.

“baby is it okay? If I leave you here with hyung for a minute? I need to buy some honey for hyung when he wakes up?” JaeJoong on the other hand just stared at YooChun in shock, at the moment he doesn’t want to be left with YunHo alone, because of what happened earlier.

“baby Jae” called YooChun worriedly as he placed both his hands on JaeJoong’s shoulder’s that snapped JaeJoong from his thoughts and nodded. YooChun then smiled and left, leaving JaeJoong whom is now staring at YunHo.

“JaeJoong snap out of it….” JaeJoong then slapped himself and went towards the dining table and took his sit.



“Jae….. I love you, you’re the only one I love, the only one in my heart…. “

“I don’t want to let go of you, I want to remain hugging you, I don’t want to wake up if this is all a dream, because once I let go of you, and wake up from this dream, you won’t be mine”

End of Flashback..


JaeJoong then shooked his head. And buried his face with his palms.

“wae am I being this way? I mean wae am I thinking about what YunHo had said? Wae?i can’t be this way, I can’t…Chunnie is more important….that’s just shock, beside’s YunHo’s drunk, it’s not like he really mean those word’s and he said he love’s Chunnie too…yes…but the kiss”JaeJoong then shooked his head as he tried to forget the kiss “aish snap out of it…I’m only shock nothing more, that’s right…it was nothing…im only shock” with that JaeJoong smiled and nodded saying that he was just shock over and over again.



YooChun then opened the door of the pharmacy, as his eyes turned to the direction of the counter, he came face to face with the shock JunSu. The two stared at each other.



“YooChun I’m really tired of this, you wanna know why I don’t want to listen anymore? Because I’m tired of your lies, I don’t trust you anymore and also I’m tired of this, tired of being hurt, I’m hurt don’t you know that?, of course you don’t know that, **sigh** when you look at our past, we really are best of friends, but you can’t change the fact that you used me and another thing I don’t want to be your friend as of now, I want to be away from you, I want to be calm. You wanna know why? Because I LOVE YOU, and it’s hurting me so much to the point that I don’t know what to do, I thought I could buried this feeling, but when I saw you again, it came back to me, so please YooChun you have to understand seeing you, is hurting me more, please stay away from me, maybe after I calm down and I no longer have feeling’s for you, maybe then I’ll let you talk and maybe we can be friend’s so for now please stay away from me, good bye” with that JunSu run, with tears falling down his cheeks.

End of flashback….


Junsu then broke their gaze and walked past YooChun. YooChun on the other hand, stared at the retreating figure of JunSu.

“mianhae…I really don’t know how to face you…nor what to say to you..Su~”



JunSu wiped his tears as he sat on the back of the bus with his head on the window. Memories of their encounter kept playing on both YooChun and JunSu’s head.

“Wae are you everywhere?wae? I wish to not see you anymore, so I won’t be hurt and so that I can fully forget my stupid feelings towards you”said JunSu to himself.

“what shall I do?to get your forgiveness and to know the reason behind your anger…it really hurts me to see you this way and knowing im hurting you with your feeling’s for me..”said YooChun to himself as he stares at the night sky.


@YunHo’s dream…

“where am i?” said YunHo to himself as he looked to his surrounding’s only to find nothing but darkness, he then begun walking to find his way out of this darkness that kept hunting him since he was in High School. On his way a light appear and he saw a figure of a guy, whom is wearing his tuxedo.  YunHo then hurriedly walked towards the figure, but the figure was walking fast, he couldn’t reach the guy.


“Excuse me?....Mr?” the figure even walk more fast. “WAIT UP!” continued YunHo..but the figure disappeared.


And after the figure disappeared, everything turned black again…”What the hell?....Wae am I in this torture darkness again? Wae?” said YunHo to himself as he continued walking to nowhere, as he goes further a small light appear on the end, which gave hope to YunHo and so he run towards the light, which as minutes goes by, the light he see’s is getting bigger and bigger, and on his way he heard a soft sound, a sound of a piano..and so YunHo run as fast as he can, and as the light became bigger, the sound became louder and he can also hear people chatting and children laughing. And as he goes further he saw a big door, and behind the big door he can hear clearly the music, the music which is very familiar to him but he can’t remember what it was and where he heard it before. Without hesitation, he opened the door.


when he entered, he find himself inside a garden, and was standing on a red carpet with petals of red roses lying on the carpet. As he looks around, he now knows he’s in a garden wedding, the people on the garden became quiet and were staring at him with cold gaze. YunHo on the other hand ignored all the stares and continued walking he heard people whispering to each other…


”Isn’t that YunHo?..the one that make’s ---- cry” said the figure of a girl… “Yeah, but who care’s ----- is happy now and forever will be cause he will be married to ----“ responded the figure of another girl.


“What are they talking about?” asked YunHo to himself, he was really irritated to the people who kept chattering bad things about him, when he was about to go back, he found the door where he came in was gone and all he can see, are chair’s and figure’s of people around him…

As he was about to continue to walk, he found himself in front of the altar with a figure of a guy waving at him…”who is this guy? And wae is he waving at me?”asked YunHo to himself.. YunHo then walked towards the guy who kept waving at him..


“Excuse me?” said YunHo…but before he could hear the response of the guy, he suddenly heard the door open, revealing a figure of the guy wearing his tuxedo… “It’s the guy from before?”asked YunHo to himself…


But before he could turn his gaze to guy who waved at him, he found himself seated on the chair near the two figures of guys, clapping at the two people on the altar..YunHo was about to stand up when the place started to light up and all the figure’s became real people whom he knew from their college days. As YunHo look’s to his side’s, he found out that the two figure’s he was seated with was ChangMin and JunSu. He found their parent’s and even their teacher’s seated at the back of them…


 “What’s going on?”asked YunHo to himself, while looking curious and confused at his surroundings. As he was about to walk away, he heard a word which shocked him and stopped him from his tracks.


“You two are now married, you may kiss your husband JaeJoong” When he turned his gaze at the altar, he saw JaeJoong and YooChun kissing… And before he could react, everyone in the garden clapped and congratulates the newlywed


“Congratulation Jae Hyung, YooChun” cheered JunSu, followed by ChangMin and the rest of their friend’s.


YooChun and JaeJoong then walked towards YunHo and they hugged him “Thank you so much for coming to our wedding” said the smiling JaeJoong as they loosened the hug, Yoochun then patted his shoulder. YunHo was still shock at the scene that he couldn’t say anything nor move.


“THIS IS NOT TRUE, THIS IS JUST A DREAM!” shouted YunHo as he closes his eyes and opened it again, only to see a worried YooChun and JaeJoong in front of him..


“Hyung what are you shouting about a dream?” said Yoochun worriedly.. As he heard those tears then started rolling down his cheeks and YunHo run passed the two… On his way he saw images of ChangMin, JunSu, Karam, and KiBum laughing at him..


“hyung your really an idiot, it’s all your fault you lost Jae Hyung” said JunSu…

“STOP!” shouted YunHo…. “You’re a coward!’s all your fault that you lost Jae Hyung” said ChangMin….


“shame on you, for being an idiot, for hurting Jae you really lost him”said KiBum


“you’re the reason why Jae Hyung’s always sad and crying” said Karam.. “I SAID STOP!”shouted YunHo…


"it's all your fault, your fault, your fault"…..


“STOP….PLEASE ALL OF YOU STOP!! IT’S NOT MY FAULT!” shouted YunHo as he continue running.


"it's all your fault, your fault, your fault"…..


“STOP!” shouted YunHo real hard.



Meanwhile @YooChun’s apartment…

“STOP!” after hearing this JaeJoong snapped from his thought’s and run towards YunHo, and started shaking YunHo’s body to wake him up…

“WAKE UP YUNHO!” shouted the worried JaeJoong as he continue shaking YunHo’s body..

"YUNHO!!" shouted JaeJoong…


Back To YunHo’s Dream…


As he continue running, he saw an image of JaeJoong leaving the place with YooChun, that made him stop from his tracks..

“NO! IT’S NOT TRUE! NO!” shouted YunHo.


Meanwhile Back To JaeJoong…

“NO! IT’S NOT TRUE! NO!” shouted YunHo, his hand then raises and was reaching for something in the air, seeing YunHo’s hand JaeJoong caught it and the next thing he knew he was pulled into a tight hug.

“JaeJoongie~…please..i beg you…don’t leave me..i need you…”said YunHo as tears falls down from his cheeks, JaeJoong on the other hand was shock that he couldn’t react.

“He needs me?”asked JaeJoong to himself. After saying that to himself, he felt happy. JaeJoong then hugged YunHo back…After a minute, YunHo woke’s up and found himself hugging JaeJoong…He then closed his eyes again as he enjoy the feeling of being hugged by JaeJoong, for he knows it'll be the last time….

To Be Continued…


So how was it? hope you guys liked it ^-^ waah praying mode..hope my story is not getting boring ^-^ anyways thank you so much for my subscriber's and new subscriber's love love you all my inspiration's ^-^ *hug you all* anyways i'll be needing some feedbacks if thats okay with you. Again mianhae for my late update and hope you like my new update. ^-^


@likuna sis mianhae for the long wait anyways hope you like the new update ^-^

@catalina hi there thank you so much for reading and hope you’re still waiting and hope you like my new update ^-^

@Lacie56 hi unnie hope you’re still holding the bomb kkk XD yup YunHo became true to Jae after he was drunk kkk XD ne YunHo suffered a lot, we’ll see what’ll happen to them anyways thank you so much for reading and hope you like my update ^-^
@Sarah_OT5 hi there thank you so much for loving the story and hope you like my new update ^-^

@itslol123 hi sis, minahae for the long wait you know what happened..anyways thanks for reading and hope you’re still waiting for this ^-^ your right on that part and ne poor min having a creepy stalker, true true kkk XD anyways hope you like my new update ^-^

@clumsytikduck hi sis, im glad you love it ^-^ yup YunJae kissed hehehe and ne poor Min. thanks and hope you like my new update ^-^

@lanny01 unnie~ah im back ^-^ and yup YunHo kissed JaeJoong ^-^ hehehe im glad you like Max underwear thief lol XD anyways hope you like my new update ^-^

@YeonKi3YunJ unnie, thank you so much for reading and mianhae for making you wait btw nope I won’t and he already did the operation so he’s safe ^-^ there’s a secret behind this chappy which will be revealed on the later chappy. Anyways thanks again unnie and hope you like my new update ^-^

@autumn_desire hi there, thank you so much for reading and mianhae for my super late update, hope you’re still waiting ^-^ btw ne I kinda blurt out a lot on the previous chap, ^-^ even though he’s cured, its still not advisable for YunHo to drink and he did and 8 bottle.. ypu he did and he’s drunk when he did. Well Jae didn’t kiss YunHo back, he’s confuse and he’s with YooChun but we’ll see what’ll happen next. Kkk try guessing who’s Min’s stalker and I’ll reveal it on the next chappy I think ^-^ anyways I’ll try my best and hope you like my new update ^-^

@imasein thanks for reading appaumma ^-^ JJ umma said it’s not that easy, and if you can steal him cause Yun appa’s locked on his room kkk XD we’ll see what’ll happen next and hope you like my new update ^-^

@ShineeELF26 hi sis ne, it’s beem a while and yup I remember you and hope you’re still waiting for this story, mianhae for the long wait *bowed 90degrees* we’ll see what’ll happen to YooSu, kkk being drunk is the only solution to break YunHo’s pride and stupidity. We’ll see what’ll happen to all four anyways thanks for reading and hope oyu like my new update ^-^

@kuroganegirl yup unnie heart disease, actually he already did the operation, one of the reason why he went to America aside from family business. Well see what’ll happen to YunJae ^-^.

Jinja? Omo unnie share me who you guessed as the stalker of Min ^-^

Oh jinja? Im glad and thanks for reading and mianhae for the long wait ^-^

@sacmynlibra hi there sis, thank you so much for reading, and mianhae for the long wait… Yup, yup Yun appa confessed 2 times ^-^ though there’s a secret on this chap, which will revealed on the later chap ^-^…

Ne YooChun is affected so much with su’s hatred since he doesn’t know the reason behind it. Yup that’s the reason why Su hated YooChun because he felt he’s being used to be close to JaeJoong and also because of jealousy. Well see what’ll happen to YooSu ^-^ ne thanks for waiting and hope you’re still waiting for my update ^-^

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I like it... Update soon :)
Krsobsessions #2
found this on the pile of old fic~
go update you lazy author………
stop being crazy (with me XD) and start writing!!
Chapter 15: cant wait for the next update
catalina #4
Chapter 14: cool one author-nim i luved the update update as soon as u can hust luved the chapter
Chapter 15: so is siwon :) yeay ...but he would end with siwon??? and ofcourse although i want update for those 2 i want this too
mimzzy #6
Chapter 14: I want mooooooore! :)) but no HoSu! Yunho said was true they're just like brothers.
Chapter 15: your new poster looks nice, i like it..:))
Chapter 15: wow when i see the result never thought it would be the same as my idea :D ,,,but who is his stalker ,,,who ??? who ?? (jumping up and down )
Chapter 14: please no HoSu here >.< I already can't take the pain of yunjae and yoosu. Don't make it more complicated. But oh well, it is your story.

Love your fic so much. You have to update soon!!!