Part Three

Once Upon a Love Story : Fate and Faith Side Story (Krisho)




He's dead.


That was what Chanyeol thought when he saw his boss (a.k.abest friend) lay there lifelessly on the couch, face down. The blonde was a total mess. Don't even mention the house. It was a total wreck. Clothes were strewn all over the place. Bottles of alcoholic beverages could be seen on the coffee table, with no spaces left on the said table. And an ash tray with few finished cigars also could be seen on the table.


Just when did this blonde started smoking?


Chanyeol tiptoed through the trashes. Once he arrived at the couch, he nudged on the blonde.


"Get up. Go bath or something. Just do anything to make these foul smells go away. You're reek of poop."


Chanyeol scrunched his face due to the unpleasant smell. But the blonde didn't even move. No he's not dead yet, because Chanyeol could hear murmuring sounds from the blonde.


"Oi, just what the heck are you saying? Stop moping will ya?"


Kris stopped mumbling. He got up, revealing his face to the younger. Boy, that blonde was totally messed up. The blonde’s once flawless skin now became dull and lifeless. Prominent dark circles rimmed around his eyes. The eyes show emptiness.


Chanyeol sighed at the sight. He then sat next to the blonde, patted the blonde on the back.


“Okay, I know something definitely happened. So mind sharing what’s up?”


Kris let out a desperate sigh. He couldn’t do this anymore, not even another day.


“I just wanted to turn back the time. If only I could…”




Chanyeol actually knew why this blonde became like this. He knew it very well. It turns out that after knowing Junmyeon, he became friends with the latter. Not only Junmyeon, but he also acquainted with Baekhyun and Kyungsoo, Junmyeon’s closest friends. They’re quick to become friends.


Two weeks ago he got a call from Baekhyun, saying that Junmyeon came to his house like a sobbing mess, muttering incoherent words. So Chanyeol rushed to the pup’s house. Just what the hell happened?


It took the brunette three solid knocks before the door opened, revealing a worried Baekhyun. The pup quick to usher the tall brunette inside, before gesturing his hand at the sniffling figure on the old couch.Chanyeol made his way to the crestfallen figure.


“Hey Joonie, you okay?”


Baekhyun side glare the tall brunette with his ‘dumb-question-you-oaf-of-course-he’s-not-alright!’ look, in which the brunette replied back with a ‘then-what-the-heck-I’m-supposed-to-say?!’ look. But the two telepathic communications were soon halted when Junmyeon suddenly hugged the taller, making the latter flustered. Junmyeon buried his face on the taller’s chest, wetting the latter’s shirt with his tears. Chanyeol sighed. He hugged the shorter back and patted the latter’s back while muttering ‘It’s okay. Just let it all out.’ Junmyeon sobbed got louder and his hug tightens. It’s all just too much.


When Junmyeon was fell asleep due to exhaustion, Chanyeol was quick to ask the pup.


“What happened?”


Baekhyun let out a sigh.


“I don’t know. Junmyeon-hyung suddenly appeared in front of my door this morning. It was weird enough because usually we’ll meet up at the café. But as he entered the house, he suddenly broke down. I couldn’t understand what he was saying, only caught few words like ‘Kris’ and ‘women’. So I thought that might have something to do with Kris. And since you’re Kris’s friend and you knew Junmyeon, I thought I should give you a call.”


Chanyeol nodded hearing the pup’s story. Come to think of it, Kris has been to the club downtown quite frequently lately. Usually the blonde will go straight back home after finishing his late night works. And the blonde was gradually losing his focus when he was at work and quick to snap whenever something goes wrong. The blonde also has been cold to Chanyeol lately. Just what the heck happened?


The next day, Chanyeol and Baekhyun interrogated Junmyeon, to get the truth out of him. After several pushes and coaxes (and threatens, courtesy of the pup), Junmyeon finally opened up to the two younger men.



Junmyeon told the two about Kris behaviour, ever since the phone incidence. And also the change in his husband attitude, bringing different women home almost everyday for the past weeks.


"He's jealous." Chanyeol deadpanned.


"Wha-what?" Junmyeon sputtered.


"Believe me he did."


"No he's not."


"He is."


"Stop being ridiculous."


"I'm not being ridiculous. You're just in denial."


"Will you two shut it?!" Baekhyun snapped, effectively shut the two up.


"You," Baekhyun pointed to Chanyeol.


"stop being immature. I know you love this kinda games but please, we're in fatal situation right now. And you,"


Baekhyun pointed to Junmyeon.


"stop denying it. I know what Chanyeol said was right. He wouldn't act like that if he didn't have feelings for ya."


"Yeah, I knew Kris for a long time. He had this huge ego when it comes to feelings. So it was like an act of rebellion when he knew you became extra friendly with another gorgeous lad, which is me!"


Chanyeol piped in, in which he received a whack, courtesy of the pup as the taller finished his last sentence.


Junmyeon sat there in daze. It was too good to be true. He wouldn’t want to be hurt again. Kris wouldn’t harbor any feelings for him. That’s it. He won’t.


“No, I don’t want to put any false hope in our marriage. It was basically just a bond written in a piece of paper. Nothing more. I don’t want to be hurt anymore…”


Baekhyun and Chanyeol could only sigh at that. Well, they couldn’t blame Junmyeon for acting like that. Kris’s behavior really took a toll on Junmyeon.


“So, what’s your plan?” Baekhyun enquired.


Junmyeon eyes casted down.


“I don’t know. But one thing for sure, I don’t wanna see him for the time being.”


“Alright, I guess you can live with me for the time being then.” Baekhyun decided.


Junmyeon muttered out a soft ‘thank you’.  He then faced Chanyeol.


“Please don’t tell Kris on my whereabouts.”






The desperate look from Junmyeon made the tall brunette pursed his lips. The latter then let out a sigh.




Junmyeon gave the taller a gentle smile.


“Thank you.”


And so back to where we left off earlier with Kris being a stinky beggar in a dumpsite, which is his own house and Chanyeol there trying to cheer up the taller. Even when his tall friend could be an , but Chanyeol still cared about that dragon. It was just how the tall guy is. Come to think of it, this was the first time the tall blonde became like this. And it was scary as hell.


“What should I do…?” the blonde let out another sigh, covering his face with his big palms.


Chanyeol couldn’t stand to see the crestfallen state of his friend here. Well, promises are meant to be broken.


“Actually, I think I’ve got the answer to your question. Okay, maybe not an answer. But I think I know the whereabouts of the person you’re looking for.”


The blonde’s ears perked at that.


“What do you mean?”


“I know where Junmyeon is.”


“How the hell did you know where he is?!”


Kris started being possessive.


“Whoawhoa wait. Chill dude! Geez, you’re freaking me out. Hear me first. You know I kinda befriend with Junmyeon right? And Junmyeon got these two other friends, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. If you remember, they’re with Junmyeon at the café when we first saw him.”


Kris nodded, indicating that he do remember those two. Chanyeol took this as the signal for him to continue.


“And so I became friends with the other two by default. Last two weeks Baekhyun called me saying that Junmyeon was there, crying his heart out.”


‘You’re a piece of Kris. A total piece of .’ Kris thought.


“So I went there and got the truth out of him. Well, it was actually Baekhyun’s doing. He kinda threatens Junmyeon so, yeah. Back to where we left off, Junmyeon told us that you’ve changed. Specifically, after he chatted with me on phone. Mind explaining that?”


“Come to think of it, what are you to Junmyeon?! And are you guys being all friendly with those pet names and didn’t you call him ‘babe’?! The hell Chanyeol?! I thought you’re my friend!”


Kris started raising his voice. But Chanyeol just chuckled at that.


“So you really are JEALOUS. Hahaha! That’s epic! The mighty Kris Wu got jealous! Someone need to write that in history.”


“The ?! Of course I’m jealous! He’s my ing husband for God sake!”


Kris raged. But Chanyeol laughter only got louder.


“Oi! This is not a laughing matter you idiot. I’m in a deadly situation here!”


“I could see that.”


Kris narrowed his eyes at the latter’s comment.


“Okay, okay! Geez, you’re no fun. Back to our topic again, why did you act like that? I mean, dude, you brought girls into the house and ed them in your house with Junmyeon still in it. Are you insane?! Who wouldn’t run away like that? If I’m in his shoes, I would totally ditch ya.”


“Gee, thanks for being a good friend.” Kris sarcastically said.


“You’re welcome.”


“And I didn’t any girls. I don’t know why I did that. You know that I’m straight as hell right?”


“Yup, as straight as your . You just love those ies and Vs so much”


“You could just shut up.”




Kris let out another sigh.


“So these feelings are quite new to me. Junmyeon was just beautiful, like any other women. Okay scratch that. He’s even more beautiful than those women out there.”


“You’re whipped.”


Kris decided it was the best to ignore the younger and continue his talking.


“He’s an angel. He got warm personality. And his cooking are the best.”


“Totally worthy.”


Chanyeol drooled at the thought of Junmyeon’s cooking, in which he received a glare from the blonde. But the blonde just shrugged it off. Well, Chanyeol is being… Chanyeol.


“I kinda build this concrete wall inside me, but heck, Junmyeon still could penetrate it. I don’t even know what kinda spell he used on me but yeah. I’m whipped. I’m too in love with him. If only I could turn back the time and makes everything right again…”


“Goshiwon apartment.” Chanyeol muttered.




“Goshiwon apartment. Near Baekkie’s Café. It’s where Baekhyun’s house is. Where Junmyeon is.”

Kris’s face lit up.


“I-I need to go now!”


Kris started scrambled out of his place and grabbed the car key on the table, but was stopped by Chanyeol.


“What?!” Kris snapped.


“Don’t tell me you’re going to Junmyeon looking like a hobo? Like, seriously?”


Chanyeol gestured at Kris’s state.




“Yeah ohh. Now go freshen up and get your boy.”




Kris quickly went upstairs to wash up. Chanyeol shook his head.


‘He’s hopeless.’



Okay. Now I’m here. What should I do?


Just knock the door.


No no. What should I say?


Think later. Just knock the damn door first.


No! Shut up brain!


Gosh! Just knock the freaking damn door you asswipe!


Knock knock!


That should do it.


you brain. you too hand.


Why us? Go Junmyeon.


I hate you.


Psshhh, hate yourself.


Kris’s inner warfare was interrupted when the door creaked open, revealing a shocked pup named Baekhyun. Then the pup narrowed his eyes on the tall figure in front of him. Oh how Kris wish that he would shrink to the size of an ant when he’s being scrutinized by the pup.


“What do you want?” Baekhyun hissed. Kris grimaced at the tone used by the pup. Ouch.


“I wanted to see Junmyeon.”


“Go back to your kitties. He’s not here.”


“I know he’s here. Chanyeol told me.”


“ that Yoda.” Baekhyun whispered, but still could be heard by Kris.


“Please. Just let me see him. I wanna make things right. Just, please…”


That giant looked really pitiful. Baekhyun could see that the blonde was really regretting his action. As if on cue, a soft voice could be heard in the background.


“Baek, who’s there? Is it Channie?”


Junmyeon gasped when he saw the one that he refused seeing.


“Uhh… I’m going inside so you two could just talk things out. Err, kbye.”


Baekhyun fled from the scene, leaving the two behind. 


Awkward silence.


“Err… hi.” Kris started awkwardly.


“What’re you doing here?” Junmyeon asked. His face voids of any type of emotions. Empty.


“Look, Junmyeon. I’m sorry. Really I am. Please come back home.”


Kris tried to grasp Junmyeon’s hand but the latter slapped it away.


“No, I like staying here. You can just… go.”


Junmyeon tried to hold in his shaking voice.


“Please Junmyeon. I know I’m wrong. I’m an . A jerk. Call me whatever names you wanted to but-“


“Kris! Just go away. I won’t hinder your life anymore. That’s what you want right? For me to disappear from your sight. You should be relieved right? You can finally have the freedom that you’ve always wanted.”


By that time, Junmyeon’s eyes started to brim with tears.


“No, no. It’s my fault. I’m the one who’s being an idiot. I love you. Please don’t cry…”


Kris cupped Junmyeon’s cheeks and wiped away the tears that streaked on the latter’s cheeks.


Junmyeon removed the taller’s hands from his face.


“Stop it Kris. Just go home for today. I’m tired.”


Kris face fell. But he decided it was the best to give more time to his husband.


“Okay… I get it. I-I’ll go for now. But let me tell you something. I won’t give up on us. Ever.”


With that, Kris walked away from Junmyeon. Junmyeon closed the door, clicking sound could be heard from the door. Junmyeon sled down, burying his face in his knees. He cried his heart out. Baekhyun who heard the older’s sobs quickly be on the older’s side.


“It’s okay hyung. It’s okay.”


Baekhyun hugged the older, while patting the latter’s back.


“It’s hurt. It’s damn hurt…”


“Shh…I know hyung.... I know…”



Every day, Junmyeon would find a red rose in front of Baekhyun’s door. And for each day, a small card would be tagged along with the flower.


‘Love you, always. – Kris’


‘Please be mine again. – Kris’


‘I’m sorry. – Kris’


‘I miss you. - Kris’


Junmyeon couldn’t help but to smile at those little messages.


“Ohho~ someone’s trying to court his own hubby eyy?”


Baekhyun teased as he saw the little cards.


“Shut up.”


“Pshh, you’re no fun. So what’s your answer?”


“What answer?”


“Hyung, that guy really showed his efforts. From the first moment he came to this house, I knew he regretted those things he did. Why don’t you try opened up for him, hm?”


Junmyeon sighed.


“I don’t know… I just don’t want to be hurt again.”


Baekhyun patted the older’s back.


“Just follow what your heart says hyung. It knows better.”


Baekhyun pointed at Junmyeon’s heart.


Junmyeon clutched his chest.


‘I hope I’ll get the answer.’



“It has been a week and there’s nothing from him! He hates me!”


Kris wailed on his leather chair inside his office. He buried his face on his palms. Chanyeol on the other hand, sat lazily on the couch few feet from Kris while eating peanuts.


“Chill dude. If I were him, I’d totally hate your guts. Might as well find another good looking lad, well, like me!”


“Hope you’ll choke on those peanuts.”




Kris let out a desperate sigh.


‘Why do I bother to have a friend like this? Oh yeah, I’m an idiot. That’s why.’


Kris threw his gaze outside the huge windows, where the whole Seoul could be seen from there.


‘Stop torturing me please…’



It was almost a month, and Junmyeon didn’t show any signs of getting back to Kris. Things were gradually drifted apart. But that one day, things were starting to change.


Junmyeon was cleaning the house when he got a call from Chanyeol.


“Hello, wassup Chan?”


“Joonie, go to Seoul hospital quick!” Chanyeol sounded alarmed.


“Wha-what for?”


“Just get your here!” Chanyeol snapped.


“What the hell? What’s wrong with you?!”


“Kris got into an accident for sake! He’s in ER right now!”


Junmyeon’s phone was dropped. His blood got drained out of his face, leaving him paled, as white as sheet.  A repetitive ‘Hello?’ could be heard from the other line. No, this can’t be.


Junmyeon shakily stumbled out of the house.


Kris is in ER.


This means that there’s a possibility that he wouldn’t make it.


Junmyeon’s pace became faster. His view was blurred by his own tears.


‘God, please save him. Please…’



The red light above the emergency room was still lit up. On the bench, Baekhyun could be seen trying to comfort Junmyeon, by assuring him that everything would be fine, even when he himself didn’t know the outcome. Junmyeon was a sobbing mess. Chanyeol on the other hand, could be seen pacing back and forth, trying to relieve his restlessness. Few minutes later, the red light goes off. A group of people in green outfit could be seen emerged from the room. Junmyeon scrambled out of his place.


“H-how is he? Is he okay? Please tell me he’s okay!”


Junmyeon asked frantically while being held down by Baekhyun.


“Fortunately, the surgery was a success. He got some broken ribs and we suspected concussion as there’re bruises on his head, might be due to collisions with the steering wheel. But overall, he’s okay. He’s in a stable condition now.”


Junmyeon let out a sigh of relief while repeatedly thanked the doctors.


“Can I see him now?”


“We only allowed one person at a time to visit ER patient. Preferably family members. Are you his family?”


“Yes, I’m his husband.”


“Alright, you may go in. Anything just press the red button beside the bed.”


“Okay. Thank you again.”


Junmyeon quickly went into the room. There, he could see his husband lay there lifelessly on the bed. The blonde’s face was marked with harsh bruises. Junmyeon’s heart fell at the sight.


Junmyeon padded slowly to the blonde. He sat on the chair next to the bed. Again, tears streamed on his cheeks. He grabbed the blonde’s hand and kissed it lovingly.


“Thank God you’re okay. Please don’t do this to me. I’m not strong for this.”


Junmyeon kissed the blonde’s lifeless hand again. He stayed up that night beside his husband.



Few days later, the blonde started to wake up from his deep slumber. Streaks of light penetrated through his eyes, making him winced at the strong light. His body aches all over. What the heck happened?


Once his eyes adjusted to the surrounding room, he saw the white ceiling.


‘Where am I?’


Kris tried to get up but God, his ribs hurt like hell. Then he heard soft snores beside him.




‘Am I dreaming? Or am I already dead? Well, if it means I could be with Junmyeon then it’s okay to be dead though.’


Kris tried to lift his hand. His weak hand ended on Junmyeon’s soft locks.


Junmyeon stirred from his sleep. The shorter yawned and rubbed his sleepy eyes.


Kris still got the energy to chuckle at the adorable sight.




Once Junmyeon heard the chuckle, his eyes went wide.


“Y-you’re awake.”




“Gosh! You’re finally awake!”


Junmyeon hugged his husband, rather tightly.




“Oh my God! Are you okay?! I’m so sorry. I’m just relieved that you’ve finally woken up.”


Junmyeon started to cry again.


“Hey, why’re you crying? Don’t cry. I’m okay though.”


Kris tried to assure the younger. His voice was still hoarse. He wiped the tears streaking on Junmyeon’s face.


“You almost got killed. What would I do if you’re really gone? Please don’t do that again. Please don’t leave me.”


Kris gave his husband a small smile. His hand cupped the younger’s cheek.


“I won’t leave you. I promise.”


Junmyeon leaned on the touch. How he missed his husband.


‘Maybe going into an accident wasn’t as bad as it seems.’


That was what Kris thought. He’s a real idiot.






here's another chappie! Sorry for not updating for a long time.


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2457 streak #1
Chapter 6: awwww... that was a very sweet ending for them! the appreciation, the thoughtfulness, the love!

thank you for this authornim!
2457 streak #2
Chapter 5: ahhhh finally, the two idiots realized that they should talk to each other again... idk whether to thank BaekYeol for this coz they almost broke up coz of it as well lol but it still helped! HAHAHA
2457 streak #3
Chapter 4: awwww that was very respectful of Kris... thank goodness they finally talked! that's what caused problems before, coz they never talker abt anything
2457 streak #4
Chapter 3: at least Kris worked hard to get Jun bacl, and that accident, let's just attribute it to karma! for all the he had Jun go thru!
2457 streak #5
2457 streak #6
Chapter 1: Baek is such a drama queen lmao
and Kris accusing Jun of plastic surgery??? HDU!!!
but damn, fate sure works hard HAHAHAHAHA
winterapril #7
Chapter 6: Such a beatuful story.
Really really love this so much.
I like each state when two stranger that must be married develop feeling to each other.

Thank you for this KrisHo story, it's so adorable.
Chapter 6: I've read this for the 3rd time already and I always giggling while I read the last chapter hehehe

Hope you write more krisho's fic in future ^^
littlebump #9
Chapter 6: I love the ending...but it is okay if I say I need more? ^ ^ well...maybe an extra for their story...ooohh wait their love romance is not enough ^ ^ and can they adopt a baby like Baek and Dae...Taehyung can get a playmate...but again if you decide to end the story I'm still happy...and thanks for the lovely story ^ ^..
Chapter 6: I love the ending it was very cute.