Episode 2: Welcome to the neighbourhod

We Got Married:Gay Season 2

The show opened up with Seo In guk, Amber, Hyuna, Tao, Niel, and Hoya getting out of cars individually in a residential area. Each of the couples met up and were given a mission card.

Congratulations on meeting!

You’re now about to embark on the first step of being a married couple. Choosing where to live! Meet up at this location where you will discover who the other couples are and where you are going to live!

The camera cut to showing three different apartment buildings, all appearing to be in the same area before showing each of the couples arriving at the meeting location, in the center of a street.

“Jiejie!” Tao said when he spotted Amber.

“How are you?” Niel greeted Hoya.

“Do you guys know which apartment is yours?” Hyuna asked. “Our mission card didn’t say anything.”

“None of yours did.” A writer said to the couples. “You’ll be using rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets to choose where they want to live first.”

“What are the houses like?” Tao asked.

“We’ll only tell you after the order has been decided.” The writer explained.

“How are we going to want to win if we don’t know what they’re like?” Hoya asked.

“The last battle can’t be played by a couple. If that is the case then one of them will have to withdraw and be replaced by the second place winner.

Amber played against Tao and won. Hoya beat Hyuna and Seo In Guk beat Niel.

“How did we lose already?” Niel asked as he and Tao stepped to the side.

“Why do I have a feeling that we weren’t supposed to win?” Tao said. “This isn’t fair for both of us to have gotten eliminated.”

Amber lost to Hoya and Hyuna beat Seo In Guk. “Amber, say some words to your wife.” The writer said.

“Do buing-buing for me!” Hyuna said with a playfully demanding tone.

“Buing-buing, Wifey.” Amber said doing the action.

Hyuna let out a squeal of approval.

“Hoya, now it’s your turn to ask Seo In guk to do something.” The writer said.

“You can just do a fighting.” Hoya said.

“Why do you make it sound so awkward? He’s your husband! You filmed a drama together.” Tao said.

“Fighting.” In guk said raising his fist.

Hoya put out paper and Hyuna a rock. “Yes!” Hoya said. In guk came over and wrapped an arm around him.

“Everything Hoya-hyung does or reacts to always comes out awkward.” Niel said to the camera.

“Here are the options for the three apartments.” The writer began. “Apartment #1 has soundproof walls and is medium-sized. It’s located on the ground floor and right near the entrance so it can be annoying. Apartment #2 is the biggest but it is on the fifth floor of its building and there is no elevator. Apartment #3 is on the sixth floor of its building and is the only one with an elevator. It’s also the smallest and there is no heating. However, it does have one of the best views of the Seoul skyline.”

“We want Apartment #1.” Tao said.

“Gege, we’re picking last.” Niel said.

“Why do you want Apartment #1 anyways?” Hyuna asked. “Because the walls are soundproof. I think this is a ert couple.”

“We’re not a ert couple!” Tao said.

“Too late, all of Korea already knows.” Hyuna replied.

“What apartment do you want?” Hoya asked In guk.

“I really don’t care. Whatever apartment that you want is fine by me.”

“We’ll take Apartment #3.”  Hoya said. The writer handed him a key and Hoya and In guk left the group and got into a car.

“It’s our turn now. I feel if we chose Apartment #1 Niel and Tao would never let us live it down.”

“Let them have the apartment. They probably want to use it for something erted.” Hyuna said.

“We heard that! And we’re not a ert couple!” Tao yelled out.

“We’ll take Apartment #2.” Amber said. A key was given to them and they began to leave the area.

Tao and Niel went up to claim the key to Apartment #1. “I knew things would work out.” Tao said. “Apartment #1 is clearly the best.”

“Wouldn’t it being on the ground floor be a bad thing? What if the neighbourhood gets really noisy?” Niel asked as they left the area.

“It won’t be that bad. The apartments have to be close to here and this place looks quiet. I do miss the Village they got to live in last season.” Tao said.

“But I feel like they barely spent time as a Village. I feel like almost no one was ever home. Except for Ryeowook-sunbaenim and D.O-ssi.” Niel said.

The camera cut to Hoya and In guk entering their apartment. They removed their shoes and walked around in their socks. Their luggage was left in a pile of what was assumed to be the living room.

“There isn’t much furniture in here.” Hoya said. The living room was equipped with exactly one chesterfield.

“There’s something I want to check.” In guk said before sprinting off. The camera followed him to the kitchen. The kitchen was more furnished than the living room. The kitchen had shelves and counterpace along with a fridge, a sink, a stove and-

“Yes, no dishwasher!” In guk said.

Hoya came into the kitchen. “Why is it so important that there isn’t a dishwasher? Do you like doing the dishes by hand?”

“No but there was that scene in Reply 1997 with you washing dishes.”

Hoya found himself blushing. “We’ll re-create that scene after we start eating meals here. Is the whole entire apartment like this?”

The camera cut to In guk being interviewed.

Do you miss Reply 1997?

“I would say that I do. It was a good drama and I really liked my character and the whole plot. I just wished that my character ended up with someone else. I feel like using Reply 1997 would be a good starting point for me and Hoya to ease into our relationship.”

The camera cut to Hoya being interviewed.

Seo In guk misses Reply 1997. What are your feelings toward the drama?

“I miss it as well. I think with the drama, I was able to show a new side of myself to the fans. Rather than being the Chairman, I became more of a gentle soul and I had lot of people tell me how much that really liked Joonhee and wanted him to be happy by the end of the drama.”

The camera cut to Tao and Niel walking into their apartment building. “Wow, our apartment is the very first one. It’ll be good for when we’re tired.” Niel said opening the door. Tao quickly took off his shoes and impatiently waited for Niel to do the same before grabbing Niel by the hand and taking him to the bedroom.

“It’s not decorated! And the parts of it that are, aren’t that good.” Tao said. “The bedding is so bad.” The bedding was a plain and simple light blue colour.

“I like that the walls are white. It makes the room seem more peaceful.”

“Tomorrow, we need to go shopping for furniture.” Tao left the bedroom and started walking around the apartment, which was mostly empty and un-decorated.

“Isn’t having it this empty a bit too much?” Niel asked the camera.

“At least we’ll be able to have it the way we want.” Tao said. “Our stuff is all here. Why do you have so little? You only have two suitcases. Is the rest of Teen Top bringing more?”

“I figured that I would bring what I need and that if I needed anything else, I could go and get it. It doesn’t look like we’ll be able to spend that night or do much in the apartment anyway.”

“We can have lots of couple items. We can even have couple suitcases.” Tao said proudly.

The camera cut to Tao being interviewed.

The first room you led Niel was the bedroom.

“It’s not because of that!” Tao’s voice was getting shrill. “I did it because the bedroom is the focal point of a house and I needed to see how it was decorated to get a feel for everything else. I’m not a ert! We’re not the ert Couple!”

The camera cut to Niel being interviewed.

How do you feel about all the couple items?

“I didn’t know that couple suitcases existed. Do they really exist? I feel like even though I’m the Korean one and he’s the Chinese one, he knows so much more about the dating culture in Korea than I do.”

The camera cut to Amber opening the door of the apartment. She and Hyuna walked in and Hyuna made a beeline for the chesterfield and threw herself on it to lie down. “It’s comfy.”

Amber laughed. “You jumped so hard that you made one my bags fall down.” Amber picked up her duffle bag that was now lying sideways in front of the chesterfield and put it up straight.

“I would think there would be more decorations.”

“I’m pretty sure they’re going to make us buy them.”

“Didn’t you used to host WGM?”

“I did.” Amber said. “I hosted a season of WGM: Global. Did you watch it?”

“Only because of you. I would watch it in the car whenever I was going somewhere.”

Amber put an arm around Hyuna. “That’s my girl.” She said in English.

Hyuna laughed. “Amber, are you hungry? I always had this dream about married life. I wanted to eat steak every day.”

“You can’t eat steak everyday!”

“I wanted to cook you steak every morning!” Hyuna said. “Doesn’t that sound like a dream marriage?”

“What if I don’t want to eat steak every morning?” Amber teased.

“Then I’ll make the steak for myself and then I’ll make you some American breakfast.”

“Will you be able to cook that much food in the morning?”

“Aren’t you going to help me?” Hyuna pouted, on the verge of doing aegyo.

“OK, I will help you.”

Hyuna hugged Amber and rested her head on Amber’s shoulder.

The camera cut to Hyuna being interviewed.

Why do you have so many dreams about marriage?

“They’re common to have aren’t they? Everyone dreams about marriage and marriage looks fun. You get to spend every day with someone that you care about and love. Me and Baby are going to have a nice marriage eating steak everyday and we’re going to raise 101 dogs.”

The camera cut to Amber being interviewed.
Are you OK with all of Hyuna’s plans about marriage?

“Marriage is compromise. She can be kind of stubborn when it comes to the things she wants but I won’t give in all the time even if she does aegyo or things like that. I’m a strong woman.”


I just want to thank everyone for being so awesome so far. As you can tell the second season is a bit different from the first and is closer to WGM: Global and the early early seasons of regular WGM because of the seperated housing and no hosts. I'm curious as to what you guys think about this.

Don't forget to comment!

<3 Smooches <3

P.S Only on the second chapter and one of our couples were already given a name ;)

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Green_Bamboo #1
Chapter 6: Did you make him do extra because you didn’t want to kiss him?
“Of course not! I obviously wanted to kiss him.” Hoya paused with his mouth open. “Can we edit this?”
Green_Bamboo #2
Oh my god Hoya bring competitve about him kissing Seo In Guk versus Eunji kissing In Guk was the best thing in Seoya fanfic history
Green_Bamboo #3
Chapter 4: Seo In Guk you cute lil baby!!!
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
And Hoya, the strong capable husband!!!
Green_Bamboo #4
Chapter 6: I think that it's funny that Tao and Niel are the ert/Childish Couple. How are the same people that different? Tao and Niel just keep digging their own graves though when they mention physical activities. If it's Hoya everybody's like "he's talking about exercise" and if it's Tao or Niel it's like "erts". I do like that though, it's a bit unfair, but funny. I like this a lot! <3 Well, see you next time!
Chapter 6: Lol yes Tao plenty of physical activity inside XD sure XD oh god lol
The kiss was cute <3 but wouldn't it be set-ups instead of push-ups?
Chapter 6: OMG you used my idea ! I was very surprised, but trully happy !
And seoya had their first kiss GOD !!!!!
Chapter 4: Oh the wives were really cute ^^ and I loved the carrying part :p that's so romantic!