Chapter 4

Goodbye. Saranghae.

Every day was the same for the next few months. You would wake up, cook breakfast for Myungsoo and then help the maids with work.  They refused to let you work since you are Myungsoo's wife, but you persisted on helping them and they soon gave in.


It was a holiday so the maids and servants all went home to celebrate.  During the holiday, Myungsoo stayed in his room the whole time and you cleaned and wandered around the house.  Since Myungsoo was always in his room, he was unaware that you were sick. 

One morning you were in the bathroom getting ready to go down to cook breakfast when suddenly you felt a piercing pain in your stomach.  You doubled over and tried pressing your stomach hoping the pain would go away but it only got worse.  Tears were threatening to fall.  Trying to be brave and it in even though it was extremely painful, you stood up and headed for the door but you felt lightheaded. The next thing you knew, everything was black.

Myungsoo walked out of his room but didn’t hear you cooking breakfast. He went downstairs and the kitchen was empty. Thinking that you were still asleep, he grabbed a bag of chips and simply went back to his room.

He never thought about going to your room and checking to see if everything was all right.  Whenever he was hungry, he just went to the pantry and grabbed a snack.  Two days went by just like that.

Infinite decided to visit during the holidays.  They arrived and rand the doorbell.  Myungsoo went and answered it.  They came in and Sungjong looked around.

“Where’s _____ noona?” he asked.  “Molla.” Myungsoo simply replied.

“How could you not know?” Hoya asked.  “You two live under the same roof!!!” Woohyun finished.

Myungsoo just shrugged. “I’ve been in my room the whole time.  When I’m hungry I just went to the kitchen and grabbed a snack. That’s it.”

“When was the last time you saw her?” Sunggyu asked. Myungsoo paused to think about it, “two days.”  “Well you two aren’t acting like a couple.  You don’t even care what she’s doing!” Dongwoo said.

Sungjong wanted to see you so he went to your room and the rest of Infinite followed.  They knocked but you didn’t answer.  They knocked again, still no answer. 

“That’s weird. It’s 1:00pm so she can’t be sleeping…” Sungyeol commented.  “But I don’t hear any sounds…” Hoya noted.

Sungjong started twisting the doorknob only to find it locked.  He started banging on the door.

“_____ noona!!!! Open the door!!!”  The 7 guys were starting to feel uneasy. *Why isn’t she answering the door?* Myungsoo wondered.

“Yah, L, do you have a spare key to _____’s room?” Dongwoo asked.  Myungsoo snapped out of his thoughts and went to get the spare key. 

When he came back, he gave the key to Hoya who went to unlock the door.  They heard the lock click meaning it was unlocked and the guys barged in. 

They looked around.  You weren’t sleeping in bed and you weren’t at your desk.  There’s no way you’d be hiding in your wardrobe.  The last place to check was the bathroom.  Sunggyu knocked on the door and called out your name in case you were in there using the restroom or changing.  No response.  Sunggyu slowly opened the door and everyone gasped.

You were sitting down and slumped against the bathroom wall.  Your face was ghost white and your lips were extremely pale.

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naznew #1
so sad..
O_O,T^T I'm speechless... btw, I like it...
Buhuhuhuhuh! A sequel? But how? I mean, pfft! ____'s dead! XD LOLOL. Just saying... I was commenting just for karma.. Hehehe...
OMOOO It made me cry ...
OMGGGG that was a really good one! Made me cry D;<br />
I like how Sungjong is so caring! Aaahh woohyun <3<br />
hope you can make a sequel! ;D
please let me know if you want to write the sequel..<br />
tq...<br />
@beastly-star Omo, that's a nice suggestion. I'll think about a sequel. :)
@defyingdestiny ......... i'll think about it. *gears in mind starts turning* <br />
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