Final Part

Once Upon a Love Story : Fate and Faith Side Story (Krisho)








“Why are you wearing turtleneck in the middle summer? Aren’t you feeling hot?”


Junmyeon almost chocked on the blueberry cheesecake he ate hearing the pup’s statement. He coughed up, face red from both lack of oxygen and embarrassment.


“Hyung! Oh my god, are you okay?” Baekhyun panicked. He tried to rub on the older’s back in effort to soothe the older.


“I-I’m okay.” Junmyeon said after the coughing went away. But then a certain owl snickered.


Boy, that wasn’t a good sign.


“Yeah, it’s rather hot today. And wearing a turtleneck wasn’t a good choice, am I right hyung?” Kyungsoo said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.


“Wha-what are you saying?! I-It’s not that h-hot! Hahaha!” Junmyeon spluttered. He began to panic at the owl’s statement.


“Hyung, I think you’re feeling hot right now. Your face is red and you’re sweating like a pig.” Baekhyun said. Oh my god, despite his diva nature why is this boy so ing innocent?!


“You’re not feeling hot now, but I bet you’re feeling hot all over your body when a certain dragon decided to mark his territory, leaving you no choice but to wear that.” Kyungsoo cackled at the utterly not innocent image. Junmyeon was getting redder by each second.


“Shut up.” Junmyeon muttered.


Baekhyun on the other hand, was having this confuse expression on his face.


“What’re you saying Kyungie? I couldn’t understand?” Baekhyun tilted his head, confusion written all over his face. Kyungsoo, who was still cracking up, patted Baekhyun’s back in assuring manner.


“Don’t worry Baek. Just expect some little kids running around Junmyeon’s house soon. Even when that was utterly impossible as there were only two ually frustrated dudes in the house.”


“Yah!” Junmyeon shouted.


And the bickering continued with a still confused Baekhyun in the middle.







“Stop smiling like that dude. You’re totally freaking me out.” Chanyeol said, having this horrified expression.


“Tehehe~” Kris giggled.


That dragon ing giggled! Oh my god! Someone call the mental doctor!


“Dude, stop that! You looked like a -faced sissy!” Chanyeol deadpanned. He felt like he was going to puke his guts out at the impossible scene in front of him.


Kris on the other hand, glared at the brunette.


“Shut up Yoda. I’m having the sweetest moment in my life here.” Kris said. His glaring eyes turned back into somewhat dragon got poked by cupid arrow in the .


“Uhuh. Your sweetest moment referred to when you pounded your monster stick into Joonie’s . Yeah, real sweet hyung.” Chanyeol said unbashfully. Kris on the other hand chocked on his black coffee. His pure white dress shirt now stained with coffee. Kris scowled and glared at the tall brunette.


“Shut up Big Ears.” Kris muttered.


Chanyeol just shrugged and plainly moved his towards his office, to finish up the paper works piling up on his table.


That Yoda really got no brain to mouth filter.



Kris got off work early that day. He couldn’t wait to be home, where Junmyeon is. Kris parked his car in the garage and made his way into the house. He punched in the password and the door clicked open.


“I’m home.” Kris announced as he removed his shoes. Then Junmyeon popped out of his sanctuary, in which his kitchen, and greeted the older.


“Oh, you’re back! You’re early today.” Junmyeon said and padded his way towards Kris. His hand automatically reached for the older’s coat and briefcase. He then stood in front of Kris, making the latter confuse.


“What’s wrong?” Kris asked. He could see that Junmyeon fidgeted in his spot, and the latter’s face was crimson red.


“U-umm...” Junmyeon stuttered.


“What is it?” Kris got closer to the younger.


“C-can you close your eyes for a bit?” Junmyeon said finally.


The blonde was confused, but he just played along. Kris closed his eyes. The next thing he knew, he could feel a soft pair of lips on his own. It was short, but sweet nonetheless. Kris fluttered his eyes open and saw a bashful Junmyeon in front of him. He saw Junmyeon was trying his hardest to avoid eye contact with his husband. Kris smiled at the adorable sight.


“U-Umm...go wash up. I’ve cooked dinner.” Junmyeon got flustered and tried to flee from the spot but was stopped by Kris’s hand grabbing on the smaller’s wrist. The coat and bag were dropped to the floor, forgotten.


Kris pulled the younger and kissed the younger fully, making the latter’s soul flew to heaven. Their kissing was getting intense and after a good few minutes, Kris released Junmyeon’s lips. Junmyeon was in daze.


“Wow...” That’s the only thing Junmyeon could mutter.


Kris chuckled at the younger’s reaction.


“Yeah wow, now come. I’m hungry.” Kris shrugged, as if he didn’t initiate the most mind-blowing make out session a few seconds ago. Junmyeon could only follow the older like a puppy, still in a daze.



The night had sailed and the two couple was ready to get to bed. Kris insisted that Junmyeon should sleep with him in his room, like married couple should. Junmyeon, even when feeling utterly embarrassed at the husband request, followed along his husband’s wish. It’s not like they haven’t slept with each other before.


Junmyeon blushed at the prospect.


Kris was already in bed, reading a book with his reading glasses on. He looked sinfully hot just in his pajama and out of his daily-styled hair. Junmyeon was again, left in daze. But soon Junmyeon was snapped out of his daze when he heard the husky voice of his husband.


“Why are you standing there? Come here.” Kris said.


Junmyeon was getting flustered but obediently got on the bed. Once he seated on the bed, his body was pulled into his husband’s embrace, making his heart pounded like he was running away being chased by a crazy wild boar. Uhh...yeah...that sure killed the mood but oh well.


Kris’s arm was wrapped around the younger’s body, while he rested the younger’s head on his chest. He could smell the scent of Junmyeon’s shampoo. It’s really nice.


“It’s really nice to be like this.” Kris said, while his hand played Junmyeon’s soft locks.


Junmyeon hummed in reply. It was really comfortable, to hear the heartbeat of his husband. It was calm soothing.


But then the older let out a sigh. Junmyeon lifted his face  to see Kris’s face full with regrets.


“Is there something wrong?” Junmyeon asked.


Kris tightened his hold on the younger.


“I’m sorry for taking this long for us to be like...this. I’m such an idiot. A stupid giant-pole with no balls and-“Kris whined was halted with a soft kiss from Junmyeon. That was rally effective to shut him up.


Junmyeon looked the older in the eyes and gave the older a sweet smile. The smile that Kris has fallen hard for.


“Stop saying that. You’re not an idiot. I understand it. it is not that easy when some stranger popped into your life.” Junmyeon said.


“You’re not a stranger!” Kris protested.


“But I was once.” Junmyeon chuckled. Kris shut his lips when he realized that it was in fact, the truth.


Junmyeon hugged the blonde’s waist and let out a contented sigh.


“You see, it took us all the drama for us to realize how much we meant for each other. If it wasn’t for all that, we wouldn’t appreciate what’s there in front of us, wouldn’t we? So, I was in fact grateful for all the things happened. We ended up good at last. Except for when you’ve got into that accident. That almost killed me inside.”


Kris smiled as he felt the hugs tighten.


“Well, I, on the other hand, felt grateful for that. If it wasn’t for that you wouldn’t come back to me.”


Junmyeon slapped the older’s stomach, making the older let out an ‘oooff!


“Don’t say that! I don’t want it to happen again, ever. You didn’t know how terrified I was back then. It took me all my strength not to pass out on the spot.” Junmyeon frowned, but then he hugged the older again.


Kris chuckled. Then, Junmyeon continued again.


“Even when nothing bad happen to you, I’ll still come back at you. Because that’s where I belong. On your side.”


Kris smiled at the younger’s statement. He kissed the younger’s head and let out a contented sigh.


“Yeah, that’s where we belong. Next to each other.”


The night was one of the sweetest moments for them, cuddling up with each other until gone with their soft snores, still in each other’s embrace.


And that’s once upon a love story. That’s how their love story was written.







Here! finally! the last chapter for Fate and Faith side story starring Krisho!

to those subcribed and commented on this fic, I'm really thankful to you guys for reading this crappy fic. really, thanks abunch guys for staying with me, especially to those who followed me since Fate and Faith era, which is not too long ago.

last but not least from me;


me totally laplapyou guys! <3

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2457 streak #1
Chapter 6: awwww... that was a very sweet ending for them! the appreciation, the thoughtfulness, the love!

thank you for this authornim!
2457 streak #2
Chapter 5: ahhhh finally, the two idiots realized that they should talk to each other again... idk whether to thank BaekYeol for this coz they almost broke up coz of it as well lol but it still helped! HAHAHA
2457 streak #3
Chapter 4: awwww that was very respectful of Kris... thank goodness they finally talked! that's what caused problems before, coz they never talker abt anything
2457 streak #4
Chapter 3: at least Kris worked hard to get Jun bacl, and that accident, let's just attribute it to karma! for all the he had Jun go thru!
2457 streak #5
2457 streak #6
Chapter 1: Baek is such a drama queen lmao
and Kris accusing Jun of plastic surgery??? HDU!!!
but damn, fate sure works hard HAHAHAHAHA
winterapril #7
Chapter 6: Such a beatuful story.
Really really love this so much.
I like each state when two stranger that must be married develop feeling to each other.

Thank you for this KrisHo story, it's so adorable.
Chapter 6: I've read this for the 3rd time already and I always giggling while I read the last chapter hehehe

Hope you write more krisho's fic in future ^^
littlebump #9
Chapter 6: I love the ending...but it is okay if I say I need more? ^ ^ well...maybe an extra for their story...ooohh wait their love romance is not enough ^ ^ and can they adopt a baby like Baek and Dae...Taehyung can get a playmate...but again if you decide to end the story I'm still happy...and thanks for the lovely story ^ ^..
Chapter 6: I love the ending it was very cute.