Part 22

Changing Tao

            Tao locked himself in his room and he ignored the knocks on the door that Kyungsoo made. The older also asked him to coume out of the room, but the younger did not respond it. Tao was crying hard as he hugged his panda doll tightly. It was hard to believe that Luhan wanted to leave the company, their group, their new family as EXO. He was even too afraid to call his favorite Lu-ge to confirm the news. “H-how... how could... how could he do this to me...?” he asked to his panda doll with teary eyes.

            “Tao yah, please... We need to talk!” shouted Kyungsoo from the outside.

            “I don’t want to! Leave me alone!” shouted Tao in response with a hoarse voice. He was mad with Kyungsoo because he hid the news from him.

            “I will not leave you! Please, come out of your room or let me in.”

            Tao did not want to respond it. He only cried, and cried, and cried. He kept on crying until he could not hear the knocks and he fell in sleep after that.




            Sehun frowned confusedly when he found Kyungsoo sitting in front of SuTao’s room gloomily. Then the makna approached him. “Why are you here, hyung? What’re you doing?” he asked Kyungsoo as he sat next to him.

            Kyungsoo turned his face to Sehun. His face looked so tired at the time. “I’m waiting for Tao,” he answered weakly. “I feel so guilty toward him, Hun ah... I’m bad. I’m a bad brother for him!” he said in frustration as he hit his head, but then Sehun stopped him. Kyungsoo was so emotional that he did not realize he had cried. He lowered his head then hid his face on his knees. He did not want to make Sehun saw him crying, but the younger already saw that.

            Sehun pulled Kyungsoo’s body into his arms and then caressed his back softly to make the older calm. “It’s okay, hyung. You’re not a bad brother. A bad one never cared about his brothers’ food,” he said. “Stop blaming yourself. It hurts me...”

            Kyungsoo was still crying on Sehun’s shoulder. “But I did something wrong to him.”

            “You just wanted the best for him, but it turned out wrong without your wish, right? It’s about Luhan hyung’s departure news, isn’t it?”

            Kyungsoo was silent in a sudden. Then he released himself from the maknae’s arms. He was still silent for a while then he nodded weakly. “So, you’ve found it out, have you?”

            Sehun nodded. “Chanyeol hyung told me so and he asked me not to tell this to Tao-ssi too, but it seems like he already knew the news.”

            “He did,” Kyungsoo said as he wiped the tears on his cheeks. “Then... what do you feel?” he asked.

            “I feel about what?”

            “About Luhan’s departure,” Kyungsoo answered. “You two were so close to each other. I worried about you when I found that news.”

            Sehun smiled bitterly then sighed. “I’m totally sad and disappointed now, but life must go on, right? I can only hope the best for him.”

            Kyungsoo was amazed by Sehun’s words. He just realized that the maknae had grown up well and had a mature mind. He chuckled then ruffled Sehun’s hair lovingly. “You’re my good brother! I love you, Hun ah~” he said and made Sehun chuckle. “By the way, what are you doing here?”

            “I wanted to meet Tao-ssi because he told me he wanted to show me something.”

            “Then call him! Maybe he will came out if you call him.”

           Sehun agreed, so he called Tao, but there was no response even though he had called the younger many times. “How long you’ve been here, hyung?” he asked to Kyungsoo.

            Kyungsoo looked at his wristwatch. “Almost an hour. Why?”

            “He must be sleeping now.”

            “Are you sure he’s not dead inside after committing suicide?”

            Sehun’s eyes widened then chuckled. “He’s not the kind of the person. I know him well! He must be broken now, but he will not do that such of thing,” he said then got up from the floor. “Don’t stress too much, hyung. I’m going to sleep as well.”

            “Sehunie...” Kyungsoo called the younger when he was about to open the door of his room.

            Sehun turned his body to face Kyungsoo. “What’s it, hyung?”

            Kyungsoo rubbed the back of his neck and he grinned in embarrassment. He smiled shyly as he said, “Please, don’t tell anyone that you saw me crying.”

            Sehun chuckled after hearing Kyungsoo’s request. “Because a real man doesn’t cry? Aigoo... Tao-ssi has told me everything about how to be a real man issue. Hyung, don’t force him to do so. He’s mature on his own way. You’re just blinded by his childness. He’s mature if you really see him properly in person.”




            Luhan was so surprised when he looked at his guest. “Kris? What’re you doing here? Oh! Come in,” he said then let Kris come into his apartment.

            “I can’t believe with what you’ve done, Hanie,” Kris said after Luhan asked him to take a seat. “Are you sure you want to leave the group?”

            “Yes, I am. I have no choice,” Luhan answered. “What do you want to drink? Coffee? Tea?” he asked to get over the topic.

            “I don’t want to drink anything. I just want to talk with you about this problem. Come, sit down, Hanie!” Kris answered as he patted the empty space on the couch next to him. After Luhan sat there, he began to question him. “Have you considered everything? It’s not easy after leaving the company. You’ll suffer if you want to start your carrier from the beginning.”

            “I don’t care about my carrier! It’s my healthy I concern about, Kris! Seriously, Kris... are you trying to defeat me?” asked Luhan in frustration. “You also did the same thing and I didn’t insist you not to leave the group because I just wanted you to be happy in your way, but why do you bother with my decision?!”

            “No, no... I don’t, Hanie, I just...” Kris could not complete his words. He looked at Luhan for a while then sighed. “I thought you would stary longer with the group to take care our brothers, Lay and Tao, as long as they’re in Korea. Now that you’ve filled the lawsuit, then with whom they should depend on?”

            “You make me feel so selfish, Kris,” Luhan scoffed.

            “It’s not only you who is selfish. I’m selfish too.” Kris was silent for a while. “I worry about them, Hanie, especially Tao. He must be crying right now.”

            “No. Kyungsoo told me that Tao did not know anything about my departure yet. Suho asked him not to tell him about that.”

            Kris chuckled. “Suho’s being so bossy again, but I’m so thankful he has payed a lot attention toward Tao.”

            “So, you shouldn’t worry about him again.”

            “But still... Hanie, please, consider your decision again. Please, stay a little longer with them just to make sure they’re all-right.”

            Luhan sighed heavily then shook his head weakly. “Your requests are just too much,” he said. “I’m suffering too, Kris. I thought you would feel what I felt then you could encourage me, but I’m wrong.” Without his knowledge, Kris pulled his body into his arms. He was surprised for a while then he hugged the taller back.

            “I’ll be on your side, Hanie. I’ll make you sure that I will not leave you. You’re not alone. You have me. You have a lot of people that always support you in all around the world,” Kris said as he caressed Luhan’s back. “Let’s take care our brother from our place.”

            Luhan was so touched by Kris’ words. He smiled happily then caressed the taller’s back. “Thanks a lot, Kris. I know I can count on you,” he said. They hugged each other for a while then Luhan broke the hug.

            “But Hanie, you should tell Tao about what you feel, so he could understand you,” Kris suggested.

            “I want to, but Kyungsoo warned me not to call him,” Luhan pouted.

            Kris chuckled to see him pouting and he could hold himself not to pinch Luhan’s cheek. “You don’t know you’re so cute when you’re pouting like that, Hanie. Oh my... you’re so cute~” he squealed. “Oh! What about I call Tao and I take you along in our conversation? You still can keep in touch with him without calling him, right?”

            Luhan’s eyes widened in surprised then he slapped Kris’ arm lightly. “Yah! Who’s your mother? Why are you so smart like this? Gosh... I love you, Yifan!” he said happily as he hugged Kris.



an update again! wow, I didn't know that I've come to the 22nd chapter :O this is the longest story I've ever made >o<

I put KrisHan scene in here because I miss them so bad T^T

I hope there will be a miracle in this month... something that will make KrisHan back... *whisper* Miracle in December

thank you for your support, my subbies! you're jjang because you still want to subscribe and read this so far :)

feel free to comment and critize this story~

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Madhatter_pey #1
Chapter 18: He is so cute. Blaming Yifan for being too handsome XD
Dragneel09 #2
Chapter 25: What a cute must go on no matter what happens...
Dragneel09 #3
Chapter 16: Oho....chanyeol so cute saying that he is kris' girlfriend....
Dragneel09 #4
Chapter 5: Oh so sweet...i really miss taohun, baektao, taochen and taoyeol...T_T
Yumi_desu #5
Chapter 25: Thanks you for this cute and beautiful story. I live this chapters we can see now how Taosoo are close. I hope too, that will we see more moment of them :)
And i hope you will write more Taosoo story, this pairing is so rare this is too bad :/. THank you again ♡
Yumi_desu #6
Chapter 23: I really hope there will be a miracle :))
I hope too Krishan will speak and see the others members specially Laytao and still be friends :)
Yumi_desu #7
Chapter 22: I can't stop crying bacause i know its alrealdy happen. Thanks you for your hard work i really love your fic. Taosoo are so rare my 93 line ♡
Lu-ge ://// ♡
zazarama #8
Chapter 22: Luhan oppa... I can't stop crying since oppa leave.... Huaaaaa... Please update more....
BlackNoir_2552 #9
Chapter 20: Luhan ;_;
This must be a hard year for 10 of them... I hope they'll grow stronger through this situationQ_Q
Anyway, Will Tao falling for Kyungsoo in the end? Because it would be cute if Kyungsoo gets shy over the manly Tao, his own how-to-be-a-real-man student XD
HarmonyAngel #10
Chapter 17: Every time you update I cuddle with my dog in my bed because it is just so freaking cute. ><