Places & People

Tokyo Nights (HIATUS)

“Irasshaimase!” it sounded from all around the ikazaya, when the 5-member party including Yamaa-san and Junsu entered. Beforehand they had all squeezed into a company van and driven for 15 minutes to another part of town. Junsu wasn’t sure where exactly they were, as it was impossible to tell with so many of the streets looking the same. Especially at night when he couldn’t determine the direction in which Tokyo Tower lay, it was difficult for him to orientate himself in Tokyo. The company of the 4 Pearl Station employees was enjoyable however. They were all roughly his age and they had had a great deal to discuss about the music industry’s current state.

From the speed at which they got a table at the ikazaya, Junsu could tell that they were most likely regular customers. The place was pleasant, as it wasn’t as small and crammed as most ikazayas were. Around the tables with adjacent seats where elegant shoulder-high walls of wood, that left some leg area between seats and table.

The delicious smell of roasting meat hung in the air and Junsu’s appetite awakened. With some regret he recalled that it was customary to start with a round of beer before any food and he wasn’t sure if he would be able to refuse politely.

The waitress, too, turned up remarkable fast and was especially friendly. Already the other men were ordering drinks. Junsu bit his lip. He had a lie on his lips, something about an allergy. When it was his turn to order, he swallowed the lie and instead just asked for a coke. The waitress hesitated for a second, than wrote down his order and flashed him a big smile, which told him, that she had recognized who he was. She didn’t comment though and instead turned to ask for the order of the youngest employee left.

“We asked for some discretion,” said Yamaa-san to Junsu, “We made sure beforehand that if you’d come along, no one would bother you.” Junsu nodded thankfully and relieved that no one had commented on him ordering the only non-alcoholic drink.

A little while later everyone ordered their second round of beers and Junsu got to order takoyaki. He began a conversation with Yamaa-san about cuisine in Japan and Korea, until everyone around the table started sharing stories about the most disgusting things they had ever ate. They were all surprised and applauded when Junsu told them that he had eaten moving octopus tentacles for a TV show once.

Another round of beers later one of the employees suggested they should drink sake next and because it was rare and expensive brand, they all tried to convince Junsu to join them. After having politely refused four times, he finally agreed to take a sip to calm the crowd. The rice wine gave Junsu a dry throat so that he had to cough. This was met with applause and sympathetic laughter from the party and unfortunately with another round of cheers for him to continue. In hope to finally end the requests for him to drink, Junsu emptied his glass of sake in one shot. This cause a roar of laughter, as it made him cough even more strongly and he had to down the rest of his coke, too, to get rid of the nasty sensation in his mouth.

Yamaa-san patted his back sympathetically and announced to the others: “That’s enough already. It’s not a crime if one can’t handle one’s liquor. A little more respect for our aspiring artist, please.”


“Yatta1! That’s amazing!” said Ayame, excitedly jumping up from the sofa she had been sitting on. “It is. I still can’t really believe it,” said Richardis, got out of her brand new heels and started massaging her feet. “I wasn’t that great. The Mama-san asked me to pretend to be hostessing, but I only did so-so. Still she was like: ‘You are hired. You seem like a good addition to the staff’. Just make it through the 2 week test period. Phew—“ She sat down on the carpet next to Ayame who had resumed sitting on the sofa. “So,” asked Ayame, “Is your Mama-san also the owner?” “No,” said Richardis. “The owner and manager is some Korean guy. He was there for most of the interview, but he didn’t really say much. I’m not sure if I’ll be seeing lots of him or if it’ll be just the Mama-san.” “Hmm,” said Ayame, “Just be polite when you see him. Should he – and I’m not saying he will, but it happens – get creepy, you can quit anytime. In that case you just walk out, you hear me.” “I hear you,” said Richardis, recapitulating all the impressions of the Shiroryuu.

“The place was super fancy. Dim lighting, expensive looking decoration and everything. It even smelled like it gets its own dose of special perfume every day,” Richardis told Ayame. “That’s what you get in Ginza,” said Ayame with a sigh. “Fair chance you’ll make more in your 2 weeks of training period than I will although I have been working at the Hi no Tori for over a year now.” “It’d be cool if we could work together,” said Richardis. “Yeah, it would. But we can still spend time together and support each other this way, right?” “Absolutely,” said Richardis and Ayame reached down from the sofa to give her a friendly hug.

In the same moment Richardis’s cellphone rang. “Oh, who’s calling you?” said Ayame. Richardis went to her jacket to get out the cellphone and answered it: “Moshi moshi? Herutsusuprun desu.” “Moshi moshi2?” said a man’s voice that Richardis didn’t instantly recognize. “This is Choi. I’m calling to ask if you could start your 2 week training period early. Our foreign hostess called in sick and we haven’t been able to find a replacement. Could you come again tonight at 8:00?” Richardis thought for a moment. “Yes, I think so,” she said slightly hesitantly.

In truth she already felt like enough emotions had been drained from her today. On the other hand she really wanted to make the training period. “I’ll come tonight at 8:00,” she said. “Thank you very much,” said Choi-san on the other end. “You can wear the same dress from today. We’re looking forward to have you working with us.” “Thank you for the opportunity,” said Richardis and hung up.

Ayame threw herself back on the sofa. “Aren’t you the luckiest!” she exclaimed, spreading out her arms and laughing out loud. “That is amazing! If they think you can handle your 1st full shift already, they must have had a really good impression of you!” she added, turning again to face Richardis. “I’m not so sure…” said Richardis, “The owner, who called said that it’s only cause their foreign hostess called in sick. They prolly just need a quick replacement.” Ayame waved her index-finger in front of Richardis: “Na na, I am certain that a place like the Shiroryuu has a foreign replacement hostess on speed dial in event their usual one is sick. But instead they called you! Some more confidence now, Rie-chan!”

Richardis looked at Ayame’s Totoro clock. “It’s already 5:45 pm… I guess I should be getting ready.”

Junsu wasn’t sure how much time had passed and he had stopped counting the rounds of beer that the party had consumed. Everyone, except Yamaa-san, looked slightly red-faced by now and was getting quite unrestrained. “Oh, oh, we got a professional singer with us!”, said one of the older employees, whose name Junsu had finally gotten down as Kimura-san, “We should go to Karaoke next!” This was met with a lot of approval and Junsu quickly agreed, as he knew that at a Karaoke bar it should be easier for him to escape any more offered drinks.

“I know a place,” said Yamaa-san, “It’s quite the sensation actually and it’s not far from here.” “Magnitude Karaoke?” asked the youngest employee. Yamaa-san laughed. “No, not any common Karaoke place. Something much more exclusive.” Everyone had stopped talking now and all eyes were looking expectantly at Yamaa-san. “It’s on the company,” said Yamaa-san, “And the boss has already approved.” “Tell us where we’re going already!” blurted Kimura-san. “I’m thinking of a place that doesn’t just offer excellent karaoke, but also the finest female company.”

This was met with more applause and a murmur of approval. “Finest female company?” thought Junsu. For a moment he drew a blank on what that meant and wondered if they were going to meet up with any of the female employees of Pearl Station. Then it dawned on him… but they wouldn’t. Would they? He cursed himself. He should know this. He had studied the Japanese music industry after all! Yet he wasn’t quite sure how common it was for high-ranking company employee’s to visit hostess clubs. Highly conscious of what it would do to his image and generally uncomfortable around female strangers, he had never visited one himself and even though his life had been freer and more independent for the last couple of years, he had other things on his bucket list.

Yamaa-san seemed to be reading Junsu’s concern from his face and interrupted his thoughts: “Kim-san – no need to worry. It’s a very exclusive place, very professional personnel, very highly respected. There is nothing illicit about it and I bet, when we get there, we will be seeing lots of high-society. Music producers, starlets and high-ranking businessmen will be there. And of course – they have roomy, beautifully decorated private karaoke rooms. I wouldn’t be surprised if it would be enough to inspire the first song for your next album!” Yamaa-san flashed a friendly smile and took another sip of his beer. “If you don’t want to of course, we will not go. We can always still go to Magnitude Karaoke, if you are more comfortable with that.”

Junsu felt pressured. He could see the rest of the group looking disappointed, as they saw Yamaa-san slightly crestfallen at Junsu’s lack of enthusiasm. He wanted to get along with these men, as he would be working closely with them for an indefinite amount of time. He had never been inside a hostess-club, it was quite possible he was just full of prejudice, because he had never judged for himself. What harm could it do? It would be a new experience! He was old enough! He could try new things.

“Let’s go,” said Junsu. Yamaa-san smiled.


“Foreigner! Come here!” Richardis spun around to see a young woman, who had appeared behind the reception. “You are Rie-chan, correct?” asked the women, when Richardis had come over to her. “Yes. I am,” answered Richardis. “I am Yumi. I’m a hostess of the Shiroryuu and tonight’s receptionist. When you come always inform the receptionist and sign here please.” Yumi offered Richardis a pen and a small black book over the counter and pointed at a line, where Richardis signed her name. “Very good. Now, do you need to change clothes or put on make-up, then go take that small door next to the dragon statue. If you are ready like this, I reckon Mama-san will want to talk to you.” “I am ready,” said Richardis. “Oh. Good,” said Yumi, “Then wait here. I will get Mama-san.” “Thank you!”

Yumi vanished through one of the various doors and Richardis was again alone in the grand entrance room. It was different then the last time she had been here: It still smelled like cinnamon and there were no new objects in the room, but from somewhere Richardis could hear a slow piano song and the light in the room had a slightly blue touch to it, so that the lamps made the dragon statue, that looked as though it was bursting through the wall behind the receptionist table, shimmer.

“Rie-chan!” called a woman’s voice. Richardis spun around again. It was the Mama-san. “Come with me. I will introduce you to the girls you will be working with tonight.” Richardis hastily followed the Mama-san through yet another unknown corridor that was also brighter than the entrance room. They passed an open door and Richardis could peak into the hostess’s changing room, where about 7 young women were crowded around three mirrors, all trying to get ready at the same time. “It’s good you put everything on before you came here,” said the Mama-san. “Do that always if you can. We have tried many times, but we can’t expand the changing room.” “I will!” said Richardis, making a mental note to always prepare in time.

After they had passed through a small kitchen and through another door, they found themselves behind a bar in another large room, with dim lights and beautiful dark tapestry. In the room stood small and larger tables surrounded by comfortable-looking chairs and sofas.

To Richardis’s relief this room did have windows. At the Hi no Tori she had felt uncomfortable after several hours in a slightly-overheated loud room with not a single window. Following the Mama-san, she passed one of the windows and let out a small gasp: The view was amazing. She could spot Tokyo Tower, light up in red and white and Sky Tree as well. The sun was going down and the innumerable buildings below had a shadow casted on them from the bigger buildings from one side and where bathed in red and orange light from the other.

“Rie-chan! Pay attention, you!” snapped the Mama-san. Richardis turned around slightly shocked and immediately started bowing and apologizing. “It’s okay! It’s okay! You don’t need to apologize on and on!” said the Mama-san exasperated and Richardis stopped. “This is a hostess club. In here time is money. So please, what you have to say to me or any other employee, if they are not working with you right now – keep it short!” Richardis nodded silently, again feeling embarrassed.

“Good evening, Mama-san.” Another young woman made her way past the various tables towards the Mama-san and Richardis. She wore a short pink dress that would have looked quite classy if not for the outrages cleavage. Richardis remembered that Maria’s and Belle’s – the hostesses at Ayame’s Hi no Tori – had also worn quite revealing clothes, but somehow she had expected the Shiroryuu to be different. By the look on her face the Mama-san didn’t seem pleased with the hostess’s choice of dress. “Chi-chan. What are you wearing? You know that our clientele expects a certain standard.” Chi-chan crossed her arms over her décolleté and frowned: “It was a present from a client. Professor Omogi. He is coming tonight and if I don’t wear it – well, he won’t say anything until he gets home, but then he will send me angry texts. That happened with his previous present, too.” The Mama-san still looked displeased, but she nodded. “Please explain some of the basics to our new foreign hostess Rie-chan here. I can feel a headache coming on. Ah, I need to get a drink.”

The Mama-san left the room and Richardis and Chi-chan were alone. “Nice to meet you,” said Chi-chan and held out her hand for Richardis to shake. “Nice to meet you, too,” said Richardis, shaking Chi-chans hand. “Thank you for letting me work alongside you.” Chi-chan laughed. Richardis again felt irritated. What had she done wrong now? “You sound just like a real Japanese girl!” said Chi-chan, still giggling. “When they first come here they go: Oh, I will work hard. Thank you this, thank you that. Ha ha ha…” Richardis stayed silent and waited for Chi-chan to stop laughing.

“I’m sorry,” said Chi-chan, “You just happen to be the opposite of our regular foreign hostess, Angela-chan. You are like a parody of her: She is beautiful like a model, but her Japanese is limited. Nevertheless she always shows lots of confidence, even when she is struggling with the vocabulary. Don’t worry, Rie-chan, we will get to appear more confident, too. But then again, some clients like the shy and vulnerable type.” Richardis wasn’t sure how to respond, so she just waited for Chi-chan to say more. “So, you have already practiced basic conversation and drink pouring with Mama-san once. Then I’ll just walk you through what you’ll be doing tonight.”

For about 10 minutes explained what would be happening the same night: Richardis should always be staying by Chi-chan’s side and entertain whatever customer requested Chi-chan. Maybe someone would show interest in Richardis, then she would be on her own, but if she just looked engaged enough with a client from Chi-chan’s group, than she probably wouldn’t be called away, since she wasn’t known to any clientele. “As you heard, Professor Omogi, my shimei customer3 is coming tonight. He usually brings some of his university colloquies or sometimes foreign acquaintances. But don’t let their resumes fool you – they might be the country’s intellectual elite during the day, but around pretty women they can get real silly, so don’t worry about having to analyze ancient novels or that kind of thing.”

The mood in the Pearl Station company van on its second trip was even more exuberant. The members of the party were now quite the opposite of what they had been during the contract negotiations. As the van pulled into parking garage Iwasaki-san, one of the younger employees, had started talking about his girlfriend and how she complained that he had so little time for her. Junsu’s intuition was to judge the young man – why was he out partying and not with his girlfriend, then? Then he reconsidered. No, of course, partying with other employees was a social obligation. Everyone recognized the problem of their work limiting their personal life, and openly complained, but no one dared to propose a change to the system. He knew too well, what that was like. His entire life, it had seemed impossible to have career success and a fulfilled private life.

The van was skillfully parked on the third floor of the garage and its doors were opened for them by hostess club employees in dark elegant suits. Getting out of the van Junsu noticed to his surprise that even the garage looked fancy: The walls were shiny and black, elegant art-nouveau-style lamps gave off a pleasant shimmer and of course a variety of expensive cars was parked all around. “This way, gentleman,” said one of the club employee’s and gestured the group towards a shiny silver elevator.

After stepping out of the elevator and into the hostess club, Junsu felt like he had entered a music video set. One of those y meets artsy kind of music videos. The entrance room was beautifully decorated with shiny dark purple tapestry and the impressive sculpture of a dragon behind the receptionist table. “Quite a place, huh?” said Yamaa-san. “It’s amazing!” said Iwasaki-san, who was evidently allowed to visit for the first time. “Wait until we’re really inside,” said Yamaa-san, then he waved Junsu to follow him and approached the receptionist. “Okaerinasai4, Yamaa-sama5,” said the young receptionist, who was wearing an elegant white kimono. “One table for six?” “Tonight we’re feeling like karaoke, Yumi-chan. Since we have a professional singer with us.”

Yumi-chan looked now from Yamaa-san to Junsu and flashed him a smile. “Welcome to our humble establishment, Kim-sama. We hope you will enjoy our service. If there is anything you require don’t hesitate to inform our staff.”

1 - Yatta! = Made it! Did it! Success!

2 - Moshi Moshi = Yoboseyo ("Hello" used exclusively for phone conversations)

3 - Shimei customer = A regular customer of one particular hostess, he is the modern version of the danna of the geisha, a sort of patron, who will ask the hostess out on paid dates, bring her gifts and might even propose marriage

4 - Okaerinasai = literally; Welcome home. Used in hostess clubs and maid cafe's to give customers the feeling that they are returing to a comfortable homey place, where they see familiar faces and can truly relax.

5 - sama = a fancy word for "san", also means "Mister", but is closer to "Sir", establishes that the person adressed as "sama" is superior and that the person adressing them as such are at their service

Chapter 7 and I am so so close to letting my main-characters meet. Kyaaa :D I don't know if anyone is still following this story, but it's been lots of fun to write and if you stick with me I promise the story will get more interesting. :D If not, then well, I'm just practicing my English here :D :D

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2001 streak #1
Chapter 17: Hello there author-nim ^_^ remember me? I don't think so... anyway, I finally caught up to your updates. Sorry I was too late. can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
2001 streak #2
Chapter 16: Ah... was that just a technical fault or was someone pulling a prank or two on Junsu by spoiling his name? I could kinda guess how Junsu and Richardis are going to meet. But will wait and verify it in the next chapter. All the best for your exams author-nim ^_^
2001 streak #3
Chapter 15: Omg! Both the updated chapters I caught up on are nice... Junho has been turned gay... I don't know whether to laugh or cry :P anyway, can't wait to read more. Please update soon ^^
emilylovesgdragon #4
Chapter 15: Ohh are they true love lol can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 14:'re evil XD
how am i supposed to wait for the next update to find out why junho is crying?! ;-;
2001 streak #6
Chapter 13: Hello there author-nim ^_^ another interesting chapter... and the mystery is not solved yet. I wonder who the informer is. Can't wait to read more. Please update soon :)
2001 streak #7
Chapter 12: Hello there author-nim, another nice chapter as usual :) I appreciate how much effort you have taken to write this story more on the real life of a hostess and so. Can't wait to read more. Please update soon ^_^
2001 streak #8
Chapter 11: Ah... a short but nice chapter. I really wonder who the informer might be. Can't wait to read more. Please update soon ^_^

PS you are a German, author-nim? Wow! I thought so. I'm not a German but living in Germany right now.
2001 streak #9
Chapter 10: Ah, I can't put my head around the situation and guess who the caller might be... but the story is getting interesting. Can't wait to read more. Please update the next chapter soon ^_^
2001 streak #10
Chapter 9: Finally they met! Haha... their chemistry was like that of a cat and a dog. Interesting! Wasn't expecting that. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Please update soon ^_^