Because of You

Love Shuffle

Chang Jo stood from a far and clenched onto his heart and covered his mouth. He turned away and walked away from the scene. He didn’t want to hear anymore of this conversation. He couldn’t even bear hearing the answer of Hye Shi.

Who knows what she’ll do because Chun Ji is known as one of the best students in school. He was handsome, one of the smartest students here, his parents were wealthy and he could get anything he wanted.

As for Chang Jo, he wasn’t as handsome as Chun Ji, he was an average student and his parents weren’t really that wealthy. Knowing Chun Ji, he will probably succeed with wooing the one and only Park Hye Shi.

Chang Jo walked out of the campus to only be greeted by Jin Ae, “Hey Chang Jo!” Jin Ae shouted with a grin but Chang Jo ignored her and continued walking. Chang Jo sighed and looked to the left to seeing his ex-girlfriend with her new boyfriend, Min Ah and Tae Hun. As soon as Min Ah looked up and into Chang Jo’s eyes, she just huffed and clung herself to Tae Hun and walked off.

Today was not Chang Jo’s day, he had everything turned against him. He decided to continue walking to see where his feet would take him.


“He’s been sitting there all day, do something Dong Jun,”

“I’m a bus boy - not Dr.Phil,”

“He’s your best friend,”

“I don’t know what to do and anyways we’re going to be late for Prom, let Hye Shi deal with it,”

“Hye Shi’s going to prom as well,”

“Uhh, she didn’t tell you? She’s not going to prom because she left Chun Ji,”

“What?! Let me go ta-”

“Nope, we’re going to be late. Let’s go,”

In the kitchen with Kyu Jong, Young Saeng and Hye Shi. Hye Shi was chopping some vegetables for tomorrow. The Cafe was about to close up so Jung Min, Hyung Joon and Hyun Joong were on duty to clear out the cafe. Young Saeng looked at the young girl and stood beside her.

Hye Shi looked up and raised an eyebrow. “Yes Oppa?” Young Saeng looked out of the kitchen window and saw Chang Jo sitting in a booth.

“You’re not going to prom?” Young Saeng questioned the shorter girl. Kyu Jong looked at her as well and waited for an answer. Hye Shi took the vegetables over to the sink and rinsed the green delights off.

“I had some seconds thoughts about going to prom,” Hye Shi answered with a small smile.

“Did something happen?” Kyu Jong asked while raising an eyebrow. Hye Shi let out a sigh and thought back to what happened earlier that day.


“A-ask me what?” Hye Shi stuttered while questioning the boy in front of her. Chun Ji grasped both sides of her cheeks. Hye Shi tensed up at the touch of the boy and twitched slightly. She was thinking, what was he planning on doing? He is too close for comfort which is bad for Hye Shi.

Chun Ji leaned in towards her lips and at the last second, she shook out of his grasp and made him kiss her on the side of her head.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” Chun Ji asked smoothly which caused Hye Shi to scoff. Hye Shi shoved Chun Ji away from her with all of her might and glared at him. Chun Ji stared at her and tilted his head curiously. Hye Shi stared at Chun Ji and tried to regain her posture.

“After what you had just tried to attempt, I don’t think so Lee Chan Hee. Not even if you hadn’t tried to take advantage of me; I still won’t be your girlfriend,” Hye Shi spoke in a harsh tone. Chun Ji was taken back at what she just said.

“Did I do something wrong?”  Chun Ji asked in a confused manner. Hye Shi held her head and shook her head.

“Chan Hee, you tried to kiss me without my permission. Chan Hee, I think you know better then that. I’m not that easy to manipulate Chan Hee; I’m not like your fangirls who would swoon over you and be easy like that. I’m sorry but I don’t like you that way,” Hye Shi explained while staring at him.

“Hye Shi...” Chun Ji was speechless, he didn’t know what to say at the moment since he has never thought of Hye Shi rejecting him like this. He never thought to this point since he thought he would have captured her heart.

Hye Shi took the flowers that she received from him and placed them in his hands. Hye Shi looked away and took her book bag from him. “I’m sorry but I won’t be accompanying you to prom. Something came up so you can ask one of your other friends to prom,” Hye Shi left Chun Ji in the middle of the hallway.


Kyu Jong gripped tightly onto the knife and began, “So that little mother fu-” Young Saeng shot Kyu Jong a look while Hye Shi was drying off the veggies. “That ‘-hole’ tried to kiss you?” Kyu Jong rolled his eyes and continued chopping up the vegetables.

“Yes oppa,” Hye Shi walked on over to the fridge and took out the gallon of milk.

“But luckily he kissed you on the side of your hair. Otherwise, Jung Min would have thrown a fit if you lost your first kiss to that kid,” Young Saeng said while sighing in relief.

“But wait you dumped him on the day of the prom?” Kyu Jong asked while smirking.

“Yeah, I didn’t feel so well after receiving the death glares of his fangirls,” Hye Shi stated while pouring milk into a glass.

“Damn bastard,” Kyu Jong cursed under his breath. Young Saeng nudged him lightly and shook his head.

Young Saeng stood at the window and saw that Chang Jo was playing around with a straw in his drink. Hye Shi went over and looked at Chang Jo as well. “He’s been there for quite some time now, wanna go offer him a piece of cake?” Young Saeng asked while smiling.

“Closing time is soon oppa,” Hye Shi puffed out her cheeks.

“So? I think...he is bothered by something,” Young Saeng stated while smiling. He took out a piece of cake on a small plate and handed it to her.

“Go on, go give it to him,” Young Saeng patted her cheeks and pushed her out the door. Hye Shi grumbled under her breath and went over to the small booth. All around the cafe, the lights were turned off or dimmed. The only light that was fully was the booth that Chang Jo was sitting at.

Hye Shi stood in front of Chang Jo to seeing that he was in some sort of trance. Hye Shi waited and saw that he wasn’t going to notice her if she didn’t do anything. Hye Shi placed the cake down with a small fork in front of Chang Jo. Chang Jo snapped out of his trance and looked up at her surprised.

“H-Hye Shi?” Chang Jo stuttered while Hye Shi raised an eyebrow.

“You do know that we are closing soon and you’ve been sitting here for about four hours now?” Hye Shi stated while taking a seat in front of him. Chang Jo took out his phone and gasped.

“Oh gosh, you’re right. I’m so sorry, I...I just-” Chang Jo murmured while sounding like an idiot. He mentally slapped himself for making himself seem like a fool.

“Save it, don’t worry about it,” Hye Shi held up a hand and stopped him from talking.

“Sorry,” Chang Jo bid his apology which ticked off Hye Shi even more. She was tired and grumpy but he is making things worse for her.

“Quit apologizing” Hye Shi stated in a harsh tone. Chang Jo zipped his lips and felt upset. She noticed his change in moods and then saw her harsh mistake. “I’m sorry that came out the wrong way. I had a rough day today but I think your problem seems worse than mine. What’s on your mind?” Hye Shi asked while staring at the younger boy.

Chang Jo thought back to the kiss between her and Chun Ji and shook his head. “Its...nothing,” Chang Jo stated while cutting the piece of cake but then a hand reached out and grabbed his hand. He looked up to seeing Hye Shi’s brown orbs. He gulped and just froze in his spot.

“As I’ve said before, when people say ‘its nothing’, there is always something behind that meaning,” Chang Jo remembered her saying that to him before. He sighed which caused Hye Shi to let go of his hand and sat back. Chang Jo gripped tightly onto the fork and bit his lower lips.

“You kissed...” Chang Jo muttered out quietly. Hye Shi raised an eyebrow and leaned against the table. Chang Jo’s lips trembled since he wasn’t taking this easy at all.

“What?” Hye Shi questioned the boy since she was pretty confused about him. He sighed and tried to explain to her once again. Hye Shi leaned in this time to hear him.

“You two...kissed,” He spoke softly and then Hye Shi blinked. She sat back and nodded at what he said. She crossed her arms and thought about what he said. It seems that he saw the two of them kissed. Is that what made him upset? What made Hye Shi curious was that, why did he care if Chun Ji and her ‘kissed’? Could jealous in anyway?

“You saw us, didn’t you?” Hye Shi simply questioned the boy and he nodded slowly. She leaned against the table once again and smirked. “That is what made you sit here for the entire day, drinking milk?” Hye Shi asked while raising an eyebrow. Chang Jo looked at her with innocent eyes and didn’t reply back.

“Didn’t know you would get jealous that easily over a fake kiss scene,” Hye Shi said with a smirk. Chang Jo’s head shot up and he defended himself.

“I am not jealous!” Chang Jo pouted while looking down.

“Sure you aren’t Chang Jo,” Hye Shi laughed while looking at the boy that was in denial.  

“I’m not jealous! I was looking for you and-and wait! Fake kiss scene? That kiss never happened? It was fake?!” Chang Jo’s eyes widen and he began questioning the girl. In the corner of Hye Shi’s eyes she saw that he was looking at her with hopefulness in his eyes.

“Dur, Chun Ji was close to kissing me but I shoved him away and he kissed my cheek,” Hye Shi said while rolling her eyes.

“Really?” Chang Jo’s lips formed a happy smile.

“Yeah? Then I dumped his and that’s why I’m not at prom. After receiving death glares and crap from his fans I didn’t want to go anymore,” Hye Shi said while taking his fork and cutting a piece of the cake. She ate it and looked at him to seeing a goofy smile on his lips.

“What’s the idiotic smile for?” Hye Shi asked while slicing the cake again and this time held it out for the younger boy. Chang Jo took the cake and smiled brightly.

“I-I’m just happy that you didn’t go to prom with him...” Chang Jo replied happily.

“I sense a jealous aura around you,” Hye Shi teased again.

“Tease me all you want old granny; I’m just happy!” Chang Jo laughed out while Hye Shi gasped while staring at him.

“Did you just call me ‘old granny’?!” Hye Shi questioned while Chang Jo laughed a bit.

“Yes I did, and what are you going to do about it?” Chang Jo answered while snickering. Hye Shi pressed her lips tightly together and then she took a piece of the cream from the cake and tapped his nose.

“That’s what I’m going to do!” Chang Jo gasped dramatically. “Oh hell no, you did not just do that!”

“Oh hell yes I did, Chang Jo” Hye Shi laughed while getting out of the booth. Chang Jo followed her and pouted.

“Get it off,” Chang Jo pouted and stared at her.

“, it suits you,” Hye Shi shook her head and laughed.

“Noona! Get it off!” Chang Jo whined cutely while stomping his feet.

“You called me old granny so this ‘old granny’ can’t,” Hye Shi laughed out while holding her stomach. Chang Jo pouted and stared at her.

Noona!” Chang Jo whined out once again as his lips trembled.

“...are you sure you’re eighteen? Cause you're acting like an eight year old,” Hye Shi teased while taking out her handkerchief from her pocket.

“Noona~” Chang Jo cried out again and stopped when Hye Shi was wiping off the cream from his nose. Chang Jo froze and felt his heartbeat race at the touch of the older girl. Hye Shi was too busy to notice that Chang Jo was staring at her. When Hye Shi was done, Chang Jo took a hold of her wrist gently.

Hye Shi blinked and looked at the taller yet younger boy. “Chang Jo?” Hye Shi asked quietly. Chang Jo remembered that today was Prom; since both of them aren’t attending to prom, maybe the two could do something special.

“Hye Shi, since we’re both dateless for prom...would you be my date?” Chang Jo asked while smiling softly towards her. Hye Shi blinked and thought about it.

“You mean go to prom now?”  Hye Shi couldn’t help but questioned.

“No...we could have our own special prom right here,” Chang Jo said while motioning at the cafe.

“Mmm...but it’s been a long day for me and I’m not really suitable for being your date...” Hye Shi spoke while blushing slightly. Chang Jo smiled and got up from his seat and went over to the girl. He looked to seeing that she was in a black and white waitress attire. She was wearing some running shoes and her hair was clipped up from the back.

Chang Jo reached out to her hands and pulled her up. Hye Shi was just staring at him with curiosity in her eyes. Chang Jo reached from behind her head and took the clip off. Her long brown curly locks flew down. Hye Shi was taken back from the sudden action and kept her gaze down. Suddenly Chang Jo took her hands into his once again causing her to look up at him.

“Dance with me?” Chang Jo questioned while smiling.

“Dance? But there’s no music,” Hye Shi looked around the cafe to seeing it was empty with all the chairs stacked up.

“We can dance without music...” Chang Jo took her hand and guided her to the center of the cafe.

“Heh, okay,” Hye Shi went along with it. The two got into position to dance with Chang Jo guiding Hye Shi with every step. The two danced in silence with a light and fluffy aura around them. During the dance scene it was quiet yet nice until Hye Shi decided to ask him questions.

“Hmm...did anything else happened today? Besides the fake kiss oh course,” Chang Jo thought about Hye Shi’s question and he nodded.

“I saw Min Ah today with Tae Hun,” Chang Jo said while nodding.

“And?” Hye Shi asked in return.

“I’m over her,” Chang Jo said with a grin.

“That’s good,” Hye Shi said with a bright smile. “I’m proud of you Chang Jo,”

It is good because instead of me feeling gloomy about it, I feel more happy now. I’m happy that I am over Min Ah because of you, Park Hye Shi. I ended up falling for you...’

“Choi Jong Hyun,” Chang Jo said clearly.

“Hmm?” Hye Shi looked at him.

“That’s my real name,” Chang Jo stated while looking at her.

“Really?” Hye Shi asked while looking surprised.

“Yeah, you didn’t think my real name was Chang Jo - did you?” Chang Jo looked at her with wide eyes. Hye Shi’s cheeks tinged pink and she huffed.

“It could happen,” Hye Shi murmured while pouting.

“Aigoo, noona you have got to be kidding me,” Chang Jo teased.

“Aish,” Hye Shi looked away while Chang Jo laughed at the cute older girl. Chang Jo wrapped his arms around the older yet shorter girl. Hye Shi pouted and mimicked his actions.

“Don’t laugh at me just because I was wrong! Pft, teasing me like this,” Hye Shi nagged while smiling secretly.

“Oh noona, you’re very special,” Chang Jo said while laughing.

“What’s that supposed to mean!?” Hye Shi hissed while pouting.

“Well noona’s very short for her age, she is a granny as well, she also enjoys nagging-” Chang Jo began naming off the traits of the girl.

“Yah! I’m going to kick your !” Hye Shi barked at the younger kid.

“But wait - noona’s very independent and smart, she is also one of a kind because there is no one like her, she also is loyal to her friends and...she is very suitable for Choi Jong Hyun,” Hye Shi was about to throw a huge fit at Chang Jo until she heard what he had just said about her.

Hye Shi looked at Chang Jo for a long time while he just smiled at her. “Because Choi Jong Hyun thinks that noona is very beautiful in any way she looks but...she looks best when she is smiling,” Hye Shi stared at him with wide eyes and suddenly when she heard that last line; her lips formed a smile of their own.

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ilabya3 #1
Congratz ^_^
ExoticAnqel #4
Congratulations on the random feature!
Krisyeolsdaughter #5
Congrats on the random feature!!!
Congrats! C:
lovelyme23 #8
Congratulations :)
congrats :)