Chapter 10 : Phone Booth

When it comes to be like this...

YAY... Thanks to DreamzxcPwnedd for the gorgeous poster<3 Thank you very very much I appreciate it. Sorry I didn't put it earlier coz I was using my iPad and !@#$%^%#%@ ....


Back to the story.


Skips to the end of the class.

The whole day Suzy and that jerk went together.

I mean seriously Suzy is a type of girl that gets in the trap of nice guys and and what's all with that risk things? Lol Suzy she's so something.


I waited in the waiting area for my dad or my driver or even no one .

Oh well my driver went for a holiday so it's up to dad or no one who'll pick me up.

I haven't seen Kwang Min Oppa today. That's weird. . . . .




......24 minutes had passed and slowly little by little of students went home and finally there was just me and two girls and a guy waiting here.

I don't really know if my dad or someone would come and pick me up.

And if I was supposed to go again with the twins, I never saw them here.



. . . 40 minutes already and I'm left out in this area.

It was getting dark and cold. Aish my dad =.= Such an irresponsible father.



AISH... This is gonna take forever. Hmm... Calling him? I don't think so. We're not allowed to bring phones to school except iPods and mp3s. Lol weird? Yeah it is xD

And plus the phone booth is like a kilometer away ..

I'm lazy to walk that far and it's really really dark i'm scared too. . .


1 hour and 20 minutes later....

Okay.... This is totally freaky. The School gates are closed and the security guard had left the only thing that was left was ME and my bag.

ME and my bag.....


So I guess no choice then...

It's walk to the phone booth or wait forever, ..

I walked to the direction of the Phone booth slowly, gazing left and right, front and back in case if there's any evil ghost or monsters or ghouls or vampires or draculas or kidnappers or theives or scary people or or or ....CLOWNS AND MASCOTS. God, I hate them.

I reached to this dark alley which was really really dark And creepy.

I hugged my bag tightly as I heard some weird noises like a thud and scruches and barks... And plus I was feeling cold despite this thick school blazer I'm wearing and this short skirt... Ugh this is bugging me seriously.

Finally I reached the phone booth and inserted a few coins and quickly typed dad's number.

I was soo grateful that there were lights behind the phone booth or else I would've died for the darkness and loneliness that surrounded me.


RING.. RING... RING.... RING.....


"I'm sorry, the number That you have called, could not be reached --"

Lemme try again. ..

"I'm sorry --" AISH, I inserted my coins and dialed again but... Still the same. No answer. ...


So for the upteenth times I called and my coins being swallowed, I gave up.

This dad of mine is really crazy leaving his daughter in school alone =="


8.43 pm. That's what my watch says.

And it's super dark! No one was walking by it was totally deserted.

AISH.... I hate this. And the lights behind the booth is flicking off an on. Okay this is superly scary.

I need to go back to the waiting area. Yeah at least they got lights there.

I strode through the dark alley and suddenly...

"Hey hottie..." A voice sounded before me.

I quickened my pace and I noticed that person was following me.

I couldn't really see his face or anything of him as the darkness swallowed everything in the alley.

Oh Lord, why Should this happen to me? T __ T

So I was even scared, I ran but then I tripped on a stone.

Ouch... not good.

Before I could stand up helplessly, that person Forcefully Grabbed my waist and hauled me on his shoulder and walked. 

"Yah!!! Put me down! put me down! " I panickingly demanded, kicking my legs and my hand.I was freakingly scared my thinkings becoming wild that what would happen later.

And then I heard him chuckle, "What if I don't want to? " He said.

"I'm gonna call the police and you're gonna go to jail! " I T.T what's gonna happen next? T.T Lol I must've sound like a chicken xD

And then he laughed. ==" We reached a black van/car and he tossed me on the seat and opened the light.




"So.. Am I gonna go to jail now?"



I.... gaped at him. 




Ugh,,,, "You scared me to death! "  

I Shouted at him...


He laughed and got in.


I... Park Seung Hee.... Would never... forgive...


Young Min.

Yea it was that. Jerk.


The car started and made its way to my house.


"W-why did you come and fetch me? " I asked.


"Well... Basically my parents told me to. Coz they said that your dad went somewhere " He replied.


"But why at this only time? I was waiting for soo long for someone to pick me up you know! I was scared! And you... you... "I told him then suddenly I burst out crying. I just felt scared and worried. I mean I thought that my life would end there.

He chuckled.. -.-

"Haha actually I came around six and I was observing you and I decided to put you in a prank. XD " He said.

But then I cried even louder.


No One's POV  

Young Min's prankster face turned To a sympathetic one.

" Seung Hee?" His voice Turned to a concerned tone.

Her cries were real.

Slowly Young Min felt guilty for doing that to her.

He already knew that she was scared of darkness .

"Seung Hee?" He called her out again.

Ok that didn't help but to make her cry even louder.

He admitted that it was painful to see her cry.

He came closer to her and tried to calm her down but she pushed him away and leaned at the window until they reached her home.

She wquickly went out of the car and ran towards the door house.

Young Min really felt the guiltiness that filled him.


He returned home and slumped on his bed without changing his clothes.

"what took you so long ? Is she okay? Did she go home safely?" Kwang Min asked.

Young Min didn't reply he just went on his bed and buried his face in the pillow.

"Yahh... Answer me.. Is there something wrong? " he asked again.

"Did something happened?" Kwang Min asked again.

And all of those questions made him feel even guiltier.

I know it's a small thing but, he just didn't like himself to feel guilty.


Kwang Min came closer and shook him asking the same questions again and Young Min felt overly annoyed so he threw a pillow to him and told him to shut up.

Kwang Min was left out silent but deep in him he was curious.

He's lucky that he's gonna go to Seung Hee's house tomorrow for the piano practice with her. [a/n : Tomorrow was Saturday ^^]



To be continued...


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 


Annyeong peeps!


Hehe its me... mkjlsddvbhthr. I FINALLY MEMORIZED MY OWN USER NAME!! KYAAA....

Hihi sorry for not updating. kekeke I went camping for three days and the rest of the days the internet became #$%^&* ....


Hihi... hope you like it! Dun worry I'm gonna update a.s.a.p ^^




Me inloovee with Jeong Min ^^ kekekekeke.... lol( NO TAKE TAKE HIM.. HIM MINE... NOW BACK OFF YOU.) xD







Kekekeke not to forget the sweaty people xD 


 and the clueless Hyun Seong xD




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smeeshers #1
OO where did you get those cute gifs? ITS SO CUTE OMG<br />
btw, i love your story! dont delete -.-"
Update more~
Xueting2 #3
merviin_kimchii #5
HEY ! UPDATEEEEEEEEEEEEE ! >:( dont lose interest , your story is interesting to me !
What are you talking about?! JUST CONTINUE THIS STORY!!! IT'S DAEBAK!
Youngmin so mean