
Unrealised Love

Yesung's POV

"I'm home!" I shouted out as I stepped inside my house, closing the door behind me. I scrunched my brows in confusion when I heard no answer. I headed towards the kitchen to see if my mom is in there, but there's no one. Wierd. I didn't remember her telling me that she went out. I shrugged, sitting on a chair as I reached out my hand and took a sandwich that has been cutted into four triangles. Then I noticed a paper taped to the table. I picked it up and saw mom's signature at the end of the letter.

My dearest son, I just went out to buy grocery shopping with my friends. I maybe a bit late for dinner, so do order pizza or anything that you want. I have prepared some money on the counter. And I have also made some sandwiches as I figured you must be quite famished. Hope you have a great day at the mall spending time with your friends!


I glanced at the counter and saw a few hundred dollars lying there. Woohoo! I can order whatever I want tonight. In my mind, I was already thinking of chinese noodles and dumplings. I can sense that dad also wants chinese food. Ha.

As much as I am happy, I can't help but feel bothered by mom's last sentence. Well, I can't deny that I did have a great day hanging out with my friends just now but I may have an awkward few moments with a certain someone which invoves me asking about my feelings. My exact feelings about that certain someone whose name is kim ryeowook.


As we stepped in the mall, we have already decided which ways we want to go. The girls will be off shopping wheares the guys, well, we just went off to find our own things. I used the elevator to go to the second floor. I roamed around on the level until I saw a few shops that attracted my attention. I decided to go to this particular shop that sells caps and hats for men and women. I go around and tried on a few caps that honestly make me look good and finally bought a black cap.

After that, I went to the shoe shop. Wow. There are so many sneakers for me to try. I inspected each one of them until I found one that attracts me. A blue-coloured one. Nice.. I asked the salesperson for my size and bought it. Good thing eunhyuk chose this day as today is the last day of the big sale.

My so called "shopping" goes on until I went to my last shop before meeting my friends at the food court. It's a shop that sells coats, jackets, cardigans, etc for men and women. I tried on a few coats and jackets as I am not a totally big fan of cardigans because of this particular incident that happened when I was little which involves choking and which I did not want to talk about. I roamed around and found out that they sell earmuffs as well! There are a few earmuffs for couples. Maybe I can buy one for eunji and me. As a present for her upcoming birthday maybe?

At a corner of the shop, I spotted someone familiar trying on a pair of earmuffs and a coat. I headed in her direction and found out that it was ryeowook. For a while, I stood rooted to the ground a few feet behind her, observing as she fixes her bangs with the earmuffs. She looked quite cute actually. Especially when she huffs her cheeks in anger indicating that she hated the way it looked. Before she can took it off, I approached her.

"You know, I think you should buy that. It looked cute, I mean good on you," I said, blushing a bit at the end of the sentence. She jumped in surprise and turned around. She looked relieved as she saw me.

"Oh it's just you oppa. I thought it's someone else," she said, smiling awkwardly. I decided to a little bit.

"Someone else? Who? Your boyfriend?" I asked jokingly. She chuckled, shaking her head.

"Just..., you know, some stranger or something," she said.

"Well, if it's some stranger I will surely punch him in the face as he dared to disturb my wookie," I unknowingly answered. We both froze after a few moments. Well, I froze after a few long seconds when realised what I just said whereas she....froze immediately. After a few long excruciating minutes, we both looked elsewhere, laughing nervously.

"You're funny oppa," she said awkwardly. Once again there was silence.

"That's me.... Always trying to lighten up the atmosphere," I lamely attempted. She opened to say something, but closed it back. She seemed to be staring at something, or rather someone, behind me. I turned around and saw heechul a few distance away. She saw me looking at her and threw me a meaningful glance which I clearly understand. It means look-ryeowook-clearly-likes-you. Ugh. She and her assumings.... But what if she's right?

I shook my head a few times to clear out THAT thought, She clearly doesn't like me... I'm sure of that.

"Well, I guess I better go and buy this. Thanks for your feedback anyway," she said before leaving me dumbfounded. Feedback? What feedback? Then it dawned on me that the feedback she was talking about was me saying that it looked GOOD on her. I blushed and quickly left the shop.

*end of flashback*

I sighed. That was what happened to me. On the way back home, these thoughts have been consuming my mind. What is MY feelings for her? All that funny tingling and blushing whenever I talked to her must mean something right? Well, whatever, let the future decide that for me. Meanwhile, I can enjoy a delicious dinner of chinese food at dinner later.




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Sorry if there's a slight change in the size and the boldness.


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Chapter 8: Waaaahhh-cliffhanger auThornim!hehehe.pls.update.soon!!hehe,it is an awesome story!
Chapter 7: Through imagining, i found out that the new hairstyle suits Ryeowook better. ^_^
Chapter 6: I just read it now, and It was so cute ^_^
Chapter 6: So cute ^///.///^ Thank you for updating such a cute chapter!
ELF154ever #5
Chapter 5: I will try to make it longer.. Thanks for reading anyway!
Chapter 5: yesung had no feeling for ryeowook? ahh that's so sad :(
curious about next chapter, please make it more long and update soon.. yewook just so cute, love them :)
Chapter 2: This story is so cute please continue cant wait to read more \^0^/ fighting!!!