Chapter 3 : You and Your Stories -.-"

When it comes to be like this...


My dad, is really fhcvbnskjghcnla .



Dad came in smiling at me.


I feel like jhdwbhvsiuy my dad.

I'm now embarassed to face them tomorrow thanks to my dad  .______.


-Skips to Seung Hee’s room at 8.30 pm-


Huh. Just had dinner and Dad went to his office or somewhere to be exact. -.-

He’s always gonna go somewhere out everyday RIGHT after dinner,

Leaving me alone in this huge house  mansion with my maids.

Since my mom died, I had no playmates except at school ofcourse.

And Hyun Joong oppa never visited me. ToT


Urgh. Okay enough with that.

I’m gonna call Suzy.

*grabs iPhone and dials Suzy’s number*


Fiction Fiction Fiction

“I am sorry, the person you have dialed—“


She’s not picking up the phone!


I lied down on my bed, in a side sleeping position, hugging my knees.

What happened to everyone? T.T

I didn’t realize that I had slept for about like after 3 minutes.

I guess I was too tired.






-Skips to breakfast-


Today’s breakfast— pancakes and honey. YUM :9

I wonder where dad is.

“Did dad came back?” I asked one of my maid.

“Nope he didn’t” Garci replied.

I shook my head, in my mind criticizing how bad my dad was. LOL xD

As far as I know, my dad had just launched his newest movie last three months.

I mean like, all those interviews won’t last till now right?

Or maybe he’s up to another movie ==” but that would be too fast.

Okay I’m taking my breakfast too long now.

I just hope Suzy’s coming. PLEASE.




In school...


I stolled along the hallway to my class. Feeling stressed, I walked limpimgly.

The hallway was now crowded with students rushing to their classes.



From afar, I could hear running footsteps and pantings but I ignored it. 

Soon, the footsteps was even nearer I decide to take a glance--

















I landed on the floor.

And then I heard footsteps again.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice asked me.

Behind me, I heard someone panting. And it sounded like Young Min. YES YOUNG MIN. I KNEW IT.

I slowly fixed my position due to the aches on my hip and but suddenly someone helped me to stand up.

I turned around and saw Kwang Min. such a gentle man.

"Seung Hee, I'm really really sorry, Young Min--"

I took my fearless chance to act. 

I turned at the back and pushed the panting Young Min on the floor harshly.

"YAH. WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Young Min sqeaked.





I grunted. I mean GROWLED.


I was super duper angry.

And this blondie cheese is drivng me crazily mad!


The students at the hallway witnessed what just happened.

And in a split of a second, I knew they were gonna spread stupid rumors.


Kwang Min stood there, shocked to what I've just done to his twin.

Young Min on the floor, dazed. I bet he never expected me doing that to him. TSH.


I swiftly grabbed my bag that fell on the floor and sped to my class room.



In the class room...


It had been like two periods the seat beside me was empty.

I wonder where he is now.

Crying maybe? LOL.


Wait. Stop it Seung Hee. Don't ever think of that stupid jerk.


"Ms. Park, where is your seatmate?" Mr. Jing finally noticed.

"I think he was eaten by the noodle monster in the cafeteria" I said sarcastically.

The class burst into laughter while I was just sitting, looking at Mr. Jing blankly.

"Oh I see." Mr. Jing mumbled.


I smirked and continued writing my notes.



















I saw the person who was standing at our opened class room door.







ERGH. Grreat. The blondie cheese is back.


There at the door, stood Young Min.


"Where have you been Mr. Jo? " Mr. Jing questioned Young Min as he came nearer to him.


"I.. I helped the.... Hu...manities Club downstairs" Young Min lied. YES LIED. I KNOW HIM.

"Humanities Club huh. Interesting. " Mr. Jing his invisible beard jokingly.

Young Min nodded and looked at the floor innocently. HOW FAKE.

"You helped them for an hour and 23 minutes? What were you actually doing?" Mr. Jing said, checking his watch.

"Well, I helped them paint the furnitures and stuffs and hanged the banner..... and stuffs.. ?" Young Min timidly replied.

"I see. The girls must've really liked you " Mr. Jing said sarcastically.

Young Min shot a FAKE sheepish smile.





“Proof?” Mr. Jing asked.

“Huh?” Young Min said vaguely.

“I want atleast a proof.” Mr. Jing demanded.

“Proof?” Young Min repeated nervously.

Mr. Jing nodded.

The girls squealed as Young Min had a blank face.



Young Min then scanned the whole class to find a proof.

And when he saw me, he immedietly stopped.

“Seung Hee.” Young Min pointed at me.

WHAT? ME? God, Young Min you’re such a –

“Miss Park, come over here please.” Mr. Jing demanded.

I cluelessly walked to their direction and stopped at Mr. Jing’s side.

Young Min quickly pulled me beside him and held my hand at the back

“YAH. LET GO OF ME.” I whispered angrily at Young Min.

But instead, he tightened his grip of my hands.

“You’re dead after this.” I snarled at Young Min.

EEEEEE. I don’t like standing really close to him its just too… WEIRD.


“Explain.” Mr. Jing quickly requested.

“Seung Hee is the leader of the BookWorm group from the Humanities Club and he called me over to help her with her banner thingy and the paintings.” Young Min explained or much better, LIED.

1000000000000000000000000000% LIER. YOU LIER.

“NOD.” Young Min whispered.

I nodded awkwardly and gave a disgusting look at Young Min.

“You are terribly DEAD blondie” I whispered to Young  Min.

“But why didn’t you join him doing those stuffs?” Mr. Jing appointed.

OUCH.. What should I say???  Stupid Young Min dragged me in this nonsense -.-

“Well, I… Young Min didn’t want anyone to help him. He was boasting that he could do everything himself :D “ I said.

WOW. I’m so good at this. :D

Young Min shoot me a dirty glare.

:P Serves you right.

The class was now whispering and squealing.

Mr. Jing looked confused and like , unconvinced.


“What?!” Young Min mumbled.

“AH ~ Okay. Young Min, stop bragging” Mr. Jing laughed.

“YOU PABO. YOU ARE SO DEAD” Young Min whispered. His hot breath breathing on my ear.

I smirked at him and pulled off my hand from his grip.

“Okay now. But I thought you said he was eaten by a noodle monster Seung Hee?” Mr. Jing joked.

“Oh yes. I think the monster puked him out coz he’s gaunted and tasteless.” I joked back, creating this blondie at my side bursting out furies.

“Seung Hee, you're terribly dead meat.” He whispered again.


 “Huh. Don’t forget yourself too“ I reminded him.



Mr. Jing finally let us sit on our seats and suddenly the school bell rang signalling for recess.


“I’m not done with you yet.” Young Min said in a gruff voice.

“Neither am I.” I replied as he went sauntering out the class with some she-rats around him.


I rested my head on my arms on the table.



Bae Suzy— Absent. Missing every calls I called her last night.

Dad— Out somewhere never came back since last night.

Young Min— Trouble making jerk.

Hyun Joong oppa— When are you gonna visit me? It had been 5 years already T^T


I spoke in my mind.

I couldn’t bare my life in that huge mansion being lonely.

I couldn’t bare my life like this.


Dad, a famous director, always left me alone in that huge mansion without any playmates or friends.

He was always busy. Busy with the interviews, calculatings and everything related to a movie director.


Bae Suzy, my one and only precious best friend, suffering from a disease called  juvenile spondyloarthritis that makes her drowsy and fall sick. I really pity her. I mean like what if her disease could get any worse that she has like a week to live on like in the movies? T^T I only love her and her her only her nobody else in my life. She’s the only playmate I have . :L


Hyun Joong oppa— My childhood ‘Prince Charming’ or whatever I called him before. I kinda miss him. The moment when I last saw him was 5 years ago, which I was only 10 and childish and so immatured. And now, I’m 1 and now I feel like I'm losing my feelings to him. Haha lol he's 25 and I'm 15 xD Well it wasn't like before anymore. 


Mom— well, theres nothing to talk about her. Since dad said she cheated on him and died when I was eight. Whatever.


Young Min— That stupid JERK. JERK JERK JERK JERK DERP. URGH. I feel like ripping his throat apart. GRRR…


Sometimes I even cry, cry because of my pathetic life.

No matter how rich my Dad is, he still couldn’t make me happy.

Well, I do have some relatives but, they never visited me. Or maybe dad never invited them.


~Kwang Min came without you noticing (you were busy talking deep in your thoughts) him.

He felt a small strand of my hair.


What was that?

I opened my eyes quickly, turned my head and saw Kwang Min smiling brightly.

I don't know why but  I really liked Kwang Min's smile.

“Kwang Min? You almost startled me” I chortled.

Kwang Min chuckled, looking at me deeply with his smile.

“Aren’t you gonna eat?” Kwang Min asked me, siting on Young Min’s place.

 “I’m not hungry. How about you? Have you eaten ?” I asked him, I didn’t really know what I was saying as he sent butterflies in my tummy.  UoU

“I was waiting for you to have break with me.” Kwang Min grumbled in a cute way.

“Jeongmal? Kwang Min ah, you don’t have to wait for me. Next time don’t wait for me okay? Go have lunch with your friends, arasso? ^^"  I politely replied.


“Yah Kwang Min! You’re here ?!” A cute kinda short guy appeared in my classroom.

 “Erhmm… MinWoo.. What are you doing here?” Kwang Min rubbed his neck.

“I was looking for you obviously.” Minwoo? Said.

“Oh who are you talking with? Your girlfriend?” MinWoo asked curiously, peeping at me.

I widened my eyes as I heard him say that.

“Aniya. She’s my friend. “ Kwang Min sheepishly said.

“Ahh~” MinWoo sighed in relief. SIGHED IN RELIEF .. O.o DANGEROUS-

“MinWoo this is Park Seung Hee, Seung Hee that is No MinWoo.”  Kwang Min introduced him to me and me to him.

He waved HI~ at me and I waved back.

He came closer to me and pinched my cheeks.

“Omo… Seung Hee is soo cute ^^” MinWoo complemented.

Aww it’s actually the way around. He’s soo cute!

I felt my cheeks turn red blood. :O

“T..T..Thank you. “ I stuttered. Not knowing what to say.

“So do you have a boyfriend Seung Hee? “ MinWoo asked me.


“BWO?? N-No.” I shooked my head innocently.

~Aigoo. This girl is so cute. MinWoo thought.~

Kwang Min was right inches away from me.

He was scratching his head,  kjsanhgd ndsb

“Really? Then can I be—“

“YAH MinWoo. Cut it out. It doesn’t suit you to be flirty ya know -.- “ Kwang Min stifled.

“Oh okay. I get it. You chopped her first. Sure. Like you said, first come first serve. ==” “ MinWoo uttered.

“Hah?” I asked in confusion.

What are they talking about?

“Ya MinWoo. Shut up.” Kwang Min demanded. His face turning bright pink.



“Kwang Min, our class teacher wants to meet you in his office now ow ow ow now in his office. ^^ “ MinWoo told Kwang Min.

Kwang Min suspiciously nodded and exited out my class.


MinWoo then shot me his CHARMINGest SMILE right after Kwang Min was gone :O


 “What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?” I asked him, my hands on my face.

“Aniya.. You’re just…. So pretty.”  Complemented MinWoo.



“You’re the first most prettiest person I’ve ever met in my whole life.” MinWoo persisted. Throwing me his adorable eye-smile.


I just stood there, numb, looking at the floor, avoiding an  awkward eye contact with him.

RIIIIING. The school bell rang

“I guess I have to go now. See ya later Seung Hee!” Minwoo said as he went out my class.

I bowed and waved.

My classmates were now entering my class.

Young Min came inside with a bunch of girls.

I sat back on my seat and took out my  books.

Young Min came to his seat and continued eating his chocolate bar.


~Teacher comes in room~

We all stood up and greeted our teacher.

We didn’t talk each other for some time.

I really thought that he’d forgotten.



To be continued...

+ + + + + +  + +  + + +  + + +  + + +  + + 



Whew. I updated ^^

Sorry for the long and boring story! 

I'll update soon!

P/S : I got chicken-poxed T^T









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smeeshers #1
OO where did you get those cute gifs? ITS SO CUTE OMG<br />
btw, i love your story! dont delete -.-"
Update more~
Xueting2 #3
merviin_kimchii #5
HEY ! UPDATEEEEEEEEEEEEE ! >:( dont lose interest , your story is interesting to me !
What are you talking about?! JUST CONTINUE THIS STORY!!! IT'S DAEBAK!
Youngmin so mean