Chapter 7

Goodbye. Saranghae.

Weeks passed by just like that.

One day, Infinite took you to Lotte World and the next day, you all went to the beach.  It was endless fun with Infinite.  Everyone had so much fun that they soon forgot about your disease.

It was a bright and sunny day and you felt like hanging out at the park with Infinite members.  At the park, everyone played tag and ran around screaming like little kids.

You sat under a tree and happily watched Infinite have a great time.  You started feeling a little, tiny, almost microscopic pain in your stomach.  Thinking that you were just a little hungry, you shoved it aside and continued watching the 7 boys.

Soon, it wasn’t a little pain, the pain worsened.  You thought your stomach hurt because you were just extremely hungry, so you stood up and told the boys that it’s time to head home.

On the way home, the guys were joking around and you were laughing.  You temporarily forgot about the little nagging pain in your stomach. 



You were literally only a couple steps from yours and Myungsoo's house.



Suddenly, you clutched her stomach and fell to the group, blood started dripping from your mouth. Infinite was shocked. They didn’t know what was happening to you. 

Sungjong knelt down and wrapped his arms around you, your head rested against his shoulder.  Your face was scrunched up in agony.  He asked you “Noona what’s wrong? Noona!”

The pain was unbearable, it felt like someone was cutting you up inside with a knife, you whispered, “It hurts, it hurts” Over and over again.

“It’s the ulcer.” Woohyun realized. At first, the members didn’t comprehend what Woohyun just said.

Then, Myungsoo remembered what the doctor said and a look of horror appeared on his face.

--- flashback ---

“Next time the ulcer comes back...  _____ won’t recover.  She’ll die.”

--- end of flashback ---

Following the flashback were images of him and you smiling and having fun together. Then, he realized how much you meant to him, you meant the world to him.

“No….. NO!!!!!”

Myungsoo pushed Sungjong out of the way, picked you up bridal style, and started sprinting in the direction of the hospital. Infinite was just a few steps behind.

You buried your face into Myungsoo's chest. Both hands were still clutching your stomach.

When you two were minutes away from the hospital, you felt light-headed; everything started to become blurry, the pain was slowly going away, and Myungsoo kept telling you to hang on but he sounded very far away. You knew it was time.

Painfully, your hand reached up and touched his face.  He stopped and looked at you with a worried expression.  You used the last of your energy and whispered to him, “Myungsoo-ah, sa…rang…hae.”

With that, your hand fell down and hung limply, your head dropped back.  Infinite stopped and gasped when they saw your head drop.

Myungsoo fell to his knees and screamed like a madman. “No no no no no _____ please don’t die! Wake up! Wake up I tell you, wake up!!!!” He started to shake you violently.  You gave no response.

“Hyung, it’s no use. _____ is gone.” Sungyeol said sadly.  Everyone lowered their heads.  Myungsoo just hugged your lifeless body even tighter.



Aish, I think this chappie is bad. :/ I might edit it later. Bye bye for now!!!~

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naznew #1
so sad..
O_O,T^T I'm speechless... btw, I like it...
Buhuhuhuhuh! A sequel? But how? I mean, pfft! ____'s dead! XD LOLOL. Just saying... I was commenting just for karma.. Hehehe...
OMOOO It made me cry ...
OMGGGG that was a really good one! Made me cry D;<br />
I like how Sungjong is so caring! Aaahh woohyun <3<br />
hope you can make a sequel! ;D
please let me know if you want to write the sequel..<br />
tq...<br />
@beastly-star Omo, that's a nice suggestion. I'll think about a sequel. :)
@defyingdestiny ......... i'll think about it. *gears in mind starts turning* <br />
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