Part Four

Once Upon a Love Story : Fate and Faith Side Story (Krisho)



Everything was getting better. Kris was healing quickly, thanks to the efforts that Junmyeon put forth. The younger would become such a mother hen, pampering the older with all the things that the latter needed. Things were getting better, except for one thing.


Their relationship was still in an awkward phase.


And that’s driving Kris crazy.


Junmyeon would try to avoid skin ship with the older when the latter initiated one.


For example, there was one time when Junmyeon was in the kitchen, preparing dinner while humming a happy tune, trying to entertain himself. Kris saw the scene and smiled at his husband cuteness. Kris discretely getting closer to the younger and slowly wrapping his long arms around the younger’s waist, back hugging the younger. Junmyeon let out a surprise gasp and turned his head to see who the strong arms is belongs to. His face was dusted pink when he realized that the arms belonged to his husband.


Junmyeon was getting flustered and he quickly released the arms snaking on his waist while muttering ‘Need to go to toilet’ and let out an awkward laugh. Junmyeon didn’t  waste his time and quickly fled from the spot.


Kris was left confused.


That’s not all.


There was another moment when the dragon tried to be hopelessly romantic. Both of them were back from grocery shopping when Kris decided to stroll around the park, to breathe some fresh air. Junmyeon agreed to the older’s plan as he thought that it could be a good idea for Kris’s health. So they strolled along the paved path, side by side. Silence wrapped both of them, but it was a comfortable one.


The mood and scene was a great one, to say the least. Strolling in the park, walking side by side... but one thing is missing.


Couples should holding hands.


Kris initiated his move by ‘accidentally’ brushed the back of his hand with Junmyeon’s. The younger was still oblivious. Kris smirked.


Kris then caught the younger’s soft hand and clasped their hands together. Junmyeon was caught off guard by the older’s bold movement. Junmyeon quickly pulled his hand from the clasp, leaving the older’s hand empty.


“I-I think we should go back. W-we still need to cook dinner.” Junmyeon stuttered while making his way to the car, leaving the older dumbfounded.


Kris couldn’t help but to feel hurt by the younger’s action.


The ride home was filled with silence. Heavy atmosphere filled every crooks of the car, with a hurt Kris and a silent Junmyeon.



Their relationship could be considered as a strained one. Not many words exchanged between the two after the incident. Kris will avoid from communicate with his young husband. Every day, the same thing will routinely occur, where Kris will be at his work place when Junmyeon hasn’t even woke up yet, and he’ll be back when the younger fast asleep.


It’s like a déjà vu, back to when their relationship became worsen.


And this time, it drove Junmyeon crazy.



It was already past midnight. Usually Junmyeon would already snooze off in his bed. But not for today. Junmyeon waited for Kris to come back from work. After an hour of waiting, the front door clicked, revealing a tired looking Kris. His tie was loosened and the top buttons of his dress shirt were left opened. He carried his leather bag and coat on one hand while crouching a bit to remove his shoes.


When Kris lifted his head up, he was shocked to see Junmyeon standing there in front of him.


‘Why he’s not sleeping yet?’


The younger wordlessly took the coat and the bag from Kris’s hand.


“I’ve already cooked dinner. I’ll reheat it; just go wash up and come back down to eat.”


Kris muttered out an ‘Okay’ while padded his way upstairs to wash up. Confusion marked his face as to why his husband was still wide awake.



The atmosphere in the dining room was really awkward. Kris was munching on his late dinner silently while Junmyeon sat near him, watching the older ate the food that he prepared. It was quite uncomfortable for Kris as one; it has been a while since he was in the same space with the younger and two; they haven’t communicated with each other for a while.


Since the incident, Kris decided to give some space for the younger to sort out his feelings. Kris didn’t to be a push over for the younger. So he stayed away from his husband for the time being, given that his husband might need some space. Little did he expect that it would turn this ... awkward.


Junmyeon just kept watching his husband ate the food without muttering anything. Kris knew there was something wrong, but he couldn’t put his hand on what it was.


When Kris finished his food, he slowly got up from his seat, wanted to put the plate in the sink but Junmyeon quickly stopped him.


“It’s okay. Let me get this.”


Junmyeon took the plate from Kris’s hand and padded to the sink. Kris decided it was the best to go upstairs to his room but once again, he was stopped by the younger.




Junmyeon frantically clutched on Kris’s sleeve, trying to stop the older from leaving the dining space. 


Kris raised his eyebrows, dumbfounded by the younger’s odd actions. His eyes trailed from Junmyeon’s hand clutching on his  sleeve to Junmyeon’s face.


“What is it?”


Junmyeon looked flustered and unsure of what he supposed to say. His eyes were trailed on the floor while biting on his lower lips.


‘Dammit, why’re you so damn adorable?!’


Kris heart was pounding erratically at the adorable sight in front of him. Gosh, how he wish to ravish that plump pinkish lips. Before anything bad happen, he better flee.


“If there’s nothing, I’ll just go to my room.”


Kris turned away to move from his spot but once again, his movement was halted. This time, it was by a small quivering voice.


“Please don’t go...”


Hearing the small voice, Kris turned back to look at his husband. The younger’s hand was still clutching on his sleeve, but this time he could hear soft sniffles from the younger.


Mode: Panic!


“H-hey, hey! Why are you crying?? Are you hurting somewhere??”


Kris frantically asked the younger while his hand cupped the younger’s face, revealing the younger’s red face, with fresh tears streaked on the younger’s cheeks. The younger whimpered pathetically while his sniffles now turned into sobs.


Again, Kris became panic. He didn’t know what to do.


No choice then.


Kris wrapped his arms around the sobbing figure in front of him, hugging the younger while caressing the head. He placed Junmyeon’s head on his chest, trying to comfort the latter, doing anything to make the younger stop crying.



Junmyeon’s sobs gradually turned into sniffles and it was eventually stopped. Once the younger’s calmed himself down, Kris cupped the younger’s cheeks. the younger’s eyes were swollen and his cheeks were puffed red.


“Are you okay?”


Junmyeon nodded.


“Why are you crying?”


Junmyeon stayed silent. His eyes were casted down. Seeing this, Kris decided it was best to leave it at that. If Junmyeon wasn’t going to tell him, he won’t prod.


“That’s okay. You don’t have to tell me. If y—“


Kris didn’t get to finish his words when Junmyeon mumbled out a reply.


“W-why are you ignoring me? Do you hate me?”


Kris was beyond baffled.


“Wha-what?! No! Of course not! Where did you get this idea?”


Junmyeon started to tear up again.


“B-but you’ve been avoiding me. As if you hate me. It really hurts...”


Kris hugged the boy again. He let out a sigh. Guess his actions really do hurt the younger.


“I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for it to be like that. It’s just that I was trying to give more spaces for yourself. For you to sorts your feelings out.  I know I’ve done terrible things to you before and it would be hard for you to accept me again. It was unforgivable. And I don’t want you to be with me because of our responsibilities as my husband, out of pity or even because of my injuries.”


Junmyeon’s eyes widened.


“No! I wasn’t here out of pity or anything like that! It’s just—I-“


Junmyeon stuttered. His face was now crimson red.


“What is it?”


Kris prodded.


Junmyeon bit his lips, hesitating to answer.


“I—I like you.”


Those three words really makes Kris feel like flying, soar into the sky. Oh, how he wished for this day will eventually come true!


Kris genuinely smiled at the younger, making the latter blushed furiously.


Kris then moved closer to the younger. His hot breath ghosted on the younger’s ears as he whispered...


“And I love you...”


Kris claimed the younger’s lips, moulding their soft lips into a slow sweet kiss. Junmyeon’s eyes widened but he eventually lost into the sweet taste.


Their kiss tasted sweet. Like orangey sweet.


Oh yeah, they  drank orange juice before.






hey! laplapyou is here!

got new chap! sorry if it is short. got no time dudes.


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2451 streak #1
Chapter 6: awwww... that was a very sweet ending for them! the appreciation, the thoughtfulness, the love!

thank you for this authornim!
2451 streak #2
Chapter 5: ahhhh finally, the two idiots realized that they should talk to each other again... idk whether to thank BaekYeol for this coz they almost broke up coz of it as well lol but it still helped! HAHAHA
2451 streak #3
Chapter 4: awwww that was very respectful of Kris... thank goodness they finally talked! that's what caused problems before, coz they never talker abt anything
2451 streak #4
Chapter 3: at least Kris worked hard to get Jun bacl, and that accident, let's just attribute it to karma! for all the he had Jun go thru!
2451 streak #5
2451 streak #6
Chapter 1: Baek is such a drama queen lmao
and Kris accusing Jun of plastic surgery??? HDU!!!
but damn, fate sure works hard HAHAHAHAHA
winterapril #7
Chapter 6: Such a beatuful story.
Really really love this so much.
I like each state when two stranger that must be married develop feeling to each other.

Thank you for this KrisHo story, it's so adorable.
Chapter 6: I've read this for the 3rd time already and I always giggling while I read the last chapter hehehe

Hope you write more krisho's fic in future ^^
littlebump #9
Chapter 6: I love the ending...but it is okay if I say I need more? ^ ^ well...maybe an extra for their story...ooohh wait their love romance is not enough ^ ^ and can they adopt a baby like Baek and Dae...Taehyung can get a playmate...but again if you decide to end the story I'm still happy...and thanks for the lovely story ^ ^..
Chapter 6: I love the ending it was very cute.