Part Five

Once Upon a Love Story : Fate and Faith Side Story (Krisho)



It was Saturday morning. Kris tried hard to lift up his heavy eyelids. He managed to at least squint his eyes, having those light rays penetrated his eyes. He groaned and sat up on his fluffy bed, with his hairs stuck out in all directions. Once his eyes were finally adjusted to the surrounding light, Kris made his way to the bathroom and washed his face.



Padding his way downstairs, Kris could hear the familiar soft hums of the love of his life. He smiled at the thought. It was a habit that his husband possessed whenever the latter was cooking in the kitchen. Once entering the kitchen, Kris leaned his body on the arch which connecting the dining room to the kitchen. His arms crossed on his chest.  He smiled in amusement watching his husband worked on the breakfast, oblivious to the taller presence.  


Why does it take me this long to appreciate what I’ve got?


Kris smile faltered at the thought. He couldn’t help but to feel guilty at his past actions towards the angel in front of him. But then his thoughts were interrupted by his husband voice.


“Oh, since when you’re here? Wait a sec. I’m gonna put this into plate and we shall have our breakfast!”


Junmyeon said cheerily while scooping the omelette into a plate. Kris just smiled at his husband, feeling a bit melancholy at the previous thought. Junmyeon could sense that Kris was being too quiet, as the latter didn’t talk since the beginning.


“Are you okay?” Junmyeon enquired.


“Nah, I’m okay. Let’s have breakfast shall we?” Kris shook his head and took the plate from the younger’s hand. He made his way into the dining room.


Junmyeon was puzzled but then he just shrugged it off. Kris might be exhausted from all the office works yesterday.



Both Kris and Junmyeon ate their breakfast quietly. But then Kris decided to break the silence surrounding them.


“So... wanna go somewhere after this?”


“Go where?”


“I dunno. Anywhere since today I’ve got my day off. And since we’ve got nothing better to do, I think it’s the best to go out, y’know... having fun?”


Junmyeon raised his eyebrows but then his lips were tugging up, forming a playful smirk.


“Are you asking me out for a date?”


Junmyeon wiggled his eyebrows playfully. Kris almost spluttered out his black coffee at the younger’s statement. He didn’t expect that the younger had this naughty side in him. But then Kris managed to mask his flustered state with his trademark y-pokerfaced expression.


“You could say that.” Kris shrugged, but his heart was pounding like crazy.


“Okay! Can I pick the place?” Junmyeon playful eyes now replaced with cute pleading eyes.


“Cool.” Kris said, trying his hardest to keep his poker face.


“Yes! Can we go to the zoo? I wanna see those cute cuddly pandas!”


“Sure. Whatever you want.” Kris gave the younger a small smile.


After finishing their breakfast, both went to their respective rooms and began changing for their outing. Yup, respective rooms. No bedroom sharing...yet.


Who knows it’ll change after this.



On the other side of the story, two friends were having a chat inside a cafe, specifically Baekki’s Cafe. Baekhyun let out a sigh. Chanyeol raised his eyebrows.


“Something’s wrong?” Chanyeol enquired.


Baekhyun let out another sigh.


“Do you think Kris and Junmyeon are okay now?”


The look from Baekhyun told everything. Chanyeol knew that Baekhyun was concerned about Junmyeon. But then Chanyeol himself let out a weary sigh.


“I dunno. As long as I’ve known Kris, he’s a bit slow in this kinda thing. And as for Junmyeon, even though I’ve known him for such a short time, but I could tell that he’s a timid guy. He wouldn’t dare to make the first step. Heck, I think he’ll be worrying too much on others feelings before himself.” Chanyeol said as he sipped on his latte.


Baekhyun ruffled his own hair, frustration overwhelming him.


“Gosh! I really wanna help them but I couldn’t think of anything!” Baekhyun wailed from his seat.


Chanyeol sighed for the umpteenth time that day. He threw his gaze out of the window.


But then, suddenly something clicked in his brain. A wide grin was forming on his face.


“Hey. I think I’ve got some idea. Wanna hear?”


Baekhyun faced the widely grinning brunette.


“What you’ve got in your head Yoda?” Baekhyun looked puzzled.


Chanyeol’s grin got wider.



Both Kris and Junmyeon strolled around the zoo, watching different animals in different cages. Some are cute, some looked beastly and some are just plain eww. Like those komodo. Junmyeon shuddered at the thought of that huge lizard.


They made their ways towards the otters’ cage. Those animals are so damn adorable that Junmyeon felt like he wanted to squish them all in a tight hug. Junmyeon was busy looking at the animals that he didn’t realize that there’s a puddle of water in front of him. Little that he knows, he felt himself slipping once he stepped on the puddle. Thanks to Kris’s quick reflex, he managed to pull the younger before anything bad happened.


“Be careful.” Kris warned softly, his hand still wrapped around the younger’s waist.


Junmyeon was getting red hearing the blonde’s soft husky voice. It didn’t help when the older’s arm still wrapped around his waist.


“O-okay.” Junmyeon muttered softly.


Kris suddenly realized that their position now is quite...intimate. So he quickly released the younger. He cleared his throat, trying to dismiss the awkward atmosphere.


“We should move. There’s a lot more to see.”


Kris quickly moved from his spot. But little that he knows, he missed the younger’s disappointed face.



“God! You should held his hand you noob! What is this?! Do I need to teach you on how to be romantic?!”


Not far from the couple, two meddlesome friends could be seen behind the bushes stalking on their best friends. Both have binoculars on hands. Chanyeol felt frustrated at Kris lack of romanticism.


“We really need something to push that dragon. So, ready for the main plan?” Baekhyun said.


Chanyeol smirked.


“Let’s bring it into the game.”



Kris was walking leisurely on the paved route with Junmyeon trailing behind him. They have been silence since the previous incident. Heavy awkward atmosphere clouded the both of them. But then a loud, bass voice breaks the silence. The voice was too familiar to the couple. Way too familiar.


“Hey guys! Nice to see you guys here!” Chanyeol shouted with glee from a distant, while waving his arms enthusiastically towards the couple. Baekhyun on the other hand, only smiled politely towards the couple.


How on earth did that monkey ended up here?!


Oh wait, this is a zoo. No wonder he would be here.


Kris face palmed at the thought. Junmyeon on the other hand, had his face lit up at the presence of the two.


“Yeollie! Baekkie! It’s good to see you guys here too!” Junmyeon waved back and padded his way towards the two.


Chanyeol greeted Junmyeon with a hug.


“Hey Joonie.”


The latter giggled at the taller embrace. He knew that Chanyeol was a touchy feely kinda of guy. He wouldn’t mind the skin ship.


But Kris on the hand, scowled at the scene in front of him. The two are too intimate. He then decided to make his presence known. He cleared his throat.


Chanyeol snapped his head up, facing his best friend.


“Heyya Kris! Enjoy your day?” Chanyeol greeted without releasing Junmyeon in his embrace. Chanyeol left his hand rested on the latter’s waist. Not that Junmyeon mind that.


Well, I would enjoy myself having a date with Junmyeon if you didn’t popped out of nowhere and have the boy attached to you now!


Kris thought bitterly. His expression was getting harder by each second.


“Great. I DO enjoy myself.” Kris muttered bitterly.


Baekhyun had to stifle his laugh watching his best friend’s husband trying his hard to mask his grim expression.


“Since we’re all here, why don’t we have lunch together?” Baekhyun suggested.


“I’m okay with that. How ‘bout you?” Junmyeon asked Kris, who still had this hard expression marking his face.


“Cool. Whatever.” Kris tried to sound aloof.


“Cool! Shall we get going, princess?” Chanyeol playfully addressed Junmyeon as he tightens his arm around Junmyeon’s waist. Junmyeon just laughed at the younger silly act. They skipped their way while playfully teasing each other. Junmyeon has this bright smile etching on his face, which made Kris scowled.


Why he’s so happy with that derp?!


Kris thought as he threw imaginary daggers at his best friend.


Baekhyun smiled seeing the dragon’s reaction. He then moved next to Kris to play his part.


“Hi, sorry I forgot to introduce myself earlier. I’m Baekhyun.” Baekhyun smiled at Kris while introducing himself.


Kris scowled somewhat turned to a small smile as he saw the petite guy smile. Baekhyun got this pleasant aura around him which make Kris loosened up a bit.


“Kris.” Kris introduced himself good-naturedly.


“So, how’s life after, yknow...the accident?” Baekhyun started.


“Well, considering I was almost die in that accident but end up good enough to start anew. It wasn’t so bad... I think.” Kris chuckled.


Baekhyun laughed at the older statement.


“Oh yeah, thanks for taking care of Junmyeon during our conflicted times. Sorry about all the fuss.” Kris ducked his face down while rubbing his neck, embarrassed about what had happened previously.


Baekhyun chuckled.


“Nah, that’s what friends are for. So, how is it now? Are you guys good?” Baekhyun prodded.


Kris let out a sigh.


“Yeah, we’re good...”


“But?” Baekhyun prodded more.


Kris let out another sigh.


“I dunno. Things got okay. But we somewhat”


Baekhyun had confusion marking his whole face.


“Well, yknow. We still awkward in having skin ships and all that. Heck, we still sleep in different bedrooms.” Kris laughed bitterly.


“Shut up! Even after all these while? After you guys gotten married?!” Baekhyun gawked in disbelief.


“Yeah. Believe it or not, that’s the case. I just...I dunno...might be afraid if I repeat the same mistake again. I don’t want to break him again.” Kris said sadly.


Baekhyun couldn’t help but to feel pity at the older. He then patted the older’s back, as some sort of support for Kris.


“Don’t worry. Everything will be in their place if you wait patiently. Good things will come to you in the end.” Baekhyun gave the taller a bright smile.


Kris smiled hearing that.


“Yeah, hope so...”



The four of them sat themselves around the round table. Having their meals ordered, while Chanyeol repetitively wailing ‘Gimme food!’, in which he received a playful slap from Jonmyeon. Kris’s eyes were getting dark with jealousy seeing the two skin ship. Things were getting a lot bitterer when the meals arrived. It seems that Chanyeol found the food that Junmyeon ordered was mouth-watering enough that he asked for a bite from Junmyeon. Junmyeon who was as dense as rock, cut the meat into smaller piece and feed it to the younger.


Kris lost his appetite. He tried to munch on his food but the romantic display in front of him which involve his best friend and his own husband really made the food taste unsavoury. Kris stopped eating and only sipped on his juice. Junmyeon who finally noticed his husband stopped eating, asked the latter rather in concern.


“Kris, why aren’t you eating? Is it bad?”


“No.” Kris answered curtly.


“Are you sick? You’ve been quiet since morning.” Junmyeon tried to feel his husband forehead but then Kris pushed the younger’s hand away.


“I’m fine.” Kris said. His tone was as if he’s annoyed.


There was an awkward silence on the table. Baekhyun could see that Junmyeon was hurt at the taller’s action. Thank goodness Chanyeol was there to lift up the awkward atmosphere, even though his action made Kris’s mood worsen.


“Joonie, can I have another bite?” Chanyeol tried to divert Junmyeon attention from Kris.


“Sure. Here you go.” Junmyeon muttered softly and fed the younger.


Kris mood got worsen. He knew he shouldn’t be like this, especially in Junmyeon’s presence. But it irks him whenever that stupid best friend of his treated Junmyeon like his lover. It didn’t help when Junmyeon played along with Chanyeol and having this bright smile whenever the younger in his view.


He couldn’t help but to feel that Junmyeon actually likes Chanyeol, in a romantic way.


And that makes his heart dropped.



The drive home was quiet. Again.


Junmyeon felt the quietness suffocating him. He felt that Kris was ignoring him the whole day after meeting with the guys. Once they arrived home, Kris silently made his way into the house with Junmyeon trailing behind him. Junmyeon felt he needed to do something, so he tugged the older’s sleeve, effectively stopped the older. They’re now facing each other in the middle of the living room.


“We need to talk.” Junmyeon said.


Kris let out a sigh, but then he nodded.




“Are you okay? I mean, since meeting with the guys, you’ve been awfully quiet. Is there something wrong?” Junmyeon enquired. His voice was laced with concern.


Kris kept mum. He stood there, face blank.


“Kris, please say something. You’re making me worried here.”


Kris then faced the younger. His eyes were drowning with sadness.


“Junmyeon, I think you should stop feigning you’re okay with...all this.”


Junmyeon looked puzzled.


“Feigning what? I don’t understand.”


“Us! You and me! What happened today gave me a clear picture that you’re not happy when you’re with me Junmyeon. I know I shouldn’t force you to mend our relationship if your heart wasn’t belong to me in the first place. “ Kris eyes was getting teary at this point. To hell with his manly pride.


Junmyeon stood there speechless. He couldn’t say a word. Of course Kris meant a lot to him. Of course his heart belonged there, with Kris. But he couldn’t say anything.


Kris chuckled bitterly at the younger lack of words. Guess it was true then. Junmyeon’s heart wasn’t belonged to him in the first place.


“Guess this is it huh? I’m sorry for holding onto you long enough. You’re free now.” Kris casted his eyes downward, trying to hold himself from breaking down further. But then a harsh slap landed on his cheeks.


Kris was shocked. He then faced the younger. Junmyeon’s face was red in anger and hurts.


“Do you think this is a ing game?! My heart is not something for you to toss around and played with! And who are you to decide where my heart belongs to?! I love you since the beginning! Why can’t you see it? I’m tired damn tired...” Junmyeon sobbed uncontrollably. His whole body shook, pouring out all his frustration.


Kris pulled his husband into a tight embrace.


“Shh...please don’t cry. I’m wrong. I shouldn’t have doubted you. Please Junmyeon, please don’t cry...” Kris whispered softly.


“Please don’t say those kinds of things anymore. I’m too tired for all this. I beg you...” Junmyeon sniffled into Kris’s chest, wetting the older’s shirt with his tears.


“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry...” Kris said while cupping the younger’s cheeks. His lips then captured the younger’s one.


They continued kissing while Kris pushed the younger slowly onto the couch. Junmyeon now trapped under the blonde. They continued making out until they felt the lack of air. Kris released the younger’s lip. He admired the angel under him, cheeks flushed and panted from the intense make out.


“You’re beautiful...” Kris muttered huskily and a continued trailing hot kiss along the younger’s neck.


Junmyeon moaned as Kris marking the former’s neck.


“Kris...” Junmyeon muttered out.


Kris hummed in reply, still busying himself marking his property. His hand made its way towards the younger’s buckle. But it was stopped by the younger’s soft hand.


Kris faced the younger. He could see red marks marking the younger’s neck. The younger’s eyes were lidded with lust.


“Kris. Bed. Now.” The only words that Junmyeon could mutter.


Kris’s lips formed a smirk.


“As you wish babe.”


Junmyeon love how the nickname rolled out from Kris lips. Kris didn’t waste his time and lifted the younger, bringing them into the bedroom. Little that we know, the couple shared a passionate night filled with loud groans, moans and mewls.


Let’s just say it ended up with Kris having this dopey smile for the rest of the week while Junmyeon ended up wearing turtle neck shirt for a week, in a hot summer.








Hi! Laplapyou is here! Sorry for the long wait though. So this fic is almost coming to an end. At last!

Right now I'm focusing on my other fanfic"The Book of...What?" 

You guys can check it out, eventhough i dunno if you like daebaek or not. yeah, I'm totally promoting my fics now. heheh

so, enjoy this chap! don't forget to comment and subscribe!


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2457 streak #1
Chapter 6: awwww... that was a very sweet ending for them! the appreciation, the thoughtfulness, the love!

thank you for this authornim!
2457 streak #2
Chapter 5: ahhhh finally, the two idiots realized that they should talk to each other again... idk whether to thank BaekYeol for this coz they almost broke up coz of it as well lol but it still helped! HAHAHA
2457 streak #3
Chapter 4: awwww that was very respectful of Kris... thank goodness they finally talked! that's what caused problems before, coz they never talker abt anything
2457 streak #4
Chapter 3: at least Kris worked hard to get Jun bacl, and that accident, let's just attribute it to karma! for all the he had Jun go thru!
2457 streak #5
2457 streak #6
Chapter 1: Baek is such a drama queen lmao
and Kris accusing Jun of plastic surgery??? HDU!!!
but damn, fate sure works hard HAHAHAHAHA
winterapril #7
Chapter 6: Such a beatuful story.
Really really love this so much.
I like each state when two stranger that must be married develop feeling to each other.

Thank you for this KrisHo story, it's so adorable.
Chapter 6: I've read this for the 3rd time already and I always giggling while I read the last chapter hehehe

Hope you write more krisho's fic in future ^^
littlebump #9
Chapter 6: I love the ending...but it is okay if I say I need more? ^ ^ well...maybe an extra for their story...ooohh wait their love romance is not enough ^ ^ and can they adopt a baby like Baek and Dae...Taehyung can get a playmate...but again if you decide to end the story I'm still happy...and thanks for the lovely story ^ ^..
Chapter 6: I love the ending it was very cute.