
Unrealised Love

Ryeowook's POV.

I woke up the next day feeling refreshed and happy to start the day. I threw off my covers and climbed out of bed. I headed towards the window, opening up the curtains. Sunlight streamed inside the room, brightening up everything. I sighed happily as I watched the sun rises. I never knew it could be so beautiful. For a while, I just stood at the same spot admiring the nature. Until I snapped myself out of the trance the breathtaking view almost gave me. Well, there's not much time to waste.

If you're wondering why I said something about wasting time on a fine sunday morning, it means that I had something on my mind. What could it possibly be? That you will find out later. Meanwhile, I have to bath. A fine shower is a real start to a journey for the day. I took my pink towel and stepped inside the bathroom as I smiled mischievously.

After a bubbly bath, I dressed myself in a pair of ripped up jeans and an off-the-shoulder tee, a black tank top underneath. I stared at my reflection in the mirror and decided on a ponytail for my hair. I wonder what I will look like later in the day. Probably....much more cooler and chic? Hehe.*That's a hint of what I'm going to do today.

After I was done, I decided to head downstairs for breakfast. So I trotted down the stairs happily. I saw mom in the kitchen. She was literally sashaying around the kitchen while humming some old trot song. In her hand, a stack of freshly made pancakes on a plate. Hmmm..... The smell is delicious, "Good morning, mom!" I chirped as I entered the kitchen.

She smiled back as a return and put the plate on the table. I plopped myself down on a chair and helped myself with a gulp of cold orange juice. In front of me is a plate of hot sizzling bacon, scrambled eggs, and two pancakes. I rubbed my hands in a hungry manner before pouring some maple syrup on the pancakes. And.....gulpeed down my breakfast. Mom just chuckled at me, shaking her head before eating her own breakfast.

"Mom...., can I go out today?" I asked hopefully after done with my breakfast. She looked at me, eyebrows raised. I gave my mum a cute puppy face, trying hard to let her gave permission for me. After a few loooong seconds, she gave in, saying,"Fine! But you know the rules. Be home by five to six at most."

I squealed after she gave her answer, which surprises her. I hugged my mom tightly, practically squeezing her to death," Thanks mom. I promise to be back by the said time and to not finish up all the money and to not roam around strange places and to not talk to strangers and to take care of myself," I said, listing down all of the things that she always tells me whenever I went out. She laughed, patting my back.

I ran upstairs and stuffed my purse, phone, and some other stuff into my tote bag. Then went downstairs, all ready with a pair of caramel-coloured chunky heels boots. I bid my mom goodbye, to my destination. The mall. Now, I know you guys will ask me. Why the mall? Haven't you gone there just yesterday with your friends? Yes I did guys, but I just bought the coat and the earmuffs which yesung thoght looked good on me! The only reason I bought them was because of him! Hehe. So yesterday I just did a survey of the mall and had planned this idea inside my head when I saw cute outfits and stuff they sell here. Actually, I did not plan it. My friend did. You know, my best friend from my ex-town I should call it. The place where I stayed before I moved here. I had taken pictures and sent it to my her. She texted back immediately that she has an idea. She told me to do a makeover.

At first, I disagreed. Am I not pretty enough? And aren't makeovers, like, dedicated to ugly people(no offense)? She explained to me her reason. She said, why not possess  new look now that I'm in a different place? You know.., like kind of a new start to my new life? And I immediately pointed out that it has been a month I think that I moved here. So she said nevermind. And I was like...okay. I guess it is kind of good. After all, it has just only been a few weeks. So here I am....

I stood at the entrance, scanning the whole place before deciding to go to the second floor. I decided on change of my hair first. So I went to the almost all related to hair shops(I don't know what to call them. To call them barber shop is just kinda...wrong. So please bare with my mistakes, lovely readers<3) and asked them if they can make my hair cute and looks suitable depending on them since they are kind of professionals. Almost all of them gave the same answer. "We just follow what the customer wants. Besides, we are not their hair stylists." I got frustrated and almost fight back to one of them who acts all arrogant while leaning against the wall. I wanted to give up when I'm standing in front of the last shop on the second floor but calming myself down by tellimg that either this is it or not. I just have to face it. I took a deep breath before stepping inside. A nice scent hit my nose as soon as I stepped in. But I don't care about any of that. Neither do I care if it looks calm and beautiful and whatsoever. I'm about to lose my patience here. I was greeted by one of the ladies.

"Morning miss. May I help you?" she asked politely. Pft. I don't believe in all these politeness beause I was greeted the same way in every shop. I asked the same question to her and braced myself for the worse. But what she answered was totally not what I expected.

"You came to the right place miss. Now, sit here while I inspect you," she said. I brightened up at her reply and did what she asked me to. Before she can even say anything, I told her something," Can you please make this a surprise? I don't want to know it just yet. It's better if it's a surprise. Besides, I trust you." She nodded at me before asking me to close my eyes whilst she did my hair and made me promise never to open it unless she asked me to when it's finished. I nodded, closing my eyes when it started.

It lasted for almost half an hour and I almost slept! But the moment I was about to enter dreamland, the sound of her voice woke me up. I opened my eyes slowly, and almost fainted. Is this really me? Woooow. I freally changed. I looked....pretty. And cute too. My once black hair has now changed colour to blondish, more like orangish. My hair has been curled up at certain parts. To make it look more like wavy. And I no longer have bangs, just a fringe!(Please imagine her hair to look like Bomi apink from mr chu. I kinda like her hair. But if some of you hate it.......) "Your hair colour will not be permanent. But there's a way to solve it. You can buy some hair dye shampoo which will make your hair colour the same. Buuuut, if you want to change it, you can. At first I have a thought to make your hair look brown and a little bit of wavy. That will look cute on you too.(So if some of you hate it, I make ryeowook has choices for her hair to look brown like naeun apink from mr chu. Which she will change. But if some of you still hate it, just imagine it on your own! he..)," she said.

"So I suggest you buy the orange and brown hair dye shampoo, and some materials to straighten or curl your hair, unless you have these materials at your home," she said. I grinned at her. Of course I will buy! I don't even have those things because the old me like natural. But the new me..., well she like ]s to try something different. "I'll take that."

So after all the shopping, I arrived home. I braced myself for my mom to scream "Alien!!!!!!!!" when she saw me, so I took a deep breath and stepped inside the kitchen. She was Typing something on her computer, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Mom, I'm home!" I said. She turned around smiling, but the the smile fades when she saw me. I cringed, ready for the scolding I will surely get later when....

"Aaah! My daughter's a grown up! You look beautiful darling," was her reply. I grinned in relief when I realised that she did not scold me. And so I told her all about it, wheareas my insides are getting nervous because of what the whole school's reaction will tomorrow.......









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Chapter 8: Waaaahhh-cliffhanger auThornim!hehehe.pls.update.soon!!hehe,it is an awesome story!
Chapter 7: Through imagining, i found out that the new hairstyle suits Ryeowook better. ^_^
Chapter 6: I just read it now, and It was so cute ^_^
Chapter 6: So cute ^///.///^ Thank you for updating such a cute chapter!
ELF154ever #5
Chapter 5: I will try to make it longer.. Thanks for reading anyway!
Chapter 5: yesung had no feeling for ryeowook? ahh that's so sad :(
curious about next chapter, please make it more long and update soon.. yewook just so cute, love them :)
Chapter 2: This story is so cute please continue cant wait to read more \^0^/ fighting!!!