Couple dance

Dear Diary-nim

You carefully put on the pair of maroon shoes Seunghoon gave you, afraid of wrinkling them, as you prepare to leave the dorm. You were notified by Jaewook*, YG's resident choreographer to meet at 8.30am at the practice room. "Why me of all people..." you talk to yourself as usual. The dancers were still snoozing away, since their dance practice is at 11am. You have to take public transport again since the members need the car. Once again you pull your raccoon hoodie over your head and wait at the bus stop.

At the locker room, you take off the hoodie and throw it into a locker. You grab your towel, water bottle and phone as you head to the practice room. It's 8.20am, 10 minutes to the meeting time, so you sit down and think about why you were called here. Did I do something wrong? Are they going to promote me because I did too well? Are they going to fire me!? "Annyeong Gyeowool-yang, you're early." You hear the voice of Jaewook. "Annyeonghaseyo." You bow at him. "Seunghoon should reach soon. Then I'll brief you guys on what to do." He continues. "Maybe you could do some stretching first if you haven't done so. Seunghoon? Why was Seunghoon called here too? "Annyeonghaseyo Jaewook hyung!" You hear the familiar chirp of Seunghoon. "Gyeowool-ah you're here too?" Seems like he doesn't know why you guys are here. You shrug your shoulders. "Okay, actually you two were called here because of a couple dance." Jaewook says. "Couple dance?" Both you and Seunghoon ask, confused. "It's for the YG Family concert. There'll be a special dance collaboration segment. It'll be a couple dance, and the people decided for it are Seunghoon and Minzy." Jaewook explains. "Then I'm..." You're unsure about what you have to do. "2NE1 is promoting in Japan now, so I called you here to practice with Seunghoon first. You guys must have danced together for about ten years or so, so there must be some chemistry between you. Out of the dancers, I thought you'd be the most suitable." Jaewook says, addressing you. "Ah..." You nod. But we've never danced a couple dance together, you think. "Okay, let's start!" Jaewook stretches out his arms.

From the intro of the song to the first verse, both of you basically dance the same moves in opposite directions. Then, during the chorus, both of you drag each other in towards the centre. There were some skinship, it's a couple dance afterall. He had to touch your waist, your shoulders, your arm, and you had to touch his face. The dance ends with you having an arm around the back of his neck, while he holds your waist, such that your face ends up mere inches away from his. Thank goodness you were supposed to look downwards, you might die if you were to look into his eyes.

"Let's do it with music now." Jaewook plays the song while clapping to the beat. You and Seunghoon follows the beat easily, dancing. You don't feel shy or awkward even though Seunghoon is touching you since it's for the dance. For the ending move, you don't even dare to look at his face, you immediately look down. "Well done!" Jaewook claps. "I made the right choice to get you to come instead of other dancers. How is it that both of you dance with the same style? It's synchronised too! Are you sure it's just rapport built up over the years or?" He flashed a questioning smile. "It's just that!" You try to laugh it off. If only it was more than that. "Alright, have a 10 minutes break!" Jaewook says. "We'll resume after that." "Woah! Let's go!" You drag Seunghoon out.

"That was good exercise!" You remark as you stretch and yawn. "Eung, the dance just now was really good! I'm hungry now, let's go get food! Cover your mouth when you yawn, if not I'll stick my fist in." He sticks out his fist and you swat it away. "What? I'm not hungry yet—" You get cut off as he walks behind you and pushes you to the cafeteria.

He goes to get his food. You don't because you're not very hungry. Soon he's back with his food, his tray piled with rice and bulgogi. On the side is chicken soup and side dishes. "Woah, there's bulgogi today!" You exclaim in an exaggerated childlike manner. "Appa, can I please have your soup?" You show him the most disgusting aegyo ever. But to get soup (and bulgogi, and maybe some rice, some kimchi too), you'll go as far as aegyo can take you. "Take this, you disgusting child." He chuckles, shoving the soup bowl to you. You notice he took an extra spoon. Mwoya, you think, he really knows me well. "Yes I get food!" You immediately revert back to your original form and gets some spoonfuls of rice, adding them to your soup. "Yah you rice stealer!" Seunghoon exclaims. You smile a lazy sheepish smile and hum to Seungyoon's song 'Stealer', while your hands work at getting bulgogi with your less-than-fantastic chopstick skills. And some radish kimchi at that. "You said you weren't hungry..." Seunghoon mumbles at his rice bowl which is already half-empty. "Young man, I can't finish a whole meal." You grunt, trying to sound like an elderly this time. "You're eating half of mine..." He protests, yet makes no action to reclaim his food. You shove rice by the mouthful, complete with bulgogi and kimchi. You marvel at the taste of the heavenly bulgogi. it tastes so much like home. Both of you stop talking, and just eat. He puts a piece of bulgogi in your bowl a couple of times as you eat. You appreciate what he does, he cares for his friend. If only you remember how he tried to stop Mino from stealing his food a few of weeks ago.

Both of you successfully managed to finish eating within 10 minutes. It wasn't much of a chore, really. Seunghoon finished faster than you and went to the locker to get something so you make your way back to the practice room, adjusting your loose bun. "Here!" You hear Seunghoon's voice as he throws something over your head. "Yah!" You remove the flannel shirt from your head. "I thought you might be uncomfortable, so wear this." He beams at you with his usual enthusiasm. You're wearing a tank top, so he thought you might be uncomfortable with him touching your bare arms and shoulders. "Thanks, but I'm fine, really." You're moved by his kind gesture so you put it on anyway.

After another 2.5 hours of practicing, Jaewook is satisfied. "You've done well. Gyeowool-yang, go look for the dancers and practice for Epik High's performance. They've already started so hurry. Seunghoon, you'll stay here to practice your High High performance with Mino." "Bye Jaewook oppa! Bye Seunghoon!" You wave goodbye and hurry off. "Bye!" Jaewook and Seunghoon wave. Seunghoon sits on the floor drinking water, waiting for Mino. "Are you sure you and Gyeowool are just friends? You two are quite compatible." Jaewook asks Seunghoon. "Yeah we're just friends." Seunghoon muses, staring at his water bottle. "Seems like you want to be more than that though." Jaewook quips. Seunghoon smiles. Everyone could see through him. Everyone except you. "I've been through this. Go for it if you like her. Leave no regrets." He patted Seunghoon's shoulder warmly. "Hyung you must've been through this a lot." "Shut up."

-That night-
Your diary~
Dear Diary-nim

Today was a busy day. I'm so tired. It was non-stop of dancing. But I also danced with Seunghoon, keke! Even Jaewook oppa said we danced well. It's a pity I can't dance on the stage with him though. I can only watch him from beneath the stage, or watch him as I'm dancing behind...

Seunghoon's diary~ 
Dear Diary

Today's 'High High' practice was fun. Thanks to Mino, we could finish quickly. And today, there was a sudden dance practice! Couple dance! With her! The dance was good! Too bad I can't dance this on stage with her. I want to dance this only with her. Jaewook hyung saw through me today. He told me to be brave. Should I? But what if she doesn't feel the same way? Aish stuff like this...

*Lee Jaewook is a real choreographer currently working at YG Entertainment. He is not a character I made up.




Check out Seunghoon's photo from Elle Korea! Kyaaaaa he's adorable >.<

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Another update because I had the feels! This is to make up for the pretty-boring previous chapter. Today is WINNER's goodbye stage, we won't see them often! :(


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Chapter 9: Love love love this! Liked that seunghoon was a main character
namhoonie1996 #2
Chapter 9: nice story keke
Chapter 8: Where did you get hoonie selca? Did he has IG or any media social? Im new in inner circle.
Chapter 9: This is super cute. Hoon is super handsome!!!
And I'm super happy. Also super love to you author-nim. For write a super good story XOXO
gummybear- #5
Chapter 9: Woww.. hoonie is the real honey ♥.♥
Everytime i saw his pict, i cant hold myself to keep lookin at hiis eyes, lips and ofcourse his adam's apple
I'll look forward for your next babylion's fanfics :3 maybe u can create an other one with pain, heartbreak, love-triangle kkkkk.. but, end up with muuuccchh love. (Excuse my bad english)
Chapter 9: Awwwww cute . Hehehe thumbs up
aswadinie #7
Chapter 8: yaaaaayyyy...>,<
aswadinie #8
Chapter 7: ackkkkkkkk, I always like hoon story as a main character, and this story is one of my faves... keep it up authornim, it was really good, I cant stop smilling like a dumb... thank you^^
aswadinie #9
Chapter 6: ackkkkkkk... Im crying in the middle of night... omg update soon please...