Noticed anything wierd?

Unrealised Love

Heechul's POV

I was walking through the hall happily when I saw ryeowook by her locker. I headed in her direction. I tapped her shoulder lightly. She turned around and smiled when she saw me.

"I was wondering what are you doing this Saturday," I said. She seemed to think for a while before shaking her head. I grinned, clapping.

"That is great, 'cuz eunhyuk planned to hang out together, all of us including you this Saturday. So, are you up to it?" I asked her hopefully.

"I think I can. I've got to ask my mom first," she said. I nodded my head.

"Be sure to give your answer fast. If you can, meet us at the mall near the school at 10 am this Sat," I informed before leaving her.

*sigh* It sure has been a long, but good, one month here in high school. So far, I have managed to cope all the work that has been piling up ever since.

The thing I worried about is Donghae. She really needs help. Yesterday, she failed a simple pop quiz! That doesn't even count her test last week! Ugh. She's been obsessed with Super junior, a boy group, for a while. That is the main distraction for her right now. Eunhyuk and I can only keep on advising her, well I reprimanded her.

Enough about that. I have got to worry about what to wear tomorrow. I realised with utter horror that all the cute outfits that I chose earlier in the year to wear them last and this week I have all worn! I am seriously in need of shopping.

Suddenly, somebody bumped into me. "Omo! So sorry. I really didn't see you there. I was walking and I was focusing on my phone that I just didn't realise that you were standing there. So sorry," she rambled.

I rolled my eyes. " I don't care. Just be careful next time." She nodded before scurrying off. I shook my head. Teenagers these days are so absorbed in their own "phone world". As if you are not one of them, I scolded myself.

Math class....

I was sitting on my chair while twirling the ends of my hair, waiting for the teacher to arrive. Suddenly, the door burst open only to reveal...yesung.

"Yah Kim jongwoon! Why are you so late these past few days?" I asked him angrily as he sat beside me. He smiled sheepishly, running a hand over his hair.

"I don't know. Just...something has been bothering me right now," he sighed exasperatedly. I raised a questioning eyebrow.

"About that kibum matter again? Ryeowook had told us that she didn't care anymore. Nothing has been happening to her. Besides, that matter is so last week," I said.

"Not about that. It's about how ryeowook has been acting weird whenever she saw me. Like.., running away when we met each other at the hall, refusing to look at me. Things like that...," he explained. I nodded slowly, thinking of a possible reason for this matter. Aha! That is possible....

"Maybe she likes you," I suggested innocently. He widened his eyes at the statement.

"Are you crazy?!" was the only thing he could ask me. I shook my head.

"You see, I had acted exactly like that when I met hangkyung. That, my darling is called loove," I sinsonged when I said the word 'love'. He shook his head, still unable to believe me.

"That's impossible. I never like her! Besides, I have eunji. And that is more than perfect," he said. I opened my mouth to protest but snapped it shut when the teacher walked in. I have a lot of explaining to do after this...

Ryeowook's POV

Justaskjustaskjustask, I thought to myself as I walked in the kitchen that night, ready to ask my mom about tomorrow.

"Mom, can I ask you something" I asked. She looked up, nodding. I walked towards her slowly, taking a seat opposite her.

"Well, my friend invited me this Saturday to hang out at the mall," I blurted out. She smiled.

"This Saturday? I think I can let you go...," she said. I jumped up at her answer. I hugged her immediately.

"Thanks, mom." Are the only words said as I trotted happily to my room, ready to choose an outfit for tomorrow.


I stood waiting outside the mall nervously as I looked around. I was first one to arrive. It's 9.30 am now. Probably because this is my first meeting with them outside of school.

I checked and rechecked my outfit, making sure that it is the right outfit. I am wearing black tights. Pairing it up with my white, flowy,two-layered tank top. "Keep on dreaming" was embossed at the front of it.

I took a glance at my watch, biting my lips. Is it really today? What if I'm wrong? What if they cancelled without me knowing? These questions flew out of my head as I saw yesung and eunji walking towards me.

"Hey, ryeowook! Nice clothes you got there. Where did you buy them?" eunji asked. I blushed at her compliment but recovered and answered her question "coolly".

"Forever 21," I said. She squealed, making both yesung and me to jump.

"Forever 21? Are you serious? 'Cuz I've been dying to go there since forever!" she exclaimed. And with that, we continued on chatting about clothed. We shushed yesung when he shook his head, muttering,"Girls.."

After a few minutes, all of us have arrived. We are just waiting for the mall to open. Heechul, I noticed, is eyeing me since just now. I ignored it at first, but then started getting uncomfortable. Why is she acting so...weird?

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Sorry if there's a slight change in the size and the boldness.


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Chapter 8: Waaaahhh-cliffhanger auThornim!hehehe.pls.update.soon!!hehe,it is an awesome story!
Chapter 7: Through imagining, i found out that the new hairstyle suits Ryeowook better. ^_^
Chapter 6: I just read it now, and It was so cute ^_^
Chapter 6: So cute ^///.///^ Thank you for updating such a cute chapter!
ELF154ever #5
Chapter 5: I will try to make it longer.. Thanks for reading anyway!
Chapter 5: yesung had no feeling for ryeowook? ahh that's so sad :(
curious about next chapter, please make it more long and update soon.. yewook just so cute, love them :)
Chapter 2: This story is so cute please continue cant wait to read more \^0^/ fighting!!!