Bonding time with L. ;)

A silent crush...?

Your POV : 

" Guys, it's time to go home already. I'll take HyeJin home. Sungyeol can take JaeIn home, and the rest of you can go home yourselves. " L said. Then, he took my hand and we left first. I was shocked at our skinship, but went along with it. To be honest, since L never really talked a lot, I found him a little scary.. So I don't dare to talk to him first. 

Suddenly, he chuckled. "Hmm ? Why did you chuckle, L-sshi? " I raised my eyebrow and asked . "L-sshi? Call me MyungSoo-oppa." he replied. Hmm, I guess they really want me to call them oppa.. "Eh? Aah, ne.... MyungSoo oppa." I said shyly. I didn't feel altogether comfortable with him taking me home, and our skinship as well.. "Yah, did you just call me oppa?" he said. What, didn't he ask me to call him that.? "Yea..? You said to call you MyungSoo oppa.." Aish, what's with this guy... "I was just joking. Don't need to be so afraid of me haha!" he laughed. Uhh okay..? *Weird guy, seriously.* "Ahh, ne.. Haha..."

We continued to walk down the road, towards my home. I really appreciate L,MyungSoo oppa taking me home today. Even though he seemed mysterious and a little scary, I guess I can say that he's really a sweet guy inside.. "Thanks oppa, I really appreciate you taking me home.. " I said. He chuckled and replied," No need to thank me. It's my honour to bring such a beautiful girl home. " Such a beautiful girl. I blushed at his words. Unknowingly, the both of us were still holding hands. I was still surprised at the skinship, but deep down, I kinda liked it.. No one has ever held my hand like that. Especially an idol... 

Out of nowhere, he asked, " HyeJin-ah, are you hungry? Do you wanna eat something? I'll treat. (: " I never realised how charming his smile was.. "Umm, sure oppa. Gomawo. ^^ And you don't mind if I don't use honorifics right? " "Nope, it's cool. " He replied. "What do you feel like eating? How about some ice-cream? " He suggested. Because it was too awkward between us, I decided to start a conversation. " Sure, what flavour do you like, oppa? I like vanilla." At the thought of it, my mouth began to water. He chuckled and replied, " I like that too, strawberry as well.." A/N : I don't know what flavour he likes in real life. :x So just take it as it is, it's a fiction story anyways. TT We continued to walk, until we saw an ice-cream stall near my block. We walked up to the stall and MyungSoo oppa ordered for us. " One vanilla and one strawberry ice-cream cone,please." The uncle nodded and began scooping the ice-cream. "You kids look great together. How long have you two been going out?" WOW. What a random question. Awkward~. "Ahh ahjusshi, we're not going out.." I blushed while replying. "Aigoo, you two should go out! Here, your ice-creams. " MyungSoo oppa handed him the money and we continued walking to my house . 

"You know, I kinda agree with that uncle. We do look good together." "Ehh?! Ah,uhh...." I was shocked at his remark. He actually thinks that?! I didn't know what to reply. Thanks uncle, for making things more uncomfortable for us! .  "Haha, how cute can you get? Relax, I was just playing. Don't get so tense around me. I don't like that. " "Arasso..." We continued walking, and walking , and walking. I need to say something to break the ice! It's getting too uncomfortable with this...! "Wow. This ice-cream is really delicious!" I said, trying to 'up' the mood. "Haha silly. Here.." Huh? What did he— 

Suddenly, I felt a hankerchief touch my lips. I gasped. "Ahh.. Gomawo oppa. " "Don't need to keep thanking me. And stop blushing haha.." Urgh! Why do I keep blushing..? I can't like him, can I ? He is handsome, and charming though.. "Thanks–Oh, nevermind. See you again oppa. " I turned to open my door but something pulled me back. It was him. MyungSoo oppa pulled my wrist and turned me back, facing him. I felt something wet on my cheek. He.. kissed me.. HE KISSED ME?! "Bye, my beautiful. See you tomorrow. " With that, he winked and left,leaving me stunned at his action. How cheeky can this guy get? But honestly, I liked all these 'surprises'. Probably because no one treated me like that before.. Not even Gyu oppa. In a day, it feels like I'm closer to MyungSoo oppa than Gyu oppa.. Aish, this can really get complicated..

Hi my awesome readers.(; How do you like the story so far? Do comment! <3 :D And do you think that I'm 'neglecting' the other members? It seems that I keep doing L and WooHyun's POV.. Hmm, feel free to give any suggestions for me to improve! Love you all my awesome readers and beautiful subscribers! <3  Comment and subscribe! :D

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great job!
awww Woohyun and L or should I say Myungsoo :p .... <3 and Sungyeol and Jaein is so cute keke
Woohyun is so cute when he's jealous haha :p please update soon :)
immainspirit #4
Thanks ArtemisAngel you're awesome :D Well, you have to read on to find out if WooHyun's gonna end up with HyeJin (YOU) :DD
immainspirit #5
Tys :D @ArtemisAngel by 'her' you mean HyeJin (YOU)?
kyaaa~ Sunggyu is so cute and Gyu oppa part :p and Woohyun and L :) please update soon ^^
immainspirit #7
Thanks! Chapter 5 is only 2 lines done though :P
kyaaa~ Woohyun ^^ can't wait for what will happen next :p by the way I like the story please update soon :)
immainspirit #9
Thanks all ! Second chapter might not come out as fast but I'll try my best! :D
ktothepop #10
The first chapter was GREAT!^^