
will you...?

“jackson~” you bury your head on his embrace as he plops down beside you and wraps his arms around your waist. you peck his chest and he says “miss me much?” you nod. “i miss you too. Work is driving me crazy” he peck your head and starts it. “i’m so hungry! Don’t you cook for me?” you bury your head more to his chest as you shake your head making Jackson groans. “whyyyyyy???” he overreacts by shaking your body and pouts. You peck his pout “can we just order pizza? Pwetty pwease” you do an aegyo but he isn’t buying it, instead he does a cuter aegyo. He is being the wang puppy now with his pleading eyes and pouting lips.

You stare at his plump lips then to his eyes. “but i will choose the topping. Owkay?” he says in a child tone. You chuckle and mouthed an ‘alright’ before Jackson jumped off the bed to order the pizza. “what should we do while we’re waiting?” he places himself lying on the bed beside you as he supports his body with his elbow, facing you which is on his left. you turn to him and think. “hmm maybe watch a movie?”.

There you are, hugging Jackson like you are going to die if you let go. Jackson convices you to watch a horror, which you really hate to the bone. But you don’t know how Jackson could make you watch this kind of movie without him giving anything to you like bribing or something. He sneaks his hands inside the blanket without you knowing and grabs your foot making you scream so loud. “JACKSON WANG!!!” you hit him continously until he surrender. “i’m sorry i’m sorryyyy!!” he laughs and holds both of your hands. Just then you hear your apartment bell rings. “oh it must be the pizza!” Jackson pauses the movie and goes out to take the pizza “wait here, okay?” you are mad at him, so even if you are scared you don’t want to show it to him anymore cause that makes him so happy and that kind of happiness is really annoying to you. so you stay in your room, waiting patiently for Jackson to return with your favorite food.

“Jackson wheres the pizza?? Why did it took so long?!” Jackson hasn’t been coming back after he receives the pizza from the delivery man. You get out from your bed and head to where Jackson is. You see him concentrating on something but don’t know what cause it was being block by the wall. He tilts his head and his eyes meet yours. His gaze turns to a panic one, and he quickly closes the pizza box. “what are you doing? Go back to your room, i will bring the pizza in a minute” you put your hands on your hips “i should be the one asking you that. Palli, i’m hungry!” you whine as you go back. In less than a minute Jackson comes in with the pizza box in his hands. “yeay!” you jump slightly on the bed and excitedly open the box to grab a pizza. “hmm so delicious!” you look at Jackson who is pouting.

“what is it?” you try to talk while munching on the pizza. Jackson closes the pizza box and folds his arms in front of his chest, back-facing you. “baby whats wrong?” you place your chin on his shoulder “open the box again” you do as he told you and your eyes meet four words that you have been dreaming of Jackson to say it to you. “Jackson....are you...proposing to me?” a shock look is plastered on your face as you look at Jackson. “yes, pabo!” you look back at the box and then at him. “isn’t the pizza guy just playing some sick joke?” you ask him in a serious tone and he replies in a way more serious one “no, [Y/N]. I’m serious about this. i have been thinking about this for a while but i don’t know when i should propose to you. this idea just popped into my mind”. “seriously?! Can you do it in a more romantic way???” you throw a pillow at him and he chuckles. “i couldn’t wait any longer! When we cuddle on the bed, i thought ‘how will it feels like when we do it every morning and then in a year there will be a tiny Jackson cuddling together between us’ that thought just made me want to marry you right here right now if i can!” he crawls to put his head on your lap as he does the cute puppy face again. “so, whats your answer?” “well, i couldn’t say no when a pizza is proposing to me!” you laugh and Jackson fake a cry. You lean down to give him a kiss and say “i love you Jackson,i will always do. Thanks for finally proposing to me. i can’t wait to have little wang!” “i love you way more my pizza girl. And correction, its little wangs. Cause obviously we will have more than one child” he smirks and you slap his chest.

oh this dork >w<

imagining how he would actually propose to his soon to be wife ;^;

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Chapter 1: Im Spasming like lonely noona rn, although im the same age as him >///<
Chapter 7: Mark!!! <3 *faint* hehe~ joke! ^_^
eunhyukkie86 #3
Chapter 7: OMG!! Jaebum,Jinyoung &MARK ITS JUST❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 1: yeessss, he is so fluffy XD
feels like i want to put him in my pocket...