Chapter 9 : OMO....SUZY'S BAAAACK!! YAY

When it comes to be like this...




RRINGG~~ (AlarmClock Ringing -7.30 a.m)




“YAAAAH! SWEETIE WAAKE UUUPPP!” I heard Dad shouting from outside.


“Mmm… ><” I murmured and snug in the covers.



~The door flung open~


“Yah Princess you better wake up right now!” Dad said, shaking my body.

“Leave me alone I’m sleeeeepy~~” I mumbled in my sleep.

“You’re late and they’re waiting for you!!” Dad told me.




“Daaaaaaad~ “

He then took off the covers and pushed me in the bathroom.

“Hurry up and get ready. I don’t want them to wait for you.” Dad said and left my room.


Why should it have to be like this?

I’m… sleepy~


I took my bath and brushed my teeth and wore my uniform without combing my hair coz dad was yelling from downstairs.


I groggily took my bag and went to the porch.


Omo.. Where’s  Mr. Gwan (My driver’s name) ?

“YAH SWEETIE WHERE ARE YOU??” asked Dad from a quite far distance.


I came to him and scratched my head.

“Dad. Where’s Mr. Gwan?” I asked him.


“He’s on for a holiday now go outside they’re waiting for you!” Dad told me.


“Just go and apologize!” Dad said, pushing me out of the house like I was a lost cat or something.

Aish.. I hate it when Dad’s like this ==”


I said the magic word to open the gate,




And poof, it opened.




There, a black Prosche car was waiting.

Who’s car is this?



It honked at me?


Maybe that’s what dad meant by They


I entered the back seat and KWANG MIN was there :D

Ahh… I see..

“Annyeong hashimnikka Ahjusshi. Mianhamnida for making you so long to wait for me.” I greeted.

“Annyeong Seung Hee. It’s okay. We’re good.” Their Dad said and started driving.


“Annyeong Kwang Min Oppa..” I greeted Kwang Min and he greeted back smiling at me.

“Annyeong Young Min….....................................oppa.” I greeted young min hesitating to say the word oppa.


ERGHH…. I don’t like calling him Oppa. YUCKS.


Kwang Min looked at my hair chuckling.

“What’s wrong oppa?” I asked him, fumbling on my hair.

“You didn’t comb your hair?”

Omo… I forgot about it.

“Ummm…” I bit my lip, combing my hair with my fingers awkwardly.

He grabbed my wrist and took a comb from his bag and combed my hair for me.

Why do I feel nervous? I mean nervous + happy.?

“There. “ he said,  tucking his comb in his bag.

“Gomawo Kwang Min Oppa.” I bowed on my seat.


He giggled and pinched my cheeks.


“Ahaha… Mianhae . “

I rubbed my cheek with my hand, shooting him fake evil glares.

His eyes then focused on my wrist-sleeve.

He grabbed my wrist and buttoned it.




I thanked him again.


Little did I know that Young Min was spying at us infront… by looking at the mirror side... 


After the 35 minutes drive, we’ve reached the school and I thanked their Dad.

“Seung Hee let’s go..” Kwang Min said as we get out of the car.


There were only few students that were in the school.


I wonder why…


We walked together to the hallway and there they were..


Students gathering around a notice board.



I ignored them and—


“OMO!! IT’S SEUNG HEE!!” Someone shouted.


And in a blink of an eye, they rushed to me..,


Kwang Min was pushed aside and they gathered, pushing, pulling me asking questions.







My mind became blurr..

I couldn’t breathe.

All of them were squeezing in me..



I can’t …





Waterfall of tears were falling endlessly.

“LEAAVE ME ALONE (cries) “

Everyone stopped and looked at me.

I fell crouching on the floor, hugging my knees, panting + crying.


“Daaaddyy…..” I called between my cries.


Soon everyone left me leaving gossips and whispers..





I was there in the hallway..

Crying.. alone..

I have no idea where Kwang Min Oppa went..

Maybe he headed to his class..


“Seung Hee? Are you okay?”  A voice sounded before me.

I looked at that person and hugged her.

It was Suzy.

And She came to school atlas!!!

“Su.. (cry) zy... I... I... (cries even louder)”

“Aren’t you happy to see me in school?” She asked me, wiping away my tears.

I nodded my head wiping my tears too.


“I couldn’t .. (cry) ... breathe” I said, hiccupping.

“I know. I was supposed to take you out from that crowd but then you just made them leave you.” She told me.

“Let’s go to class now. I’ll tell them it’s another Park Seung Hee he mentioned.” She said.

This is why I <3 Suzy so much.

“Y..You know about it? “ I asked her.

“I watched it yesterday in KBS. “ She said. [a/n they were talking about the Kim Hyun Joong interview (incase you forgot)]



I nodded my head and she helped me get up and we headed to our class.

As I entered the class, some of my classmates gathered around me but Suzy shooed them away.


And Young Min was busy doing something at his seat.

I was.. still crying and Suzy accompanied me to my seat.


“Seung Hee don’t cry.” Suzy told me.

Young Min was staring at us his eyebrow raising.

“Wh..What do you want?” I grunted at Young Min.

“You’re crying?” He asked. Looking at my eyes.



“Mind your own business before I rip you throat apart.” I coldly replied.

And telling Suzy to leave it all to me when it comes to Young Min =D


“Oh My Gosh I’m scaaared!! NOT” Young Min faked scared.


In the other hand, Suzy was surprised to see our friendship  attitude together.


“Se..Seung Hee? “ She poked at me looking scared.


“What?” I asked, whipping my tears.


“Nothing.” She replied.




I hit Young Min at the back with my pencil case.


“OUCH... WHAT NOW?!” He complained.


“Are you forgetting something, alien?” I questioned him, my cry had vanished.

“Forget what?”


“This is Suzy.” I pointed at her.






Young Min chuckled and gave me a scoffed look.


“Seung Hee, It’s okay. I’ll just sit there behind.” Suzy told me, gripping my arm.


“See? She said she’s gonna sit there behind.. “ Young Min told me.




“Seung Hee! Don’t be like that. He’s our new classmate.” Suzy told me.




And plus he's just 4 days new in this school =="


“What did you just called me?” Young Min stood up, frowning.


“WRECKING ALIEN.” I replied, standing up from my chair.


“So who do you think you are?”


“I’m myself. Nobody else.”


“Huh... You’re a pathetic asinine to me.”


“BBWWOO?!—“ Before I could choke his throat Suzy held me up.



at him.


My nerves... My nerves... He’s playing with it.


“Seung Hee! Stop it!!” Suzy demanded, still holding me, not wanting to let go coz she thinks I can even murder this alien

infront of her.


“I’m not gonna fight with a pathetic asinine like you.” He said.


OMG I seriously feel like stabbing him everywhere!


“Idiotic.. Reckless... Moron.” I mumbled and forced to let go off me and sat back on my seat.


He didn’t do anything so I thought that he didn’t hear.


I wish to curse more about him but I just have to find a good timing that would make him piss off.


“Suzy is still gonna sit here.” I mumbled ..



Suzy was about to go back to her seat but then I managed to grab her wrist ..


“SUUUUUZZZZYYYYY... don’t leave me T_T” I begged.


“Seung Hee for Pete’s sake, I’m just gonna be right there not far from your seat! It’s not a big deal.” She rolled her eyes.


“But still,, I don’t like to sit with that alien” I pointed at Young Min.


“Yah Seung Hee. Be nice to him. He’s our new classmate so be nice!!!” Suzy scolded me.



I let go of her grip and she headed to her seat.


Well... her  seat wasn’t that far from mine. It was like, 3 tables from the back .


I glared at Young Min.


I really wanted to rip his throat apart.




And then I had an idea.


“Young Min...” I called him in a sweet voice.


I felt disgusted okay...

It’s all for Suzy’s sake T_T


“What again?”  He asked me, giving me his mad look.


“Do you... Perhaps... Like me?” I asked him hesitatingly.


EwW... I never wanted to ask that hideous question xO



“Whaa?” He scoffed and laughed really really hard, enough for making the class hear him.





“I would never like a pathetic girl like you.” He replied.



“Really?” I asked him, with my puppy eyes.


“DUH~ You’re not my type. “ He answered.


“So... that means that you don’t like being with me right?”


“Yeah.. Ofcourse! You’re super annoying. Yekhh..” He said in disgust.

What The Hell? I think he’s talking about himself ==”


“So................. You may proceed to the last seat at the back.” =D




“You said you didn’t like me. And you said you didn’t like being with me. So... Change your seat with Suzy or else...”

“Or else what?”


“I’m gonna consider that you have a crush on meh >:D”




“I’m serious.”


“No one would believe you.”


“Oh yea? Says who?”


“Says me.”


“Well, I have another something to share with them “ I smirked.


He raised an eye brow.


“You think I didn’t know about your history?”


“(chuckles) What are you saying?”


“You played with your Mom’s... under garments when you were.. 12.” I hesitatingly told him keeping my voice low.


Okay this is how I knew it.




Wednesday, in Seung Hee's house.  [a/n refer to Chapter 5 to know what I'm trying to say]


While my dad and the twin's parents was talking, and Young Min was playing with his PSP,


Kwang Min took my hand and brought me to the balcony upstairs.


We gazed together in the night sky for a moment.


"You wanna know something about Young Min?" Kwang Min asked me.


"YES YES PLEASE" I begged like a 5 year old child wanting an ice-cream.

"Well what do you want to know about him?"




"Ahaha... okay well I think I have one "


I waitid patiently for him to reply.


"He... played with Mom's undergarments when he was ..... 12" He said laughing.


I burst into laughter but it was quite awkward LOOL.


[a/n : LOL what kind of flashback is this xDD ]


-End Of Flashback-




“BWOO??! “


Hahaha xD  OH MY GOD HIS FACE!!! xD


A smile of triumph crept on me.


“THAT’S A LIE! WHO TOLD YOU THIS??!”  Young Min yelled.


“Emm.. Well... That would be a secret.”




“No it isn’t. “ I protested.


“IT IS. AND PLUS... WHO WOULD BE ON YOUR SIDE FOR THAT?” He confidently asked.


“Let’s see... hmm...  No other than... KWANG MIN OPPA!”




“So, alien from Planet Saturn, it would remain a secret if you would switch places with my fellow bestie. Deal?”


“URGH.. FINE. BUT MAKE SURE YOU KEEP IT A SECRET IF NOT... you’re gonna regret it.” Young Min warned me.


But why does he likes to sit at Suzy’s place?

If it is about Hyuna, she’s four tables from our seat.

Or if it is for his concentration on the board?

That would be a miracle if so, I know him quite well, he sleeps when the lesson had started ==”



He was still sitting beside me, his face with anger + madness.

“YAH... GO NOW..” I instructed.


It feels good to make him pissed off. .:D


He rolled his eyes and headed to Suzy’s place.


But then something came up in his mind...

That I never knew...


I looked at the back to see them.


I saw Young Min asking her nicely to come back to her seat here..

Thats weird..

Is he gonna tackle Suzy?



Suzy then looked at me with a what face..

“Come here.” I demanded from my seat.

She awkwardly packed her things and sat at her ACTUAL place.

“YAAAY!” I jumped in excitement and hugged her like we haven’t met for a living.


“Omo Seung Hee what just happened?” Suzy asked me.


“Well... I threatened him >:D “ I replied...


“You what?”


“I do know one of his embarrassing secret and and and I threat him to that.” 


“You... Seung Hee... Is totally insane.”


“For the sake of my best friend =3 “


“-.- Oh c’mon I told you already I was just there not far from your place and you risked your life doing this for the sake of BEST FRIENDS?”


“Risk my life? PSH. How? And It’s not for the sake of Best friends it’s for the sake of me and you.”


“I heard rumours that he was sort of a kingka in this school or what and Hyuna... owns him?”


“WHAT?? (bursts out laughing) KINGKA? ARE YOU CRAZY xD  “


“Oh and Hyuna... lol she even threatened me for staying off of that alien” I persisted.


“Yeah. I even heard that she slapped you yesterday. I really felt pity for you. I should’ve come yesterday” She said.


“And who told you everything ?”


“Not other than the harbingers in the school ==” “


“ahh... I see... So................. I’m free from Young Min’s annoyance!” I said.


“He seems nice to me.” Suzy told me, playing with her fingers.


“He.. WHAT?”


“The way he treated me is so... like a gentleman”


“BWO? How could that be? It had been just 3 minutes and then... WHAT?”


“Nae Seung Hee.. I’m telling you. He has a good side.”


“What good side? ARE YOU FALLING FOR HIM O.O”


“Umm... i don’t know.”


Aiyyaaaa...... This can’t be happening.....




-Skips to Recess-


Young Min came at Suzy’s direction and bowed 90 degrees.

Suzy was quite surprised by the look of her face as she never expected:

“Annyeong, Pretty. Would you like to have break with me?”


WHOA... That... Alien...

Suzy looked at me confusingly.


“Are you asking for Seung Hee?” Suzy asked Young Min.



“Silly, I’m asking you, Suzy.”  He charmingly smiled at her and she... she..



No.. My bestfriend.. Can’t.... Fall... Inlove... With.. That Freak..


Suzy looked again at me.

“Can I?” She begged with her puppy eyes.

AISH I can’t handle it.


I sighed.



“YAY! Thanks Seung Hee! “ She hugged me and... kissed my cheek?


I rubbed it off quickly and had a disgusted face on me.


Young Min held her wrist and they walked out of the class.

And there.. I knew Suzy was gonna be in trouble.

Hyuna... Was looking at her.





I was getting bored all alone in this class.

Why does that Alien has to take her away from me ?

URGH.  And I was soo happy that I could spend time with her the whole day and he just snatched her from me….


“Screw you Young Min.” I cussed.


I wonder where’s Kwang Min Oppa. He’s usually gonna come here.


So I decided to  take a walk in the hallway and some students gathered around me asking these stupid stuffs.


“He’s referring ANOTHER Seung Hee and it’s not me.” I told them and bugged off.


As I was walking, I saw Kwang Min Oppa’s class and I peeked in it.


Ah … There he is.

He’s busy doing a chemistry experiment in his… class?

With 3 of his friends and Min Woo.

I see. He’s busy.


I continued walking to only-God-knows where and then I stopped.


It was Hyuna.


She was talking to her gangs like she was planning a plan to someone.


I quickly hid behind the locker and tried to listen but they were quite far.


Soon they dismissed and headed to the other opposite way as the bell rang.

I quickly came in the class and there I saw Young Min talking with Suzy


What in the world just happened?


It had been like… an hour and and they got along that fast ==”


I stomped on my place and pulled Suzy to the back.


“What is all of these?” I asked her angrily, my hand on my hips.


“Umm.. Nothing.” She said, looking at Young Min and … giving him a wink??


“YAH SUZY… Don’t you think it’s risky?” I told her.


She seemed to be carefree.


“Risky? How?”


“Oh God, Suzy you just told me awhile ago. HE’S HYUNA’S PROPERTY… dummy” I told her.


“Well.. we weren’t dating or something.. We just had lunch “ She said.


“URGH Suzy how could you get into his trap? HE’S TOYING YOU.” I told her.


“Seung Hee! Stop telling me bad stuffs about him coz he isn’t! He even said that you’re really nice to him even though you both quarrel each other. He had been really nice to you he just had his patience when you argued with him.”



That hypocrite xD


“He..(laughs) told you that? (laughs) “ I asked her, my hands on my tummy, I couldn’t resist his stupid charms xD


“Yaa.. Seung Hee… “ She held my wrist with a concerned face .


I finally had stopped laughing and I noticed Young Min raising an eyebrow.


And then Hyuna came to him doing those flirty stuffs.


“Yah … Look at your lover, “ I said to Suzy, pointy at Young Min.


She turned her head and saw Young Min politely rejecting her whatever offer.


Young Min then came towards our direction and took Suzy out.


Where are they going again? It’s already time for class!


I was about to say something to Suzy but she said good bye and left the classroom.







To be continued...








Weehee~ Just updated the continuing story and.... what's gonna happen next :O

Suzy is in a real deeeep trouble!




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smeeshers #1
OO where did you get those cute gifs? ITS SO CUTE OMG<br />
btw, i love your story! dont delete -.-"
Update more~
Xueting2 #3
merviin_kimchii #5
HEY ! UPDATEEEEEEEEEEEEE ! >:( dont lose interest , your story is interesting to me !
What are you talking about?! JUST CONTINUE THIS STORY!!! IT'S DAEBAK!
Youngmin so mean