Jeju or Nawh?

My Younger Sister's Girlfriend's Older Sister.

Jessica’s POV (POV-Point of View)

I can’t believe the nerve of some people! Seriously!? Trying to grab my s while I’m fixing my bag!? How much lower can they get? I know I’m a model but please people! Control your hormones!

Ding. Alright everyone. It is currently 1:30 and I’m your pilot, the one and only Dancing Queen! If you die on this flight, I’m letting you know now that it wasn’t my fault. Keke, anyway, buckle up and let’s get going!

Gosh. I swear everyone on this flight is a loon. Sigh. I’m going to take a nap now. I just hope that no more weirdos try to touch me again.

Krystal’s POV (POV- Point of View)

Look at shorty. Running everywhere and being all mean. Look at her size! I bet I could take her down. Keke. We’re in the air now and I’m keeping a special eye on her. With that attitude, I might get a few laughs, haha I can’t wa-

“ Excuse me ma’am! Could you stop watching my , please!?”

Hehe, here it is. My entertainment. I just let myself kick back and relax. This is going be great!

“ What? I wasn’t watching your .”

“Oh yeah you were! I’m not blind, ert!”

Right now, Shorty is arguing with some lady who’s a bit of . I mean, she was clearly looking at Shorty’s .

“ Hey Taeyeon! Wazzup bruh!?” Some lady with long, blonde hair and uniform on asked.

Wait is that the captain’s uniform?

The called, Taeyeon got up and ran over to her.

“Hyoyeon! How ya been!?”

They both bro hugged each other and began to chat about old times while shorty was trying to get their attention.

“Anyway Tae. What’s the big commotion with Sunny?”

“ Sunny? Wow, that’s a beautiful name.” The girl called said, admiringly. Taeyeon’s eyes slowly went downward scoping out her body.

“Hyo! Tell this idiot to stop me with her eyes!”

“Tae, stop”

“ But, she’s hot! And-”

“Stop talking about me!”

And so, the trio of Sunny a.k.a Shorty, Hyoyeon and Taeyeon began bickering while everyone was rolling around with tears in their eyes. Me included.

“ Hey, Hyo?”

“Yeah, Tae?”

“Who’s flying the plane.”

“ Well me of course! I’m the captain silly.”

And in that moment, everyone’s calmness turned into fear, laughter died down and all eyes were on the captain but most importantly in that moment, we were able to deduce two things:

  1. The captain was drunk.


  1. No one was flying the plane.

Oh ! Screams filled the air upon realizing that the plane was going down. I dashed to the cockpit and pulled out a manual from a pocket in front.

In that moment, however, I was able to deduce two very different things:

  1. My dad teaching me to fly a plane at the age of 14 wasn’t stupid and useless.


  1. I was landing this and there was no two ways about it.

Jeju, here I come…..or not.

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Hey! Im glad your back. Can't wait for more updates man.
Chapter 9: lols smart move amber.. hahaha.. hope to see their faces when they woke up..lols both in the same bed.
Chapter 8: hahaha.. their fated meeting gosh..and in between is kryber..
Muhan- #4
I'm back. Author is back!
redeb21 #5
Chapter 8: It makes me sad that you have to do this, but in whatever you pursue and whatever decisions you make i wish you success and good luck
jessvic is so new to me...
maanpren #7
Chapter 4: OMG!! Where's vic!!
frans89 #8
Chapter 3: Well, you know, i think this story's gonna be awesome & freaking funny, so author-shii, please update soon. I can't wait for JessVic or KryBer craziness here. HAHAHAHA XD
jadeway123 #9
Chapter 3: Woohoo jessvic :)