

She was taken from him. He had failed to protect her. She was crying, crying as her beautiful self worried over him.

If he had taken her to Hansol, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself. He was weak, and watched her get captured right in front of him but he couldn't do anything.

Jenissi opened his eyes, sighing deeply and trying to move. He was back in his room, lying on the bed, a heavy weight on his chest. His head was aching, as well as his side.

Arms tightened around his waist and he glanced down, a soft face resting on his chest. How is she here...? He thought, almost feeling bliss.

His hand rested on her head, petting her hair softly. Her tense posture calmed and fell into him.

Even though he knew he should get up, he wanted to stay like this forever. But he pulled himself to sit up, causing her to wake and stare at him.

"Jenissi..." Tears fell from her eyes, and she quickly wiped them away. "I was so scared."

She tried to get off the bed, but he grabbed her wrist. "Where are you going?" He didn't want her to leave.

"To tell the others you're awake." He pulled her closer, his heart beating.

Not yet. "You can't get out unless one of us opens the door."

Amadea blinked, looking from her wrist to him. "Then open it, the others need to know."

Jenissi let go, and pushed himself off the bed. "But I don't want to." His voice was quiet, he didn't want to say it, but his mouth moved on it's own.

"What... are you saying?"

He walked towards her, his eyes heavy as he gazed at her. "What happened out there?"

She was taking cautious steps back. "Byungjoo came, he saved us." She was now pressed against the wall.

He was cornering her, and his hand slammed against the wall beside her head. Byungjoo? He saved her, when he was unable to? Jealously burned through him as he leaned forward.


He cut her off. "I told you before, right? That I was on their side before. I think I'm still like them." His lips were inches away from hers, but he hesitated.

They stood there like that, because he couldn't bring himself to move anymore. He wanted to do something, but he didn't know how.

She reached up and cupped his face, rubbing her thumb against his cheek. "I'm not afraid of you, Jenissi."

He leaned his head down on her shoulder, taking a deep breath. Carefully taking her hand in his, he weaved their fingers together and walked with her out of the room.

Seogoong was sitting in a chair, rubbing the bruises on his arms and cheek. He smiled warmly at them.

Byungjoo sat down applying a mixture to a cut on Nakta's face. "You're up."

"Why are we back here?" Jenissi questioned as he watched them.

"They won't be coming back for a while. So you can relax. Hansol will be trying to come up with other plans." He leaned back, smiling at them.

Amadea left his side and went to the blond man, sitting in front of him. "What you did was really cool. I want to thank you for saving us."

He grinned and patted her head. His eyes moved to Jenissi and his expression softened. Seogoong stood and placed something in front of the girl, and she gasped.

"I was so hungry, thank you, Seogoong!"

As she was eating, Jenissi went to Hojoon's room. He wanted to make sure he was still alive at least. The room opened up and there he was, lying on the bed.

"He still hasn't woken up." Nakta sighed behind him. "P-Goon got him pretty good. But don't worry, he did Sehyuk in too; he looks worse." He chuckled, his hand falling on his shoulder.

"I'm going to kill them. Especially-"

The man laughed, pulling him out of the room. "Don't worry about that. Just rest up and enjoy the next couple peaceful days."

When they went back, Amadea was standing, waiting for him. She grabbed his hand and took him out, despite his protests. It wasn't safe, yet she was too happy to force her to stay inside.

"Why are you so happy?" He grumbled, still in pain.

After dragging him some way, she stopped and sat down, waiting. He did the same, and she crawled into his lap, laying her head gently on his thigh.

Closing her eyes, she breathed out. "I'm happy because you're okay."

He rolled his eyes, but couldn't deny his fingers that were running through her hair. "What does that mean?"

"It means I was worried, alright?" She sneered, not looking at him now.

He chuckled lightly and she sat up. Confused, he watched as she looked down, biting her lower lip. Taking a deep breath, she looked up again.

"Is something wrong?"

Amadea shook her head and she smiled. "Thank you, Jenissi. For taking care of me all this time. I still don't understand everything that is happening. But... I kind of don't want to go home now. There's no one like you there..."

Jenissi was frozen in place, his heart about to explode out of his chest. He didn't know what to say, his mouth was just hanging open.

"Can I do something crazy?" She whispered, but it knocked him out of his daze.

"I suppose..." He was curious but nervous as well. What was she planning to do?

Suddenly her lips pressed against his own. They were soft and delicate. His mind was spinning but it felt right, although he knew it was wrong. She pulled away and he felt empty, craving her touch again.

"I'm sorry, I forgot there are no women here.."

He grabbed the sides of her head and pulled her back, yet now their tongues were involved. He has never done it, but he wasn't thinking, just acting.

Although she was hesitant at first, she carefully kissed him back. It was like they were both playing a dangerous game, being cautious of what move to make.

He moved back and she looked away, tilting her head slowly. He followed her gaze, his eyes landing on a boy. His arms were crossed and a smirk played on his lips. He crouched, leaning forward and his intense stare on the girl.

Jenissi forced himself up, pulling her as well and pushing her behind him. The boys wild eyes followed her every movement and his smirk turned into a wide grin.

"Jenissi, share with me~" He sang, standing and laughing.

His chest tightened and he felt sick. What had happened to the child he once knew? Yet, he's no longer a child, and he's no longer sweet.


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