Chapter 5

Chaos at Home
I woke up, and I see myself in a different room than before.  dim lights, but yet, you can still see.  I look to my left, then to my right.  "What happened?"  I asked out loud.  No one answered.  Well, to be expected so...  I sat up from the bed which I was lying on.  I moved my legs to the side of the bed, and stood up.  I was about to fall, but, I grabbed the nightstand that was right next to me.  I felt something get out of me.  I look at my wrist, the IV came out? Hm.

I walked to the door of the room, and tried to open it.  "Kris!!  Where are you??"  I shouted.  Of course no answer.  I bash on the door.  Nothing.  I looked around the room, no windows whatsoever.  What kind of hospita room is this with a window?  Don't you know people need vitamin D?  UGH.  I look at the broken TV that is placed on the wall in front of the bed.  It looked like someone literally punched the screen.  I look on the wall beside it.  There are scrape marks.  Hand prints made from blood.  I try to put my hand near it.

It is the size of my hand.  I look at my nails, they are dull.  I started to breath heavier.  I looked at the ceiling, and I see blood dripping down.  There is a supply closet, so, I open it up, and I see a fresh dead body in there.

I placed my hand over my heart as I breathed heavier and heavier.  This isn't a hospital room, this is the death room! I run to the door, and slam my body into it.  trying to bash my way out.  I felt a slap punch on my head, and I passed out

I woke up.  I saw the room I saw earlier, just brighter lights and no blood everywhere.  I look at my nails and see that they are the same length before I woke up earlier.  I looked to right, there was a door.  I looked to my left, I see a sleeping Kris beside me.  I lay back down, and snuggled up against him.  “Kris?”  I asked for him.  He was just lying there, still sleeping.   I listened for a heart beat and breathing, I heard them both.  Good, he is just sleeping.  I hold his hand, and kiss the back of it.  “I love you Kris.”  I said as I cuddled up closer to him.

I felt a hand go on my neck, its thumb massaging it.  I brought my hand to Kris’s chest, rubbing underneath his shirt.  “Chanyeol.”  Kris said.  I look up at him.  His eyes are still closed.  I feel his other hand go on my hand that is feeling his chest.  “Yes?”  I asked.  “You…”  He grabbed my hand out of his shirt, and flew it to my hip.  He rolled off the bed.  “No, stop it; I am not doing this again.”  He said to me.  I looked up at him.  “Do what?”  I asked.  He pulled up his shirt.  There are scratches all over his chest and stomach.  “Uh?  Who did that??”  I asked as I got up and ran to him, feeling him.  He backed away.  “You.”  H said bluntly. 

“Uh?”  I sat back on the bed.  “When?”  I asked.  “Ten minutes ago.  You were laying here, and I came in and closed and locked the door, so we can have privacy.  You got out of bed, and tried to open it.  I pulled you away, and you started scratching me, you bleed on your hands and then tried to climb up the wall.  Then, you flung some blood on the ceiling.  You ran to the closet, and for some reason you screamed at a toy man for kids.  Then you heated up, and fell on the bed.”  Kris explained.

“I am so sorry Kris~  Really!!”  I said as massaged his stomach.  “I had a nightmare almost about the same thing!!  Just it looked worse in my dream.”  I said to him.  He had a worried face.  “Ok, let’s cuddle then.”  He said to me with a smile.  I smiled back and jumped on him, which caused him to fall backwards onto the bed.  He was a laughing mess.  Well, I was tickling him~

The tickles turned into a rough make out.  Kissing each other, pulling the sheets to their necks, and our breathes get heavier, and the heart beats faster.  I heard a voice.  We stopped, and looked at the surprised doctor.  “Wow… What did I just watch?”  He asked as he widened his eyes.  “Dr. Jonghyun, I am sorry you had to watch that.”  I said to him.  He shook his head.  “No, its ok~ trusts me.”  He said grabbing a bag, and taking out an orange to eat. 

"Well, I uhm, you have a sickness." Jonghyun said as he took out his clipboard from the bed.  I looked at him, "What kind?"

"Well, as I see it, you don't need to know, if it gets more serious, then, I shall tell you, but, for now, take these pills every four hours.  Ok?"  He said as he gave me the bottle of pills.

I nodded my head and stood up.  I am in a hospital gown, no wonder I was so cold, because I basically ...  I bowed to Jonghyun, and he walked out. 

I felt Kris coming up behind me.  "You wanna go home now?"  He asked back-hugging me.  "Yes."  I said as I held his hands.

Though, I wonder what will happen?  And what I have?  Will it get more serious?  Or will it be gone after I take these pills until my next doctor visit?

        I wonder~


Hello~  Sorry for making this so short~  But, It was as it had to be, youu were all waiting for so long, so, I wanted to update as soon as possible, but yet, have a good longish chapter.  Also, I needed to stop.  Don't want this story to have a [M] on it~  XD

Hopefully you liked it~  And please comment~  Love the comments~  And thank you for reading as well~

Bye bye~ :D

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Please Read: I'm working on a prequel, and will be out by the middle of August. Thank you! =^.^=


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Chapter 5: what sickness Chanyeol has? aigoo... I worry about him this much >.<
Keep updating. This is so cute.
Chapter 1: what's wrong with channie?
ouuhh, cute >_<
I'm really excited for both versions! :D