fortune cookies

will you...?

"baby, are you done yet???" Bambam paces around the house impatiently waiting for you to finish putting on make up. "wait.... a minute..." you say as you carefully do your eyeliner. you blink your eyes several times and check the other part of your face. okay perfect. "you always say that lie!" Bambam pops his head from the door and see you looking at yourself in the mirror. standing up, you grab your purse and smile at him "lets go!" then walk past him, leaving Bambam starstruck by your looks.

Bambam is especially sweet towards you today. not that he usually isn't sweet. but the sweetness just seems different and more special. "you don't know where we are going, right?" he ask while driving through the crowded streets. "nope. where are you taking me?" he just shurgs and grins, telling you to wait. "you've never act like this before. whats with this surprise?" you ask curiously in which makes him a bit nervous. "ah! i'm usually like this, you know!" then he laughs awkwardly. you just let it go cause you think he couldn't consentrate talking while driving.

“tada!~" he opens the fancy restaurant door for you. you look around and praise Bambam in your mind that he could actually bring you to a place like this. "this restaurant is famous for its fortune cookies. Do you know that?” Bambam sits down after pulling out a chair for you. "oh really? so you've done some research before taking me here,huh?" you giggle as the waitress hands both of you the menu. "hmm yeah" he chuckles.

since you don't know what to order, Bambam does it for you. "choose your fortune cookie" he has order two fortune cookies and now you have to choose one. ‘whats the different though?’ you thought as you mindlessly choose one. Bambam impatiently watches you crack open the cookie. You are surprised cause you felt something come out from the cookie but you are sure its not a paper. You bend to see the thing, it is a beautiful diamond ring. “why is there a ring inside the fortune cookie?” “read whats on the paper” Bambam is biting his lips to contain his excitement. “will you... marry me? what?” "baby, lets get married. I have been thinking about this a lot and-” you cut him by kissing his lips “is that a yes?” you nod shyly. Then Bambam stands up from his chair to scream, making you drop your head in embarassement cause now people are looking weirdly at him. 

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Chapter 1: Im Spasming like lonely noona rn, although im the same age as him >///<
Chapter 7: Mark!!! <3 *faint* hehe~ joke! ^_^
eunhyukkie86 #3
Chapter 7: OMG!! Jaebum,Jinyoung &MARK ITS JUST❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 1: yeessss, he is so fluffy XD
feels like i want to put him in my pocket...