Chapter 2

Chaos at Home
I woke up, and I saw Kris beside me.  He was sleeping.  I turn around on my bed, and I hug him as much as I can.  Although the lights are off, I am sure he has a smile on his face.  Even when he is sleeping, he can be super cute.  I felt arms snake around my waste.  I snuggled closer to him, and he did the same.  He softly laughed.  “Chanyeol, you are awake?” He asked me.  “Yes dear, I am.”  I said as I searched for his cheek, which, I found very easily. 


He gave me another soft laugh.  “I love you Chanyeol.”  He said.  Is he drunk?  He kind of sounds like he is.  I mean, the half asleep way he is talking.  “Kris?” I asked.  He hummed his answer.  “Are you drunk?”  I asked.  He held my hand close to his heart.  I can feel his every heart beat.  “My heart beats for you,  if I drink, I might drink to much, and my heart will stop.”  He said to me.


Dang, he is romantic.  “Alright then.”  I said as I snuggled closer to him, placing my head at his heart.  Listening to the beats, every beat is for me?  I hope so; I hope he does love me.  He places his hand on the back of my head.  “I love you Chanyeol, never forget that, alright?”  He asked.  “Ok!  I love you too Kris!”  I said as I kissed his lips. 


He kissed me more, very passionately.  He grabbed my wrists and made me lay on my back.  He then went on top of me.  His kisses get deeper and deeper, making me go back into the mattress.  I felt a strange feeling in my stomach.  So, I moaned.  His kisses got really rough now.  I grab his shoulders, and push him away. 

I stood up, and ran to the bathroom.  I grabbed some pain killers.  “Chanyeol?  It hasn’t been four hours yet.”  He said to me.  “In fifteen minutes it will be, but…”  I said.  He grabbed the bottle.  “No.”  He said as he put it in his pocket.  Wow, love me enough not to give me pills when I am in pain.

I walk out of the bathroom.  I sit at the table.  He sat in front of me.  I stood up, and went to the fridge.  I grabbed out some left over noodles from the other night.  I put it in a pot, on the stove.  I got two bowls out, along with two pairs of chopsticks.  I felt someone behind me.  “Hey.”  I said.  He kissed my neck.  I look at him.  Xiumin?

I look at the table, Kris isn’t there.  I push Xiumin a bit, and go after him.  He isn’t in the bathroom, nor anywhere else in his room. 

I Walk out of the room and look all around upstairs, not there.  I then look everywhere downstairs, still not there.  Where could he be?

I sit down on the big sofa, and grab my phone out of my pocket.  I dial Kris’s number.  It’s ringing.  All I hear are buzzes, he isn’t picking up!  Where in all China is he?  Ah! Maybe he is at work!  I was just about to go upstairs, but then, all the sudden a pain shoots through my leg.  I fall down the stairs I have gone up already (10).  I land on my head.  I can’t move I see darkness.  But, then, I see Xiumin’s scared face, and that’s when everything, goes, away. 

I wake up, and I am in my bed, I see no one there.  I look at the kitchen Xiumin is there tending to my noodles that have been cooking.  I look at the time.  It’s been ten minutes.  I can definitely take my next pill, but, I want to go to work.  So, without Xiumin noticing, I walk out of my room after I grabbed my phone. 

I quietly go downstairs.  I open the front door after I turned off the chimes.  I walk to my car, and go inside it. I then drive to work


I got to work, and I don’t see my love’s car.  I walk inside the building, everyone staring at me.  I wonder what happened while I was gone.

I walk to the elevator.  I see someone hunched over, facing the wall.  “Excuse me Mr.?”  I asked as I put a hand on his back.  He looked at me. Uh oh, it’s Kris.  Dang, how can this get worse?  I mean, I was looking for him, but, I didn’t know that was him!   I am deep crap now.  “I am a Mr. Now?”  He asked.  “No, no, no!  I didn’t know, oh,…”  I was trying to explain, but, I lost confidence. 

He turned off the elevator.  “Why are you here?”  He asked.  “I ask the same question, why did you leave me with Xiumin?”  I asked.  “Because, he is your babysitter.”  He said bluntly.  “You never said good bye, you never said you were leaving, in fact, you said you would stay with me always!”  I said as I broke out in tears.

He held me close to him, my hair, telling me it’s ok.  “Chanyeol, the reason I left was… I thought I made you mad for not letting you take your medicine.”  He said as he felt my stomach.  “Does it hurt?”  He asked. I shook my head.  “I am with you, you are with me, and true love masks all pains.”  I said as I get closer to him.

He softly laughs in my hair.  “Ok, you want to stay here?”  He asked.  I nodded my head.  “Ok.”  He kissed me one last time, a true, passionate, deep, loving kiss.  As he is still kissing me, his hand reaches up my shirt, feeling my back.  He put me against the wall, holding my wrists. 

I felt a pain in my leg, so, I fell over, and thankfully Kris was there to support me. He brought me back up, and his kisses got rough, and drool coming down from our lips. 

After he was satisfied, he let my lips go, both our breaths very heavy.  “What just happened Kris?”  I asked as I held my heart.  “I think…. We… uh?”  That’s all I hear before I passed out. 

I woke up, and I saw Xiumin reading a book at the side of the bed.  He looked at me. “AH!  You’re awake! I was told to bring you home!”  He said.  I stood up, and walked to the kitchen.  I took my pill along with my noodles, but then, I fall over?

I see a vision, of Kris getting his head ripped off I then pass out.


Hello~  CHapter 2~  Yeah, I had to redo it, so, it isn't the same as the chapter I had before, but, eh, here ya go! :D

YEAH!  SO many subscribers!  Thank you so much!  For the ones to subscribe from Lonely, and some new subscribers too!  THANK YOU!

Please comment!  Love the comments!

Bye bye! :D

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Please Read: I'm working on a prequel, and will be out by the middle of August. Thank you! =^.^=


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Chapter 5: what sickness Chanyeol has? aigoo... I worry about him this much >.<
Keep updating. This is so cute.
Chapter 1: what's wrong with channie?
ouuhh, cute >_<
I'm really excited for both versions! :D