Straightened out

Love Shuffle

|Scene 5|

This takes place when the baby project is almost done

Time Skipping

Dong Jun is still trying to make amends with Jin Ae. Chang Jo and Min Ah are still going out as a couple. Hye Shi is just...Hye Shi.

Oh and Prom is coming!


“So who’s going to prom?” Ricky asked as he munched on his sandwich. Everyone snapped their head up from their food.

“Why the sudden question?” Hye Shi asked. “I don’t know. It’s in few weeks anyway. Half of the school population already has partners!” Ricky pouted. And yes it was true, prom was coming closer and partnering had started probably many weeks ago.

“It’s not like we have partners either,” Jin Ae said and finished her lunch. Then she suspiciously looked at Chun Ji and L.Joe.

“What?” They both asked in union. “You two probably have difficulties on deciding who to ask from your large fan-girl population,” Jin Ae rolled her eyes, while Hye Shi and CAP snickered. L.Joe raised an eyebrow.

“You think we would actually ask those girls?” L.Joe pointed to his biggest fans, who started screaming when they saw L.Joe pointing at them. Jin Ae and Chun Ji grimaced at the loud squeal coming from the girls behind them. “Okay, maybe not.” Jin Ae said defeated.

“But, seriously who here has a date?” Kyung asked and looked around. Everyone at the table raised their hands, except for Jin Ae, Hye Shi, Chun Ji and L.Joe.

“What the heck Ricky?! I thought you didn’t have a date since you were whining!” Jin Ae yelled and bonked Ricky’s head with her chopsticks.

“You never really did ask Jin Ae~ So violent to me~” Ricky pouted cutely while Jin Ae sighed in annoyance.

“So you four don’t have dates?” Krystal asked while pointing her chopsticks between the four. Each of them shifted their eyes around and coughed awkwardly.

“Well I think you four should get dates before the cute ones are gone,” Luna said while winking. Jin Ae and Hye Shi shrugged and nodded. L.Joe and Chun Ji kept their gaze on the girls in front of them.

Suddenly the school bell rung a couple of times and everyone cleaned up after themselves. They all bid their good byes and went off to their next class. Jin Ae walked down the hallway to English class until L.Joe was calling after her. Jin Ae turned around and saw L.Joe running up to her.

“About the prom..” L.Joe started and didn’t meet Jin Ae’s eyes. Jin Ae curiously looked at his fidgeting. “I just thought, if you could go with me to the prom?” L.Joe asked and looked straight into Jin Ae’s eyes. Her eyes enlarged and she thought why would this player ask her as his partner.

“So..?” L.Joe waited for the answer, he would be late for class if she didn’t answer him. Jin Ae tapped her shoe’s toe to the floor.

“Okay, I will go with you.” Jin Ae stated. “Really? I thought you would reject me!” L.Joe chuckled. “Why did you think that?” Jin Ae laughed. “I don’t know. You are you...” L.Joe raised an eyebrow.

Jin Ae whacked L.Joe’s arm, “Ow!” Jin Ae playfully glared at L.Joe, “You better not finish that sentence.”

“Okay, I’m sorry. Damn, you’re strong like a man! God, that hurt.” L.Joe rubbed his arm with a pouty face. “I will take that as a compliment.” Jin Ae grinned.

“Holy muffin, I’m late. See you later!” Jin Ae waved and darted off, leaving L.Joe to stand in the deserted hallway. L.Joe stood there blinking slowly at what had just happened.

“Got myself a date and then she deserted me, aish! I have to admit she is cute...” L.Joe muttered quietly while walking off to his next class.


“ Chang Jo, Chang Jo-Jo~ Where are you, damn it?” Dong Jun asked while walking down an empty hallway. Dong Jun is on mission, a dangerous mission which only Dong Jun could handle.

“Alright, mission, find Chang Jo and kidnap him, give him to Hye Shi. Hye Shi will ‘brag’ about me being ‘awesome’ to Jin Ae. Then...Jin Ae will fall into my arms and we’ll live happily ever after! MWHAHAHA~ *coughs-coughs* SHIIII-” Dong Jun coughs while holding onto the lockers on the side. Good thing the hallways were empty or else...that would have been a strange moment.

“Brush it off, I’m cool,” Dong Jun pounds his chest and walks off with his hands in his pockets. He continued strolling through the hallways trying to find his target.

“Min Ah.” someone called and Dong Jun’s face brightened, thinking that it was Chang Jo who called. But he came suspicious, since the someone didn’t sound anything like Chang Jo.

Dong Jun went towards the sound and peeked around the corner. To his big surprise it wasn’t his friend, but Min Ah and Tae Hun. Apparently they had something really private, since they were whispering and murmuring and Dong Jun couldn’t make out the conversation.

Dong Jun’s mouth hang open, when the couple he was peeking on leaned in and started making out. “God, that’s nasty..” Dong Jun gagged. But then he realized that it was his friend’s girlfriend, who was kissing other boy. “Oh my god..” Dong Jun gasped and fished his phone out of his pocket. He started taking video, as a proof to show it to Chang Jo.

In few minutes, Min Ah and Tae Hun parted away and Dong Jun stopped recording. Min Ah and Tae Hun smiled at each other before they bid goodbyes and parted ways to go to their next class.

“Shhhooooott-” Dong Jun tucked the phone away and darted away, as Min Ah started to come his way. Dong Jun’s shoes slid on the polished floor as he took a spurt. Luckily he had enough speed to slide into a dark corner before Min Ah turned from the corner. Dong Jun held his breath as Min Ah passed by. Then he exhaled and wiped the invisible sweat off his forehead.

“Gotta find Chang Jo!” Dong Jun squealed and ran off.


Hye Shi walked around the book filled room and tried looking for the book called, ‘Romeo and Juliet’. She tapped her chin and glanced on the shelves and suddenly she saw a sparkle in the corner of her eye. She walked slowly towards the sparkle. As she turned the corner she came upon a table with the certain book that she has been searching for the last ten minutes.

As she approached the table, a shadow jumped out of one of the aisle and startled the girl. Her eyes widened in shock and she dropped the other books that has been holding onto.

“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry,” The boy apologized while helping the girl up. She sighed and held her heart.

“Yah! You almost gave me a heart attack! What were you thinking Lee Chan Hee?!” Hye Shi shouted while her voice echoed.

“Shhh!” The librarian hushed the two teenagers and Chun Ji bowed towards the older lady. Hye Shi rolled her eyes and then Chun Ji took her wrist. He grabbed the books as well and led her over to a quiet corner for the two of them to talk.

Chun Ji placed the books on the table and motioned for Hye Shi to having a seat. Hye Shi sat down while Chun Ji took the seat in front of her. Hye Shi stacked the books neatly and asked, “So, what can I help you with Chan Hee?”

Chun Ji looked at her and knew that she was the only person that he knew would call him by his first name. He liked the sound of his real name coming out of her lips. “Well, actually I wanted to ask you something,” Chun Ji said while scratching the back of his neck. Hye Shi locked her eyes on the pretty boy in front of her and tilted her head.

“Yes?” Hye Shi blinked and waited. She visualized the boys action and was confused. Chun Ji’s cheeks turned a tainted light pink shade and he let out a breath.

Chun Ji shut his eyes and asked quickly, “Will you, Hye Shi, go to the prom with me as my date?” There is a chance of Hye Shi either saying yes or no to him. Hye Shi’s eyes widened at Chun Ji’s sudden question and gulped.

“Chan Hee...” Hye Shi began while not knowing what to say at the moment. Suddenly their moment was ruined when the two heard another interrupting voice calling out Hye Shi’s name. The two raised their heads to seeing Min Woo, a Junior classmen, running towards Hye Shi. Chun Ji cursed under his breath at the person who ruined their little moment.

“Hye Shi! Do you have a date to prom? If not, will you go with me?” Min Woo asked with a wide grin on his lips. Hye Shi looked at Min Woo and then back down at Chun Ji.

“Heh, Min Woo...” Hye Shi began while smiling brightly. Chun Ji stared at her and then looked down pouting. There is a chance of Hye Shi either going to accept Min Woo’s offer or decline it as well. “I already have a date, I’m sorry but I have to decline your invitation. You see, I’m going with Chun Ji to the prom,” Hye Shi went over and grabbed Chun Ji’s arm. She tugged on Chun Ji’s arm and smiled.

“Oh really? Okay, thanks anyways Hye Shi! Have fun you two, you make a good couple,” Min Woo said with a grin and ran off. Hye Shi smiled and waved good bye to him. Chun Ji stared at the girl and blinked in confusion. Hye Shi let go of his arm and took the books into her arms.

“Hye Shi...?” Chun Ji questioned while Hye Shi looked at him with a gentle smile. “Since you’re my date, I don’t expect you to go all ‘fancy’ on me okay? Just go as yourself is fine with me,” Hye Shi said while Chun Ji’s lips curved into a bright smile.

“You got it Hye Shi!” Chun Ji said with a goofy smile. He then took the books out of her hands and lead the way. Hye Shi smiled and laughed.


“Oh Tae H-hun,” Min Ah’s voice groaned out from the phone. Chang Jo and Dong Jun are gathered around the courtyard. Dong Jun had finally found Chang Jo practicing his basketball skills.

“Damn you guys are nasty,” Dong Jun’s whispering voice commented from the phone.

“!” Tae Hun moaned out while Dong Jun gagged in real life. Chang Jo couldn’t dart his eyes away from the phone.

“Oh dear god, my ears,” Dong Jun hissed out. “Oh they finally finished having their little happy times,” Dong Jun whispered and then zoomed in. Tae Hun and Min Ah shared one last kiss and left. That was when the video shut off. Chang Jo stared at the pitch black screen and tried to sink all of this information in.

“Dude, I’m sorry to let you see that,” Dong Jun began as Chang Jo tossed the phone on the floor and stomped off angrily.

“MY PHONE! WHAT THE HELL!?” Dong Jun shouted after Chang Jo. He picked up his phone and huffed. “Yah! Choi Jong Hyun!” Dong Jun shouted while running after the younger boy.

“Where are you going?” Dong Jun asked while jogging beside him. Chang Jo twitched and continued down the hallway.

“To find Min Ah and get this straightened out,” Chang Jo said while looking around.

“Dude what do you think she’ll say?” Dong Jun began while looking at Chang Jo seriously. Chang Jo stopped in his tracks and looked back at Dong Jun.

“I think she’ll say...” Chang Jo began.

A few minutes later after finding Min Ah and Tae Hun together with their little baby. Chang Jo began explaining everything with Dong Jun beside as well. He showed Min Ah and Tae Hun the video shot. Min Ah stared with emotionless eyes and began crossing her arms.

“God, you are easy to trick Chang Jo.” Min Ah snickered. “W-what?” Chang Jo stared at her.

“You really thought that we had something real? Tch.” Min Ah turned her gaze to the wall. Chang Jo looked flabbergasted and heartbroken. He balled his fist and his knuckles turned white. “Let’s just get over it, we had nothing. I was just using you.” Min Ah’s words were like daggers as they came out of . Chan Jo threw a hateful look at Min Ah then glanced at Tae Hun and strode away.

“Chang Jo-!” Dong Jun tried to stop him, but he was out of reach. Dong Jun turned to Min Ah. “I never liked you. I knew from the start that you were a total . Playing around, you could be read like an open book.” Dong Jun snapped. “What can you do about it?” Min Ah smirked.

“Pft, please,” Dong Jun hissed out and back handed Min Ah and strutted off. Leaving Min Ah shocked with a reddening cheek and Tae Hun’s mouth flung open. Dong Jun walked off coolly and smirked. “That’s what I’ll do, never mess with Kim Dong Jun’s homies,” Dong Jun muttered. He walked off and found Chang Jo sitting on a bench with a frown on his face.

Dong Jun sat next to Chang Jo and patted his shoulder lightly. “I’m sorry man,” Dong Jun said, “Maybe I shouldn’t have showed you that.”

“No, no. It was right to show it. It was going to happen sooner or later.” Chang Jo shook his head and leaned his elbows on his knees. “Still, I’m sorry for what happened. But hey, there are plenty more fishes in the sea!” Dong Jun grinned, trying to cheer his friend. A little smile played on Chang Jo’s lips.

“Or you can be single for the rest of your life and die alone when nobody cares!” Dong Jun snickered. Chang Jo smiled and punched Dong Jun on the shoulder, “Shut up! You aren’t even dating anyone!”

Dong Jun laughed, “Still. I’m popular among girls. I could just pick one girl and in three seconds I would have a girlfriend.”

“Aish, what am I going to do with you?” Chang Jo shook his head.

“Oh, Chang Jo, finally I found you.” a voice said behind. Dong Jun and Chang Jo looked behind to seeing Hye Shi with her book bag. Dong Jun whistled a tune and then walked off. Chang Jo was about to call Dong Jun to come back but stopped himself when Hye Shi suddenly held up a piece of paper.

Chang Jo looked at Hye Shi and then at the paper. “I know that you are often busy with...your girlfriend but, our grade for that class is important to me. I was wondering if-” Hye Shi said while looking down. Chang Jo, who read the piece of paper in a fast manner, nodded.

“Okay,” Chang Jo agreed. Hye Shi looked at him and blinked in amazement. “And don’t worry, I won’t abandon you or Jae Hoon anymore,” Chang Jo said with a gentle smile. Hye Shi looked at him and slowly nodded.

“Shall I be a good father and go pick up Jae Hoon?” Chang Jo asked while looking at the older girl.

“Umm,” Hye Shi couldn’t believe everything was going to smoothly. “I’ll take him towards Cafe Rebirth, then we’ll do homework together,” Chang Jo said while walking off. She was baffled and didn’t know what to do or say.


“Oh yes, I got to slap a , help Hye Shi and also make Chang Jo forget about his y girlfriend, life is good,” Dong Jun said while smiling brightly. He continued down the path of the school yard until he saw Jin Ae walking in front of him. She was muttering something about confessing to Ricky. Dong Jun raised an eyebrow and was about to confront her until he heard, “OH MY GOD! DONG JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN-OPPA!”

The sudden blood curdling scream frightened him and then he looked behind him slowly to seeing a huge pack of love-hungry fangirls were staring at him.  “Eeeek!” Dong Jun squealed and took off quickly.

“DONG JUN-OPPA IS RUNNING! AFTER HIM!” The leader shouted while Dong Jun held a face of horror. “No! No going after y Dong Jun! Back off! Away! Bad fangirls!” Dong Jun cried out while rushing towards Jin Ae. Dong Jun swooped Jin Ae into his arms and ran off with her.

“What the hell?! Dong Jun?! Where’d you come from?” Jin Ae asked while raising an eyebrow.

“No time to explain!” Dong Jun turned the corner and ran towards the lower half of the bridge. They ran down and hid underneath the bridge away from the crazy fangirls. Dong Jun let her down and held a finger over his lips. “Shh,” Dong Jun said while Jin Ae nodded.


“...I am not fugly you...” Jin Ae muttered as Dong Jun hushed her again.

“LET’S CHECK AROUND! OPPA CAN’T GET THAT FAR!” The group of girl ran across the bridge and were gone. Dong Jun went to go check if the coast was clear and then saw that it was. Suddenly as soon as Dong Jun turned around Jin Ae smacked her fist right into Dong Jun’s stomach.

“DAMN GIRL! OWW!” Dong Jun whelped in pain.

“That’s for Jin Ae-napping me! How dare you! You son of a ! I should punch you even more!” Jin Ae shouted while glaring at Dong Jun. Dong Jun got up and glared at her.

“Hey! I saved you okay? Otherwise you would have been a Jin Ae flatten pancake! You know those girls are merciless!”  Dong Jun shouted while rolling his eyes.

“Doesn’t mean you need to sweep me off my feet and carry me off like that! Scared me less” Jin Ae cursed while growling at him. “And another thing, one of your fan girls called me fugly! You think I’m going to let that go?! You should have let me go beat the living crap out of her!” Jin Ae shouted while rolling up her shirt sleeves. Dong Jun stood there waiting for her rambling to stop but he had a feeling she isn’t going to stop anytime soon.

“Why I outta go fi-” Jin Ae was about to continue until Dong Jun took her wrists and slammed her into the wall. Dong Jun trapped her against the wall, causing her to stare at Dong Jun in shock. They were centimeters away from one another, Jin Ae’s breathing decreased because she has never been this close to any guy before.  “W-what are you...” Jin Ae stuttered as her cheeks flushed pink.

“You talk too much,” Dong Jun whispered into Jin Ae’s ear. She felt his hot breath against her skin. Her heart thumped loudly against her chest. “You shouldn’t worry about what other girls think of you because in my eyes, you’re beautiful just the way you are,” Jin Ae was shocked at what she was hearing.

“T-this...can’t be real...” Jin Ae said while avoiding eye contact with Dong Jun. Dong Jun suddenly grasped her chin and made her stare into his brown eyes.

“Oh is it?” Dong Jun asked while leaning in and pressing his lips against hers. Dong Jun’s eyes were shut while Jin Ae’s eyes were wide open. Dong Jun slowly nipped against her lips until slowly during the kiss her eyes began to shut by themselves.

Wooo, an update~
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ilabya3 #1
Congratz ^_^
ExoticAnqel #4
Congratulations on the random feature!
Krisyeolsdaughter #5
Congrats on the random feature!!!
Congrats! C:
lovelyme23 #8
Congratulations :)
congrats :)